Cancer Cures

Eaglewings mentioned "something left behind" and it is why etoposide/May Apple podophyllotoxin is risky to use, even on warts. Not only collateral damage to healthy cells around the lesion, but also the question of depth of vertical penetration of the lesion or the drug. We have a forthcoming excerpt for this, and a good example is basal cell carcinoma, whereby something else is always popping up.

We note that the INSIG1 and HMGCR we've posted are liver-specific cholesterol biosynthesis regulators.
Eaglewings mentioned "something left behind" and it is why etoposide/May Apple podophyllotoxin is risky to use, even on warts. Not only collateral damage to healthy cells around the lesion, but also the question of depth of vertical penetration of the lesion or the drug. We have a forthcoming excerpt for this, and a good example is basal cell carcinoma, whereby something else is always popping up.

We note that the INSIG1 and HMGCR we've posted are liver-specific cholesterol biosynthesis regulators.
Agreed, on exterior warts with caution even.

The Liver needs other supports too while undergoing any treatment. I had no clue how many young people have had their Gallbladders removed until last year. Any parts removed leave residue issues. It was something we didn't face when we were at their age groups.
So May Apple constituents as a topical (and there is a crcuial need for anti-cancer topicals) co9me with risks. We don't know if podophyllotoxin can negatively affect healthy cells around the cancerous lesion (necosis, etc.). Here is the exceprt we mentioned to support what Eaglewings has pointed out for breast cancer. The Mohs technique was developed in Wisconsin:

The histology of BCCs is varied, ranging from the commone small nests of dark staining cells palisaded along the periphery to superficially spreading cells. In some patients, microscopically-controlled removal ("Mohs surgery") is frustrating because even random biopsies of clinically normal skin have budding from the bottom of the epidermis what appear to be incipient tumors, making the achievement of a tumor-free margin impossible. In addition to the same histology as BCCs in sporadic patients, the skin tumors also may resemble cells of the hair, thus fueling the controversy as to whether BCCs themselves arise from follicles as opposed to from the interfollicular epidermis.'
(PTCH and the Basal Cell Nevus (Gorlin) Syndrome, in Inborn Errors of Development: The Molecular Basis of Clinical Disorders of Morphogenesis)
The liver needs support. We hypothesize that Rachel Carson's breast cancer was exacerbated by chronic wading in the cold waters of Maine. This cold shock came generally just before hepatocytes regenerate around 8:00 PM every evening. The mouse model of melanoma is comparable:

Melanoma Models
Recent advances in sunlight-induced carcinogenesis using the Xiphophorus melanoma model
'....There are, surprisingly, few good sunlight-inducible animal melanoma models, especially given our current understanding of the importance of UV in melanoma etiology. This is in strak contrast to chemical carcinogenesis of melanoma....With respect to sunlight-induced models of initiation of melanoma, Monodelphis domestica (South American opossum), Xiphophorus hybrids (livebearing fishes), and a transgeneic mouse that overexpresses hepatocyte growth factor/scatter factor (HGF/SF mice).....we believe the opossum bears the least resemblance, and thus is least applicable to the pathology and genetic determinants of human melanogenesis.'
So May Apple constituents as a topical (and there is a crcuial need for anti-cancer topicals) co9me with risks. We don't know if podophyllotoxin can negatively affect healthy cells around the cancerous lesion (necosis, etc.). Here is the exceprt we mentioned to support what Eaglewings has pointed out for breast cancer. The Mohs technique was developed in Wisconsin:

The histology of BCCs is varied, ranging from the commone small nests of dark staining cells palisaded along the periphery to superficially spreading cells. In some patients, microscopically-controlled removal ("Mohs surgery") is frustrating because even random biopsies of clinically normal skin have budding from the bottom of the epidermis what appear to be incipient tumors, making the achievement of a tumor-free margin impossible. In addition to the same histology as BCCs in sporadic patients, the skin tumors also may resemble cells of the hair, thus fueling the controversy as to whether BCCs themselves arise from follicles as opposed to from the interfollicular epidermis.'
(PTCH and the Basal Cell Nevus (Gorlin) Syndrome, in Inborn Errors of Development: The Molecular Basis of Clinical Disorders of Morphogenesis)
I'll let you know how the Mayapple works out this Fall when I check it out on a small wart like thing that seems to be persistent.

The liver needs support. We hypothesize that Rachel Carson's breast cancer was exacerbated by chronic wading in the cold waters of Maine. This cold shock came generally just before hepatocytes regenerate around 8:00 PM every evening. The mouse model of melanoma is comparable:

Melanoma Models
Recent advances in sunlight-induced carcinogenesis using the Xiphophorus melanoma model
'....There are, surprisingly, few good sunlight-inducible animal melanoma models, especially given our current understanding of the importance of UV in melanoma etiology. This is in strak contrast to chemical carcinogenesis of melanoma....With respect to sunlight-induced models of initiation of melanoma, Monodelphis domestica (South American opossum), Xiphophorus hybrids (livebearing fishes), and a transgeneic mouse that overexpresses hepatocyte growth factor/scatter factor (HGF/SF mice).....we believe the opossum bears the least resemblance, and thus is least applicable to the pathology and genetic determinants of human melanogenesis.'
I am pretty certain that the skin and liver needs both a natural vitamin C and natural D's in this area too. Both can be lacking in people that do not get enough sunlight along with the proper nutrients. The years we spent Winters in Florida kept the spirochete issues from the tick bite that I did not know I'd gotten (the lyme) at bay. Also not enough movement glands easily clog up if there microscopic parasites. A lot of those little critters are fluid loving critters (viruses, fungi or bacteria) like areas where fluids are so they are likely to accumulate in glandular tissue and connective tissue, cartilage areas (joints ultimately eating into bone), saliva glands and lymph nodes.

