Candace Owens: "I love America. Thinking about running for President"

Yes, with you carrying the MIC's endless war propaganda water for them, who needs enemies?
Candace says she prefers reading Harry Potter books than listening to hip hop

perhaps she is of white origin and we don't know?
Never heard of her.
Luckiest man in the thread.

What was your opinion of her when she was a liberal?
What a silly question. I doubt anyone here knows her personally. All we have to go by are her public politial statements and actions. Obviously, people's opinion of her will change when her public political statements and actions change.

So opinions only matter if someone knows the person personally?
Never heard of her.
Luckiest man in the thread.

What was your opinion of her when she was a liberal?
What a silly question. I doubt anyone here knows her personally. All we have to go by are her public politial statements and actions. Obviously, people's opinion of her will change when her public political statements and actions change.

So opinions only matter if someone knows the person personally?

We can only judge the veracity of someone's remarks by what we know of them. If we don't know them personally, then we can only judge their remarks by the persona they express. You really don't understand that?
"be a victor, not a victim!" - Candace Owens

i like that attitude, it'll get you far

her boyfriend used the N word against, but she refused to play the victim, and they rekindled their relationship after he apologized

That really shows how much of a boot licking idiot she actually is.
What a loon.
When asked if it was problematic that white supremacist groups, such as the Ku Klux Klan, support Trump, Owens answered that "Antifa" was more prevalent than the KKK.[58] Owens has said that the media cover the KKK during Trump's presidency to hurt him.[64] In a 2019 hearing on hate crimes, Owens referred to the KKK as a "Democrat terrorist organization".[65] After the 2017 Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, Owens said that concern over rising white nationalism was "stupid".[2] She has also called it "just election rhetoric" and "based on the hierarchy of what's impacting minority Americans, if I had to make a list of 100 things, white nationalism would not make the list."[66] In 2018, Owens dismissed reports of a resurgence in hate crimes, saying "All of the violence this year primarily happened because of people on the left."[58] On Facebook, Owens wrote "I proudly self-identify as an Uncle Tom".[67]

Owens in 2019
During her April 2019 testimony before the House Judiciary Committee on the rise of hate crimes and white supremacists in the United States, Owens made the claim that the Southern strategy employed by the Republican Party to increase political support among white voters in the South by appealing to racism against African Americans was a "myth" that "never happened"
Not so much a loon. She is a money maker. She doesn't believe most of what comes out of her own mouth. She is like Alex Jones. She knows what butters her bread. She knows her greatest monetary value is to be the token black female paid to soothe white people who are tired of apologizing for their racism. She is here to cash their checks, not pass a polygraph.

Yep just call it Boot Lickin for Cash.
Well... She would be 35 when it came around to election time. Even Obama had SOME experience though.
Obama's only ability was running unopposed, by using Chicago dirty tricks to get his opponents to quit running against him. Then once he was in, he voted present and put nothing down for his achievements. Even today his records at Columbia are still sealed, and i can bet there are reasons for it...


Would that be like the man who was a draft dodger, but claims to be so patriotic. Please tell us how successful Trump would have been if he didn't grow up with a silver spoon in his mouth.
of what country?

just kidding

meet your first female president, America!

Can you image how the left is going to go bonkers trying to paint the Conservative female as they have all previous Republican Candidates? She is smart, she is woman, she is black. Camel Toe Harris would have to poison old, white, rich, stupid Joe to assume the ability to run against Candice. Since Came Toe couldnt even break 1% likability in the 2020 Dumbocrap run off, it will have to again, close the country, and force everyone to vote by mail, in 2024. I dont think the people will be fooled again....

The left is dreaming of a Candace Owens presidential run.......

It won't happen tho......she will definitely continue fleecing money from rubes like yourself up until she decides not to run...

And after gassing you morons up for all that time about running for president -- yall will bend over backwards to justify why she didn't run....
Please tell us what makes her so Intelligent?
She may be intelligent. But she doesn't know anything about anything. Her gimmick is to nurture white male grievance and to conflate talking about racism with racism. She knows nothing of policy, governance, or economics, and she has never even tried to gain any knowledge or experience in these areas.

So, she fits as a Trumpism candidate. She has literally NOTHING else going for her, politically or intellectually. Then these guys want to say she wouldn't be running on Trumpism? Pfft...they have been skimming some of Lindell's crack.
Candace: white nationalism is a hoax that doesn't hurt blacks, but Dems use it to distract folks

she also said "Democrats want blacks to fail", triggering the old liberal loon guest

I watched 11 seconds, started to laugh and turned it off.

You go vote for her. You do that.

A clean, articulate and bright young black woman. I mean, thats a storybook, man.
Please tell us what makes her so Intelligent?
She may be intelligent. But she doesn't know anything about anything. Her gimmick is to nurture white male grievance and to conflate talking about racism with racism. She knows nothing of policy, governance, or economics, and she has never even tried to gain any knowledge or experience in these areas.

So, she fits as a Trumpism candidate. She has literally NOTHING else going for her, politically or intellectually. Then these guys want to say she wouldn't be running on Trumpism? Pfft...they have been skimming some of Lindell's crack.

She has a high school diploma. She once took a job as an administrative assistant for a private equity firm in New York. She ended up as their VP of Administration.

You don't do something like that, with only a high school education, if you lack intellect...

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