Candace Owens: "I love America. Thinking about running for President"

.all that is required to get the votes of republicans is that you have to hate the democrats.
You make a fair point, and the democrats always seem more than willing to blunder for them. But that is the old politics. The Trumpists, on the other hand, hate Republicans too, when the choice is Trump or Republicans. The election was 3 months ago. The next election is almost 2 years away. Yet Matt Gaetz went to Cheney's backyard to LARP his Trumpism. And we both know why.
Millions of Trump supporters previously voted for Obama.
I started supporting Trump when I watched one of the Primary debates.
The question was over the Syrian policy.
Every candidate said they would increase aid to the Syrian rebels (Islamic terrorists who were beheading Christians daily at the time)
Trump said he would stop all aid, pointing out that they were bad guys. He spoke of the waste of endless wars. How 7 trillion dollars was wasted in the Middle East, whilst America was crumbling. I never heard an American politician speak like Trump in my life. God knows when I will hear it again.

And amazingly, as of September of last year, we were sending troops to Syria dumbfuck.

So what you're really saying is that you've never heard an American politician lie to you. Put another way, you don't have a fucking clue of what you're talking about.
Trump stopped all aid to the FSA, a sectarian death squad that old Joe funded.
They fought side by side with ISIS until they fell out over looted booty.
Where is the FSA now? Nowhere to be seen.
Bend your knees when you're moving the goalposts there sport.

As recently as September of last year, we were sending troops to Syria dumbfuck.

So what you're really saying is that you've never heard an American politician lie to you. Put another way, you don't have a fucking clue of what you're talking about.

Trump ended no wars.
Trump blew the whistle, took away the ball and saved literally millions of lives in the quagmire in the Syrian civil war.

There is nothing in the middle east worth a drop of American blood.

As I said in 2015:
Nothing in the ME is worth a drop of American blood.
Well, sad to say, that's not entirely true, in practice. There is oil. It's, like, the entire basis of our way of life. There arent many things -- and humanistic arguments can be made for this -- worth fighting for more than oil. Which is a great reason to look to alt energy, without even cracking a climate science book.
Trump made America oil independent, meaning there was no need to invade other countries.
Now Biden want to reduce U.S oil production so they will be reliant on other countries again.
Like the Bush years.
Pipelines in Ukraine but not in the U.S

I couldn't be bothered arguing so I'll just Google Factcheck which is run by Big Tech.

Slapping you down is no bother. Its fun.
All I'm seeing from you is laughing emojis.
A time thief.
You're not challenging me whatsoever.


I pointed out how your blob lied to you and you applauded his ramp up in Syria while opposing Obama's ramp up in Syria. In short, I made you look like a fool. But in all do quite a good job on that by yourself.

Keep up the good work.
The 4 years under Obama in Syria led to around 600'000 deaths. Post -trump that dropped dramatically.
You are wilfully being dishonest.
Obama destroyed Syria, Libya, and Ukraine.
He even brought slavery back to Africa.
The Trump years was the most peaceful period globally since Jimmy Carter.

Amazing how whenever we talk about Trump in trhow out...lybia, ukraine, Africa, jimmy carter.
He said he was withdrawing. He lied to you. And you applaud him for it.
Those are the facts. Now, back to your spin-show.
What a loon.
When asked if it was problematic that white supremacist groups, such as the Ku Klux Klan, support Trump, Owens answered that "Antifa" was more prevalent than the KKK.[58] Owens has said that the media cover the KKK during Trump's presidency to hurt him.[64] In a 2019 hearing on hate crimes, Owens referred to the KKK as a "Democrat terrorist organization".[65] After the 2017 Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, Owens said that concern over rising white nationalism was "stupid".[2] She has also called it "just election rhetoric" and "based on the hierarchy of what's impacting minority Americans, if I had to make a list of 100 things, white nationalism would not make the list."[66] In 2018, Owens dismissed reports of a resurgence in hate crimes, saying "All of the violence this year primarily happened because of people on the left."[58] On Facebook, Owens wrote "I proudly self-identify as an Uncle Tom".[67]

Owens in 2019
During her April 2019 testimony before the House Judiciary Committee on the rise of hate crimes and white supremacists in the United States, Owens made the claim that the Southern strategy employed by the Republican Party to increase political support among white voters in the South by appealing to racism against African Americans was a "myth" that "never happened"
It is a myth, lefty.
4 out of 5 Reichwing Brownshirts agree: deny all facts outright, Zieg Heil!
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She's a woman of color and, as the left has taught us, any criticism of someone of color is racism.
Where do you come up with this nonsense?


I remember being called a racist when I voted for McCain and not Obama.

The fact that I agreed with his policies had no bearing on the matter, at least in the minds of idiot negroes.

I didn't vote for Obama, so I was racist...
5 out of 9 of Candance's uncles went to jail. that explains part of it

she grew up reading Milton Friedman and Thomas Sowell...that explains the rest of it

she says she's a conservative, but she likes Trump, not the Republican Party...i wonder under what party she would run under!
And our allies are the ones who have it in their gas tanks for the most part. Perhaps it's time for them to bear the burden of war.
Okay, but that doesn't solve our problems or secure our economy to point at others and say, "Do better!". So, as long as our entire standard of living is based on oil, we will conti ue to make sure the taps and the trade routes are open and secure, regardless of what the Queen of England has for breakfast.

