Cancer and heart disease vaccines ‘ready by end of the decade’

No plants actually.

Red meat is positively correlated to both heart disease and cancer.
Lol. Wrong, but you’ve accepted the propaganda.

No plants. Animal products exclusively. Ketosis 24/7. Cancer can’t occur.
Lol. Wrong, but you’ve accepted the propaganda.

No plants. Animal products exclusively. Ketosis 24/7. Cancer can’t occur.

It's seems you have fallen for the lies.

people in their 20's now show signs of heart disease
an unprecedented rise in colon cancer in people under 50

all a result of the standard American diet
It's seems you have fallen for the lies.

people in their 20's now show signs of heart disease
an unprecedented rise in colon cancer in people under 50

all a result of the standard American diet
Yes they do, but your conclusion from this diet is entirely wrong. The processed shit Americans eat is the problem. Way too many highly processed carbs and sugar.

Just so you know, no carbs and sugar in meat. Yippee!
Yes they do, but your conclusion from this diet is entirely wrong. The processed shit Americans eat is the problem. Way too many highly processed carbs and sugar.

Just so you know, no carbs and sugar in meat. Yippee!

it's not ALL carbs that are the problem

In fact a diet of nothing but oatmeal will actually lower blood glucose levels in people with type 2 diabetes.
it's not ALL carbs that are the problem

In fact a diet of nothing but oatmeal will actually lower blood glucose levels in people with type 2 diabetes.
You eat at McDonald’s every day and you’ll be suffering from cancer or heart disease in short order.
I won’t be getting any more vaccines as I no longer trust medical/pharmaceutical entities with a known depopulation agenda.

Don’t underestimate the value of intermittent fasting, removal of processed foods/sugar, and parasite protocols in the treatment of many cancers and heart disease.
people in their 20's now show signs of heart disease
an unprecedented rise in colon cancer in people under 50

all a result of the standard American diet

That is less the diet, and more a fact that the daily exercise that most had as kids and young adults decades ago is almost not there at all anymore.

Until I graduated High School, I was constantly running or riding my bike somewhere. Even a 10+ mile trip each way was not a big deal. And 5-10 miles on a bike was the norm for me. But today, most kids get little to no exercise, and eat insane amounts of junk food.

There is nothing wrong with "junk food", but what has been lost is exercise and moderation.

It goes along with why most are no longer fit for military service. We have a generation of couch potatoes that thinks going a mile at a fast pace is too much work.

I am damned near 60, and can probably outperform most kids in their late teens or early 20s. Not that I am any kind of superman, but most of them have almost no conditioning anymore.
The fact that they will be suffering from various forms of malnutrition not mattering of course.
Absolutely false.

I have been 100% plant based for years and I just got my bloodwork done and I am not deficient in anything, not even vitamin B 12
That is less the diet, and more a fact that the daily exercise that most had as kids and young adults decades ago is almost not there at all anymore.

Until I graduated High School, I was constantly running or riding my bike somewhere. Even a 10+ mile trip each way was not a big deal. And 5-10 miles on a bike was the norm for me. But today, most kids get little to no exercise, and eat insane amounts of junk food.

There is nothing wrong with "junk food", but what has been lost is exercise and moderation.

It goes along with why most are no longer fit for military service. We have a generation of couch potatoes that thinks going a mile at a fast pace is too much work.

I am damned near 60, and can probably outperform most kids in their late teens or early 20s. Not that I am any kind of superman, but most of them have almost no conditioning anymore.
No it is absolutely mostly caused by diet.
Absolutely false.

I have been 100% plant based for years and I just got my bloodwork done and I am not deficient in anything, not even vitamin B 12

And the claim was eating nothing but oatmeal.

I made no comment on a vegan lifestyle, I was commenting on the claim that eating only oatmeal is healthy.

Are you eating only oatmeal and nothing else?
And the claim was eating nothing but oatmeal.

I made no comment on a vegan lifestyle, I was commenting on the claim that eating only oatmeal is healthy.

Are you eating only oatmeal and nothing else?

No I said that eating nothing but oatmeal reduces blood sugar nowhere did I ever say that's all anyone should eat.

In fact there is actual research that proves that eating a low calorie diet of oatmeal for just a few days actually lowers blood sugar and insulin resistance and the effects last for up to 6 weeks even after people eat their usual shitty diets again. That's a lot batter results than people get from just fasting alone or on a keto diet
By the very phrase, that is saying that is all anyone should eat. That is how English works.
No I never said that you are inferring it.

And I just clarified the statement for you in my previous post
No I never said that you are inferring it.

In fact a diet of nothing but oatmeal will actually lower blood glucose levels in people with type 2 diabetes.

No, that is exactly what you said, there is no "inferring" anything. You said exactly that, and I have now quoted it twice.

You know, if you could simply say "Ooops, I misspoke, by bad", that is one thing. I do it all the time, it is not a big deal. But doubling down over and over again, that is absolutely silly.

You said a diet of nothing but oatmeal, not mostly or even high in oatmeal. you said nothing but oatmeal.
No, that is exactly what you said, there is no "inferring" anything. You said exactly that, and I have now quoted it twice.

You know, if you could simply say "Ooops, I misspoke, by bad", that is one thing. I do it all the time, it is not a big deal. But doubling down over and over again, that is absolutely silly.

You said a diet of nothing but oatmeal, not mostly or even high in oatmeal. you said nothing but oatmeal.
And I clarified that for you in a later post.
Nobody is a fan of cancer or heart disease, but a "vaccine" that cures either one is a pipe dream.
Using the modified polio virus is a vaccine

Awesome news! Maybe if we're lucky A.i will speed this up by 2-4 years. Fingers crossed. Fuck cancer and heart disease.
Don't count on it. This timetable they set is likely due to footdragging more than anything else. I would be impressed if they were simply able to find a full replacement for toxic therapies, such as chemo and radiation.

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