Cannabis Sativa Finally Looks Like It Is Going To Win Out Against American Douchebaggery

when you eat, the feeling is not immediate and if you don't understand you can over eat. You should expect a half hour to an hour delay.

You don't want to exceed 2 ozs to a half cup of oil.

Those who use it for medical have a tolerance to the thc over time. CBD is what most people are looking for medicinally. The strain used and how you process can make a big difference.
What's wrong with giving the potheads as much as they want. Give them a dozen brownies and a glass of milk.

Feed them pot until their hearts stop.

you can over dose on water, does that mean we don't need and should not drink water or anything with water in it?
How does water impair cognitive functioning? If you deprive someone of pot, how long will it be before they die of dehydration. You did not think comparing water to pot all the way through. Put down the bong and reconsider the foolishness.

Actually, it's more than difficult to compare water to pot. If you refuse to give your child or pet water, what happens? If you refuse to give your child or pet pot, what happens?

Water overdose
Fatal water intoxication
Man dies of water overdose after drinking 17 pints in eight hours to soothe sore gums
You are still blowing smoke. What happens if someone is deprived of water? What happens if someone is deprived of pot.

Not everything supports pot use, except to a pot user. You want to create this fabrication that pot is as vital to the existence of every human being as food and water. You have got to be seriously impaired to come up with that.

As soon as you sober up, you will see how silly you are.

If you deprive me of my medical marijuana I won't be able to take the medication that prevents breast cancer, carcinoma, from returning and killing me.

Carcinoma is an extremely deadly form of cancer. It grows fast, travels to other organs very fast and kills very fast.

The last person I knew who was diagnosed with it was dead in 6 months.

Four of my relatives were diagnosed with the same cancer. They had full mastectomies. The cancer returned in all of them and killed them.

Because the drugs they have developed now can block the hormones that are the food for the cancer to live and grow. Without that hormone blocker it will return and kill me. Without the marijuana I can't take the hormone blocker.

So yes I will be very harmed if I can't have medical marijuana.

I've had a legal prescription for several years.
Tipsy obviously knows nothing about cannabis.

First off, it is not physically addictive in any way shape or form. Some may say that it can become mentally addictive, but then again, so can shopping, gambling, codependency, exercise, etc. And, if someone who has been drinking heavily for several years is suddenly deprived of alcohol, they CAN die, because they are physically addicted and have the possibility of going through withdrawl symptoms known as the DT's. People who have smoked cannabis for a long time when suddenly cut off from it have no such problems.

Second, there ARE many medical studies to support that it is beneficial for seizures, Alzheimer's (both are brain diseases that are the result of misfiring neurons), and cannabis has been proven to help, which makes me ask the question as to why people still believe that it kills brain cells. Especially when it helps with brain dysfunctions.

As far as alcoholics not being willing to drink because they know they are alcoholics, even after 50 years sober? Well, that is because heavy drinking will reduce a certain enzyme in the body, and it has been proven that without enough of it, even just one drink is enough to set up the phenomenon of craving that is prevalent in addicts. People who smoke cannabis are able to have one joint and then walk away because there is no physical craving that results from cannabis use.

Yeah, there was that ONE incident in Denver where some guy walked off of a balcony when he was high because he ate too much of a brownie, but that was because he didn't understand how it would affect him, nor did he (probably) follow the instructions of the cannabis seller to go lightly. But then again, if he'd drank a whole bottle of Scotch, the same result could be expected.

And finally, CANNOT overdose on smoking alone. You will go to sleep and wake up the next morning feeling great if you smoke enough to make you sleepy. With alcohol, you CAN overdose, and many times it happens when some kids make it to 21 and their friends take them out for drinking as much as possible. Ever hear of alcohol poisoning? It's when you OD on alcohol.

But................not everyone is capable of looking past the Reefer Madness propaganda that they learned as a child.

And...............fwiw..............cannabis is not a hallucinogenic, it doesn't cause you to see things that aren't there. The colors might be a bit brighter, and you might notice things you wouldn't normally, but every thing you see while high is what is real.

