Candace Owen's completely DESTROYS the Democrat party at today's hearing.

Candace is trying to make a living by turning her fast and loose mouth and her good looks into becoming a social media celebrity. For a while, she was playing to liberal / progressive circles, but that didn't quite work out as she couldn't create a big enough herd of rubes / followers.

Ever since, she's set her sights on the Deplorable camp, peddling Coulter / Breitbart blab. Turns out, there's so much money to be made off that group of marks, even she could find a profitable niche, and, if I were a betting person, I'd bet on a splendid future for her.

She was simply sublime you toothless asshole.

Put Lieu in his place. And Nadler too. Time has come to stand up to Dems filthy politics of smears and personal destruction and she is the perfect one to do it. Witty, cute, and sharp. Passionate and with more balls than any GOP senator.

BTW, on a personal level, would you kindly ask SGIAN to come by and show his pussy ? We miss his ability to bullshit amid the embarrassment you morons now SHOULD have re the Mueller Reports total vindication of President Trump.
Very impressive testimony

She blew it when she claimed in her opening statement to be nonpartisan and immediately went into the conservative misinformation of the “Democrat KKK” and the “Democrat Jim Crow Laws”
She couldn’t even differentiate between the “Democrat” Party and “Democratic” Party

Political hack
The fact is that Republicans are more interested in seeing people remain poor. They take the side of big business over individuals. They are more interested in kicking poor people off of welfare than they are in helping people. They then crow about how many people are no longer receiving welfare. Neither party has the best interests of blacks in mind.

So the Republican party is interested in seeing people remain poor, but it's the Democrats who are ushering in unskilled low income foreign workers to compete with our poor and take their jobs. Gotcha.

We are interested in kicking people off of welfare. Welfare is servitude. There are no advancements on welfare, no employer wants to hire somebody that's been on welfare for an extended period of time, welfare is dependency and promotes laziness. Why would anybody but Democrats want to see people live this lifestyle?

Democrats work on selected groups. Republicans just believe in doing what's best for all people, because we believe Americans are all the same.

Republicans are only worried about pleasing their base. Unskilled foreign workers are not driving down wages. There are plenty of jobs that are available. We need more foreigners in this country.

Kicking people off of welfare because they no longer need it is not what Republicans are doing. They make the requirements so onerous that people who need help cannot get help. You automatically assume that people are lazy. When Ronald Reagan was elected, Republicans wanted to run a conservative war on poverty. That no longer exists. Now it is only about kicking people off and claiming poverty is going down.

For a guy that cuts down on people who didn't attend college, you sure show your ignorance here. Read and learn something once in a while:

Food stamp rolls plummet in states that restore work requirements

Maine Food Stamp Work Requirement Cuts Non-Parent Caseload by 80 Percent

States follow Maine in declining federal funds for food stamps

The trouble is that they got those results by making food stamps hard or impossible to get. They just defined need down. This was deliberate.

Now you’re starting to catch on. Yes, it was deliberate. Like Welfare Reform created by Republicans in the 90’s, it’s been a huge success. Those people are now off the dole. They are buying their own food with their own money. They saved the taxpayers billions. They demonstrated that these people were not in need in the first place. They were only taking advantage of the system.

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Very impressive testimony

She blew it when she claimed in her opening statement to be nonpartisan and immediately went into the conservative misinformation of the “Democrat KKK” and the “Democrat Jim Crow Laws”
She couldn’t even differentiate between the “Democrat” Party and “Democratic” Party

Political hack

Love your avatar despite you being full of shit.

We use Democrat party as a slur. She knows the difference . As if it matters. And her OPINION was non-paritsan. The KKK was most assuredly a faction and enforcement arm of the Democrat party.

If I were a mindless liberal , I would immediately accuse your criticism of Candice as "racist" rather purely ignorant as it is.

Lieu was in full smear mode and she slammed his ass for it. Along with babbling asshole Nadler.
To be fair, Klein does have Tourette's Syndrome and his hand and body movements are almost uncontrollable. He is a brilliant man but like most brilliant people, is too dumb to be a Republican. All Dems believe their own bullshit.

