Candace Owens: "I love America. Thinking about running for President"

I had the distinct pleasure of meeting and speaking with Ms. Owens while photographing CPAC last February:

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I would love to see her run for President. She's articulate, intelligent and well-spoken. She's the exact kind of candidate the democrats don't want to run against. She's a woman of color and, as the left has taught us, any criticism of someone of color is racism. So, they would be forced to not criticize her or be forced to expose themselves as the racists we know they truly are...
That's nice.
Clearly, Candace Owens stepped out of Johnson’s 200 year plan and that makes Democrats very nervous.
What was your first clue? When they all laughed at the idea that she could ever be nominated? When they all said they hope she tries so she gets embarrassed? Take your fantasies and dog whistles walking.

Dog whistles? Fantasies? I abhor Johnson’s 200 Year Plan and am pushing for a 100 percent Black Woman whose family did not own slavesto be the first elected woman President.
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Clearly, Candace Owens stepped out of Johnson’s 200 year plan and that makes Democrats very nervous.

I would love an Owens vs. Harris Presidential Race In ‘24. Regardless of the outcome, there would be the first elected Woman President. More importantly, the race and gender cards would be thrown out and we could focus on issues. Both are women, both are Black, and both are married to white guys!
So we'd have our first First (white) Gentleman. I don't really see what difference the "(white)" makes having already had our first First (black) Lady?
I don’t either.
And our allies are the ones who have it in their gas tanks for the most part. Perhaps it's time for them to bear the burden of war.
Okay, but that doesn't solve our problems or secure our economy to point at others and say, "Do better!". So, as long as our entire standard of living is based on oil, we will conti ue to make sure the taps and the trade routes are open and secure, regardless of what the Queen of England has for breakfast.

"A few pennies"... Cute. But a complete misrepresentation. One, its more than a few pennies. Shortages bring our economy to its knees. And every good you buy has the cost of oil built right into it. So, as oil increases in price, every good right down the chain not just bears the increase, but also adds a marginal increase to it to maintain profitability. Not to mention the fact that you may not be able to buy those goods at all, when they dont make it to your store's shelves in the first place. The importance of oil to our economy and standard of living cannot be overstated. And understating it for convenience in an argument doesn't lend any credibility to that argument. Really, it is energy that is important. I think we are on the same page, when it comes to replacing oil.

What you say is true. It adds costs to everything from rubber to plastics to fertilizers. Is it worth it?
  • Somehow though we send hundreds of thousands of US troops into the ME and Poland sends two companies.
  • US Veterans are watching their kids go off to patrol the same battlefields they fought on! I doubt Jean Paul Frenchman is doing the same thing with his kid.
  • I'm not sure how much we've spent but I would wager that for every dollar other NATO nations have spent, we have spent a thousand.
  • I'm a National Parks buff. Part of the NPS is the National Monuments program which includes national memorials...We're planning memorials for at least two of these campaigns since 1992...Desert Strom and Iraqi Freedom. You don't build these things for minor sacrifices. Sacrifice of blood and treasure....20 years later...what is the net result? Planning on traveling to Iraq for vacation anytime soon? How about Kuwait? Wanna see the exotic resorts in Kandahar? And, oh yeah, the price of a lot of items has gone up since 1992.
Don't get me wrong.. Going after Al Queda was a necessary thing to do. Targeting ISIS and whatever splinter group is next is necessary. Twenty year commitments are not.
Is it worth it?
Of course it is worth it. Until it isn't. The alternatives will have to be more economical. Which, eventually, they will be. That's why you aren't outside with a crew turning a crank on a generator to power the device you are using. You will choose the more economical option.
Is it worth it?
Of course it is worth it. Until it isn't. The alternatives will have to be more economical. Which, eventually, they will be. That's why you aren't outside with a crew turning a crank on a generator to power the device you are using. You will choose the more economical option.
Economical? A crew?