I tried the Galangal both externally and internally, positive results with both.
Alpinia galangal Antimelanoma and antityrosinase from Alpinia galangal constituents. - PubMed - NCBI New cytotoxic diarylheptanoids from the rhizomes of Alpinia officinarum Hance. - PubMed - NCBI
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We wll further investigate Alpinia for melanoma. We think that the podophyllotoxin tincture should be prepared from spring-growth Podophyllum. Penetration is the problem, even a nanoparticle approach failed, which will be our forthcoming excerpt.
We wll further investigate Alpinia for melanoma. We think that the podophyllotoxin tincture should be prepared from spring-growth Podophyllum. Penetration is the problem, even a nanoparticle approach failed, which will be our forthcoming excerpt.
I have some information on the other computer I'll try to get it booted up in the next few days and get it here. I'm trying to recall what you would use but the name of it escapes me offhand. I tried the natural portion of that particular recipe but did not have that other ingredient to use on that black mole.
There is the vaccine trajectory for herpes zoster (Varicella zoster) supposedly recommended for 65-years of age to protect against excruciating postherpetic neuralgia. Being also a herpesvirus, herpes simplex I infects most of the human population, and it does link to melanoma:

HSV-1 / Melanoma
Functional Characterization of the Serine-Rich Tract of Varicella-Zoster Virus IE62. - PubMed - NCBI
'....and HSV-1 VP16 interacted with Mediator 25 in human melanoma MeWo cells.'
I broke out last year not realizing at first it was shingles. It was a rash even on the palms of my hands. A duh, moment occurred when an older friend was looking for something to relieve a bad case of Shingles he had. When I had Chicken Pox it was on the palms of my hands like that. I took Licorice root for ten days and it did not come back but Gallbladder fully filled with stones. I'm sure that 'stone issue' was there before but did not know when you detox the Liver is emptying them lil' buggers into the Gallbladder. A tough lesson as I'm still dealing with that one.
We can understand licorice. This following "hemostat" report for an Alpinia combination indeed links to the Chinese study which used TCM against HIV-1 in 8 Tanzanian patients. It was the first ever report that showed that HIV-AIDS is a reversible disease, for the "hemostat" connection is that the virus was intercellular positive but extracellular negative for up to 49 months. One of the TCMs used was licorice. We can say more about this remarkable Chinese study, and here is the Alpinia Hemostat:

Alpinia / Melanoma
On the Poke plant use the first year plant root is the one to use. Plucking it right before the first frost. Even the small side roots are very potent. The plant looses potency after that first season.
To break through the biofilm I used black pepper extracted in wine and Teasel plant leaves. The small spring Teasel plant leaves also helped clear a bladder infection along with Elderberries.

(reminds self to make tincture this year)
Chinese red root is poisonous (phytolaccatoxin), white root am not familiar with the constituents. The vaccine question for herpes zoster is becoming clearer, as we have already made the postherpetic neuralgia connectiion to Varicella zoster. It was confusing why doc did not prescribe the vax for zoster when it was recommended by the American College of Internal Physicians. It gets more complex when melanoma is complicated by hepatitis B virus, because both compete for the rights to NF-kappaB in the body of the host. Along with these maladies, arthritis of the hip accompanied by sciatica, which is lingering on since the end of March.

Alpinia oxyphylla / Sciatic Nerve Regeneration
Alpinia oxyphylla Miq. fruit extract activates IGFR-PI3K/Akt signaling to induce Schwann cell proliferation and sciatic nerve regeneration. - PubMed - NCBI
Chinese red root is poisonous (phytolaccatoxin), white root am not familiar with the constituents. The vaccine question for herpes zoster is becoming clearer, as we have already made the postherpetic neuralgia connectiion to Varicella zoster. It was confusing why doc did not prescribe the vax for zoster when it was recommended by the American College of Internal Physicians. It gets more complex when melanoma is complicated by hepatitis B virus, because both compete for the rights to NF-kappaB in the body of the host. Along with these maladies, arthritis of the hip accompanied by sciatica, which is lingering on since the end of March.

Alpinia oxyphylla / Sciatic Nerve Regeneration
Alpinia oxyphylla Miq. fruit extract activates IGFR-PI3K/Akt signaling to induce Schwann cell proliferation and sciatic nerve regeneration. - PubMed - NCBI
Rosemary Essential oil provides some relief in that.

Sciatica could possibly be related to the same virus/bacteria that causes endometriosis. Another batch of notes I'll have to get from the other computer.
Black Cardamom, yes I used whole seeds with the hulls still on them and chewed them throughout the day. That was a portion of my herbal beginnings. They also provided relief for the issues of throwing up through the night when Asthma attacks hit.
That's an important pathway for A. oxyphylla:

'Drug screen outcomes will require network or systems biology interpretation because some genes participate in multiple pathways, for example, phosphatidylinositol linases act in leukocyte extravasion and antigen pattern recognition pathways.'
(Schartl M, et al, Whole Body Melanoma Transcriptome Response in Medaka)

The Alpinia goes back fo the Persian Avicenna (Ibn Sina):

'Alpinia galana (Willd.), electuary; tumors of the stomach. Avicenna. Sontheimer, 1845. Heilmittel der Araber. Freiberg, Herder Verl. 288 pp.'
(Hartwell, Plants Used Against Cancer)

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