Cancer Cures

Not much mention of honey so the title is a bit misleading. Other than that, some very good information.

Johns Hopkins – Honey (and other good stuff) for Cancer


Cancer Update from Johns Hopkins Hospital

1. Every person has cancer cells in the body. These cancer cells do not
show up in the standard tests until they have multiplied to a few
billion. When doctors tell cancer patients that there are no more cancer
cells in their bodies after treatment, it just means the tests are
unable to detect the cancer cells because they have not reached the
detectable size.

2. Cancer cells occur between 6 to more than 10 times in a person’s

3. When the person’s immune system is strong the cancer cells will be
destroyed and prevented from multiplying and forming tumors.

Continue reading Johns Hopkins - Honey (and other good stuff) for Cancer - WeeksMD

If one does use honey, well, even if they aren't going to use it, I have found that modern diets are killing gut bacteria. A good place to start would be with replacements. A regime of pro-biotics would be helpful.
This is why we like carbohydrates, rice, potatoes, etc.

BUT potatoes are a good complex carb and a vegetable and are good & healthy for you. There is some question about the starch though. Most peoples problems come not from the potato as much as what they put on them or how prepared. Skins are good stuff too.

Even the other carbs like rice, pasta and bread are good, but should be whole grain types and in small to moderate amounts. Most people eat way too much.
This is why we like carbohydrates, rice, potatoes, etc.

BUT potatoes are a good complex carb and a vegetable and are good & healthy for you. There is some question about the starch though. Most peoples problems come not from the potato as much as what they put on them or how prepared. Skins are good stuff too.

Even the other carbs like rice, pasta and bread are good, but should be whole grain types and in small to moderate amounts. Most people eat way too much.
Oh yes, I think you misunderstand me. I don't think there is anything wrong with them per sea, it is in the way they are prepared, what they are prepared with, and in what proportion they are to the rest of the diet.

Is a person eating more french fries, cake, donuts, toast in the morning, fried rice, pasta covered with some sugar laden sauce, etc. than they are green beans, broccoli, peas, kale, beats, beans, asparagus, etc.?

Whole grain carbs are definitely the key, and they should be naked. Most folks have no interest in naked carbs. I usually go with a whole grain, organic ancient grain bread as a staple. The rest of your carbs will sneak in naturally, they are so ubiquitous any how.
LEM (lymphocyte expansion molecule) has been mentioned in this thread, originally discovered at Imperial College, London. T-cell therapy links to the thymus, where T-cells are made. At this point, the idea of expansion itself comes into the picture:

Radiated on Purpose as an Infant
All Radiated on purpose as an infant in the 1950's, cancer developed years later messages

Cancer Survivors Network
Radiated on purpose as an infant in the 1950's, cancer developed years later | Cancer Survivors Network

The question would be of what impact the radiation may have had on future T cells:

Ending of the Era of Radiation Therapy for Enlarged Thymus
CHAPTER 11, Ending of the Era of Radiation Therapy for Enlarged Thymus, PREVENTING BREAST CANCER
Dope does not cure cancer.

Nothing does.

That's why they use surgery to cut it out.
Cutting out a tumor removes the symptom but not the cause. Son was diagnosed with brain cancer (and cancer in two other places) last year. After several weeks of testing etc.. here went to the Mayo clinic as that is where he goes for major health issues. After going through all of the test and discussions ith the docs at Mayo he opted for a natural cure as the treatment prognosis was not a favorable outcome at the Mayo Clinic or anywhere else he searched. He is cancer free and he treated the cancer via Cannabis oil.
I noted a few of the other things son went through here in this thread -aris2chat also put info in about cannabis in it for brain inflammation-cerebral swelling > New tick borne virus can be transmitted in just minutes and in this thread put in a little info on Poke Root (aka the cancer root). > New tick borne virus can be transmitted in just minutes
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The Australian connection to pokeweed is already posted on the other cancer thread. The reason one cooks it in two waters is precisely due to ribosomal-inactivating proteins (RIPs) which are also found as ricin in the Castor Bean.

Jun 2016 Phytolacca
Biological and antipathogenic activities of ribosome-inactivating proteins from Phytolacca dioica L. - PubMed - NCBI
Very small amounts of the root are what herbalist use. May Apple roots contain the same chemical, I do not recall offhand what it is. About 5m of May Apple root is what was in the old Doan's live pills. Whatever it is it kills the virus that cause certain warts too.
When people get sick most will rush off to a doctor for diagnoses and treatments. And, if diagnosed with cancer, most will obediently do whatever the doctor recommends they do. When cancer is diagnosed, one of the first things a doctor wants to do is "treat" (treating is not curing) the sick person with chemotherapy. There are several different types of chemotherapy and it is a guessing game on which one to "try". If one doesn't work, the doctor will try another. The number one purpose of chemotherapy is to slow down cancers progression and hopefully postpone the death of the patient. Sometimes cancer will go into regression. Regression simply means the cancer has stopped growing or shrank. It does not mean the cancer has gone away.

