Cancel the Elections, let Pravda, aka, the media select our next president

2 Of The Biggest Names In Media Just Spilled The Beansā€¦Trump Was Absolutely Right

Thereā€™s more than one way to rig an election.

With the pack-mentality newshounds in the American media baying for Donald Trumpā€™s blood during the dog days of August, the sheer brazenness of the mainstreamā€™s efforts to carry Hillary Clinton to victory in the November general election is passing all bounds.

And partisans passing themselves off as journalists are barely pretending anymore.

Just a few days ago, The Point offered our take on the front-page proclamation by The New York Times that the so-called ā€œnewspaper of recordā€ finds it perfectly justifiable to suspend the rules of professional journalism because Donald Trump has rejected the protocols of American politics.

On CNNā€™s ā€œNew Dayā€ this week, Chris Cuomo ā€” the younger brother of New Yorkā€™s Democrat Gov. Andrew Cuomo and son of former New York Democrat Gov. Mario Cuomo ā€” took to national television to more or less admit the media is in the bag for the Democrat nominee for president ā€” and defeating Donald Trump is a top priority."

The New York Times explaining that thereā€™s no media bias because all the rules of journalism have changed.

I learned from this article that the way it works now is, if youā€™re a working reporter and you think Donald Trump is a demagogue, ā€œyou have to throw out the textbook American journalism has been using for the better part of the past half-century, if not longer, and approach it in a way youā€™ve never approached anything in your career.ā€ You have to ā€œmove closer than youā€™ve ever been to being oppositional.ā€

To further prove that these are positions so stupid that they give reporters a license to run a plumberā€™s snake up Donaldā€™s rectum, Jim gets up from his desk in the business department, where he writes the media column, and walks over to Carolynā€™s desk in the politics department. Carolyn Ryan, the newspaperā€™s senior editor for politics, then tells him that, yes,

If you have a nominee who expresses warmth toward one of our most mischievous and menacing adversaries, a nominee who shatters all the norms about how our leaders treat families whose sons have died for our country, a nominee proposing to rethink the alliances that have guided our foreign policy for 60 years, that demands coverageā€”copious coverage and aggressive coverageā€¦. It doesnā€™t mean that we wonā€™t vigorously pursue reporting lines on Hillary Clintonā€”we are and we will.
Les Moonves - CBS- "it may not be good for America but is damn good for CBS" @ 5:01

I'm Sick of The So-Called ā€œNews"



Holly Jackson


Katy Turd

These two reporters , who apparently are employed by the Killary Clinton campaign are constantly criticizing the Trump Campaign.

Instead of being honest an admitting that they are not reporting the news , that they are editorializing with impunity. in order to support Killary.

Tonight Ms Jackson referred to the "flailing" Trump campaign and allegedly provided the result of presidential polls without determining whether they are accurate and impartial.

The miserable pieces of shit hide behind the first amendment while diametrically opposed to the second amendment.

For shame.

gerund or present participle: editorializing
  1. (of a newspaper, editor, or broadcasting organization) make comments or express opinions rather than just report the news.

Killary's Amen Corner>>>>>> NY Times, USA Today, NBC, CBS, ABC, CNN, The Washington Post, et al have decided that they will save us stupid folks from the Donald - they have abandoned all semblance of neutrality in order to defeat Mr. Trump and then they question whether the fucking system is rigged.


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