cancer and well meaning friends....

Not sure if I can add anything useful,other than what I already did,getting opinions gaining knowledge is powerful. I am still tring to get my head around the fact I just finished my 1 st round of chemo myself,stage 2 colon cancer,many people have offered up tons of advice,it can be over whelming.God be with you in your fight.
i am glad they caught it at stage 2...and i hope it goes well for you....just keep us posted on it....i see you dont post a lot....
How does a grumpy old bag like Bones have any friends? That's the question that needs to be addressed.
Whereas there is no question as to why YOU have none.

Hey, Billy Barty, mind your own fucking business for once in your pathetic life.

There's another good example of why you have no friends.

Because you are a little man with a Napolean complex? 10 to 1 says that's why you are friendless, Billy. It doesn't explain the stupid, so we'll just have to chalk that part up to Irish blood, which itself explains your constant drunk-posting. :eusa_clap:
o i hang with difficult people.....hell sometimes i am the rational person.....and when i trust someone i am totally loyal....if i trust and care for can call and tell me you got a dead body that needs to only question will i need to bring a chainsaw or just a shovel?
o i hang with difficult people.....hell sometimes i am the rational person.....and when i trust someone i am totally loyal....if i trust and care for can call and tell me you got a dead body that needs to only question will i need to bring a chainsaw or just a shovel?

The Henry Lee Lucas Fan club, charter member. Admirable.
we'll just have to chalk that part up to Irish blood, which itself explains your constant drunk-posting.

Ah, a bigot as well as an idiot and an asshole. No wonder why you have no friends. You sure have earned it.
My father and mother both died of cancer years ago. Life, and hope, there is always hope. But you have to know when to give up, when it's over. That is up to you.
PSALM 103:1-5==Bless the Lord, O my soul,
And all that is within me, bless His holy name.
Bless the Lord, O my soul,
And forget none of His benefits;
Who pardons all your iniquities,
Who heals all your diseases;
Who redeems your life from the pit,
Who crowns you with lovingkindness and compassion;
Who satisfies your years with good things,
So that your youth is renewed like the eagle.==Who heals all your diseases; OR JUST LAY THERE AND DIE!!! YOUR CHOICE
mostly likely the bladder guy is at bowman grey since he is in winston.....both excellent hospitals...

Moses Cone is a good hospital in that area as well. I have heard that Duke is great on the surgery side of the process but that their radiation/chemo has lots to be desired in terms of treating the patient like anything other than revenue-generating cattle. I have a relative who went there because nobody else would even try to treat her pancreatic cancer, but she seemed okay with them. She is in remission now I think since she went back home awhile ago.
PSALM 103:1-5==Bless the Lord, O my soul,
And all that is within me, bless His holy name.
Bless the Lord, O my soul,
And forget none of His benefits;
Who pardons all your iniquities,
Who heals all your diseases;
Who redeems your life from the pit,
Who crowns you with lovingkindness and compassion;
Who satisfies your years with good things,
So that your youth is renewed like the eagle.==Who heals all your diseases; OR JUST LAY THERE AND DIE!!! YOUR CHOICE

so true christians do not get cancer? or just dont die of it or what?
seems to my friends i am not taking cancer seriously.....i am not sure what i can wants a 2nd opinion and i told her i got that with the pathology report...and the push for chemo....i do not want an oncologist at this stage...stage fucking zero....but i am being perceived as not taking it seriously...

so to others who have faced or facing do you deal with everyone telling ya what is best for you....i trust my doctor....i will do what he wants me to do

You don't have permission to freakin' die unless I say so. You're as lazy as I am. Get the second opinion. You don't have to go with it.

If you try and die on me I'll bring you back to life just to kick you in the butt. :)

Gunnery Sergeants can do many things.

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