I have done extensive research on cancer, its treatments and its cures with my aim focused on cures. The following video is one of many actual cures for cancer. It is very lengthy and also very informative. I suggest anybody who is interested in curing cancer watch it. Throughout this thread I will be adding more cures for cancer and will be more than happy to share any information I have with anybody who asks for it.

/----- Reminds me of the Laetrile scam of the 70s
No, the active constituents of May Apple (Podophyllum) are podophyllin and podophyllotoxin, which are both spindle poisons. Pokeweed (Phytolacca) contains ribosome-inactivating proteins.

'Podofilox (Condylox, Condyline, Wartec), external genital warts (gel and soln) and perianal warts (gel only).

Podophyllin (Podocon-25), Podofin, Podofilm), warts:Apply by physician {Not to be dispensed to patients. For hospital/clinical use; not intended for outpatient prescribing.'
(Tarascon Pocket Pharmacopoeia, 30th edition)
No, the active constituents of May Apple (Podophyllum) are podophyllin and podophyllotoxin, which are both spindle poisons. Pokeweed (Phytolacca) contains ribosome-inactivating proteins.

'Podofilox (Condylox, Condyline, Wartec), external genital warts (gel and soln) and perianal warts (gel only).

Podophyllin (Podocon-25), Podofin, Podofilm), warts:Apply by physician {Not to be dispensed to patients. For hospital/clinical use; not intended for outpatient prescribing.'
(Tarascon Pocket Pharmacopoeia, 30th edition)
It was the Carter liver pills not Doan's that used the May Apple root. Overuse was a problem so they took it off the market.

Question 9. each of the following options lists a phyto constituents its phyto chemical grouping, pharmacological activity and corresponding semi synthetic analogue. Find the mis matching option ?

podophyllotoxin, lignin, anticancer, etoposide..................

podophyllum consists of dried rhizomes and roots of podophyllum hexandrum royle or podophyllum emodi belonging to the family berberidaceae.

chemical constituents:

it contains 7 to 15 % of resin known as podophyllin. the active principle of podophyllin resin is known as podophyllotoxin. quercetin about 8 % kaempferol, asiragalin, essential oils. etoposide is semi synthetically processed and used in testicular and lung cancer.


cancer, veneral and warts treatment.

acts as purgative, cholagague, bitter tonic.

atropine, alkaloid, anti cholinergic, homatropine............

etoposide, sold under the brand name Etopophos among others, is a chemotherapy medication used for the treatments of a number of types of cancer.
We first establish that the Australian aborigine tree, Codonocarpus cotinifolius (Desf.) is akin to pokeweed. Next would be to investigate the chemistry. The Laetrile years included the Feds raiding a lab across the Mexican border and the Indiana link to Hulda Clark. The Indiana pokeweed link is here:

'Phytolacca decandra L. (oil) for breast cancer. Indiana; over 100 cases "cured" (ca. 1908).

P. decandra Cuba, "Bleod carbonero" (juice of fruit). Cainas F, (1937) Plantas Medicinales de Cuba. Habana 204pp.

P. decandra Maine; used by Penobscot IndianS (Maine Writers Research Club (1952), Maine Indians in History and Legends.)

P. decandra juice; folk remedy of America, citing a work of 1752 (Wolff J, Die Lehre von der Krebskranheit. Jena, G. Fischer, Part IIIB 618 pp.).'

P. decandra L. (root) ingredient of Hoxsey Cancer Cure (pill).

P. decandra L. Raisin d'Amerique, (juice) Linnaeus speaks of a case of breast cancer "cured."'
(Plants Used Against Cancer, op cit)
For comparison with LEM (lymphocyte expansion molecule) and pokeweed, hyperplasia of potato tissue occurs when invaded by the pathogenic fungus Synchytrium. Thus enlargement of the thymus has its counterpart in fungal invasion of plant tissue: hyperplasia of the thymus.

