Candace Owens says those other black people sure be murderous

sorry we can’t take you seriously since your God is Xiden, who’s still calling African Americans negroes.

step off the plantation
Come on dumb ass, you have never seen me defend Biden. You being the good little DS Trump Humper you are, you will bend over in a hot minute if he were to walk in a room. Do you need some chap stick?
He armed himself showing intent.
He traveled to a location he KNEW he would encounter "threats."
He found "threats" and acted.

We do not need to know the thoughts, we need only know he was acting with a criminal mind.
He acted from self-defense. That's not criminal.
No, you are.

Killing someone because of their race is a singular trait among Whites.

To deny is to lie but lying comes so easy to the MAGA fools because they follow their leader.
Un, a BLM thug assassinated 5 Dallas cops during a BLM March after saying he was going after white cops.

That makes you a liar.
They tape showed him gunning down three people, two of whom were unarmed.

The punks had a slam dunk case. Someone else's DNA was on inside her and that guy admitted he acted alone.

So, no witnesses.
No DNA linking the five boys to the crime
No identification by the victim
Questionable confessions obtained by duress in violation of their fifth and sixth amendment rights.
And- oh, yeah, another guy admitting he did it with his DNA in the victim.

Why, yes, the City was totally throwing in the towel!

You'll be waiting a long time, buddy.

By "punks" you mean "blacks", don't you?

Yes, hey, when you guys talk about China's success, they are a fine example of Capitalism.
When you guys want to complain about their policies of, oh, doing the same shit we do in hunting down Muslim terrorists, they are "communists".

Sounds like you are a tad confused.

Who were attacking him. It's a good thing they are out of the gene pool now, well at least two of them.

No, I mean punks.

Lack of DNA back then doesn't preclude them being part of the attack.
Okay, I used to joke the reason why most people don't trust so-called Black Conservatives is because most of them are pathetic sellouts who make money telling racist white people what they want to hear.

Or "Those other negroes sure be shiftless, boss." Over the top, but it made the point.

And then Candace Owens comes along and prove me right.

Ms Owens, also downplaying the deaths of George Floyd and the acquittal of Kyle Rittenhouse as issues of racial injustice, alleged that “Black Americans are the most murderous group in America by rate”.

“Dumerica,” Rick Rosner, a man who has the world’s second highest IQ, added, before describing Ms Owens as “sleazy” and one of many “evil grifters preaching at couchbrains and gullibles”.

“What we’re seeing here is just evil. Pure evil,” Charles Johnson, an American blogger and former jazz guitarist added in a tweet. “I honestly don’t know how people like this sleep at night.”

The admonishment of the 32-year-old came after she told Mr Carlson that “the left can pull a racist narrative from thin air where it doesn’t exist. When it is actually in their face they try to avoid it”.
/----/ Spoken like a true democrat racists. Darkies who wander off the dem plantation should be flogged and hobbled.
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