Candace Owen's completely DESTROYS the Democrat party at today's hearing.

Thank you.

That means you will be completely surprised when Trump loses.

I predicted Trump would not make it past February of 2016 and I fully expect him to lose in 2020. The first lesson is don’t ask a question in which you don’t know the answer.

No self respecting white male will vote for the democrat party as long as they continue to run on their hate whitey platform.

We have all those whites who voted for Democrats in 2018.

Yeah, guys like this:

View attachment 255046

And this:


And this:

This is sad
Candace Owens tells Congress something blatantly false, inverting a well-documented historical fact.
Prominent figures celebrate it. Thousands, maybe millions cheer. Some are grifting, but some really believe.
Sad for America. Sad for truth.
I don't know how to fix it
What the FUCK is this idiot trying to say?

This is sad
What is sad?

Candace Owens tells Congress something blatantly false,
Which was WHAT?

inverting a well-documented historical fact.
WHAT historical fact???

Prominent figures celebrate it.
Like who?

Thousands, maybe millions cheer.
Cheer WHAT?

Some are grifting, but some really believe.
Believe WHAT?

Sad for America. Sad for truth.
What is sad for America/truth?

I don't know how to fix it
Fix WHAT? Who made you the fixer, dumbfuck.

You see why that tweet is practically WORTHLESS???

Dude could have been talking about the color of her shirt, for all we know.


The REALITY of President Donald Trump and Black Americans what the filthy Propaganda MSM human slugs REFUSE to show OR report:

Again racist like you are a dime a dozen, all you have is your unfounded, ignorant opinion.

Racist like yourself are exposed daily on message boards such as this, express your hate and racism and we will call you out.

They all support Republicans. You are3 the ones who are a dime a dozen. I will be the one calling out racist trash like you.

Try making a coherent statement, racist scum.

You are the one who is incoherent racist scumbag.

STFU you filthy racist AND filthy Communist.

Make me RACIST AND COMMIE baby. You are the garbage.,

I'm not the garbage darling, how can I be when I have a collection of approx 860 pairs of shoes most Manolo Blahnik and about 400 Salvatore Ferragamo :smoke:
Why is it that only a black woman gets to speak for any conservatives?

Why can’t white nationalists speak for themselves?

Because they are democrats
Democrats hate white people. The political debate in America and Europe today is about white people and those who wish to destroy them. It has very little to do with the size of government anymore.

But regardless, this hearing is about white nationalism, so having a black woman be the only voice that differs in any way to the prosecution is ridiculous.

The real reason why they let Candace speak is because they aren’t afraid of her at all. They are afraid of white nationalism convincing Republicans and Democrats to join them.

Black people aren’t oppressed. They have more rights than you could ever dream of. The ONLY racism allowed to be mainstream or allowed to be enacted policy wise is anti-white racism.

The Cuckservatives are on The Anti-White Agenda with their Leftist friends, look how hysterical the Cuckservatives got when that Steve King factually stated that White's built and have SUSTAINED Western Civilisation for CENTURIES. Look in America how the Cuckservatives FANATICALLY support DACA and an Amnesty for Illegal Immigrants and Sanctuary Cities.
That is why I treat these people the way I do.

They are dead weight at best.
Do they really?

Because they are acting like they want to completely destroy white male voters.



Suburban white males went to Democrats in 2018. Democrats hit a new high in 2018, getting 47% of the vote in 2018. They can see your stupidity in play.
Proving once and for all that education and income have absolutely nothing to do with intelligence.
The arrogance of the democrats has no bounds. First they try to lie about her and pretend She is a nazi. Then they lie about what she said in an attempt to shut her up. Then when the lie is exposed he shrugs and pretends that it’s no big deal

No one lied about her. She was exposed for what she is. Even though she is black, she clearly believes in white supremacy. Other than that, her testimony was garbage. Oh they are picking on me for this. They are picking on me for that. Typical Republican. In a hearing about white nationalists who have killed people, this is what the GOP has to offer.
I see you never studied logic. It's not too late y'know.

You wouldn't know logic if it hit you. She is a part of the alt-right.

You realize the alternative to right is left, right?

There also is a middle.

Alfred Schnabel is one of them. The 42-year-old business analyst has kept his GOP registration but feels unwanted in either party. He is turned off by Trump and wary of Democratic presidential hopefuls such as Sanders.

