Canaries dropping like flies

None of the denier gang of five have read the article or understand the science, and they believe they know more than PH.D's.

Oh comedy, you do write yourself don't you.
The denier cult is dead. You had a good run of flailing your arms and muddying the waters because you can't understand science and you are terrified of change. You stragglers who are too scared to face the reality go hide.

And yet it is YOU who are trying to suppress science. Let me clue you in bozo, the only people who wish to suppress discussion are those who have nothing to back up their bullshit. Religions claim that the scriptures they follow are perfect thus all you need is faith. You faithers claim the "science is settled" and wish to persecute any heretic who dares question your scripture.

Sound familiar?

Our top story tonight. The number of lab experiment showing a link between 120PPM of CO2 and temperature increase is still zero
The Canary in the Mine.

The human race is about to face its own mortality. Denial, even for the weakest and greediest, doesn't matter anymore.

Reality has arrived.

Study: Man-made heat put in oceans has doubled since 1997

Lmfao.... So look like I said all along We don't have Ocean temperature data from 1870 to 2004... :) way to FUCKING funny.

The only cult is the AGW.... We don't run around and worship the hockey stick graph or have "Faith Or "belief" we want hard facts...

From your link...

But the new study, using ocean-observing data that goes back to the British research ship Challenger in the 1870s and including high-tech modern underwater monitors and computer models, tracked how much man-made heat has been buried in the oceans in the past 150 years.

Like I have been saying
None of the denier gang of five have read the article or understand the science, and they believe they know more than PH.D's.

Oh comedy, you do write yourself don't you.

You say something about "belief" again? What are you an AGW cult deacon or something?

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