Being dumb is a requirement for being a Republican. Smart and highly educated people are leaving the GOP.

"Being dumb is a requirement for being a Republican. Smart and highly educated people are leaving the GOP."

Do you have a link? Oh hold on, I forgot you ARE the link, the missing one.

"According to the American National Election Survey, white men without college degrees have consistently supported the GOP over the past two decades, while those with degrees — roughly one-fifth of the 2018 electorate — have increasingly moved toward Democrats. In 1996, when President Bill Clinton overwhelmingly won re-election, he only received 36% of the votes of white male college graduates, according to ANES. Hillary Clinton lost her race in 2016 but won 43% of them."

2018 exit polls
Are you a college graduate?
Democrat 59%
Republicans 39%

Whites by education and gender
16% Women college women Democrat 59% Republican 39%
15% White college men Republican 51% Democrat 47%

2018 midterms: EXIT POLLING | CNN

And besides the deplorables, you on the left bash people without a college degree, as if they have any less aptitude for politics than those with a degree. Here's a question for ya, why do you think the Democrats are losing the blue-collar vote?

Almost two-thirds of people in the labor force do not have a college degree

it's amazing how these people don't realize that not spending money on worthless pieces of paper doesn't make a person uneducated or stupid.

Having a college degree doesn't make someone intelligent not having one doesn't make someone stupid

I work with college graduates. Sometimes you wonder how they found their way to work in the morning yet alone get a degree.

The one thing that can never be taught in college is common sense. Logic is a gift you’re born with or not. It’s something that can’t be learned no matter how many years a person attends school.

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The fact is that Republicans are more interested in seeing people remain poor. They take the side of big business over individuals. They are more interested in kicking poor people off of welfare than they are in helping people. They then crow about how many people are no longer receiving welfare. Neither party has the best interests of blacks in mind.

So the Republican party is interested in seeing people remain poor, but it's the Democrats who are ushering in unskilled low income foreign workers to compete with our poor and take their jobs. Gotcha.

We are interested in kicking people off of welfare. Welfare is servitude. There are no advancements on welfare, no employer wants to hire somebody that's been on welfare for an extended period of time, welfare is dependency and promotes laziness. Why would anybody but Democrats want to see people live this lifestyle?

Democrats work on selected groups. Republicans just believe in doing what's best for all people, because we believe Americans are all the same.

Republicans are only worried about pleasing their base. Unskilled foreign workers are not driving down wages. There are plenty of jobs that are available. We need more foreigners in this country.

Kicking people off of welfare because they no longer need it is not what Republicans are doing. They make the requirements so onerous that people who need help cannot get help. You automatically assume that people are lazy. When Ronald Reagan was elected, Republicans wanted to run a conservative war on poverty. That no longer exists. Now it is only about kicking people off and claiming poverty is going down.

For a guy that cuts down on people who didn't attend college, you sure show your ignorance here. Read and learn something once in a while:

Food stamp rolls plummet in states that restore work requirements

Maine Food Stamp Work Requirement Cuts Non-Parent Caseload by 80 Percent

States follow Maine in declining federal funds for food stamps

The trouble is that they got those results by making food stamps hard or impossible to get. They just defined need down. This was deliberate.

Now you’re starting to catch on. Yes, it was deliberate. Like Welfare Reform created by Republicans in the 90’s, it’s been a huge success. Those people are now off the dole. They are buying their own food with their own money. They saved the taxpayers billions. They demonstrated that these people were not in need in the first place. They were only taking advantage of the system.

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I am shocked your avatar doesn't scare the piss outa the lefties.
Very impressive testimony

She blew it when she claimed in her opening statement to be nonpartisan and immediately went into the conservative misinformation of the “Democrat KKK” and the “Democrat Jim Crow Laws”
She couldn’t even differentiate between the “Democrat” Party and “Democratic” Party

Political hack


One;y a political hack could see that and not see the hacks in Nadler and Lieu and that ugly woman who was agreeing with the smear tactic.

#Blexit has you all trembling and arguing for open borders.

