Candace Owens: "I love America. Thinking about running for President"

.all that is required to get the votes of republicans is that you have to hate the democrats.
You make a fair point, and the democrats always seem more than willing to blunder for them. But that is the old politics. The Trumpists, on the other hand, hate Republicans too, when the choice is Trump or Republicans. The election was 3 months ago. The next election is almost 2 years away. Yet Matt Gaetz went to Cheney's backyard to LARP his Trumpism. And we both know why.
Millions of Trump supporters previously voted for Obama.
I started supporting Trump when I watched one of the Primary debates.
The question was over the Syrian policy.
Every candidate said they would increase aid to the Syrian rebels (Islamic terrorists who were beheading Christians daily at the time)
Trump said he would stop all aid, pointing out that they were bad guys. He spoke of the waste of endless wars. How 7 trillion dollars was wasted in the Middle East, whilst America was crumbling. I never heard an American politician speak like Trump in my life. God knows when I will hear it again.

And amazingly, as of September of last year, we were sending troops to Syria dumbfuck.

So what you're really saying is that you've never heard an American politician lie to you. Put another way, you don't have a fucking clue of what you're talking about.
Trump stopped all aid to the FSA, a sectarian death squad that old Joe funded.
They fought side by side with ISIS until they fell out over looted booty.
Where is the FSA now? Nowhere to be seen.
Bend your knees when you're moving the goalposts there sport.

As recently as September of last year, we were sending troops to Syria dumbfuck.

So what you're really saying is that you've never heard an American politician lie to you. Put another way, you don't have a fucking clue of what you're talking about.

Trump ended no wars.
Trump blew the whistle, took away the ball and saved literally millions of lives in the quagmire in the Syrian civil war.

There is nothing in the middle east worth a drop of American blood.

As I said in 2015:
Nothing in the ME is worth a drop of American blood.
So why do you support Biden?
I voted for him because he wasn't your blob. As I've said a dozen times or so here...if the nominee of the spotted owl party was the only other candidate with a legitimate shot to beat the blob...I would have voted for her or him...and so would have the other 81M who voted for Biden.

So far he's been "meh" for me. But its refreshing to not have to worry about how the President was going to embarrass/endanger us next.
Voting for Biden because he wasn't Trump is probably the lowest I.Q thing you've written here.

Maybe stick to posting smilies.
Voting for the man who lied to your face and then pretending he didn't is probably the lowest IQ thing anyone has ever done. Perhaps stick to fawning over how the blob made you feel like more than you are.
.all that is required to get the votes of republicans is that you have to hate the democrats.
You make a fair point, and the democrats always seem more than willing to blunder for them. But that is the old politics. The Trumpists, on the other hand, hate Republicans too, when the choice is Trump or Republicans. The election was 3 months ago. The next election is almost 2 years away. Yet Matt Gaetz went to Cheney's backyard to LARP his Trumpism. And we both know why.
Millions of Trump supporters previously voted for Obama.
I started supporting Trump when I watched one of the Primary debates.
The question was over the Syrian policy.
Every candidate said they would increase aid to the Syrian rebels (Islamic terrorists who were beheading Christians daily at the time)
Trump said he would stop all aid, pointing out that they were bad guys. He spoke of the waste of endless wars. How 7 trillion dollars was wasted in the Middle East, whilst America was crumbling. I never heard an American politician speak like Trump in my life. God knows when I will hear it again.

And amazingly, as of September of last year, we were sending troops to Syria dumbfuck.

So what you're really saying is that you've never heard an American politician lie to you. Put another way, you don't have a fucking clue of what you're talking about.
Trump stopped all aid to the FSA, a sectarian death squad that old Joe funded.
They fought side by side with ISIS until they fell out over looted booty.
Where is the FSA now? Nowhere to be seen.
Bend your knees when you're moving the goalposts there sport.

As recently as September of last year, we were sending troops to Syria dumbfuck.

So what you're really saying is that you've never heard an American politician lie to you. Put another way, you don't have a fucking clue of what you're talking about.

Trump ended no wars.
Trump blew the whistle, took away the ball and saved literally millions of lives in the quagmire in the Syrian civil war.

