Candace Owens: "I love America. Thinking about running for President"

.all that is required to get the votes of republicans is that you have to hate the democrats.
You make a fair point, and the democrats always seem more than willing to blunder for them. But that is the old politics. The Trumpists, on the other hand, hate Republicans too, when the choice is Trump or Republicans. The election was 3 months ago. The next election is almost 2 years away. Yet Matt Gaetz went to Cheney's backyard to LARP his Trumpism. And we both know why.

I disagree.

The stench of the blob still resonates for now. It will go away and either in 2024 or 2028 (depending on how fast it goes away of course)...the "trumpists" will join the old "TEA party" people as a political force.
Trumpism ate the Tea Party base. The birtherism was the red meat in the trap. Tea party... There is no tea party anymore.
I had the distinct pleasure of meeting and speaking with Ms. Owens while photographing CPAC last February:

View attachment 454035

I would love to see her run for President. She's articulate, intelligent and well-spoken. She's the exact kind of candidate the democrats don't want to run against. She's a woman of color and, as the left has taught us, any criticism of someone of color is racism. So, they would be forced to not criticize her or be forced to expose themselves as the racists we know they truly are...
Dream on. The her fellow republicans would bury her with her past fraud before the first primary. The democrats will literally he able to just sit and laugh.

The democrats will literally he able to just sit and laugh.

Not if Harris is the candidate.
Prosecutor Harris would destroy her in any debate. Because she's a grifter with a history.

I guess it's time to re-post this (Oh goody - it's been updated with her latest cons.

Every Receipt Proving Candace Owens Is A Con Artist Who Is Following The Money

New year, same old Candace Owens.

This time, the person who once sympathized with Adolf Hitler and has repeatedly blamed Black men for getting killed by the police is resorting to pushing conspiracy theories about New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC) in response to a recent social media video on which the Congresswoman addressed being in the Capitol during the attempted coup last month.

AOC offered her own emotional testimony about her experience on that fateful day of an insurrection waged by right-wing extremists. But Owens, without proof, has seemingly directed a social media movement aimed at AOC and claiming without proof that she wasn’t even in the Capitol. After Owens helped make an unfortunate hashtag comparing AOC and Jussie Smollett go viral, she used the attention she had to mock AOC’s visit to the U.S. border two years ago. Owens tweeted that AOC is “inauthentic,” which is the very definition of the pot calling the kettle black.

AOC set the record straight, but in doing so lamented the consequences of lies even once they’re disproven.

Aside from dedicating her life to all-things anti-Democrat, Owens has also repeatedly made her anti-Black platform clear.

Months before attacking AOC on social media, Owens doubled-down on her self-hatred with despicable comments trying to criminalize George Floyd in his death. The sunken conservative pundit who seemingly outdoes her hate each time she says something accused Floyd of having drugs when he was arrested and scoffed at people treating him like a “martyr.” Those comments came after she tried to criminalize Ahmaud Arbery with comments that disgusted even her fellow Black conservatives. The woman who sympathized with Hitler even defended Amy Cooper, the white woman also known as Central Park Karen who called police on a Black man who asked her to leash her dog while bird-watching.

All the while, Republicans had been embracing her stunts, like when they had her tap dancing before Congress to downplay concerns of white supremacy and white nationalism. But now, even they seem to be finally realizing that Candace Owens is a fraud; and we have endless receipts.

Lawsuit With the NAACP

Owens now calls the NAACP “one of the worst groups for Black people,” even though the organization helped her win a racial discrimination lawsuit. In 2007, she accused some white boys of racially harassing and threatening to kill her. Owens claimed the boys were the son of then-Stamford Mayor Dannel Malloy, Connecticut’s former governor. Because of the NAACP, Owens’ family received a settlement of $37,500 from Stamford Public Schools.

Scot X. Esdaile, the Connecticut NAACP president who helped Owens with her lawsuit, was shocked to hear she had become a conservative. Esdaile told Mic, “We’re very saddened and disappointed in her. It seems to me that she’s now trying to play to a different type of demographic.”

