Candace Owens: "I love America. Thinking about running for President"

They won't be running against Trump in 2024
But they likely will be running against Trumpism, to one degree or another. The Trump cult is alive and well. They don't have to vaporize their opponents. They only have to get more votes. And when half the base of the GOP is still the Trump cult, the nominee will likely be the person who wins their votes in the primaries. And they wont be able to "unring" that bell in the general campaign.
:cuckoo: :auiqs.jpg::laughing0301::auiqs.jpg::laughing0301::auiqs.jpg:
The die-hard racists in your Party will never vote for Owens, no matter how much she dick-sucks Trump. She's way too dark-skinned for rednecks in Alabama.
Start a thread.
Add a poll.
You are clueless. The leader of Stop the Steal is a Black muslim Arab who lives in Alabama.
Prosecutor Harris would destroy her in any debate. Because she's a grifter with a history.
Ha, good point. Hyperbolic bully pulpit rants on youtube are one thing. Real-time, live debates are quite a different thing.
Harris was staring at her shoes and stuck for words when hit with real truth from Tulsi Gabbard.
Look at the state of her.

And now has more experience. And will have relatively infinitely more knowledge than Owens, unlike Gabbard. Owens shines when she can just rant. But she doesn't know much about governing, the law, or just about anything else that would be relevant. That will be exposed in the primaries. She will never get to debate Harris.

Yeah, like Biden's 50 years of experience doing nothing?
Trump had zero experience and did a bang up job.
Best Pres ever. Received more legal votes than any Pres in history.
Harris got 2% in the primaries. She's cold. Superficial. Lacks any sense of empathy or connection.
She got the gig because she has a black vagina.
Joe even admitted this when he said he wanted a black woman as his VP.
Owens is running on merit, she has zero Big Corporate donors but she has passion and fire in her belly.
America loves these kinds of battles.
David versus Goliath.

Neato. And how many was that Trump saved in Syria? Millions? Do you even know how many have been killed there, total, in 10 years? Do you always just talk right out of your ass like that? Kellyanne... Is that you? Haha, it IS you.
you see an elephant.

sane people see a mouse
In Trumpism? All the sane people think it's not a problem, eh? I guess it certainly cant be much of an asset either, since it is just a "mouse", right?

So that is what you are going with? Trumpism now has little to no influence in GOP politics?? To clarify...

You're not gong to see it in 2024 unless Trump runs.

you're barking at the moon, puppy.

138 trumpsters voted to decertify the vote even after the failed coup attempt earlier in the day, and all but 11 republicans voted to not kick that crazy Green nut bag off of committees. Trumpism is alive, and we will never have a sane effective congress as long as those idiots keep their jobs.

we will never have a sane effective congress as long as those idiots keep their jobs.

We haven't had a 'sane effective congress' for decades.

on EITHER side of the aisle.

I realize that's what Hannity and Alex Jones told you.

I realize that's what Hannity and Alex Jones told you.

You must have heard them, because I dont' listen to them.
You don't have to listen to them. Other wingnuts do, and then they form your opinions.
Prosecutor Harris would destroy her in any debate. Because she's a grifter with a history.
Ha, good point. Hyperbolic bully pulpit rants on youtube are one thing. Real-time, live debates are quite a different thing.
Harris was staring at her shoes and stuck for words when hit with real truth from Tulsi Gabbard.
Look at the state of her.

And now has more experience. And will have relatively infinitely more knowledge than Owens, unlike Gabbard. Owens shines when she can just rant. But she doesn't know much about governing, the law, or just about anything else that would be relevant. That will be exposed in the primaries. She will never get to debate Harris.

Yeah, like Biden's 50 years of experience doing nothing?
Trump had zero experience and did a bang up job.
Best Pres ever. Received more legal votes than any Pres in history.
Harris got 2% in the primaries. She's cold. Superficial. Lacks any sense of empathy or connection.
She got the gig because she has a black vagina.
Joe even admitted this when he said he wanted a black woman as his VP.
Owens is running on merit, she has zero Big Corporate donors but she has passion and fire in her belly.
America loves these kinds of battles.
David versus Goliath.