How do I know all this? For the last 8 years in the Navy, I was a Drug and Alcohol Program Advisor, responsible for screening and making recommendations to the command for anyone that appeared to have a substance abuse problem. the tender age of 38, a year or so after I'd retired from the Navy and did some more research to find out what all the hype was about, I finally tried cannabis and have found it very relaxing, as well as better than alcohol. Beer and whiskey will give you a hangover the next day if you drink too much. Cannabis won't. And, there have been times where it has dried up in the area I live in and I had to wait a couple to three weeks before I could get some more cannabis, and I never went through any kind of withdrawl.

But.............closed minds like Tipsy like to live in fear and try to scare everyone else into their way of thinking. My recommendation? Try it before you start demonizing it, or at least talk to people who have used it and find out what the REAL effects are, not just the hype and lies you've been sold since the racist Anslinger pushed to have it illegal because he hated Blacks and Mexicans (the primary consumers of cannabis), and wanted a way to lock them up legally. That's the reason he commissioned Reefer Madness, he wanted to scare everyone off of it.
wasting your time with her ABS.....anyone who thinks if you smoke a joint today you will still be high from that joint weeks from now or,if you havent touched it in 30 years,you are still an addict.... should not be trying to pass themselves off as someone who knows about pot....

It can be detected in your system but you won't be high
The faster druggies die off the better. Legalize it all. There is no reason why krokodil can't be picked up at the nearest Walgreens.

Actually marijuana is helping to save my life.

I had breast cancer. The medication I have to take to prevent it from returning and killing me causes most food to make me vomit.

I've tried all the pills. They don't work. The ONLY thing that keeps food in me is marijuana. I've had a prescription for it for several years.

I would be dead now without the marijuana or totally skin and bones instead of just small. I wouldn't be able to take the anti cancer medication without the marijuana and I would be dead by now.

So you're wrong. It's not killing anyone, in fact it's saving lives.

Just because you're stupid and don't understand the medical benefits of marijuana doesn't mean that there aren't any.

Just like so many other things you conservatives hate, don't use it but for heaven's sake stop denying it to those who need it for real medical problems.

I will never understand your weird belief that you have some sort of right to tell anyone how to live their lives.

You don't.

And since you believe you can tell people how to live their lives it's obvious to anyone with 2 working brain cells that you hate freedom and what America stands for.
my wife is an Epileptic....pot is the only thing that calms the slight tremor she has in her right hand....she has taken every epileptic drug out there...none of them stop it...and all the Neurologists she has seen to date tell her go for it, they have heard this fact before....

Again I ask the same question I always ask of those who hate cannabis (not you, but the example you posted always brings up this question), if cannabis is a substance that kills brain cells, then why is it so effective in treating various brain dysfunctions like Alzheimer's and seizures?

If it is supposed to kill brain cells, why is it so effective at being a brain treatment?
one of her neurologist was a guy who knew a group of researchers at UCI Med Center who were researching pot and epilepsy....he said they find that pot seems to calm the Neurons but they dont know why or what ingredient in pot does the job.....
The faster druggies die off the better. Legalize it all. There is no reason why krokodil can't be picked up at the nearest Walgreens.

Actually marijuana is helping to save my life.

I had breast cancer. The medication I have to take to prevent it from returning and killing me causes most food to make me vomit.

I've tried all the pills. They don't work. The ONLY thing that keeps food in me is marijuana. I've had a prescription for it for several years.

I would be dead now without the marijuana or totally skin and bones instead of just small. I wouldn't be able to take the anti cancer medication without the marijuana and I would be dead by now.

So you're wrong. It's not killing anyone, in fact it's saving lives.

Just because you're stupid and don't understand the medical benefits of marijuana doesn't mean that there aren't any.

Just like so many other things you conservatives hate, don't use it but for heaven's sake stop denying it to those who need it for real medical problems.

I will never understand your weird belief that you have some sort of right to tell anyone how to live their lives.

You don't.

And since you believe you can tell people how to live their lives it's obvious to anyone with 2 working brain cells that you hate freedom and what America stands for.
my wife is an Epileptic....pot is the only thing that calms the slight tremor she has in her right hand....she has taken every epileptic drug out there...none of them stop it...and all the Neurologists she has seen to date tell her go for it, they have heard this fact before....