Phytolacca Wound-Inducible Promoter
A comparison between constitutive and inducible transgenic expression of the PhRIP I gene for broad-spectrum resistance against phytopathogens in p... - PubMed - NCBI

Investigating Phytolacca chemistry, among others is phytolaccatoxin (see Natural Products section):

Phytolacca americana

We are not yet convinced that ribosome-inactivating proteins are the only constituents of note with anti-cancer activity. We next attempt to link some chemistry to the Australian aborigine tree, Codonocarpus cotinifolius. Photos of the tree are found at, the drupes being reminiscent of Phytolacca.
We have already mentioned the Aussie who posted on the cancer forum for melanoma. Here we link melanogenesis (and by default, melanoma) to the aboriginal tree, Codonocarpus cotinifolius (Desf.):

'Die vor allem auf Grund von anotomischen Merkmalen von den Phytolaccaceae abgetrennten Gyrostemonaceae sinf vorlaufig chemisch noch so wenig bearbeitet, das chemotaxonomische Vergleiche noch nich moeglich sind. Es kann ausschliesslich darauf geweisen werden, dass Senfoelglucoside hoechstwahrscheinlich bei suedamerikanischen Phytolaccaceae ebenfalls vorkommen....frische Blaetter kiefern etwa 0,06% aetherisches Oel; das letztere besteht zur Hauptsache aus Benzylcyanid und Cochlearin.'
(Hegenauer, Chemotaxonomie der Pflantzen)

It is the benzylcyanide in the tree that links to melanogenesis, UV light and melanoma:

Hydroperoxodicopper (II) / Benzylcyanide
Reactivity study of a hydroperoxodicopper(II) complex: hydroxylation, dehydrogenation, and ligand cross-link reactions. - PubMed - NCBI
'....It hydroxylates copper-bound organocyanides (e.g., benzylcyanide), leading to the corresponding aldehyde while releasing cyanide. This chemistry mimics that known for the copper enzyme dopamine-beta-monooxygenase.'

Dopamine links melanogenesis.
There is phytolaccatoxin from Chinese Red Shanglu (Phytolacca acinosa), and Dr. Duke's Phytochemical and Ethnobotanical Database classifies the toxin as respirastimulant, which class includes HCN (hydrogen cyanide), linking the benzylcyanide of Australian Codonocarpus cotinifolius.

An intriguing inhibitor of transformation also occurs in Phytolacca, reinforcing the pokeweed anti-breast cancer hypothesis:

Transformation Inhibitor Phytolaccoside B
Inhibition of Plant Transformation by Phytolaccoside B from Phytolacca americana Callus. - PubMed - NCBI

And the LEM activity in lymphocytes linking to hyperplasia in the thymus also connects to phytolaccoside B in our previous comparison with Synchytrium invasion of potato tissues:

Antifungal Phytolaccoside B
Antifungal compounds induced in the dual culture with Phytolacca americana callus and Botrytis fabae. - PubMed - NCBI
Great new post by Jon Rappoport

Why isn’t there a medical Edward Snowden?
May4 by Jon Rappoport

Why isn’t there a medical Edward Snowden?

The US press is aware that medically caused death is the third leading cause of death in America. But nothing happens in their elite corner of the “information age.”

For years, I’ve been pointing out that the medical apparatus is best-protected structure in the US and the world.

One piece of evidence for that statement: we haven’t had, symbolically speaking, a medical Edward Snowden. Indeed, if you go to WikiLeaks or some other source that routinely exposes leaks, you’ll be hard pressed to find anything substantial about the inner workings of what I call the medical cartel.

And when I say inner workings, I mean memos, emails, and other documents that irrevocably reveal:

* How medical studies are routinely twisted and cooked to achieve a predetermined outcome in contradiction to the facts;

* How virus-hunters casually claim to have discovered “the virus” that causes a disease, when they have not followed standard procedure, and are merely making insupportable and self-serving assumptions;

* How researchers ignore evidence that a “new disease” is indistinguishable from an old disease that has been on the scene for decades or even longer; there is money in new diseases;

* How medical drugs are having grave toxic effects on patients and delivering no visible results;

* How government health officials are conspiring with drug companies to bring medicines to market, despite the fact that there is every reason to assume the drugs are worthless and destructive;

* How public health agencies, researchers, and pharmaceutical companies cover up the widespread harm vaccines are causing;

* How fake epidemics are launched to convince the public that they must follow prescribed vaccination schedules.

These are just a few of the many issues we would expect an insider to expose in blowing the whistle. We would expect to see these issues (crimes) revealed in numerous and detailed and irrefutable paper trails. . .

Thanks for this thread

I am a 2 x breast cancer survivor and have been through the chemo, and surgeries times 2 in the last 5 years..
Many people die from the chemo it is so bad, this immunology is very promising like some have posted here..Trials are showing that it is working and killing the cancer....
I wish just cutting it out would kill it, but many times cells are so small they need to do other treatment like chemo to kill what may be left behind..