Neato. And how many was that Trump saved in Syria? Millions? Do you even know how many have been killed there, total, in 10 years? Do you always just talk right out of your ass like that? Kellyanne... Is that you? Haha, it IS you.

Before Trump was elected, ISIS was on the verge of destroying the Syrian Army.
Had they done so, they would have moved onto Damascus and Aleppo and killed all Assad voters (10 million people)
Then they would have invaded Lebanon and ethnically cleansed it of Shias and Christians.
The Mediterranean would have been flowing red with dead Christians.
Europe would have been flooded with refugees.
.all that is required to get the votes of republicans is that you have to hate the democrats.
You make a fair point, and the democrats always seem more than willing to blunder for them. But that is the old politics. The Trumpists, on the other hand, hate Republicans too, when the choice is Trump or Republicans. The election was 3 months ago. The next election is almost 2 years away. Yet Matt Gaetz went to Cheney's backyard to LARP his Trumpism. And we both know why.
Millions of Trump supporters previously voted for Obama.
I started supporting Trump when I watched one of the Primary debates.
The question was over the Syrian policy.
Every candidate said they would increase aid to the Syrian rebels (Islamic terrorists who were beheading Christians daily at the time)
Trump said he would stop all aid, pointing out that they were bad guys. He spoke of the waste of endless wars. How 7 trillion dollars was wasted in the Middle East, whilst America was crumbling. I never heard an American politician speak like Trump in my life. God knows when I will hear it again.

And amazingly, as of September of last year, we were sending troops to Syria dumbfuck.

So what you're really saying is that you've never heard an American politician lie to you. Put another way, you don't have a fucking clue of what you're talking about.
Trump stopped all aid to the FSA, a sectarian death squad that old Joe funded.
They fought side by side with ISIS until they fell out over looted booty.
Where is the FSA now? Nowhere to be seen.
Bend your knees when you're moving the goalposts there sport.

As recently as September of last year, we were sending troops to Syria dumbfuck.

So what you're really saying is that you've never heard an American politician lie to you. Put another way, you don't have a fucking clue of what you're talking about.

Trump ended no wars.
Trump blew the whistle, took away the ball and saved literally millions of lives in the quagmire in the Syrian civil war.

There is nothing in the middle east worth a drop of American blood.

As I said in 2015:
Nothing in the ME is worth a drop of American blood.
.all that is required to get the votes of republicans is that you have to hate the democrats.
You make a fair point, and the democrats always seem more than willing to blunder for them. But that is the old politics. The Trumpists, on the other hand, hate Republicans too, when the choice is Trump or Republicans. The election was 3 months ago. The next election is almost 2 years away. Yet Matt Gaetz went to Cheney's backyard to LARP his Trumpism. And we both know why.
Millions of Trump supporters previously voted for Obama.
I started supporting Trump when I watched one of the Primary debates.
The question was over the Syrian policy.
Every candidate said they would increase aid to the Syrian rebels (Islamic terrorists who were beheading Christians daily at the time)
Trump said he would stop all aid, pointing out that they were bad guys. He spoke of the waste of endless wars. How 7 trillion dollars was wasted in the Middle East, whilst America was crumbling. I never heard an American politician speak like Trump in my life. God knows when I will hear it again.

And amazingly, as of September of last year, we were sending troops to Syria dumbfuck.

So what you're really saying is that you've never heard an American politician lie to you. Put another way, you don't have a fucking clue of what you're talking about.
Trump stopped all aid to the FSA, a sectarian death squad that old Joe funded.
They fought side by side with ISIS until they fell out over looted booty.
Where is the FSA now? Nowhere to be seen.
Bend your knees when you're moving the goalposts there sport.

As recently as September of last year, we were sending troops to Syria dumbfuck.

So what you're really saying is that you've never heard an American politician lie to you. Put another way, you don't have a fucking clue of what you're talking about.

Trump ended no wars.
Trump blew the whistle, took away the ball and saved literally millions of lives in the quagmire in the Syrian civil war.