She is far from a hack. As you shall learn in coming months , once you digest Trump's 100% vindication from Mueller.
Last edited:
NO one knows who will win the next election. we wont know if there is a democrat that presents a winning platform, or if Trump will. PS never heard of Owens, she has a right to her views like I to mine. if she supports Hitler's views that's a non starter for me.
Apparently there isn't an honest person among the dems and liberals, because she clearly showed no support for HITLER.
A great victory for republicans and much celebrating finally finding a person of color to buy into their b.s. In the meantime, if republican rule is so great, then why so much poverty among poor whites as well as among blacks in the republican dominated south? She's confused about the democrat racists and the klan. That was a couple generations ago and times change. Try finding a kkk guy or nazi today calling themselves democrat. . They love them some outrageous trump republican racism at the rallies. .
Tjus is the same bunch of race-baiting assholes who just called the Black Chicago Police Chief & his police the 'Blue Klux Klan' for exposing / charging Jussie Smollett for his criminal self-fake anti-Trump non-racist non-hate crime.....


The local prosecutor has the right to decide whether or not to prosecute someone. The police have no say and were wrong to criticize her. Besides he was overcharged. Maybe there was a charge of filing a police report but 16 felonies is ridiculous.

The police do have a right to criticize the pig. They have better things to do than chasing ghosts. She was in cahoots with part of Michelle Obama’s staff, and she violated her oath of office.

If you committed sixteen felonies, you should be changed with sixteen felonies. It’s up to a judge to decide the validity of those charges. If this criminal was a Republican, he would be facing the minimum of 20 years.

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Candace is trying to make a living by turning her fast and loose mouth and her good looks into becoming a social media celebrity. For a while, she was playing to liberal / progressive circles, but that didn't quite work out as she couldn't create a big enough herd of rubes / followers.

Ever since, she's set her sights on the Deplorable camp, peddling Coulter / Breitbart blab. Turns out, there's so much money to be made off that group of marks, even she could find a profitable niche, and, if I were a betting person, I'd bet on a splendid future for her.

Interesting opinion, it shows the duplicity of the left when one of their slaves attempt to leave the plantation.
Hank Johnson looked like one pissed off slave owner lol if he had a whip! Lol

She completely and utterly wrecked their biggest election platform.

If God were real I would thank him deeply for this womans rise to prominence.

Damn, she was GREAT! I have a new favorite!

Without a doubt. This woman has a big future in front of her no matter what path she chooses

Anne Coulter can and probably has given her tips on how to milk more money out of the rightwing echo chamber. She’ll make plenty of money, no doubt about that.

You're just pissed all the youth in your party wear black masks and carry clubs instead of actually being politically proactive and genuine to their cause.

Her entire rant is based on the belief that all those Jim Crow era Democrat voters packed up their bags and became the current Democratic party in the north. Which is wrong and stupid. All those deep south racists became republicans after Lyndon Johnson signed on Civil Rights and are still down there celebrating the confederacy and preaching hate and fear of brown people. That speech could have been lifted straight out of any Ann Coulter or Pam Gellar book.

Democrats never changed they just changed the laws. Building codes keep blacks in one area, dems destroyed education, keeping blacks uneducated, welfare destroyed fathers at home.
All cries of racial oppression are still coming from towns run by democrats. Facts
The arrogance of the democrats has no bounds. First they try to lie about her and pretend She is a nazi. Then they lie about what she said in an attempt to shut her up. Then when the lie is exposed he shrugs and pretends that it’s no big deal

No one lied about her. She was exposed for what she is. Even though she is black, she clearly believes in white supremacy. Other than that, her testimony was garbage. Oh they are picking on me for this. They are picking on me for that. Typical Republican. In a hearing about white nationalists who have killed people, this is what the GOP has to offer.

Man getting deep now aren’t we? Typical Democrat, if blacks follow there are okay, however if they develop any of their own ideas then the racist Democrats cry out.

She is no different than white alt-right members. The only reason she was there was because she was black.

Well it takes a black person to say the things she did. A white saying the same things would have your leaders shouting racism.