I'm sorry about your wife. Yes marijuana effects neurons in the brain and I'm not surprised it helps your wife.

I use it also for nerve damage in my hands and arms. I was put on Lyrica not knowing it's basically heroin. When I found out I was not a happy camper and decided to get off it. Couldn't just go cold turkey. It took me 4 and a half months to totally get off that drug. It's a horrible drug and I don't believe it should be on the market. Marijuana works much better and doesn't leave me so high I can barely function like the Lyrica did.

I will never understand why conservatives believe they have the right to tell anyone how to live their lives and in the same breath say they love freedom.
Tipsy obviously knows nothing about cannabis.

First off, it is not physically addictive in any way shape or form. Some may say that it can become mentally addictive, but then again, so can shopping, gambling, codependency, exercise, etc. And, if someone who has been drinking heavily for several years is suddenly deprived of alcohol, they CAN die, because they are physically addicted and have the possibility of going through withdrawl symptoms known as the DT's. People who have smoked cannabis for a long time when suddenly cut off from it have no such problems.

Second, there ARE many medical studies to support that it is beneficial for seizures, Alzheimer's (both are brain diseases that are the result of misfiring neurons), and cannabis has been proven to help, which makes me ask the question as to why people still believe that it kills brain cells. Especially when it helps with brain dysfunctions.

As far as alcoholics not being willing to drink because they know they are alcoholics, even after 50 years sober? Well, that is because heavy drinking will reduce a certain enzyme in the body, and it has been proven that without enough of it, even just one drink is enough to set up the phenomenon of craving that is prevalent in addicts. People who smoke cannabis are able to have one joint and then walk away because there is no physical craving that results from cannabis use.

Yeah, there was that ONE incident in Denver where some guy walked off of a balcony when he was high because he ate too much of a brownie, but that was because he didn't understand how it would affect him, nor did he (probably) follow the instructions of the cannabis seller to go lightly. But then again, if he'd drank a whole bottle of Scotch, the same result could be expected.

And finally, CANNOT overdose on smoking alone. You will go to sleep and wake up the next morning feeling great if you smoke enough to make you sleepy. With alcohol, you CAN overdose, and many times it happens when some kids make it to 21 and their friends take them out for drinking as much as possible. Ever hear of alcohol poisoning? It's when you OD on alcohol.

But................not everyone is capable of looking past the Reefer Madness propaganda that they learned as a child.

And...............fwiw..............cannabis is not a hallucinogenic, it doesn't cause you to see things that aren't there. The colors might be a bit brighter, and you might notice things you wouldn't normally, but every thing you see while high is what is real.

How do I know all this? For the last 8 years in the Navy, I was a Drug and Alcohol Program Advisor, responsible for screening and making recommendations to the command for anyone that appeared to have a substance abuse problem. the tender age of 38, a year or so after I'd retired from the Navy and did some more research to find out what all the hype was about, I finally tried cannabis and have found it very relaxing, as well as better than alcohol. Beer and whiskey will give you a hangover the next day if you drink too much. Cannabis won't. And, there have been times where it has dried up in the area I live in and I had to wait a couple to three weeks before I could get some more cannabis, and I never went through any kind of withdrawl.

But.............closed minds like Tipsy like to live in fear and try to scare everyone else into their way of thinking. My recommendation? Try it before you start demonizing it, or at least talk to people who have used it and find out what the REAL effects are, not just the hype and lies you've been sold since the racist Anslinger pushed to have it illegal because he hated Blacks and Mexicans (the primary consumers of cannabis), and wanted a way to lock them up legally. That's the reason he commissioned Reefer Madness, he wanted to scare everyone off of it.
wasting your time with her ABS.....anyone who thinks if you smoke a joint today you will still be high from that joint weeks from now or,if you havent touched it in 30 years,you are still an addict.... should not be trying to pass themselves off as someone who knows about pot....

It can be detected in your system but you won't be high
i know that,tell tipsy,she thinks you are still thing that always makes me laugh is those who admit they have never smoked the stuff,but yet they will tell those who have what pot is like,and after 20 ex-smokers or current smokers tell them it aint that way....they will just say,like tipsy does..."well thats what an addic would say"....
The faster druggies die off the better. Legalize it all. There is no reason why krokodil can't be picked up at the nearest Walgreens.