There is nothing in the middle east worth a drop of American blood.

As I said in 2015:
Nothing in the ME is worth a drop of American blood.
Well, sad to say, that's not entirely true, in practice. There is oil. It's, like, the entire basis of our way of life. There arent many things -- and humanistic arguments can be made for this -- worth fighting for more than oil. Which is a great reason to look to alt energy, without even cracking a climate science book.
.all that is required to get the votes of republicans is that you have to hate the democrats.
You make a fair point, and the democrats always seem more than willing to blunder for them. But that is the old politics. The Trumpists, on the other hand, hate Republicans too, when the choice is Trump or Republicans. The election was 3 months ago. The next election is almost 2 years away. Yet Matt Gaetz went to Cheney's backyard to LARP his Trumpism. And we both know why.
Millions of Trump supporters previously voted for Obama.
I started supporting Trump when I watched one of the Primary debates.
The question was over the Syrian policy.
Every candidate said they would increase aid to the Syrian rebels (Islamic terrorists who were beheading Christians daily at the time)
Trump said he would stop all aid, pointing out that they were bad guys. He spoke of the waste of endless wars. How 7 trillion dollars was wasted in the Middle East, whilst America was crumbling. I never heard an American politician speak like Trump in my life. God knows when I will hear it again.

And amazingly, as of September of last year, we were sending troops to Syria dumbfuck.

So what you're really saying is that you've never heard an American politician lie to you. Put another way, you don't have a fucking clue of what you're talking about.
Trump stopped all aid to the FSA, a sectarian death squad that old Joe funded.
They fought side by side with ISIS until they fell out over looted booty.
Where is the FSA now? Nowhere to be seen.
Bend your knees when you're moving the goalposts there sport.

As recently as September of last year, we were sending troops to Syria dumbfuck.

So what you're really saying is that you've never heard an American politician lie to you. Put another way, you don't have a fucking clue of what you're talking about.

Trump ended no wars.
Trump blew the whistle, took away the ball and saved literally millions of lives in the quagmire in the Syrian civil war.

There is nothing in the middle east worth a drop of American blood.

As I said in 2015:
Nothing in the ME is worth a drop of American blood.
So why do you support Biden?
.all that is required to get the votes of republicans is that you have to hate the democrats.
You make a fair point, and the democrats always seem more than willing to blunder for them. But that is the old politics. The Trumpists, on the other hand, hate Republicans too, when the choice is Trump or Republicans. The election was 3 months ago. The next election is almost 2 years away. Yet Matt Gaetz went to Cheney's backyard to LARP his Trumpism. And we both know why.
Millions of Trump supporters previously voted for Obama.
I started supporting Trump when I watched one of the Primary debates.
The question was over the Syrian policy.
Every candidate said they would increase aid to the Syrian rebels (Islamic terrorists who were beheading Christians daily at the time)
Trump said he would stop all aid, pointing out that they were bad guys. He spoke of the waste of endless wars. How 7 trillion dollars was wasted in the Middle East, whilst America was crumbling. I never heard an American politician speak like Trump in my life. God knows when I will hear it again.

And amazingly, as of September of last year, we were sending troops to Syria dumbfuck.

So what you're really saying is that you've never heard an American politician lie to you. Put another way, you don't have a fucking clue of what you're talking about.
Trump stopped all aid to the FSA, a sectarian death squad that old Joe funded.
They fought side by side with ISIS until they fell out over looted booty.
Where is the FSA now? Nowhere to be seen.
Bend your knees when you're moving the goalposts there sport.

As recently as September of last year, we were sending troops to Syria dumbfuck.

So what you're really saying is that you've never heard an American politician lie to you. Put another way, you don't have a fucking clue of what you're talking about.

Trump ended no wars.
So, hows that Syrian regime change coming on??
Not sure...I really don't care much.

I do know he was sending troops back in the Syria before he lost in a landslide election. And you're under the impression he didn't lie to your face.
You keep avoiding the points I made and just reply with smilies and irrelevant points.
Syria is a much safer place today after 4 years of Trump.

