Canaries dropping like flies

One has only to consider what the effects would be if we saw a change like that at either end of the Younger Dryas. Yes, that would be brutal.
The Canary in the Mine.

The human race is about to face its own mortality. Denial, even for the weakest and greediest, doesn't matter anymore.

Reality has arrived.

Study: Man-made heat put in oceans has doubled since 1997
Long overdue. Nature will also rebalance the equation, in usually brutal ways.

This is what most people do not understand. The equation WILL be rebalanced, either by humans or by nature. If nature has to do it it will be, as you said, brutal. And it appears now there will be no way to avoid the coming disaster.

And make note of the names of the people in the energy industry that have been telling people not to bail water because the Titanic really isn't sinking
The Canary in the Mine.

The human race is about to face its own mortality. Denial, even for the weakest and greediest, doesn't matter anymore.

Reality has arrived.

Study: Man-made heat put in oceans has doubled since 1997
Long overdue. Nature will also rebalance the equation, in usually brutal ways.

This is what most people do not understand. The equation WILL be rebalanced, either by humans or by nature. If nature has to do it it will be, as you said, brutal. And it appears now there will be no way to avoid the coming disaster.

And make note of the names of the people in the energy industry that have been telling people not to bail water because the Titanic really isn't sinking
In the end, nature always wins, and we're all dead. Goodbye, humanity. I can't say as you'll be missed.
The Canary in the Mine.

The human race is about to face its own mortality. Denial, even for the weakest and greediest, doesn't matter anymore.

Reality has arrived.

Study: Man-made heat put in oceans has doubled since 1997

One has only to consider what the effects would be if we saw a change like that at either end of the Younger Dryas. Yes, that would be brutal.

Is it kind of like choosing the form of the Destructor, like in Ghostbusters?
The denier cult is dead. You had a good run of flailing your arms and muddying the waters because you can't understand science and you are terrified of change. You stragglers who are too scared to face the reality go hide.
The Canary in the Mine.

The human race is about to face its own mortality. Denial, even for the weakest and greediest, doesn't matter anymore.

Reality has arrived.

Study: Man-made heat put in oceans has doubled since 1997
Long overdue. Nature will also rebalance the equation, in usually brutal ways.

This is what most people do not understand. The equation WILL be rebalanced, either by humans or by nature. If nature has to do it it will be, as you said, brutal. And it appears now there will be no way to avoid the coming disaster.

And make note of the names of the people in the energy industry that have been telling people not to bail water because the Titanic really isn't sinking
In the end, nature always wins, and we're all dead. Goodbye, humanity. I can't say as you'll be missed.

It will probably wipe out 85% of your sock accounts
The denier cult is dead. You had a good run of flailing your arms and muddying the waters because you can't understand science and you are terrified of change. You stragglers who are too scared to face the reality go hide.

Can you please show us any lab experiments that demonstrate a link between small changes in CO2 up to 400PPM and temperature?
The denier cult is dead. You had a good run of flailing your arms and muddying the waters because you can't understand science and you are terrified of change. You stragglers who are too scared to face the reality go hide.

yes almighty science, to which your ilk have an almost God-like reverence towards.

I guess that makes me guilty of blasphemy, right?
The denier cult is dead. You had a good run of flailing your arms and muddying the waters because you can't understand science and you are terrified of change. You stragglers who are too scared to face the reality go hide.
It seems like you are the one living in terror. I am not predicting the end of the world...YOU ARE.

Ah yes, the best way to deny something is to ignore it. Its called burying your heads in the sand.

Notice no response to the article. Research by actual PH.D's.

Rather than some inane opinion from a denier cult lapdog on some message board.

All the nations of the world + all the PH.D's in the world vs a few whining deniers on the internet.

Who to believe? Oh what a conundrum.
Ah yes, the best way to deny something is to ignore it. Its called burying your heads in the sand.

Notice no response to the article. Research by actual PH.D's.

Rather than some inane opinion from a denier cult lapdog on some message board.

All the nations of the world + all the PH.D's in the world vs a few whining deniers on the internet.

Who to believe? Oh what a conundrum.

it's not the PH.D's I worry about, its the watermelons who use their research to decide that its better off if we let big daddy government tell us how to live, or the weather is coming to get us.
The denier cult is dead. You had a good run of flailing your arms and muddying the waters because you can't understand science and you are terrified of change. You stragglers who are too scared to face the reality go hide.

You couldn't be more wrong. The AGW cult is dying, more and more people are awaking to the truth that we are being scammed. You will be forced to desperate measures soon. Mark my words.
The denier cult is dead. You had a good run of flailing your arms and muddying the waters because you can't understand science and you are terrified of change. You stragglers who are too scared to face the reality go hide.

Oh they will cling and grovel to their crosses and cry to their man god , as if that will do anything
Ah yes, the best way to deny something is to ignore it. Its called burying your heads in the sand.

Notice no response to the article. Research by actual PH.D's.

Rather than some inane opinion from a denier cult lapdog on some message board.

All the nations of the world + all the PH.D's in the world vs a few whining deniers on the internet.

Who to believe? Oh what a conundrum.


Yeah, PhD's spin the Wheel of Climate Change

Morons can get a PhD
You can understand children looking at hard evidence and still believing in the Easter Bunny, but the so-called adults of the Global Warming Denier Cult are shown hard evidence and they still are too scared to accept reality.

It doesn't matter anymore. The Denier Cult are like Flat Earthers. They think if they just believe hard enough and just pretend long enough the Earth will be flat.

Some minds never enter adulthood.

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