There is nothing in the middle east worth a drop of American blood.

As I said in 2015:
Nothing in the ME is worth a drop of American blood.
Well, sad to say, that's not entirely true, in practice. There is oil. It's, like, the entire basis of our way of life. There arent many things -- and humanistic arguments can be made for this -- worth fighting for more than oil. Which is a great reason to look to alt energy, without even cracking a climate science book.
Trump made America oil independent, meaning there was no need to invade other countries.
Now Biden want to reduce U.S oil production so they will be reliant on other countries again.
Like the Bush years.
Pipelines in Ukraine but not in the U.S

I couldn't be bothered arguing so I'll just Google Factcheck which is run by Big Tech.
Fox News

By March of 2018, Owens was slithering onto TV stations and finally made it to Fox News. She spit out a line that went viral and made her a darling of pseudo-conservatives. Owens said the National Rifle Association was founded as a civil rights organization that protected Black people from the KKK. Even the Fox News host said, “I’ve never heard that before! That’s so interesting!” She never heard it before, either, because it was a lie.

Watch the insanity below:

PolitiFact confirmed she lied or is just willfully ignorant. According to the NRA’s own web site, “Dismayed by the lack of marksmanship shown by their troops, Union veterans Col. William C. Church and Gen. George Wingate formed the National Rifle Association in 1871. The primary goal of the association would be to ‘promote and encourage rifle shooting on a scientific basis,’ according to a magazine editorial written by Church.”

However, her fraudulent comment made her a media darling.
She's also a thief.

Another Lawsuit

Back in January of this year, Owens attacked New York Rep. Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez for being “fiscally irresponsible” because the newly elected congresswoman couldn’t afford an apartment in Washington, D.C. However, reporter Nathan Bernard exposed Owens by posting a lawsuit that showed “she rented a $3,500 apartment, lived there for six months rent-free, then claimed she had gotten ‘toxic mold sickness’ and threatened to sue her landlord to avoid paying rent.”

She allegedly stopped paying rent in September of 2016 and was evicted in January of 2017, which coincides with her “coming out” as a conservative only months later.

As for the mold claims, a legal analyst told Bernard Media, “The obvious question is if the place was so unlivable why stay there 6 months, even rent free? Why not get out of there especially if you can afford an apartment for $3,500? It’s not difficult to identify a toxic mold infestation either. If you started to exhibit symptoms that seemed related to the infestation, why not notify a doctor immediately? Also, why sue a year later after moving out? There are a lot of questions that arise on first glance at this case. She’s going to have a huge burden of proof at trial.”
They won't be running against Trump in 2024
But they likely will be running against Trumpism, to one degree or another. The Trump cult is alive and well. They don't have to vaporize their opponents. They only have to get more votes. And when half the base of the GOP is still the Trump cult, the nominee will likely be the person who wins their votes in the primaries. And they wont be able to "unring" that bell in the general campaign.
:cuckoo: :auiqs.jpg::laughing0301::auiqs.jpg::laughing0301::auiqs.jpg:
The die-hard racists in your Party will never vote for Owens, no matter how much she dick-sucks Trump. She's way too dark-skinned for rednecks in Alabama.
Start a thread.
Add a poll.
You are clueless. The leader of Stop the Steal is a Black muslim Arab who lives in Alabama.
What's his name?
Ali Alexander
Here he is.

You didn't know??
Social Autopsy

In the spring of 2016, Owens launched an anti-cyberbullying website called Social Autopsy. She reportedly started a Kickstarter campaign to raise $75,000 (she sure likes money she doesn’t have to work for). described the site as a “searchable database of offensive speech found on social media.” Owens wanted to expose people who anonymously harassed others online, which is known as doxing and is a huge no-no among conservatives. She claimed she got pushback from the left, which was allegedly one of the sparks that lit her conservative fire.

However, reported, it was the right who attacked her.