He also said, “It’s the same type of thing Clarence Thomas did. [Thomas] reaped all the benefits of affirmative action and then tried to roll over on it. It’s that kind of mentality and disrespect.”

Anti-Trump Website

In May of 2018, BuzzFeed reported that Candace Owens was the CEO of an anti-Trump, liberal-leaning website called Degree180. Owens wrote in 2015 that it was “good news” that the “Republican Tea Party … will eventually die off (peacefully in their sleep, we hope).”

Degree180 also talked about Trump’s penis size and him being racist with an immigrant wife.

The site reportedly shut down by the end of 2016 and Owens magically “came out” as a conservative on YouTube a few months later.

Maybe I'll post more.
.all that is required to get the votes of republicans is that you have to hate the democrats.
You make a fair point, and the democrats always seem more than willing to blunder for them. But that is the old politics. The Trumpists, on the other hand, hate Republicans too, when the choice is Trump or Republicans. The election was 3 months ago. The next election is almost 2 years away. Yet Matt Gaetz went to Cheney's backyard to LARP his Trumpism. And we both know why.
Millions of Trump supporters previously voted for Obama.
I started supporting Trump when I watched one of the Primary debates.
The question was over the Syrian policy.
Every candidate said they would increase aid to the Syrian rebels (Islamic terrorists who were beheading Christians daily at the time)
Trump said he would stop all aid, pointing out that they were bad guys. He spoke of the waste of endless wars. How 7 trillion dollars was wasted in the Middle East, whilst America was crumbling. I never heard an American politician speak like Trump in my life. God knows when I will hear it again.

And amazingly, as of September of last year, we were sending troops to Syria dumbfuck.

So what you're really saying is that you've never heard an American politician lie to you. Put another way, you don't have a fucking clue of what you're talking about.
She has an excellent chance.
As long as you pretend the world was created today, maybe. Males are 118 for 118, and old white guys are still 117.5 for 118 for presidential nominees in this country, considering only 2 per Presidential election. An even higher percentage, if you count them all. Harris may break that trend. Owens will not.
You do talk some serious horseshit.
Nobody cares about race and vaginas apart from racist libtards.
If MAGA Republicans were asked to choose between black Candace and white Lindsey, it would be a landslide for Owens.
Start a thread and take a poll here.
See how it goes.

Polling here with the crazy-for-cocoa-puff QOP zealots would return a false result. If you were to ask them who won the 2020 election...100% of the right wing loons here would say Trump did.
Well, you no doubt call them racists and misogynists.
Quite simple.
Start a new thread and ask for Republican supporters only to participate.
Candace Owens or Lindsey Graham.
Do it or you are full of shit.
.all that is required to get the votes of republicans is that you have to hate the democrats.
You make a fair point, and the democrats always seem more than willing to blunder for them. But that is the old politics. The Trumpists, on the other hand, hate Republicans too, when the choice is Trump or Republicans. The election was 3 months ago. The next election is almost 2 years away. Yet Matt Gaetz went to Cheney's backyard to LARP his Trumpism. And we both know why.
Millions of Trump supporters previously voted for Obama.
I started supporting Trump when I watched one of the Primary debates.
The question was over the Syrian policy.
Every candidate said they would increase aid to the Syrian rebels (Islamic terrorists who were beheading Christians daily at the time)
Trump said he would stop all aid, pointing out that they were bad guys. He spoke of the waste of endless wars. How 7 trillion dollars was wasted in the Middle East, whilst America was crumbling. I never heard an American politician speak like Trump in my life. God knows when I will hear it again.

And amazingly, as of September of last year, we were sending troops to Syria dumbfuck.