"There seems to be a push to go super-progressive," he said of Democrats.

Still, Schnabel volunteered for a local Democratic legislative candidate last year because he was infuriated at his state representative's criticism of gay people, and his frustration at the GOP outweighs his concerns about Democrats. He chalks up his ability to evolve politically to his education.

"Going to college, I met people who were gay, people from other cultures," Schnabel said. "That stayed with me."

Mike Wessell is still a registered Republican but he was comfortable at the victory party last Tuesday night for the Democrat, Pam Iovino, who won the state Senate race comfortably.

"I'm not happy with the way President Trump has been running the country, or his ideology," said Wessell, a corporate lawyer. He cited Trump's immigration stance and denial of climate science.

Wessell worked on the campaign of Conor Lamb, the Democrat whose special election victory last year in a congressional district that overlaps with the 37th presaged Democrats' new strength in the state. He even appeared in an ad for Democratic Sen. Bob Casey's re-election campaign later that year with his wife, who is an active Democrat.

After 2016 loss, Democrats know they need white male voters
Another dumbass clamoring to pay reparations.

Good riddance.

His kids will be with me because they don’t have the choice.
Candace is trying to make a living by turning her fast and loose mouth and her good looks into becoming a social media celebrity. For a while, she was playing to liberal / progressive circles, but that didn't quite work out as she couldn't create a big enough herd of rubes / followers.

Ever since, she's set her sights on the Deplorable camp, peddling Coulter / Breitbart blab. Turns out, there's so much money to be made off that group of marks, even she could find a profitable niche, and, if I were a betting person, I'd bet on a splendid future for her.
Candace is trying to make a living by turning her fast and loose mouth and her good looks into becoming a social media celebrity. For a while, she was playing to liberal / progressive circles, but that didn't quite work out as she couldn't create a big enough herd of rubes / followers.

Ever since, she's set her sights on the Deplorable camp, peddling Coulter / Breitbart blab. Turns out, there's so much money to be made off that group of marks, even she could find a profitable niche, and, if I were a betting person, I'd bet on a splendid future for her.

Thank you for weighing in from Europe. You want to turn into a socialist utopia overrun with immigrants, that's fine. We don't care. We will see to our own nation, thankyouverymuch
Candace is trying to make a living by turning her fast and loose mouth and her good looks into becoming a social media celebrity. For a while, she was playing to liberal / progressive circles, but that didn't quite work out as she couldn't create a big enough herd of rubes / followers.

Ever since, she's set her sights on the Deplorable camp, peddling Coulter / Breitbart blab. Turns out, there's so much money to be made off that group of marks, even she could find a profitable niche, and, if I were a betting person, I'd bet on a splendid future for her.

How does one make "a living" by being a social media celebrity?

It really kills you on the left when one of your own leaves the plantation. It can't be out of learning more through life, it must be because of money or fame. But I have news for ya, and that is people are leaving the left all the time. Why do you suppose liberals at colleges (and in other places) try to stop conservative speakers? It's because conservatism is common sense, and you are afraid of losing more like her once they hear our message.

She completely and utterly wrecked their biggest election platform.

If God were real I would thank him deeply for this womans rise to prominence.

Damn, she was GREAT! I have a new favorite!

Without a doubt. This woman has a big future in front of her no matter what path she chooses

Anne Coulter can and probably has given her tips on how to milk more money out of the rightwing echo chamber. She’ll make plenty of money, no doubt about that.

You sure are a whinny little shit.

She completely and utterly wrecked their biggest election platform.

If God were real I would thank him deeply for this womans rise to prominence.

Damn, she was GREAT! I have a new favorite!

Without a doubt. This woman has a big future in front of her no matter what path she chooses

Anne Coulter can and probably has given her tips on how to milk more money out of the rightwing echo chamber. She’ll make plenty of money, no doubt about that.

You're just pissed all the youth in your party wear black masks and carry clubs instead of actually being politically proactive and genuine to their cause.

Her entire rant is based on the belief that all those Jim Crow era Democrat voters packed up their bags and became the current Democratic party in the north. Which is wrong and stupid. All those deep south racists became republicans after Lyndon Johnson signed on Civil Rights and are still down there celebrating the confederacy and preaching hate and fear of brown people. That speech could have been lifted straight out of any Ann Coulter or Pam Gellar book.