Good for Syria.
Too bad he didn't bring the troops home as he said he would...remember when he lied to your face?

PS: I'm sur you were for Obama sending troops over there, right?

I wasn't for Obama's actions in Syria:

That having been said, no way, no how, we should be even remotely considering bombing Syria. Simply not worth it. The President is making a huge mistake by wanting to do this.
.all that is required to get the votes of republicans is that you have to hate the democrats.
You make a fair point, and the democrats always seem more than willing to blunder for them. But that is the old politics. The Trumpists, on the other hand, hate Republicans too, when the choice is Trump or Republicans. The election was 3 months ago. The next election is almost 2 years away. Yet Matt Gaetz went to Cheney's backyard to LARP his Trumpism. And we both know why.
Millions of Trump supporters previously voted for Obama.
I started supporting Trump when I watched one of the Primary debates.
The question was over the Syrian policy.
Every candidate said they would increase aid to the Syrian rebels (Islamic terrorists who were beheading Christians daily at the time)
Trump said he would stop all aid, pointing out that they were bad guys. He spoke of the waste of endless wars. How 7 trillion dollars was wasted in the Middle East, whilst America was crumbling. I never heard an American politician speak like Trump in my life. God knows when I will hear it again.

And amazingly, as of September of last year, we were sending troops to Syria dumbfuck.

So what you're really saying is that you've never heard an American politician lie to you. Put another way, you don't have a fucking clue of what you're talking about.
Trump stopped all aid to the FSA, a sectarian death squad that old Joe funded.
They fought side by side with ISIS until they fell out over looted booty.
Where is the FSA now? Nowhere to be seen.
Bend your knees when you're moving the goalposts there sport.

As recently as September of last year, we were sending troops to Syria dumbfuck.

So what you're really saying is that you've never heard an American politician lie to you. Put another way, you don't have a fucking clue of what you're talking about.

Trump ended no wars.
Trump blew the whistle, took away the ball and saved literally millions of lives in the quagmire in the Syrian civil war.

There is nothing in the middle east worth a drop of American blood.

As I said in 2015:
Nothing in the ME is worth a drop of American blood.
Well, sad to say, that's not entirely true, in practice. There is oil. It's, like, the entire basis of our way of life. There arent many things -- and humanistic arguments can be made for this -- worth fighting for more than oil. Which is a great reason to look to alt energy, without even cracking a climate science book.
Trump made America oil independent, meaning there was no need to invade other countries.
Now Biden want to reduce U.S oil production so they will be reliant on other countries again.
Like the Bush years.
Pipelines in Ukraine but not in the U.S
Owens is nothing more than Diamond and Silk without the huge flabby boobs and double chins. Amos and Andy with perky tits.
You can call her an Uncle Tom directly, Bulldog.

You know you want to.

Uncle Tom was really a cool guy. You should read the book.

You know what the term means.

Your response indicated that you have extremely rigid stereotypes about what a black person should be all about, and will deride any who do not confirm to your notion that all blacks must fit the stereotype.

If you were acting this way against gay people, you would be dismissing any man who isn't a flaming queen and any woman who isn't a bull dyke.

I'm always amazed when you crazies offer a hint of what is rattling around in your brain, or a glimpse of your absurd thought processes. I'm sure you really believe all that silly crap you just spouted.
You just can't stand it when a back person is intelligent and well-spoken, can you?
False. I love Joe Neguse. Really sharp guy. And Hakeem Jeffries. And Ayanna Pressley. And Donna Edwards. And Barbara Lee. And Ilhan Omar. And Sheila Jackson Lee. And J.C. Watts. And Gwen Moore. And Karen Bass. And Cedric Richmond. And Will Hurd. And Val Demmings. And Lauren Underwood.

All well-spoken. All very smart. There are others who I like that I don't think are very smart, and others who are very smart that I don't care for.