So what you're really saying is that you've never heard an American politician lie to you. Put another way, you don't have a fucking clue of what you're talking about.
Trump stopped all aid to the FSA, a sectarian death squad that old Joe funded.
They fought side by side with ISIS until they fell out over looted booty.
Where is the FSA now? Nowhere to be seen.
She has an excellent chance.
As long as you pretend the world was created today, maybe. Males are 118 for 118, and old white guys are still 117.5 for 118 for presidential nominees in this country, considering only 2 per Presidential election. An even higher percentage, if you count them all. Harris may break that trend. Owens will not.
You do talk some serious horseshit.
Nobody cares about race and vaginas apart from racist libtards.
If MAGA Republicans were asked to choose between black Candace and white Lindsey, it would be a landslide for Owens.
Start a thread and take a poll here.
See how it goes.

Polling here with the crazy-for-cocoa-puff QOP zealots would return a false result. If you were to ask them who won the 2020 election...100% of the right wing loons here would say Trump did.
Well, you no doubt call them racists and misogynists.
Quite simple.
Start a new thread and ask for Republican supporters only to participate.
Candace Owens or Lindsey Graham.
Do it or you are full of shit.
Polling here with the crazy-for-cocoa-puff QOP zealots would return a false result. If you were to ask them who won the 2020 election...100% of the right wing loons here would say Trump did.
.all that is required to get the votes of republicans is that you have to hate the democrats.
You make a fair point, and the democrats always seem more than willing to blunder for them. But that is the old politics. The Trumpists, on the other hand, hate Republicans too, when the choice is Trump or Republicans. The election was 3 months ago. The next election is almost 2 years away. Yet Matt Gaetz went to Cheney's backyard to LARP his Trumpism. And we both know why.
Millions of Trump supporters previously voted for Obama.
I started supporting Trump when I watched one of the Primary debates.
The question was over the Syrian policy.
Every candidate said they would increase aid to the Syrian rebels (Islamic terrorists who were beheading Christians daily at the time)
Trump said he would stop all aid, pointing out that they were bad guys. He spoke of the waste of endless wars. How 7 trillion dollars was wasted in the Middle East, whilst America was crumbling. I never heard an American politician speak like Trump in my life. God knows when I will hear it again.

And amazingly, as of September of last year, we were sending troops to Syria dumbfuck.

So what you're really saying is that you've never heard an American politician lie to you. Put another way, you don't have a fucking clue of what you're talking about.
Trump stopped all aid to the FSA, a sectarian death squad that old Joe funded.
They fought side by side with ISIS until they fell out over looted booty.
Where is the FSA now? Nowhere to be seen.
Bend your knees when you're moving the goalposts there sport.

As recently as September of last year, we were sending troops to Syria dumbfuck.

So what you're really saying is that you've never heard an American politician lie to you. Put another way, you don't have a fucking clue of what you're talking about.

Trump ended no wars.
Prosecutor Harris would destroy her in any debate. Because she's a grifter with a history.
Ha, good point. Hyperbolic bully pulpit rants on youtube are one thing. Real-time, live debates are quite a different thing.
Harris was staring at her shoes and stuck for words when hit with real truth from Tulsi Gabbard.
Look at the state of her.
.all that is required to get the votes of republicans is that you have to hate the democrats.
You make a fair point, and the democrats always seem more than willing to blunder for them. But that is the old politics. The Trumpists, on the other hand, hate Republicans too, when the choice is Trump or Republicans. The election was 3 months ago. The next election is almost 2 years away. Yet Matt Gaetz went to Cheney's backyard to LARP his Trumpism. And we both know why.
Millions of Trump supporters previously voted for Obama.
I started supporting Trump when I watched one of the Primary debates.
The question was over the Syrian policy.
Every candidate said they would increase aid to the Syrian rebels (Islamic terrorists who were beheading Christians daily at the time)
Trump said he would stop all aid, pointing out that they were bad guys. He spoke of the waste of endless wars. How 7 trillion dollars was wasted in the Middle East, whilst America was crumbling. I never heard an American politician speak like Trump in my life. God knows when I will hear it again.

And amazingly, as of September of last year, we were sending troops to Syria dumbfuck.