No liar, her entire rant was about the scumbag who played the recording of her only played part of it to make it look like she was protecting Hitler when she was not. I hope everyone of you scum stand trial for treason.
You keep believing that.

Thank you.

That means you will be completely surprised when Trump loses.

I predicted Trump would not make it past February of 2016 and I fully expect him to lose in 2020. The first lesson is don’t ask a question in which you don’t know the answer.

No self respecting white male will vote for the democrat party as long as they continue to run on their hate whitey platform.

We have all those whites who voted for Democrats in 2018.

You mean all those highly educated whites that support a party that’s striving to make them a minority as soon as possible?

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Suburban white males went to Democrats in 2018. Democrats hit a new high in 2018, getting 47% of the vote in 2018. They can see your stupidity in play.
Well I guess the "get whitey" message is actually getting whitey, then, eh?


Because they are not stupid as you seem to think they are. They can see through your little con job.

So Farnsworth is conning all suburban males? Man if he can do all that by himself...then who is really the stupid one? You seem to be running on a theme and getting your ass kicked.

You people are refusing to face facts. The election results in 2018 clearly shows he is one of many who helped Democrats win 3 suburban House seats and why Trump will likely lose Pennsylvania in 2020.

Quite frankly you are showing how right this tweet is.

Marybeth Glenn Retweeted
Nicholas Grossman‏ @NGrossman81 9h9 hours ago

This is sad
Candace Owens tells Congress something blatantly false, inverting a well-documented historical fact.
Prominent figures celebrate it. Thousands, maybe millions cheer. Some are grifting, but some really believe.
Sad for America. Sad for truth.
I don't know how to fix it


She completely and utterly wrecked their biggest election platform.

If God were real I would thank him deeply for this womans rise to prominence.

You posted she totally destroyed the democrats, and you posted a video. When I read your OP headline, I imagined this:

I was very disappointed.
NO one knows who will win the next election. we wont know if there is a democrat that presents a winning platform, or if Trump will. PS never heard of Owens, she has a right to her views like I to mine. if she supports Hitler's views that's a non starter for me.
She doesn't. It's a bogus spin of her words by the left because she is a threat to them.
To be fair, Klein does have Tourette's Syndrome and his hand and body movements are almost uncontrollable. He is a brilliant man but like most brilliant people, is too dumb to be a Republican. All Dems believe their own bullshit.

Being dumb is a requirement for being a Republican. Smart and highly educated people are leaving the GOP.

"Being dumb is a requirement for being a Republican. Smart and highly educated people are leaving the GOP."

Do you have a link? Oh hold on, I forgot you ARE the link, the missing one.

"According to the American National Election Survey, white men without college degrees have consistently supported the GOP over the past two decades, while those with degrees — roughly one-fifth of the 2018 electorate — have increasingly moved toward Democrats. In 1996, when President Bill Clinton overwhelmingly won re-election, he only received 36% of the votes of white male college graduates, according to ANES. Hillary Clinton lost her race in 2016 but won 43% of them."

2018 exit polls
Are you a college graduate?
Democrat 59%
Republicans 39%

Whites by education and gender
16% Women college women Democrat 59% Republican 39%
15% White college men Republican 51% Democrat 47%

2018 midterms: EXIT POLLING | CNN

And besides the deplorables, you on the left bash people without a college degree, as if they have any less aptitude for politics than those with a degree. Here's a question for ya, why do you think the Democrats are losing the blue-collar vote?

Almost two-thirds of people in the labor force do not have a college degree

They are being replaced by suburban voters both male and female. Clinton won 3 suburban GOP seats in Texas when she ran. Democrats now one 2 of the 3 and will likely pick up the third in 2020. Democrats picked up a suburban seat in SC when a Trump Republican beat Mark Sanford. They picked up 3 suburban seats in Pennsylvania. They picked up 3 suburban seats in Virginia.

Unfortunately too many uneducated people think things can go back the way they were. The fact is that retraining people for jobs that are needed is the only way that they will prosper.

You better open your eyes and ears because the Democrats are now sounding the alarm about white voters. They realize most of the smart ones understand their plot which is driving our wages down by welcoming in foreigners who will work for half the price.

For middle-class whites, things are going back to the way they were. Manufacturing jobs are coming back, pay is increasing, we are no longer plagued by government healthcare fines, payroll taxes are lower, and we have somebody in the White House trying to keep these diseased criminals from coming here and taking our jobs.

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