
Life is just a roll of the dice.......never know what's gonna come up....
I put this here to hopefully have a serious chat about what can be a deadly problem. About 15 years ago I heard that word. You hear it a lot but when you doctor says it to you well it takes on a whole new meaning.
At first they said it was my throat and after tests they also found it in my lymph system. Said without treatment I had about two years to live.

Stopped at a bike shop on the way home and looked at the new Indians they had on the floor. I seriously thought about buying one on the spot and then riding to the tip of South America. But then I thought what then? Just ride back? So I decided to fight. Six foot tall and 203 became six foot tall and 144 in months! Sick depressed and weak became just part of life. A simple trip to the bathroom became a planned trip.

My surgery was on July 4th and I came out of my drug induced coma late July 5th. Only year I have ever missed fireworks. I lost two false chords and one real chord . one of my neck muscles had to be reattached to my chest. The incision ran from ear to ear and my lower face was peeled up to take the lymph glands from my neck and behind my ears. A second scar runs down my left shoulder where they took the glands from my left armpit.

They punched a hole in my stomach for a feeding tube and one in my throat so I could breath. I was unable to speak for about nine months and during radiation could not go outside in daylight. I lived in the hospital monday thru Friday and went home on weekends. Bought a flashy red convertible and would drop the top and drive at night. Meals came through a tube at that point.

Nine months after the surgery the trach tube came out and I started to relearn how to talk. With one vocal chord left that was work. I used to practice the lines from movies I watched. I remember trying to talk like Daniel Day Lewis in last of the Mohicans. Single syllable at a time. And I had to relearn how to hear myself! Seems when your vocals have a dramatic change you no longer recognize your own voice.

18 months post surgery I was back to work! Weighed in at a whole 155 at that point. I had to make weight every week to keep my job. Switch from being an auctioneer to a ring man. Doctor was pretty harsh on that one. With one vocal chord left you blow it and it's over! Now I flip stock, cars and real estate. It's a quiet life and maybe boring.

I build personas for sites and play my role. That pays to you know! I guess my point is your never done until they throw dirt on you. And yes I DO get cancer trolls. Name withheld because of forum. Do they bother me? No, how can anything bother you after facing death? Does it change you? Yeah it does. You see social injustice differently. You grow tired of PC. PC and cancer simply do not get along.

I have my own cancer troll out there (name withheld) and I'm telling you he simply does not have the balls to face it. But if you live long enough and just don't drop dead you do. And he will and being a smart ass don't beat cancer! Cancer is like having an empty tank and knowing you have miles to go. Sometimes you have to get out and push if that only means taking one more step.

I watched several of my fellow rad rats die because that step was to tiring to painful. Never be afraid folks, not of site bans or arguing your position. Cancer can take your life but USMB? It's not real. It's a dog and pony show that puts cash in people's pockets. We are just rats in a maze folks.

Thanks for sharing.
I'm sure it will wind up as troll material.
It won't be me... But I do wish you were a bit more liberal when it comes to race... I want you to live long so I can keep trying to change you...
sadly there is no money in curing cancer

That's for damned sure. Far better to keep stringing the poor unfortunates along and soaking them for every dime. A friend was diagnosed with prostate cancer and his oncologist never once mentioned the CyberKnife that we have down in Reno. The asshole wanted to operate and then have multiple doses of chemo. I took my friend to the Cyberknife folks and they checked and lo and behold, they could help him. Six out patient treatments and he was done.

Horseshit. Anyone who believes there's a profit motive in having customers die is smoking too much medical marijuana.

Based on close, personal experience, and multiple conversations with various surgeons, I disagree with you.

I hate to break it to you, but being brilliant and knowledgeable in one field doesn't stop people from being utter dumbasses in everything else. Based on close, personal experience and multiple conversations with doctors and professors with PhDs.

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