So you're full of shit. Again.
.all that is required to get the votes of republicans is that you have to hate the democrats.
You make a fair point, and the democrats always seem more than willing to blunder for them. But that is the old politics. The Trumpists, on the other hand, hate Republicans too, when the choice is Trump or Republicans. The election was 3 months ago. The next election is almost 2 years away. Yet Matt Gaetz went to Cheney's backyard to LARP his Trumpism. And we both know why.
Millions of Trump supporters previously voted for Obama.
I started supporting Trump when I watched one of the Primary debates.
The question was over the Syrian policy.
Every candidate said they would increase aid to the Syrian rebels (Islamic terrorists who were beheading Christians daily at the time)
Trump said he would stop all aid, pointing out that they were bad guys. He spoke of the waste of endless wars. How 7 trillion dollars was wasted in the Middle East, whilst America was crumbling. I never heard an American politician speak like Trump in my life. God knows when I will hear it again.

And amazingly, as of September of last year, we were sending troops to Syria dumbfuck.

So what you're really saying is that you've never heard an American politician lie to you. Put another way, you don't have a fucking clue of what you're talking about.
Trump stopped all aid to the FSA, a sectarian death squad that old Joe funded.
They fought side by side with ISIS until they fell out over looted booty.
Where is the FSA now? Nowhere to be seen.
Bend your knees when you're moving the goalposts there sport.

As recently as September of last year, we were sending troops to Syria dumbfuck.

So what you're really saying is that you've never heard an American politician lie to you. Put another way, you don't have a fucking clue of what you're talking about.

Trump ended no wars.
Trump blew the whistle, took away the ball and saved literally millions of lives in the quagmire in the Syrian civil war.

There is nothing in the middle east worth a drop of American blood.

As I said in 2015:
Nothing in the ME is worth a drop of American blood.
Well, sad to say, that's not entirely true, in practice. There is oil. It's, like, the entire basis of our way of life. There arent many things -- and humanistic arguments can be made for this -- worth fighting for more than oil. Which is a great reason to look to alt energy, without even cracking a climate science book.

Yes there is. And our allies are the ones who have it in their gas tanks for the most part. Perhaps it's time for them to bear the burden of war.
There are times to go to war. Saving a few pennies at the pump isn't one of them.
.all that is required to get the votes of republicans is that you have to hate the democrats.
You make a fair point, and the democrats always seem more than willing to blunder for them. But that is the old politics. The Trumpists, on the other hand, hate Republicans too, when the choice is Trump or Republicans. The election was 3 months ago. The next election is almost 2 years away. Yet Matt Gaetz went to Cheney's backyard to LARP his Trumpism. And we both know why.
Millions of Trump supporters previously voted for Obama.
I started supporting Trump when I watched one of the Primary debates.
The question was over the Syrian policy.
Every candidate said they would increase aid to the Syrian rebels (Islamic terrorists who were beheading Christians daily at the time)
Trump said he would stop all aid, pointing out that they were bad guys. He spoke of the waste of endless wars. How 7 trillion dollars was wasted in the Middle East, whilst America was crumbling. I never heard an American politician speak like Trump in my life. God knows when I will hear it again.

And amazingly, as of September of last year, we were sending troops to Syria dumbfuck.

So what you're really saying is that you've never heard an American politician lie to you. Put another way, you don't have a fucking clue of what you're talking about.
Trump stopped all aid to the FSA, a sectarian death squad that old Joe funded.
They fought side by side with ISIS until they fell out over looted booty.
Where is the FSA now? Nowhere to be seen.
Bend your knees when you're moving the goalposts there sport.

As recently as September of last year, we were sending troops to Syria dumbfuck.

So what you're really saying is that you've never heard an American politician lie to you. Put another way, you don't have a fucking clue of what you're talking about.

Trump ended no wars.
So, hows that Syrian regime change coming on??
Not sure...I really don't care much.

I do know he was sending troops back in the Syria before he lost in a landslide election. And you're under the impression he didn't lie to your face.
You keep avoiding the points I made and just reply with smilies and irrelevant points.
Syria is a much safer place today after 4 years of Trump.

Good for Syria.
Too bad he didn't bring the troops home as he said he would...remember when he lied to your face?