So what you're really saying is that you've never heard an American politician lie to you. Put another way, you don't have a fucking clue of what you're talking about.
Trump stopped all aid to the FSA, a sectarian death squad that old Joe funded.
They fought side by side with ISIS until they fell out over looted booty.
Where is the FSA now? Nowhere to be seen.
Bend your knees when you're moving the goalposts there sport.

As recently as September of last year, we were sending troops to Syria dumbfuck.

So what you're really saying is that you've never heard an American politician lie to you. Put another way, you don't have a fucking clue of what you're talking about.

Trump ended no wars.
So, hows that Syrian regime change coming on??
.all that is required to get the votes of republicans is that you have to hate the democrats.
You make a fair point, and the democrats always seem more than willing to blunder for them. But that is the old politics. The Trumpists, on the other hand, hate Republicans too, when the choice is Trump or Republicans. The election was 3 months ago. The next election is almost 2 years away. Yet Matt Gaetz went to Cheney's backyard to LARP his Trumpism. And we both know why.
Millions of Trump supporters previously voted for Obama.
I started supporting Trump when I watched one of the Primary debates.
The question was over the Syrian policy.
Every candidate said they would increase aid to the Syrian rebels (Islamic terrorists who were beheading Christians daily at the time)
Trump said he would stop all aid, pointing out that they were bad guys. He spoke of the waste of endless wars. How 7 trillion dollars was wasted in the Middle East, whilst America was crumbling. I never heard an American politician speak like Trump in my life. God knows when I will hear it again.

And amazingly, as of September of last year, we were sending troops to Syria dumbfuck.

So what you're really saying is that you've never heard an American politician lie to you. Put another way, you don't have a fucking clue of what you're talking about.
Trump stopped all aid to the FSA, a sectarian death squad that old Joe funded.
They fought side by side with ISIS until they fell out over looted booty.
Where is the FSA now? Nowhere to be seen.
Bend your knees when you're moving the goalposts there sport.

As recently as September of last year, we were sending troops to Syria dumbfuck.

So what you're really saying is that you've never heard an American politician lie to you. Put another way, you don't have a fucking clue of what you're talking about.

Trump ended no wars.
Trump blew the whistle, took away the ball and saved literally millions of lives in the quagmire in the Syrian civil war.
Prosecutor Harris would destroy her in any debate. Because she's a grifter with a history.
Ha, good point. Hyperbolic bully pulpit rants on youtube are one thing. Real-time, live debates are quite a different thing.
Harris was staring at her shoes and stuck for words when hit with real truth from Tulsi Gabbard.
Look at the state of her.

And now has more experience. And will have relatively infinitely more knowledge than Owens, unlike Gabbard. Owens shines when she can just rant. But she doesn't know much about governing, the law, or just about anything else that would be relevant. That will be exposed in the primaries. She will never get to debate Harris.
Prosecutor Harris would destroy her in any debate. Because she's a grifter with a history.
Ha, good point. Hyperbolic bully pulpit rants on youtube are one thing. Real-time, live debates are quite a different thing.
Harris was staring at her shoes and stuck for words when hit with real truth from Tulsi Gabbard.
Look at the state of her.

And now has more experience. And will have relatively infinitely more knowledge than Owens, unlike Gabbard. Owens shines when she can just rant. But she doesn't know much about governing, the law, or just about anything else that would be relevant. That will be exposed in the primaries. She will never get to debate Harris.

Yeah, like Biden's 50 years of experience doing nothing?
Trump had zero experience and did a bang up job.
Best Pres ever. Received more legal votes than any Pres in history.
Harris got 2% in the primaries. She's cold. Superficial. Lacks any sense of empathy or connection.
She got the gig because she has a black vagina.
Joe even admitted this when he said he wanted a black woman as his VP.
Owens is running on merit, she has zero Big Corporate donors but she has passion and fire in her belly.
America loves these kinds of battles.
David versus Goliath.
.all that is required to get the votes of republicans is that you have to hate the democrats.
You make a fair point, and the democrats always seem more than willing to blunder for them. But that is the old politics. The Trumpists, on the other hand, hate Republicans too, when the choice is Trump or Republicans. The election was 3 months ago. The next election is almost 2 years away. Yet Matt Gaetz went to Cheney's backyard to LARP his Trumpism. And we both know why.
Millions of Trump supporters previously voted for Obama.
I started supporting Trump when I watched one of the Primary debates.
The question was over the Syrian policy.
Every candidate said they would increase aid to the Syrian rebels (Islamic terrorists who were beheading Christians daily at the time)
Trump said he would stop all aid, pointing out that they were bad guys. He spoke of the waste of endless wars. How 7 trillion dollars was wasted in the Middle East, whilst America was crumbling. I never heard an American politician speak like Trump in my life. God knows when I will hear it again.