How about just cutting back on your energy use? Nah, let's keep bombing brown people.. A wee bit longer.. It's our oil.. All of it.. Everywhere.. Until it's not.. Fuckanay!
Is it worth it?
Of course it is worth it. Until it isn't. The alternatives will have to be more economical. Which, eventually, they will be. That's why you aren't outside with a crew turning a crank on a generator to power the device you are using. You will choose the more economical option.
Economical? A crew?

How about just cutting back on your energy use? Nah, let's keep bombing brown people.. A wee bit longer.. It's our oil.. All of it.. Everywhere.. Until it's not.. Fuckanay!

How about cutting my energy use? How? Not heat my house? Why do you assume i haven't? Will that little crank power my refrigerator and water heater?

I don't think we are all in disagreement here, but reality is what it is. Fossil fuels are the entire basis of our standard of living. Since we are kicking the actual costs of it to our grandchildren, it remains the most economical energy source for the world. It just is what it is. Take away a country's economical energy, and you will do more damage to it than any invading army ever could. So again..there are not currently many things more worth going to war for than oil.
Is it worth it?
Of course it is worth it. Until it isn't. The alternatives will have to be more economical. Which, eventually, they will be. That's why you aren't outside with a crew turning a crank on a generator to power the device you are using. You will choose the more economical option.
Economical? A crew?

How about just cutting back on your energy use? Nah, let's keep bombing brown people.. A wee bit longer.. It's our oil.. All of it.. Everywhere.. Until it's not.. Fuckanay!

How about cutting my energy use? How? Not heat my house? Why do you assume i haven't? Will that little crank power my refrigerator and water heater?

I don't think we are all in disagreement here, but reality is what it is. Fossil fuels are the entire basis of our standard of living. Since we are kicking the actual costs of it to our grandchildren, it remains the most economical energy source for the world. It just is what it is. Take away a country's economical energy, and you will do more damage to it than any invading army ever could. So again..there are not currently many things more worth going to war for than oil.

Why, are we currently experiencing a shortage somewhere?
"socialism is a lie, a parasite, a cancer. like all lies, it will eventually kill. socialism kills people in an attempt to maintain power for tyrannical leftists. only those in power get a good life under this monstrous system. " - Candace Owens
Candace is the conservative AOC. born in the same year, minority women with big followings on social media
Is it worth it?
Of course it is worth it. Until it isn't. The alternatives will have to be more economical. Which, eventually, they will be. That's why you aren't outside with a crew turning a crank on a generator to power the device you are using. You will choose the more economical option.
Economical? A crew?

How about just cutting back on your energy use? Nah, let's keep bombing brown people.. A wee bit longer.. It's our oil.. All of it.. Everywhere.. Until it's not.. Fuckanay!

How about cutting my energy use? How? Not heat my house? Why do you assume i haven't? Will that little crank power my refrigerator and water heater?

I don't think we are all in disagreement here, but reality is what it is. Fossil fuels are the entire basis of our standard of living. Since we are kicking the actual costs of it to our grandchildren, it remains the most economical energy source for the world. It just is what it is. Take away a country's economical energy, and you will do more damage to it than any invading army ever could. So again..there are not currently many things more worth going to war for than oil.

Why, are we currently experiencing a shortage somewhere?

No. In no small part thanks to our military securing both the trade routes and the supply.

There's "fossil" fuel and then there's reusable hydrocarbon fuels. The difference is no more carbon extraction and no more wars over oil. We are there now. We need wait no longer. We already being the world's biggest oil producer by far, that is.
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There's "fossil" fuel and then there's reusable hydrocarbon fuels. The difference is no more carbon extraction and no more wars over oil. We are there now. We need wait no longer. We already being the world's biggest oil producer by far, that is.
Then why aren't we? Why is there an entire, well-funded propaganda industry dedicated solely to misinforming Americans on climate change?

I feel like these questions are related, somehow. ;)
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