PS: I'm sur you were for Obama sending troops over there, right?

I wasn't for Obama's actions in Syria:

That having been said, no way, no how, we should be even remotely considering bombing Syria. Simply not worth it. The President is making a huge mistake by wanting to do this.
No. I didnt support Obamas actions in Syria. That's why I leaned towards Trump.
I supported the Syrian Army, and President Assad.from the beginning of the Civil War.
He's the elected President. He's secular. He's in a mixed marriage. He's tough on extremism.
He never attacked the West.
you see an elephant.

sane people see a mouse
In Trumpism? All the sane people think it's not a problem, eh? I guess it certainly cant be much of an asset either, since it is just a "mouse", right?

So that is what you are going with? Trumpism now has little to no influence in GOP politics?? To clarify...

You're not gong to see it in 2024 unless Trump runs.

you're barking at the moon, puppy.

138 trumpsters voted to decertify the vote even after the failed coup attempt earlier in the day, and all but 11 republicans voted to not kick that crazy Green nut bag off of committees. Trumpism is alive, and we will never have a sane effective congress as long as those idiots keep their jobs.

we will never have a sane effective congress as long as those idiots keep their jobs.

We haven't had a 'sane effective congress' for decades.

on EITHER side of the aisle.

I realize that's what Hannity and Alex Jones told you.

I realize that's what Hannity and Alex Jones told you.

You must have heard them, because I dont' listen to them.

That's odd because you repeat their crap almost word for word every day.

That's odd because you repeat their crap almost word for word every day.

Wouldn't know.

But, you seem to.

I bet it would really surprise you to find out the only 'news' station I've watched since October has been CSPAN and Weather Channel.

Sorry buddy, but I've read too many of your absurd posts to believe anything you might say. I wouldn't believe you if you said you went to bed last night.

that makes you a fool.

One of us is, but it's not me.
One of us is, but it's not me.

you've the fool that thinks I'm quoting people on Fox.

If nothing else, that makes you delusional.
You're getting the talking points somewhere. Either the TV, the talk radio, or Breitbart and their ilk, or here. But it's the same talking points.
.all that is required to get the votes of republicans is that you have to hate the democrats.
You make a fair point, and the democrats always seem more than willing to blunder for them. But that is the old politics. The Trumpists, on the other hand, hate Republicans too, when the choice is Trump or Republicans. The election was 3 months ago. The next election is almost 2 years away. Yet Matt Gaetz went to Cheney's backyard to LARP his Trumpism. And we both know why.
Millions of Trump supporters previously voted for Obama.
I started supporting Trump when I watched one of the Primary debates.
The question was over the Syrian policy.
Every candidate said they would increase aid to the Syrian rebels (Islamic terrorists who were beheading Christians daily at the time)
Trump said he would stop all aid, pointing out that they were bad guys. He spoke of the waste of endless wars. How 7 trillion dollars was wasted in the Middle East, whilst America was crumbling. I never heard an American politician speak like Trump in my life. God knows when I will hear it again.

And amazingly, as of September of last year, we were sending troops to Syria dumbfuck.

So what you're really saying is that you've never heard an American politician lie to you. Put another way, you don't have a fucking clue of what you're talking about.
Trump stopped all aid to the FSA, a sectarian death squad that old Joe funded.
They fought side by side with ISIS until they fell out over looted booty.
Where is the FSA now? Nowhere to be seen.
Bend your knees when you're moving the goalposts there sport.

As recently as September of last year, we were sending troops to Syria dumbfuck.

So what you're really saying is that you've never heard an American politician lie to you. Put another way, you don't have a fucking clue of what you're talking about.

Trump ended no wars.
Trump blew the whistle, took away the ball and saved literally millions of lives in the quagmire in the Syrian civil war.

There is nothing in the middle east worth a drop of American blood.