Actually marijuana is helping to save my life.

I had breast cancer. The medication I have to take to prevent it from returning and killing me causes most food to make me vomit.

I've tried all the pills. They don't work. The ONLY thing that keeps food in me is marijuana. I've had a prescription for it for several years.

I would be dead now without the marijuana or totally skin and bones instead of just small. I wouldn't be able to take the anti cancer medication without the marijuana and I would be dead by now.

So you're wrong. It's not killing anyone, in fact it's saving lives.

Just because you're stupid and don't understand the medical benefits of marijuana doesn't mean that there aren't any.

Just like so many other things you conservatives hate, don't use it but for heaven's sake stop denying it to those who need it for real medical problems.

I will never understand your weird belief that you have some sort of right to tell anyone how to live their lives.

You don't.

And since you believe you can tell people how to live their lives it's obvious to anyone with 2 working brain cells that you hate freedom and what America stands for.
my wife is an Epileptic....pot is the only thing that calms the slight tremor she has in her right hand....she has taken every epileptic drug out there...none of them stop it...and all the Neurologists she has seen to date tell her go for it, they have heard this fact before....

I'm sorry about your wife. Yes marijuana effects neurons in the brain and I'm not surprised it helps your wife.

I use it also for nerve damage in my hands and arms. I was put on Lyrica not knowing it's basically heroin. When I found out I was not a happy camper and decided to get off it. Couldn't just go cold turkey. It took me 4 and a half months to totally get off that drug. It's a horrible drug and I don't believe it should be on the market. Marijuana works much better and doesn't leave me so high I can barely function like the Lyrica did.

I will never understand why conservatives believe they have the right to tell anyone how to live their lives and in the same breath say they love freedom.

I couldn't take more than three Lyrica, was on it for years, then my body stopped responding to it so they switched be back to neurontin and oxy. I won't take the full dose of my meds because I'm a caretaker. I think everyone of my meds has a do not operate machinery in it. I just wish they actually worked, they just make me feel slow.
The faster druggies die off the better. Legalize it all. There is no reason why krokodil can't be picked up at the nearest Walgreens.

Actually marijuana is helping to save my life.

I had breast cancer. The medication I have to take to prevent it from returning and killing me causes most food to make me vomit.

I've tried all the pills. They don't work. The ONLY thing that keeps food in me is marijuana. I've had a prescription for it for several years.

I would be dead now without the marijuana or totally skin and bones instead of just small. I wouldn't be able to take the anti cancer medication without the marijuana and I would be dead by now.

So you're wrong. It's not killing anyone, in fact it's saving lives.

Just because you're stupid and don't understand the medical benefits of marijuana doesn't mean that there aren't any.

Just like so many other things you conservatives hate, don't use it but for heaven's sake stop denying it to those who need it for real medical problems.

I will never understand your weird belief that you have some sort of right to tell anyone how to live their lives.

You don't.

And since you believe you can tell people how to live their lives it's obvious to anyone with 2 working brain cells that you hate freedom and what America stands for.
my wife is an Epileptic....pot is the only thing that calms the slight tremor she has in her right hand....she has taken every epileptic drug out there...none of them stop it...and all the Neurologists she has seen to date tell her go for it, they have heard this fact before....

I'm sorry about your wife. Yes marijuana effects neurons in the brain and I'm not surprised it helps your wife.

I use it also for nerve damage in my hands and arms. I was put on Lyrica not knowing it's basically heroin. When I found out I was not a happy camper and decided to get off it. Couldn't just go cold turkey. It took me 4 and a half months to totally get off that drug. It's a horrible drug and I don't believe it should be on the market. Marijuana works much better and doesn't leave me so high I can barely function like the Lyrica did.