“While Owens portrays herself as a victim of leftist persecution, the fact is that the initial backlash against Social Autopsy came mostly from the ‘cultural libertarian’ opposition to the authoritarian left. YouTube video bloggers Matt Jarbo (“Mundane Matt”) and Chris Maldonado (“Chris Ray Gun”), both strong critics of ‘social justice warriors,’ were among the first to blast the project as a terrible idea. Another early negative report came from none other than Breitbart; it was written by Allum Bokhari, a frequent co-author of the not-yet-disgraced Milo Yiannopoulos and a leading foe of the ‘SJW’ left in digital and tech culture,” the site wrote.

This would make sense because it is clearly people on the right or MAGA crazies who don’t want to be exposed for their hatred. You can hear Owens doing the voiceover for the Social Autopsy video below:

Fox News

By March of 2018, Owens was slithering onto TV stations and finally made it to Fox News. She spit out a line that went viral and made her a darling of pseudo-conservatives. Owens said the National Rifle Association was founded as a civil rights organization that protected Black people from the KKK. Even the Fox News host said, “I’ve never heard that before! That’s so interesting!” She never heard it before, either, because it was a lie.

Watch the insanity below:

PolitiFact confirmed she lied or is just willfully ignorant. According to the NRA’s own web site, “Dismayed by the lack of marksmanship shown by their troops, Union veterans Col. William C. Church and Gen. George Wingate formed the National Rifle Association in 1871. The primary goal of the association would be to ‘promote and encourage rifle shooting on a scientific basis,’ according to a magazine editorial written by Church.”

However, her fraudulent comment made her a media darling.

Wow. Twitter and Politicofact..

Her term Blexit, which got her embarrassed by Kanye West who implied she “used” him, is a slogan that was stolen from the Bank Black movement. Listen to the actual founder of Blexit, Me’la Connelly, explaining how Owens stole her slogan:

In addition, Owens’ Blexit site is packed with historical inaccuracies. Historian Kevin Kruse broke this down for her on Twitter and he was blocked. The thread is an excellent read packed with facts.

Within only a few years, Owens had two failed internet projects, didn’t pay rent and then somehow became a conservative, landing a job at Turning Point USA. She is now known for outlandish language. She said Hitler only wanted to make Germany “great again.”

After the horrific mail bombs sent to Democrats back in October, she tweeted then deleted, “I’m going to go ahead and state that there is a 0% chance that these ‘suspicious packages’ were sent out by conservatives. The only thing ‘suspicious’ about these packages is their timing. Caravans, fake bomb threats—these leftists are going ALL OUT for midterms.”

There are true conservatives out there who have been involved in politics for years, but Owens does not appear to be one of them. She is clearly in this for fame, attention and is following the money.
They won't be running against Trump in 2024
But they likely will be running against Trumpism, to one degree or another. The Trump cult is alive and well. They don't have to vaporize their opponents. They only have to get more votes. And when half the base of the GOP is still the Trump cult, the nominee will likely be the person who wins their votes in the primaries. And they wont be able to "unring" that bell in the general campaign.
:cuckoo: :auiqs.jpg::laughing0301::auiqs.jpg::laughing0301::auiqs.jpg:
The die-hard racists in your Party will never vote for Owens, no matter how much she dick-sucks Trump. She's way too dark-skinned for rednecks in Alabama.
Start a thread.
Add a poll.
You are clueless. The leader of Stop the Steal is a Black muslim Arab who lives in Alabama.
What's his name?
Ali Alexander
Here he is.

You didn't know??

I'm not invested in wingnut conspiracy theories and those who tell them.

Her term Blexit, which got her embarrassed by Kanye West who implied she “used” him, is a slogan that was stolen from the Bank Black movement. Listen to the actual founder of Blexit, Me’la Connelly, explaining how Owens stole her slogan:

In addition, Owens’ Blexit site is packed with historical inaccuracies. Historian Kevin Kruse broke this down for her on Twitter and he was blocked. The thread is an excellent read packed with facts.

Within only a few years, Owens had two failed internet projects, didn’t pay rent and then somehow became a conservative, landing a job at Turning Point USA. She is now known for outlandish language. She said Hitler only wanted to make Germany “great again.”

After the horrific mail bombs sent to Democrats back in October, she tweeted then deleted, “I’m going to go ahead and state that there is a 0% chance that these ‘suspicious packages’ were sent out by conservatives. The only thing ‘suspicious’ about these packages is their timing. Caravans, fake bomb threats—these leftists are going ALL OUT for midterms.”