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You Go, Girl! Candace Owens Blasts Dems For Splicing Her Video To Fit Their Despicable Narrative ^ | April 10, 2019 | Beth Bauman


Prager University's Candace Owens appeared in front of the House Judiciary Committee on Tuesday to testify about white nationalism in America. In typical liberal fashion, Democrats on the Committee attempted to spin Owens' previous words explaining nationalism.

Rep. Ted Lieu (D-CA) decided to play a 30 second clip of of Owens' video of her explaining how she feels about national.

.@RepTedLieu plays recording of Candace Owens: "I don't know Ms. Owens. I'm not going to characterize her. I'm going to let her own words do the talking. So, I'm going to play for you the first 30 seconds of a statement she made about Adolf Hitler."— CSPAN (@cspan) April 9, 2019

The problem with the clip Lieu showed? It's a sliver of what Owens actually said. In case anyone needs a refresher, here it is:

In case anyone needed a refresher on what @RealCandaceO ACTUALLY said... Candace Owens @RealCandaceO— Beth Baumann (@eb454) April 10, 2019

Owens never condoned what Hitler did. She explained what nationalism actually is. Owens said what most Americans feel: there is absolutely nothing wrong with being a nationalist. You can be patriotic, love the nation you live in and want it to prosper without causing harm to others.

Hitler took nationalism to a whole different level. As Owens explained, Hitler's goal was world domination, or globalism, whichever term you prefer. He wasn't about making Germany strong and powerful. He was about making himself the most powerful man in the world. He was about taking over the world and killing those who stood in his way. That is completely different than patriotic Americans saying, "We want to put America first. We want our interests to come before the rest of the world's problems."

Of course, Democrats love to try and trash Owens for standing up for the idea of nationalism because somehow if you love America and you want her to succeed then you're a white nationalist who hates everyone else. The Left paints those of us who take pride in America as old, white men who are crazy. But in every other nation being a nationalist is seen as a good thing.

When Owens responded to Lieu's statement, she trashed him and called him out for his attempt to sling her through the mud. And somehow Chairman Jerry Nadler (D-NY) thought she was calling Lieu "stupid," even though that was not what she said.

"I think it's pretty apparent that Mr. Lieu believes that black people are stupid and will not pursue the full clip in its entirety. He purposely presented an extracted clip–" Owens began to explain before Nadler interrupted her.

"The witness will suspend for a moment. It is not proper to refer disparagingly to a member of the committee. The witness will not do that again," Nadler said, smacking his gavel. "Witness may continue."

"Sure, even though I was called despicable," Owens said.

"Witness may not refer to the member of a committee as stupid," Nadler refuted. "I didn't refer to him as stupid. That's not what I said. That's not what I said at all. You didn't listen to what I said."

Nadler shrugged.

"May I continue?" Owens asked.

"Please," Nadler replied.

"As I said, he [Lieu] is assuming black people will not go pursue the full two hour clip. And he purposefully extracted– he cut off and you didn't hear the question that was asked of me," Owens explained. "He's trying to present it as if I was launching a defense of Hitler and Germany, when in fact, the question that was asked of me was pertaining to whether or not I believed HItler– whether or not I believed in nationalism and that nationalism was bad."

"And when I responded to was that I do not believe that we should be characterizing Hitler as a nationalist. He was a homicidal, psychopathic maniac that killed his own people. A nationalist would not kill their own people," Owens explained. "That was exactly what I was referring to in the clip and he purposefully wanted to give you a cut up similar to what they do to Donald Trump to create a different narrative. That was unbelievably dishonest and he did not allow me to respond to it, which is worrisome and to tell you a lot about where people are today in terms of drumming up narratives."

"By the way, I would also like to add that I work for Prager University, that is run by an Orthodox Jew and not a single Democrat showed up to the embassy opening in Jerusalem," Owens said. "I sat on a plane for 18 hours to make sure that I was there. I'm deeply offended by the insinuation of revealing that clip without the question that was asked of me."