I will never understand why conservatives believe they have the right to tell anyone how to live their lives and in the same breath say they love freedom.
i know lots of conservatives who not only smoked it at one time or do now, but are all for at least decriminalizing it....and i dont mean 1 or 2 people....i used to get my stuff from a guy who has always been a conservative politically anyway...i used to get high back in the day with a group of people who were "Jesus" freaks.....they had no problems putting a buzz on....
Oh I see you have misunderstood me. I don't think that someone is still high weeks after using pot. I don't care. They used. They used a week ago or 25 years ago. I'd rather not associate with drug using algea. They are scum and will never be anything more than drug addicted slime.
Conservatives love to lecture you about freedom and liberty but you need to fit within their rules, which they break all the time. Hypocrites. They worship money more than god.
Oh I see you have misunderstood me. I don't think that someone is still high weeks after using pot. I don't care. They used. They used a week ago or 25 years ago. I'd rather not associate with drug using algea. They are scum and will never be anything more than drug addicted slime.
to late to made that statement in another pot thread a while back,and even after you were questioned you said..."if its in your blood,YOU ARE STILL HIGH".....and even here in this statement you show your just admitted even if they havent used it in 25 years,they are DRUG ADDICTED slime....and you say you are a lawyer?....i think luddy was right about you,you aint no lawyer.....
The faster druggies die off the better. Legalize it all. There is no reason why krokodil can't be picked up at the nearest Walgreens.

Actually marijuana is helping to save my life.

I had breast cancer. The medication I have to take to prevent it from returning and killing me causes most food to make me vomit.

I've tried all the pills. They don't work. The ONLY thing that keeps food in me is marijuana. I've had a prescription for it for several years.

I would be dead now without the marijuana or totally skin and bones instead of just small. I wouldn't be able to take the anti cancer medication without the marijuana and I would be dead by now.

So you're wrong. It's not killing anyone, in fact it's saving lives.

Just because you're stupid and don't understand the medical benefits of marijuana doesn't mean that there aren't any.

Just like so many other things you conservatives hate, don't use it but for heaven's sake stop denying it to those who need it for real medical problems.

I will never understand your weird belief that you have some sort of right to tell anyone how to live their lives.

You don't.

And since you believe you can tell people how to live their lives it's obvious to anyone with 2 working brain cells that you hate freedom and what America stands for.
my wife is an Epileptic....pot is the only thing that calms the slight tremor she has in her right hand....she has taken every epileptic drug out there...none of them stop it...and all the Neurologists she has seen to date tell her go for it, they have heard this fact before....

I'm sorry about your wife. Yes marijuana effects neurons in the brain and I'm not surprised it helps your wife.

I use it also for nerve damage in my hands and arms. I was put on Lyrica not knowing it's basically heroin. When I found out I was not a happy camper and decided to get off it. Couldn't just go cold turkey. It took me 4 and a half months to totally get off that drug. It's a horrible drug and I don't believe it should be on the market. Marijuana works much better and doesn't leave me so high I can barely function like the Lyrica did.

I will never understand why conservatives believe they have the right to tell anyone how to live their lives and in the same breath say they love freedom.

I couldn't take more than three Lyrica, was on it for years, then my body stopped responding to it so they switched be back to neurontin and oxy. I won't take the full dose of my meds because I'm a caretaker. I think everyone of my meds has a do not operate machinery in it. I just wish they actually worked, they just make me feel slow.

I have the same high tolerance to drugs that my dad had. People look at me, I'm 5ft 1 in tall, and don't believe it. It's frustrating.

My neurologist did. She had me on 300 mg of it a day. One 100 mg, three times a day.

I was so high. I was afraid to drive. Meanwhile it didn't do that much to help the nerve damage pain. In fact, one of the side effects is swelling of the hands and feet. Which the inflammation in my hands was one of the problems. When I finally got off the lyrica my hands got a lot better.

Marijuana made it possible. The nerve damage and spine injury were the original reasons why I got that marijuana prescription. I didn't find out about the breast cancer until a year later. Yes when I handed a copy of the lab report to the doctor when I renewed my prescription, the doctor immediately told me about how marijuana can prevent cancer. Then gave me a list of people who made that oil. I bought some but didn't like it so didn't buy more. I've been given it free by many people at dispensaries.

I believe that lyrica is an evil drug.
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Oh I see you have misunderstood me. I don't think that someone is still high weeks after using pot. I don't care. They used. They used a week ago or 25 years ago. I'd rather not associate with drug using algea. They are scum and will never be anything more than drug addicted slime.