There are true conservatives out there who have been involved in politics for years, but Owens does not appear to be one of them. She is clearly in this for fame, attention and is following the money.

You sound spooked.
.all that is required to get the votes of republicans is that you have to hate the democrats.
You make a fair point, and the democrats always seem more than willing to blunder for them. But that is the old politics. The Trumpists, on the other hand, hate Republicans too, when the choice is Trump or Republicans. The election was 3 months ago. The next election is almost 2 years away. Yet Matt Gaetz went to Cheney's backyard to LARP his Trumpism. And we both know why.
Millions of Trump supporters previously voted for Obama.
I started supporting Trump when I watched one of the Primary debates.
The question was over the Syrian policy.
Every candidate said they would increase aid to the Syrian rebels (Islamic terrorists who were beheading Christians daily at the time)
Trump said he would stop all aid, pointing out that they were bad guys. He spoke of the waste of endless wars. How 7 trillion dollars was wasted in the Middle East, whilst America was crumbling. I never heard an American politician speak like Trump in my life. God knows when I will hear it again.

And amazingly, as of September of last year, we were sending troops to Syria dumbfuck.

So what you're really saying is that you've never heard an American politician lie to you. Put another way, you don't have a fucking clue of what you're talking about.
Trump stopped all aid to the FSA, a sectarian death squad that old Joe funded.
They fought side by side with ISIS until they fell out over looted booty.
Where is the FSA now? Nowhere to be seen.
Bend your knees when you're moving the goalposts there sport.

As recently as September of last year, we were sending troops to Syria dumbfuck.

So what you're really saying is that you've never heard an American politician lie to you. Put another way, you don't have a fucking clue of what you're talking about.

Trump ended no wars.
Trump blew the whistle, took away the ball and saved literally millions of lives in the quagmire in the Syrian civil war.

There is nothing in the middle east worth a drop of American blood.

As I said in 2015:
Nothing in the ME is worth a drop of American blood.
Well, sad to say, that's not entirely true, in practice. There is oil. It's, like, the entire basis of our way of life. There arent many things -- and humanistic arguments can be made for this -- worth fighting for more than oil. Which is a great reason to look to alt energy, without even cracking a climate science book.
Trump made America oil independent, meaning there was no need to invade other countries.
Now Biden want to reduce U.S oil production so they will be reliant on other countries again.
Like the Bush years.
Pipelines in Ukraine but not in the U.S

I couldn't be bothered arguing so I'll just Google Factcheck which is run by Big Tech.

Slapping you down is no bother. Its fun.
.all that is required to get the votes of republicans is that you have to hate the democrats.
You make a fair point, and the democrats always seem more than willing to blunder for them. But that is the old politics. The Trumpists, on the other hand, hate Republicans too, when the choice is Trump or Republicans. The election was 3 months ago. The next election is almost 2 years away. Yet Matt Gaetz went to Cheney's backyard to LARP his Trumpism. And we both know why.
Millions of Trump supporters previously voted for Obama.
I started supporting Trump when I watched one of the Primary debates.
The question was over the Syrian policy.
Every candidate said they would increase aid to the Syrian rebels (Islamic terrorists who were beheading Christians daily at the time)
Trump said he would stop all aid, pointing out that they were bad guys. He spoke of the waste of endless wars. How 7 trillion dollars was wasted in the Middle East, whilst America was crumbling. I never heard an American politician speak like Trump in my life. God knows when I will hear it again.

And amazingly, as of September of last year, we were sending troops to Syria dumbfuck.

So what you're really saying is that you've never heard an American politician lie to you. Put another way, you don't have a fucking clue of what you're talking about.
Trump stopped all aid to the FSA, a sectarian death squad that old Joe funded.
They fought side by side with ISIS until they fell out over looted booty.
Where is the FSA now? Nowhere to be seen.
Bend your knees when you're moving the goalposts there sport.

As recently as September of last year, we were sending troops to Syria dumbfuck.

So what you're really saying is that you've never heard an American politician lie to you. Put another way, you don't have a fucking clue of what you're talking about.