As I said in 2015:
Nothing in the ME is worth a drop of American blood.
Well, sad to say, that's not entirely true, in practice. There is oil. It's, like, the entire basis of our way of life. There arent many things -- and humanistic arguments can be made for this -- worth fighting for more than oil. Which is a great reason to look to alt energy, without even cracking a climate science book.
Trump made America oil independent, meaning there was no need to invade other countries.
Now Biden want to reduce U.S oil production so they will be reliant on other countries again.
Like the Bush years.
Pipelines in Ukraine but not in the U.S

.all that is required to get the votes of republicans is that you have to hate the democrats.
You make a fair point, and the democrats always seem more than willing to blunder for them. But that is the old politics. The Trumpists, on the other hand, hate Republicans too, when the choice is Trump or Republicans. The election was 3 months ago. The next election is almost 2 years away. Yet Matt Gaetz went to Cheney's backyard to LARP his Trumpism. And we both know why.
Millions of Trump supporters previously voted for Obama.
I started supporting Trump when I watched one of the Primary debates.
The question was over the Syrian policy.
Every candidate said they would increase aid to the Syrian rebels (Islamic terrorists who were beheading Christians daily at the time)
Trump said he would stop all aid, pointing out that they were bad guys. He spoke of the waste of endless wars. How 7 trillion dollars was wasted in the Middle East, whilst America was crumbling. I never heard an American politician speak like Trump in my life. God knows when I will hear it again.

And amazingly, as of September of last year, we were sending troops to Syria dumbfuck.

So what you're really saying is that you've never heard an American politician lie to you. Put another way, you don't have a fucking clue of what you're talking about.
Trump stopped all aid to the FSA, a sectarian death squad that old Joe funded.
They fought side by side with ISIS until they fell out over looted booty.
Where is the FSA now? Nowhere to be seen.
Bend your knees when you're moving the goalposts there sport.

As recently as September of last year, we were sending troops to Syria dumbfuck.

So what you're really saying is that you've never heard an American politician lie to you. Put another way, you don't have a fucking clue of what you're talking about.

Trump ended no wars.
So, hows that Syrian regime change coming on??
Not sure...I really don't care much.

I do know he was sending troops back in the Syria before he lost in a landslide election. And you're under the impression he didn't lie to your face.
You keep avoiding the points I made and just reply with smilies and irrelevant points.
Syria is a much safer place today after 4 years of Trump.

Good for Syria.
Too bad he didn't bring the troops home as he said he would...remember when he lied to your face?

PS: I'm sur you were for Obama sending troops over there, right?

I wasn't for Obama's actions in Syria:

That having been said, no way, no how, we should be even remotely considering bombing Syria. Simply not worth it. The President is making a huge mistake by wanting to do this.
No. I didnt support Obamas actions in Syria. That's why I leaned towards Trump.
I supported the Syrian Army, and President Assad.from the beginning of the Civil War.
He's the elected President. He's secular. He's in a mixed marriage. He's tough on extremism.
He never attacked the West.

Yet Trump sending troops into Syria was great and you're applauding him for it.

Does it hurt when you speak out both sides of your mouth like that?
.all that is required to get the votes of republicans is that you have to hate the democrats.
You make a fair point, and the democrats always seem more than willing to blunder for them. But that is the old politics. The Trumpists, on the other hand, hate Republicans too, when the choice is Trump or Republicans. The election was 3 months ago. The next election is almost 2 years away. Yet Matt Gaetz went to Cheney's backyard to LARP his Trumpism. And we both know why.
Millions of Trump supporters previously voted for Obama.
I started supporting Trump when I watched one of the Primary debates.
The question was over the Syrian policy.
Every candidate said they would increase aid to the Syrian rebels (Islamic terrorists who were beheading Christians daily at the time)
Trump said he would stop all aid, pointing out that they were bad guys. He spoke of the waste of endless wars. How 7 trillion dollars was wasted in the Middle East, whilst America was crumbling. I never heard an American politician speak like Trump in my life. God knows when I will hear it again.

And amazingly, as of September of last year, we were sending troops to Syria dumbfuck.