Oh, poor thing you really have no idea about who or why many today are using. Drug addict slime? More people are addicted to Rx drug and they are far more dangerous. Many medicinal users don't get high, a slight buzz for a short time they they can function with less pain. For cancer patients it is life save. It can kill some spots, reduce the size of other. For those on chemo, it is what allows them to eat and ease some of the pain from their whole body and immune system being stripped and trashed by pure poison. It is vital that they eat and drink enought not just to stay alive but to become strong enough to fight the poisonous chemo.
Oh I see you have misunderstood me. I don't think that someone is still high weeks after using pot. I don't care. They used. They used a week ago or 25 years ago. I'd rather not associate with drug using algea. They are scum and will never be anything more than drug addicted slime.

If you drink coffee you're a drug addict.

Ever hear of caffeine?

Caffeine is a drug.

If you drink it you're addicted to it. Just try to go more than a few days without it. You'll have a raging headache and go through physical withdrawals from it.

My oldest sister is a doctor and helps people get off coffee.

It inhibits your adrenal gland and puts black spots on your brain.

I never drank it. I believe that anything that needs other things to be put in it to be able to drink it, I don't want to drink. The smell of it makes me very sick.

Yet you never heard me say that everyone who drinks it is an addict. You don't hear me attacking anyone who drinks it. You never hear me screaming that it should be illegal and no one should be able to drink it.

That's because I believe in freedom. I don't believe I have the right to tell anyone what they can or can't do with their body.

You can't say that.
Those who claim they are sick and need Marijuana only want an excuse to use. I've known many people with various ailments they claim Marijuana helps. They all want an excuse to use.
Oh I see you have misunderstood me. I don't think that someone is still high weeks after using pot. I don't care. They used. They used a week ago or 25 years ago. I'd rather not associate with drug using algea. They are scum and will never be anything more than drug addicted slime.

If you drink coffee you're a drug addict.

Ever hear of caffeine?

Caffeine is a drug.

If you drink it you're addicted to it. Just try to go more than a few days without it. You'll have a raging headache and go through physical withdrawals from it.

My oldest sister is a doctor and helps people get off coffee.

It inhibits your adrenal gland and puts black spots on your brain.

I never drank it. I believe that anything that needs other things to be put in it to be able to drink it, I don't want to drink. The smell of it makes me very sick.

Yet you never heard me say that everyone who drinks it is an addict. You don't hear me attacking anyone who drinks it. You never hear me screaming that it should be illegal and no one should be able to drink it.

That's because I believe in freedom. I don't believe I have the right to tell anyone what they can or can't do with their body.

You can't say that.
What drug schedule was caffein on? You make as much sense as the nimrod comparing pot to water.

I believe in freedom. Let drug users die. Give them as much as they want of any kind they want. Give them overdose amounts and enough pot to induce a heart attack or a stroke.

I believe in freedom, particularly freedom of association. If I kick the addicts to the curb, I have a right to do that.
The faster druggies die off the better. Legalize it all. There is no reason why krokodil can't be picked up at the nearest Walgreens.

Actually marijuana is helping to save my life.

I had breast cancer. The medication I have to take to prevent it from returning and killing me causes most food to make me vomit.

I've tried all the pills. They don't work. The ONLY thing that keeps food in me is marijuana. I've had a prescription for it for several years.

I would be dead now without the marijuana or totally skin and bones instead of just small. I wouldn't be able to take the anti cancer medication without the marijuana and I would be dead by now.

So you're wrong. It's not killing anyone, in fact it's saving lives.

Just because you're stupid and don't understand the medical benefits of marijuana doesn't mean that there aren't any.

Just like so many other things you conservatives hate, don't use it but for heaven's sake stop denying it to those who need it for real medical problems.

I will never understand your weird belief that you have some sort of right to tell anyone how to live their lives.

You don't.

And since you believe you can tell people how to live their lives it's obvious to anyone with 2 working brain cells that you hate freedom and what America stands for.
my wife is an Epileptic....pot is the only thing that calms the slight tremor she has in her right hand....she has taken every epileptic drug out there...none of them stop it...and all the Neurologists she has seen to date tell her go for it, they have heard this fact before....

I'm sorry about your wife. Yes marijuana effects neurons in the brain and I'm not surprised it helps your wife.