Based on the look on Lieu's face, he knew he messed with the wrong woman. He was speechless. And he should be. His attempt at cutting and splicing what she said is disgusting and exactly the issue Americans have with the liberal mainstream media outlets. It looks like they're learning from their party leaders in Congress.

Bravo, Lieu. You just got your butt handed to you.

Candace Owens: "I think it's pretty apparent that Mr. Lieu believes that black people are stupid and will not pursue the full clip…That was unbelievably dishonest…I'm deeply offended by the insinuation of revealing that clip without the question that was asked of me."— CSPAN (@cspan) April 9, 2019
Very impressive testimony

She blew it when she claimed in her opening statement to be nonpartisan and immediately went into the conservative misinformation of the “Democrat KKK” and the “Democrat Jim Crow Laws”
She couldn’t even differentiate between the “Democrat” Party and “Democratic” Party

Political hack


One;y a political hack could see that and see the hacks in Nadler and Lieu and that ugly woman who was agreeing with the smear tactic.

#Blexit has you all trembling and arguing for open borders.

She is far from a hack. As you shall learn in coming months , once you digest Trump's 100% vindication from Mueller.
Prager University

Blatant RW propaganda
Very impressive testimony

She blew it when she claimed in her opening statement to be nonpartisan and immediately went into the conservative misinformation of the “Democrat KKK” and the “Democrat Jim Crow Laws”
She couldn’t even differentiate between the “Democrat” Party and “Democratic” Party

Political hack
NO one knows who will win the next election. we wont know if there is a democrat that presents a winning platform, or if Trump will. PS never heard of Owens, she has a right to her views like I to mine. if she supports Hitler's views that's a non starter for me.
Apparently there isn't an honest person among the dems and liberals, because she clearly showed no support for HITLER.

The proposition is/was inherently STUPID.

Of course she did not show any support for HITLER.

Not by any stretch of the imaginiation.

These people are competing in a sad contest of dishonesty vs. stupidity.
Very impressive testimony

She blew it when she claimed in her opening statement to be nonpartisan and immediately went into the conservative misinformation of the “Democrat KKK” and the “Democrat Jim Crow Laws”
She couldn’t even differentiate between the “Democrat” Party and “Democratic” Party

Political hack


One;y a political hack could see that and see the hacks in Nadler and Lieu and that ugly woman who was agreeing with the smear tactic.

#Blexit has you all trembling and arguing for open borders.

She is far from a hack. As you shall learn in coming months , once you digest Trump's 100% vindication from Mueller.
Prager University

Blatant RW propaganda

Blatant conservatism. You wanna refer to it as “propganda”? That just shows your ignornance and bias.

Which i shall prove.

“Propaganda” both denotes and connotes an intent to mislead.

As in prevarcate.

Show me ONE example of Dennis Prager engaging in such.


Take your time.
Turning Point USA is a part of the alt-right.
What makes you say that?

Why should I be afraid of the "alt-right"? Who the fuck are they?

What I can say is that video clip in the OP and the bullshit pulled by the Dem in playing that clip makes me far more concerned about those liars than some abstract, alleged right wing movement that is clearly undefined but makes a decent boogyman.


Again if I may answer

It's a mental condition... it's called TDS Trump Derangement makes them go mad....

very sad to behold.

"Whom The Gods Would Destroy, They First Make Mad."
The arrogance of the democrats has no bounds. First they try to lie about her and pretend She is a nazi. Then they lie about what she said in an attempt to shut her up. Then when the lie is exposed he shrugs and pretends that it’s no big deal

No one lied about her. She was exposed for what she is. Even though she is black, she clearly believes in white supremacy. Other than that, her testimony was garbage. Oh they are picking on me for this. They are picking on me for that. Typical Republican. In a hearing about white nationalists who have killed people, this is what the GOP has to offer.

Man getting deep now aren’t we? Typical Democrat, if blacks follow there are okay, however if they develop any of their own ideas then the racist Democrats cry out.

She is no different than white alt-right members. The only reason she was there was because she was black.

Well it takes a black person to say the things she did. A white saying the same things would have your leaders shouting racism.

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Oh, they have a name for her...…."House niggar" and "Uncle Tom".

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