Trump ended no wars.
Trump blew the whistle, took away the ball and saved literally millions of lives in the quagmire in the Syrian civil war.

There is nothing in the middle east worth a drop of American blood.

As I said in 2015:
Nothing in the ME is worth a drop of American blood.
Well, sad to say, that's not entirely true, in practice. There is oil. It's, like, the entire basis of our way of life. There arent many things -- and humanistic arguments can be made for this -- worth fighting for more than oil. Which is a great reason to look to alt energy, without even cracking a climate science book.
Trump made America oil independent, meaning there was no need to invade other countries.
Now Biden want to reduce U.S oil production so they will be reliant on other countries again.
Like the Bush years.
Pipelines in Ukraine but not in the U.S

I couldn't be bothered arguing so I'll just Google Factcheck which is run by Big Tech.

Slapping you down is no bother. Its fun.
All I'm seeing from you is laughing emojis.
A time thief.
You're not challenging me whatsoever.
They won't be running against Trump in 2024
But they likely will be running against Trumpism, to one degree or another. The Trump cult is alive and well. They don't have to vaporize their opponents. They only have to get more votes. And when half the base of the GOP is still the Trump cult, the nominee will likely be the person who wins their votes in the primaries. And they wont be able to "unring" that bell in the general campaign.
:cuckoo: :auiqs.jpg::laughing0301::auiqs.jpg::laughing0301::auiqs.jpg:
The die-hard racists in your Party will never vote for Owens, no matter how much she dick-sucks Trump. She's way too dark-skinned for rednecks in Alabama.
Start a thread.
Add a poll.
You are clueless. The leader of Stop the Steal is a Black muslim Arab who lives in Alabama.
What's his name?
Ali Alexander
Here he is.

You didn't know??

I'm not invested in wingnut conspiracy theories and those who tell them.

You never heard of him 5 minutes ago , and dashed to Wikipedia to see what you should say.
you are so transparent and predictable.
.all that is required to get the votes of republicans is that you have to hate the democrats.
You make a fair point, and the democrats always seem more than willing to blunder for them. But that is the old politics. The Trumpists, on the other hand, hate Republicans too, when the choice is Trump or Republicans. The election was 3 months ago. The next election is almost 2 years away. Yet Matt Gaetz went to Cheney's backyard to LARP his Trumpism. And we both know why.
Millions of Trump supporters previously voted for Obama.
I started supporting Trump when I watched one of the Primary debates.
The question was over the Syrian policy.
Every candidate said they would increase aid to the Syrian rebels (Islamic terrorists who were beheading Christians daily at the time)
Trump said he would stop all aid, pointing out that they were bad guys. He spoke of the waste of endless wars. How 7 trillion dollars was wasted in the Middle East, whilst America was crumbling. I never heard an American politician speak like Trump in my life. God knows when I will hear it again.

And amazingly, as of September of last year, we were sending troops to Syria dumbfuck.

So what you're really saying is that you've never heard an American politician lie to you. Put another way, you don't have a fucking clue of what you're talking about.
Trump stopped all aid to the FSA, a sectarian death squad that old Joe funded.
They fought side by side with ISIS until they fell out over looted booty.
Where is the FSA now? Nowhere to be seen.
Bend your knees when you're moving the goalposts there sport.

As recently as September of last year, we were sending troops to Syria dumbfuck.

So what you're really saying is that you've never heard an American politician lie to you. Put another way, you don't have a fucking clue of what you're talking about.

Trump ended no wars.
Trump blew the whistle, took away the ball and saved literally millions of lives in the quagmire in the Syrian civil war.

There is nothing in the middle east worth a drop of American blood.

As I said in 2015:
Nothing in the ME is worth a drop of American blood.
Well, sad to say, that's not entirely true, in practice. There is oil. It's, like, the entire basis of our way of life. There arent many things -- and humanistic arguments can be made for this -- worth fighting for more than oil. Which is a great reason to look to alt energy, without even cracking a climate science book.
Trump made America oil independent, meaning there was no need to invade other countries.
Now Biden want to reduce U.S oil production so they will be reliant on other countries again.
Like the Bush years.
Pipelines in Ukraine but not in the U.S

I couldn't be bothered arguing so I'll just Google Factcheck which is run by Big Tech.