I use it also for nerve damage in my hands and arms. I was put on Lyrica not knowing it's basically heroin. When I found out I was not a happy camper and decided to get off it. Couldn't just go cold turkey. It took me 4 and a half months to totally get off that drug. It's a horrible drug and I don't believe it should be on the market. Marijuana works much better and doesn't leave me so high I can barely function like the Lyrica did.

I will never understand why conservatives believe they have the right to tell anyone how to live their lives and in the same breath say they love freedom.

I couldn't take more than three Lyrica, was on it for years, then my body stopped responding to it so they switched be back to neurontin and oxy. I won't take the full dose of my meds because I'm a caretaker. I think everyone of my meds has a do not operate machinery in it. I just wish they actually worked, they just make me feel slow.

I have the same high tolerance to drugs that my dad had. People look at me, I'm 5ft 1 in tall, and don't believe it. It's frustrating.

My neurologist did. She had me on 300 mg of it a day. One 100 mg, three times a day.

I was so high. I was afraid to drive. Meanwhile it didn't do that much to help the nerve damage pain. In fact, one of the side effects is swelling of the hands and feet. Which the inflammation in my hands was one of the problems. When I finally got off the lyrica my hands got a lot better.

Marijuana made it possible. The nerve damage and spine injury were the the original reasons why I got that marijuana prescription. I didn't find out about the breast cancer until a year later. Yes when I handed a copy of the lab report to the doctor when I renewed my prescription, the doctor immediately told me about how marijuana can prevent cancer. Then gave me a list of people who made that oil. I bought some but didn't like it so didn't buy more. I've been given it free by many people at dispensaries.

I believe that lyrica is an evil drug.

Anything has to be better than some drugs. I'd rather half my meds and enjoy a few cups of my own tea blend, just a bit of sweetener to mask the herb taste.

I've been with two people on hospice and what they had to go through because there was no legal medical use. Upping the mophine turned them into mental and physical zombies. They did not want strangers in their home or people they did not know or trust to be with them over the months. Cancer is so cruel.

People scoff at herbs, even kitchen herbs, as being beneficial. If you understand them they can be very powerful medicine. Cannabis has been used around the world for more than 5000 yrs for many reason. If it does not come in brown bottle and require a script, it can't be good
What some call God's medicine cabinet, or mother natures garden, were the pharmacies of their time and still should be..... at least many can work hand in hand with Rx for some diseases.
Those who claim they are sick and need Marijuana only want an excuse to use. I've known many people with various ailments they claim Marijuana helps. They all want an excuse to use.

Alzheimer is a very cruel disease but if cannabis can slow the progression or stop the disease, it is worth using.
People with chronic or acute pain can live a relatively normal life.
People with grand mal can get fewer seizures with far less intensitity.
Kids with brain cancers or cerebral palsy can live far more normal lives, even regrew damaged brain cells.
It is used post concussion.
It is used, in the field, for PTSD
It is being used to treat autism
Even if it works for 20%, it is 20% that will have better quality and longer life. It is being used in other countries with great success.

synthetic drugs are highly dangerous. When used right natures drugs can actually cure many cases.

Even the best things can be abused, but cannabis has not business being a class A or B drug
Those who claim they are sick and need Marijuana only want an excuse to use. I've known many people with various ailments they claim Marijuana helps. They all want an excuse to use.

Alzheimer is a very cruel disease but if cannabis can slow the progression or stop the disease, it is worth using.
People with chronic or acute pain can live a relatively normal life.
People with grand mal can get fewer seizures with far less intensitity.
Kids with brain cancers or cerebral palsy can live far more normal lives, even regrew damaged brain cells.
It is used post concussion.
It is used, in the field, for PTSD
It is being used to treat autism
Even if it works for 20%, it is 20% that will have better quality and longer life. It is being used in other countries with great success.

synthetic drugs are highly dangerous. When used right natures drugs can actually cure many cases.

Even the best things can be abused, but cannabis has not business being a class A or B drug
And all of those people want to get high and use their medical conditions as an excuse. So let them. They can sit and be high 24/7. Their addiction does not have to be accommodated. Ceetainly not by me.

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