So what you're really saying is that you've never heard an American politician lie to you. Put another way, you don't have a fucking clue of what you're talking about.
Trump stopped all aid to the FSA, a sectarian death squad that old Joe funded.
They fought side by side with ISIS until they fell out over looted booty.
Where is the FSA now? Nowhere to be seen.
Bend your knees when you're moving the goalposts there sport.

As recently as September of last year, we were sending troops to Syria dumbfuck.

So what you're really saying is that you've never heard an American politician lie to you. Put another way, you don't have a fucking clue of what you're talking about.

Trump ended no wars.
Trump blew the whistle, took away the ball and saved literally millions of lives in the quagmire in the Syrian civil war.

There is nothing in the middle east worth a drop of American blood.

As I said in 2015:
Nothing in the ME is worth a drop of American blood.
So why do you support Biden?
I voted for him because he wasn't your blob. As I've said a dozen times or so here...if the nominee of the spotted owl party was the only other candidate with a legitimate shot to beat the blob...I would have voted for her or him...and so would have the other 81M who voted for Biden.

So far he's been "meh" for me. But its refreshing to not have to worry about how the President was going to embarrass/endanger us next.
.all that is required to get the votes of republicans is that you have to hate the democrats.
You make a fair point, and the democrats always seem more than willing to blunder for them. But that is the old politics. The Trumpists, on the other hand, hate Republicans too, when the choice is Trump or Republicans. The election was 3 months ago. The next election is almost 2 years away. Yet Matt Gaetz went to Cheney's backyard to LARP his Trumpism. And we both know why.
Millions of Trump supporters previously voted for Obama.
I started supporting Trump when I watched one of the Primary debates.
The question was over the Syrian policy.
Every candidate said they would increase aid to the Syrian rebels (Islamic terrorists who were beheading Christians daily at the time)
Trump said he would stop all aid, pointing out that they were bad guys. He spoke of the waste of endless wars. How 7 trillion dollars was wasted in the Middle East, whilst America was crumbling. I never heard an American politician speak like Trump in my life. God knows when I will hear it again.

And amazingly, as of September of last year, we were sending troops to Syria dumbfuck.

So what you're really saying is that you've never heard an American politician lie to you. Put another way, you don't have a fucking clue of what you're talking about.
Trump stopped all aid to the FSA, a sectarian death squad that old Joe funded.
They fought side by side with ISIS until they fell out over looted booty.
Where is the FSA now? Nowhere to be seen.
Bend your knees when you're moving the goalposts there sport.

As recently as September of last year, we were sending troops to Syria dumbfuck.

So what you're really saying is that you've never heard an American politician lie to you. Put another way, you don't have a fucking clue of what you're talking about.

Trump ended no wars.
Trump blew the whistle, took away the ball and saved literally millions of lives in the quagmire in the Syrian civil war.

There is nothing in the middle east worth a drop of American blood.

As I said in 2015:
Nothing in the ME is worth a drop of American blood.
So why do you support Biden?
I voted for him because he wasn't your blob. As I've said a dozen times or so here...if the nominee of the spotted owl party was the only other candidate with a legitimate shot to beat the blob...I would have voted for her or him...and so would have the other 81M who voted for Biden.

So far he's been "meh" for me. But its refreshing to not have to worry about how the President was going to embarrass/endanger us next.
Voting for Biden because he wasn't Trump is probably the lowest I.Q thing you've written here.

Maybe stick to posting smilies.
They won't be running against Trump in 2024
But they likely will be running against Trumpism, to one degree or another. The Trump cult is alive and well. They don't have to vaporize their opponents. They only have to get more votes. And when half the base of the GOP is still the Trump cult, the nominee will likely be the person who wins their votes in the primaries. And they wont be able to "unring" that bell in the general campaign.
:cuckoo: :auiqs.jpg::laughing0301::auiqs.jpg::laughing0301::auiqs.jpg:
The die-hard racists in your Party will never vote for Owens, no matter how much she dick-sucks Trump. She's way too dark-skinned for rednecks in Alabama.
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You are clueless. The leader of Stop the Steal is a Black muslim Arab who lives in Alabama.
What's his name?

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