And amazingly, as of September of last year, we were sending troops to Syria dumbfuck.

So what you're really saying is that you've never heard an American politician lie to you. Put another way, you don't have a fucking clue of what you're talking about.
Trump stopped all aid to the FSA, a sectarian death squad that old Joe funded.
They fought side by side with ISIS until they fell out over looted booty.
Where is the FSA now? Nowhere to be seen.
Bend your knees when you're moving the goalposts there sport.

As recently as September of last year, we were sending troops to Syria dumbfuck.

So what you're really saying is that you've never heard an American politician lie to you. Put another way, you don't have a fucking clue of what you're talking about.

Trump ended no wars.
So, hows that Syrian regime change coming on??
Not sure...I really don't care much.

I do know he was sending troops back in the Syria before he lost in a landslide election. And you're under the impression he didn't lie to your face.
They won't be running against Trump in 2024
But they likely will be running against Trumpism, to one degree or another. The Trump cult is alive and well. They don't have to vaporize their opponents. They only have to get more votes. And when half the base of the GOP is still the Trump cult, the nominee will likely be the person who wins their votes in the primaries. And they wont be able to "unring" that bell in the general campaign.
:cuckoo: :auiqs.jpg::laughing0301::auiqs.jpg::laughing0301::auiqs.jpg:
The die-hard racists in your Party will never vote for Owens, no matter how much she dick-sucks Trump. She's way too dark-skinned for rednecks in Alabama.
.all that is required to get the votes of republicans is that you have to hate the democrats.
You make a fair point, and the democrats always seem more than willing to blunder for them. But that is the old politics. The Trumpists, on the other hand, hate Republicans too, when the choice is Trump or Republicans. The election was 3 months ago. The next election is almost 2 years away. Yet Matt Gaetz went to Cheney's backyard to LARP his Trumpism. And we both know why.
Millions of Trump supporters previously voted for Obama.
I started supporting Trump when I watched one of the Primary debates.
The question was over the Syrian policy.
Every candidate said they would increase aid to the Syrian rebels (Islamic terrorists who were beheading Christians daily at the time)
Trump said he would stop all aid, pointing out that they were bad guys. He spoke of the waste of endless wars. How 7 trillion dollars was wasted in the Middle East, whilst America was crumbling. I never heard an American politician speak like Trump in my life. God knows when I will hear it again.

And amazingly, as of September of last year, we were sending troops to Syria dumbfuck.

So what you're really saying is that you've never heard an American politician lie to you. Put another way, you don't have a fucking clue of what you're talking about.
Trump stopped all aid to the FSA, a sectarian death squad that old Joe funded.
They fought side by side with ISIS until they fell out over looted booty.
Where is the FSA now? Nowhere to be seen.
Bend your knees when you're moving the goalposts there sport.

As recently as September of last year, we were sending troops to Syria dumbfuck.

So what you're really saying is that you've never heard an American politician lie to you. Put another way, you don't have a fucking clue of what you're talking about.

Trump ended no wars.
So, hows that Syrian regime change coming on??
Not sure...I really don't care much.

I do know he was sending troops back in the Syria before he lost in a landslide election. And you're under the impression he didn't lie to your face.
You keep avoiding the points I made and just reply with smilies and irrelevant points.
Syria is a much safer place today after 4 years of Trump.

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