Slapping you down is no bother. Its fun.
All I'm seeing from you is laughing emojis.
A time thief.
You're not challenging me whatsoever.


I pointed out how your blob lied to you and you applauded his ramp up in Syria while opposing Obama's ramp up in Syria. In short, I made you look like a fool. But in all do quite a good job on that by yourself.

Keep up the good work.
.all that is required to get the votes of republicans is that you have to hate the democrats.
You make a fair point, and the democrats always seem more than willing to blunder for them. But that is the old politics. The Trumpists, on the other hand, hate Republicans too, when the choice is Trump or Republicans. The election was 3 months ago. The next election is almost 2 years away. Yet Matt Gaetz went to Cheney's backyard to LARP his Trumpism. And we both know why.
Millions of Trump supporters previously voted for Obama.
I started supporting Trump when I watched one of the Primary debates.
The question was over the Syrian policy.
Every candidate said they would increase aid to the Syrian rebels (Islamic terrorists who were beheading Christians daily at the time)
Trump said he would stop all aid, pointing out that they were bad guys. He spoke of the waste of endless wars. How 7 trillion dollars was wasted in the Middle East, whilst America was crumbling. I never heard an American politician speak like Trump in my life. God knows when I will hear it again.

And amazingly, as of September of last year, we were sending troops to Syria dumbfuck.

So what you're really saying is that you've never heard an American politician lie to you. Put another way, you don't have a fucking clue of what you're talking about.
Trump stopped all aid to the FSA, a sectarian death squad that old Joe funded.
They fought side by side with ISIS until they fell out over looted booty.
Where is the FSA now? Nowhere to be seen.
Bend your knees when you're moving the goalposts there sport.

As recently as September of last year, we were sending troops to Syria dumbfuck.

So what you're really saying is that you've never heard an American politician lie to you. Put another way, you don't have a fucking clue of what you're talking about.

Trump ended no wars.
Trump blew the whistle, took away the ball and saved literally millions of lives in the quagmire in the Syrian civil war.

There is nothing in the middle east worth a drop of American blood.

As I said in 2015:
Nothing in the ME is worth a drop of American blood.
Well, sad to say, that's not entirely true, in practice. There is oil. It's, like, the entire basis of our way of life. There arent many things -- and humanistic arguments can be made for this -- worth fighting for more than oil. Which is a great reason to look to alt energy, without even cracking a climate science book.
Trump made America oil independent, meaning there was no need to invade other countries.
Now Biden want to reduce U.S oil production so they will be reliant on other countries again.
Like the Bush years.
Pipelines in Ukraine but not in the U.S

I couldn't be bothered arguing so I'll just Google Factcheck which is run by Big Tech.

Slapping you down is no bother. Its fun.
All I'm seeing from you is laughing emojis.
A time thief.
You're not challenging me whatsoever.


I pointed out how your blob lied to you and you applauded his ramp up in Syria while opposing Obama's ramp up in Syria. In short, I made you look like a fool. But in all do quite a good job on that by yourself.

Keep up the good work.
The 4 years under Obama in Syria led to around 600'000 deaths. Post -trump that dropped dramatically.
You are wilfully being dishonest.
Obama destroyed Syria, Libya, and Ukraine.
He even brought slavery back to Africa.
The Trump years was the most peaceful period globally since Jimmy Carter.
.all that is required to get the votes of republicans is that you have to hate the democrats.
You make a fair point, and the democrats always seem more than willing to blunder for them. But that is the old politics. The Trumpists, on the other hand, hate Republicans too, when the choice is Trump or Republicans. The election was 3 months ago. The next election is almost 2 years away. Yet Matt Gaetz went to Cheney's backyard to LARP his Trumpism. And we both know why.
Millions of Trump supporters previously voted for Obama.
I started supporting Trump when I watched one of the Primary debates.
The question was over the Syrian policy.
Every candidate said they would increase aid to the Syrian rebels (Islamic terrorists who were beheading Christians daily at the time)
Trump said he would stop all aid, pointing out that they were bad guys. He spoke of the waste of endless wars. How 7 trillion dollars was wasted in the Middle East, whilst America was crumbling. I never heard an American politician speak like Trump in my life. God knows when I will hear it again.