I have studied for 5 years and found that just eating something will help but not cure it... Estrogen's cause cancer, and when your body has too many it reacts and you get cancer...We have estrogen's all around us, but we can only take so much..
Estrogen's are found in our foods, air and water by the chemicals and poisons of today's world..

Dairy and meat is full of estrogen's ( even if you buy organic dairy the cow is still forced to be pregnant so their milk production continues which that milk is full of hormones and estrogen's especially when they give the cows drugs because they have duct infections from constant milk production.

Anything that is convenient food is pretty much just a bunch of chemicals that taste good

Look at your hair soaps, hand soaps, dish soaps cleaning supplies

Plastic in our cars heats up in the sun, we get into a hot car and breath tons of estrogen's..

These drug companies push the anti-estrogen pills on cancer women, yet don't tell you to stop eating it..

I guess we can not eliminate everything today, but going as basic as we can like our great grandparents did will decrease your chances of being toppled over with estrogen's..

Pot as Rod mentions and a few other here has CBC in it which is showing good promise and you don't get high from it...while the CBC reduces pain and inflammation ...

Inflammation, and acid in the body also contributes to cancer and how it protects itself, so these teas look good I am going to try them..I do have turmeric tea..
Great new post by Jon Rappoport

Why isn’t there a medical Edward Snowden?
May4 by Jon Rappoport

Why isn’t there a medical Edward Snowden?

The US press is aware that medically caused death is the third leading cause of death in America. But nothing happens in their elite corner of the “information age.”

For years, I’ve been pointing out that the medical apparatus is best-protected structure in the US and the world.

One piece of evidence for that statement: we haven’t had, symbolically speaking, a medical Edward Snowden. Indeed, if you go to WikiLeaks or some other source that routinely exposes leaks, you’ll be hard pressed to find anything substantial about the inner workings of what I call the medical cartel.

And when I say inner workings, I mean memos, emails, and other documents that irrevocably reveal:

* How medical studies are routinely twisted and cooked to achieve a predetermined outcome in contradiction to the facts;

* How virus-hunters casually claim to have discovered “the virus” that causes a disease, when they have not followed standard procedure, and are merely making insupportable and self-serving assumptions;

* How researchers ignore evidence that a “new disease” is indistinguishable from an old disease that has been on the scene for decades or even longer; there is money in new diseases;

* How medical drugs are having grave toxic effects on patients and delivering no visible results;

* How government health officials are conspiring with drug companies to bring medicines to market, despite the fact that there is every reason to assume the drugs are worthless and destructive;

* How public health agencies, researchers, and pharmaceutical companies cover up the widespread harm vaccines are causing;

* How fake epidemics are launched to convince the public that they must follow prescribed vaccination schedules.

These are just a few of the many issues we would expect an insider to expose in blowing the whistle. We would expect to see these issues (crimes) revealed in numerous and detailed and irrefutable paper trails. . .


Well said, and most people do not know this until they are faced with a life or death situation like cancer..

Doctors are ethically bound to only go by what the FDA say's to do... well who controls the FDA ? $$$$
People like the OP and others here with natural things are considered worthless and made fun of by the Big Pharma and some of the medical corruption..
It used to be used in our sicknesses, until big money was invested into the medical schools..I can get these youtube docodrama's if you would like..

Big Pharma then has you in a corner to pay, or die ( for me almost $50, 000 a chemo x 6 ) there were hundreds getting chemo everyday..

A shot that I ended up refusing cost $20,000 a shot...I mean WTH

When they hear cancer or heart attack, something like that you are Cha Ching looked at like $$$

Now don't get me wrong , I have wonderful awesome doctors who really care about you..

a few I will write about another time, they were in it to make money...

I just had 3 of my cancer friends die this year ...
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The Snowden Effect is a no-brainer: once inside the medical machine (for example a nursing home, etc.) it is impossible to document what happens to you, thus giving much leeway to dirty medicine and a debauch of the Hippocratic Oath. We experienced it recently: what the physical therapist was accomplishing in one part of the building was being sabotaged by the occupational therapist and the latter's associates. You may as well be inside a concentration camp, because it will be your word against theirs. It can be swiftly devastating to Social Security parameters should you refuse to be mistreated. You can then become instantly stigmatized as a dissident by the system.

Class-difference medicine is another parameter of this particular case we mention. You can reside a few days at a new, frontier hospital only to be transferred to the said nursing home that is also a methadone clinic. This is an arrogant slap in the face for those who have never had the drug problems, but then, there are costs of residence to consider, rents change according to areas, and so does the quality of those supposedly treating you.

Yes, we'll be talking about viruses. Meds for Hepatitis C range to $27,000 per month. There are also viruses that can destroy tumors.

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