"A few pennies"... Cute. But a complete misrepresentation. One, its more than a few pennies. Shortages bring our economy to its knees. And every good you buy has the cost of oil built right into it. So, as oil increases in price, every good right down the chain not just bears the increase, but also adds a marginal increase to it to maintain profitability. Not to mention the fact that you may not be able to buy those goods at all, when they dont make it to your store's shelves in the first place. The importance of oil to our economy and standard of living cannot be overstated. And understating it for convenience in an argument doesn't lend any credibility to that argument. Really, it is energy that is important. I think we are on the same page, when it comes to replacing oil.
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Well... She would be 35 when it came around to election time. Even Obama had SOME experience though.
Obama's only ability was running unopposed, by using Chicago dirty tricks to get his opponents to quit running against him. Then once he was in, he voted present and put nothing down for his achievements. Even today his records at Columbia are still sealed, and i can bet there are reasons for it...


Everyone's records are sealed. It's called FERPA.
Well... She would be 35 when it came around to election time. Even Obama had SOME experience though.
Obama's only ability was running unopposed, by using Chicago dirty tricks to get his opponents to quit running against him. Then once he was in, he voted present and put nothing down for his achievements. Even today his records at Columbia are still sealed, and i can bet there are reasons for it...


Everyone's records are sealed. It's called FERPA.

Social media users have been sharing an image online that claims to show former President Barack Obama’s student ID card while he was at Columbia University. It includes a photograph of him with the name “Barry Soetoro” and the words ‘Foreign student’ underneath in capital letters.

Reuters Fact Check. REUTERS/Axel Schmidt
Examples can be seen here and  here .

One post reads: “Well well well.... look whats surfaced. Lets see how long it takes for it to be taken down. Until then, share the [expletive] out of it!” Lower down, it says: “Facebook is taking this photo down left and right. Make it go viral!”

A Google search shows that this false claim has been circulating for years. Snopes reported in 2012 that the ID card with the number shown in the image belonged to a student named Thomas Lugert ( here ).

The photo of the original ID appears on a blog that Lugert wrote about his experience at Columbia University ( ). The word "student" in Lugert’s ID has been altered to "foreign student" in the claim. 

ID cards like the one shown in the claim weren’t introduced by Columbia until 1996 ( here ). Obama graduated with the class of 1983 ( here ).

The photograph of Obama used in the claim is from a book about his life. It can be seen on the cover of "Barack Obama: The Story" by David Maraniss ( here ).

Soetoro was the last name of Obama’s Indonesian stepfather Lolo. It may have been used in the claim to make him sound more foreign ( here ) 

Obama served two terms as U.S. president, from 2009 to 2017. In 2011, he took the rare step of publishing his long-form birth certificate to prove that he was born in Honolulu, Hawaii and rebut conspiracy theories – backed at the time by Donald Trump, among others - that he was not born in America and therefore ineligible under the constitution to be president. ( here ). Trump abandoned the ‘birther’ claim in 2016 after promoting it for five years ( here ).
Clearly, Candace Owens stepped out of Johnson’s 200 year plan and that makes Democrats very nervous.

I would love an Owens vs. Harris Presidential Race In ‘24. Regardless of the outcome, there would be the first elected Woman President. More importantly, the race and gender cards would be thrown out and we could focus on issues. Both are women, both are Black, and both are married to white guys!
of what country?

just kidding

meet your first female president, America!

I have ten bucks to make a dollar that Candice Owens will never be president and Kamala will be our first female POTUS.
Any takers? I'll offer $100 to the charity of your choice to make $10 to the charity of mine. :)
did you know?

Obama got a bigger percentage of the White Vote than Bush did against Kerry

Trump got less white voters than Romney

that makes me wonder how many white voters would vote for Candace, my friends
Clearly, Candace Owens stepped out of Johnson’s 200 year plan and that makes Democrats very nervous.
What was your first clue? When they all laughed at the idea that she could ever be nominated? When they all said they hope she tries so she gets embarrassed? Take your fantasies and dog whistles walking.
My turn to play:

Clearly the idea of an uppity brown lady trying to be the face of the white wing has the the white wingers crapping their panties. So they have to run to a message board and virtue signal for a while and put on their self-righteous act, knowing they cannot be held to their anonymous comments, and doing so for the benefit of a weak tu quoque point later on said message board. . But when it comes time to enter the voting booth in the primaries... We know she isn't getting their votes.

This is fun!
Clearly, Candace Owens stepped out of Johnson’s 200 year plan and that makes Democrats very nervous.

I would love an Owens vs. Harris Presidential Race In ‘24. Regardless of the outcome, there would be the first elected Woman President. More importantly, the race and gender cards would be thrown out and we could focus on issues. Both are women, both are Black, and both are married to white guys!
So we'd have our first First (white) Gentleman. I don't really see what difference the "(white)" makes having already had our first First (black) Lady?
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Never heard of her.
Luckiest man in the thread.

What was your opinion of her when she was a liberal?
No one knew who she was when she was supposedly a Liberal. She couldn't have THAT! You can't get rich off of outrageous behaviour if no one knows who you are. Plus, a Black woman who's a Democrat doesn't make anyone take notice. Now, a Black women who's a Republican? In a Party of White RINOs, that's rarer than a White Rhino.

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