And amazingly, as of September of last year, we were sending troops to Syria dumbfuck.

So what you're really saying is that you've never heard an American politician lie to you. Put another way, you don't have a fucking clue of what you're talking about.
Trump stopped all aid to the FSA, a sectarian death squad that old Joe funded.
They fought side by side with ISIS until they fell out over looted booty.
Where is the FSA now? Nowhere to be seen.
Bend your knees when you're moving the goalposts there sport.

As recently as September of last year, we were sending troops to Syria dumbfuck.

So what you're really saying is that you've never heard an American politician lie to you. Put another way, you don't have a fucking clue of what you're talking about.

Trump ended no wars.
Trump blew the whistle, took away the ball and saved literally millions of lives in the quagmire in the Syrian civil war.

There is nothing in the middle east worth a drop of American blood.

As I said in 2015:
Nothing in the ME is worth a drop of American blood.
So why do you support Biden?
I voted for him because he wasn't your blob. As I've said a dozen times or so here...if the nominee of the spotted owl party was the only other candidate with a legitimate shot to beat the blob...I would have voted for her or him...and so would have the other 81M who voted for Biden.

So far he's been "meh" for me. But its refreshing to not have to worry about how the President was going to embarrass/endanger us next.
Voting for Biden because he wasn't Trump is probably the lowest I.Q thing you've written here.

Maybe stick to posting smilies.
The absolute lowest IQ thinking would be voting for trump for any reason.
.all that is required to get the votes of republicans is that you have to hate the democrats.
You make a fair point, and the democrats always seem more than willing to blunder for them. But that is the old politics. The Trumpists, on the other hand, hate Republicans too, when the choice is Trump or Republicans. The election was 3 months ago. The next election is almost 2 years away. Yet Matt Gaetz went to Cheney's backyard to LARP his Trumpism. And we both know why.
Millions of Trump supporters previously voted for Obama.
I started supporting Trump when I watched one of the Primary debates.
The question was over the Syrian policy.
Every candidate said they would increase aid to the Syrian rebels (Islamic terrorists who were beheading Christians daily at the time)
Trump said he would stop all aid, pointing out that they were bad guys. He spoke of the waste of endless wars. How 7 trillion dollars was wasted in the Middle East, whilst America was crumbling. I never heard an American politician speak like Trump in my life. God knows when I will hear it again.

And amazingly, as of September of last year, we were sending troops to Syria dumbfuck.

So what you're really saying is that you've never heard an American politician lie to you. Put another way, you don't have a fucking clue of what you're talking about.
Trump stopped all aid to the FSA, a sectarian death squad that old Joe funded.
They fought side by side with ISIS until they fell out over looted booty.
Where is the FSA now? Nowhere to be seen.
Bend your knees when you're moving the goalposts there sport.

As recently as September of last year, we were sending troops to Syria dumbfuck.

So what you're really saying is that you've never heard an American politician lie to you. Put another way, you don't have a fucking clue of what you're talking about.

Trump ended no wars.
Trump blew the whistle, took away the ball and saved literally millions of lives in the quagmire in the Syrian civil war.

There is nothing in the middle east worth a drop of American blood.

As I said in 2015:
Nothing in the ME is worth a drop of American blood.
So why do you support Biden?
I voted for him because he wasn't your blob. As I've said a dozen times or so here...if the nominee of the spotted owl party was the only other candidate with a legitimate shot to beat the blob...I would have voted for her or him...and so would have the other 81M who voted for Biden.

So far he's been "meh" for me. But its refreshing to not have to worry about how the President was going to embarrass/endanger us next.
Voting for Biden because he wasn't Trump is probably the lowest I.Q thing you've written here.

Maybe stick to posting smilies.
The absolute lowest IQ thinking would be voting for trump for any reason.
Not if you want lower taxes, secure borders, fewer foreign wars,, women sport left alone, free speech, a constitution.
Do you agree with teaching schoolkids that white kids are evil?
Do you agree that transgender men with penises should shower with young girls in publin swimming pools?

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