Cannabis Sativa Finally Looks Like It Is Going To Win Out Against American Douchebaggery

Maybe chemical messing with it will finally make it deadly enough for druggies to kill themselves off. Look at what happened with heroin. It's become self cleaning.
If at this stage of enlightenment you continue to believe there is some valid comparison between marijuana and heroin you really should keep it to yourself. Because if you someday become aware of the facts you will be severely embarrassed.
Here is a fun one.

Denver coroner: Man fell to death after eating marijuana cookies

More. More. More.

Marijuana is HARMLESS, ya hear.
Making any form of edible marijuana requires special knowledge of an extraction process before proper cooking or baking is possible. Because of the suppressive influence of the drug laws that process has remained largely obscure. Consequently, far too many ill-informed experimenters think cooking or baking with raw leaf and seeds is all that is necessary. But the fact is the effect of that mistake is severely damaging to the liver and in sufficient quantity can be fatal.

So the cause of death in these cases is not marijuana but ignorance.
Here is a fun one.

Denver coroner: Man fell to death after eating marijuana cookies

More. More. More.

Marijuana is HARMLESS, ya hear.
Making any form of edible marijuana requires special knowledge of an extraction process before proper cooking or baking is possible. Because of the suppressive influence of the drug laws that process has remained largely obscure. Consequently, far too many ill-informed experimenters think cooking or baking with raw leaf and seeds is all that is necessary. But the fact is the effect of that mistake is severely damaging to the liver and in sufficient quantity can be fatal.

So the cause of death in these cases is not marijuana but ignorance.
In this case the brownie was bought commercially. Who cares why it's fatal. It's fatal and we need more of it.
Janis Joplin died because of drug laws?

Legalize it all. There is no reason cheap krikodil can't be picked up at Walgreens.
While there are examples of suicidal excess it is more likely that Joplin's (and Presley's) overdose was the unintentional result of erroneous dilution measurement by the dealer, which is not uncommon where bootleg drugs are concerned.

Most of the physically debilitating and sometimes devastating effects of heroin use are the result of the unknown quantities and qualities of bootleg doses -- thus the name, "junk." If you buy a "hit" of heroin from a street dealer you don't know what you are getting. Usually, neither does the dealer. Because the pure drug is diluted ("cut") many times between the original source and the final sale. If heroin were available from a legally managed source each dose would be sterile and precisely measured.

But the drug war marches on.
In this case the brownie was bought commercially. Who cares why it's fatal. It's fatal and we need more of it.
I don't know the source of your information but you should understand that hundreds of thousands of pot brownies are consumed every day, some of which are home-made while others are commercially available from knowledgeable and experienced bakers and the only effect produced by them is the desired euphoric tranquility. Yet your thinking is swayed by one death, which could be the result of a heart attack or some other organic deficiency -- or deliberate poisoning.

Why is that?
In the cited article, the man who jumped out of the window obtained his brownie from a store in Denver.

Deliberate poisoning is very attractive as a means of cleansing a community of druggies. It just isn't used nearly enough. The cartels have the closest methods. They have eliminated over 60,000 we haven't done that kind of good in the entire war to accommodate drugs.
Everyone has the right to defend themselves and their homes from the impaired druggie. Other than that, letting them die is hardly violent. Just give them more drugs until they peacefully pass on.
In extreme examples of degenerate suicidal addiction I believe that to be a perfectly reasonable solution to an otherwise insoluble problem. Provide these hopeless with the equivalent of a comfortable prison cell and as much of their drug of choice as they want until they overdose.
Everyone has the right to defend themselves and their homes from the impaired druggie. Other than that, letting them die is hardly violent. Just give them more drugs until they peacefully pass on.
In extreme examples of degenerate suicidal addiction I believe that to be a perfectly reasonable solution to an otherwise insoluble problem. Provide these hopeless with the equivalent of a comfortable prison cell and as much of their drug of choice as they want until they overdose.
Exactly. They don't suffer. They are fed, comfortable, safe. Everyone is safe from them. Those who use aren't really human beings anyway. They are more like animated meat.
You almost gotta laugh, the same limp wristed dumbasses who are locking up citizens for the crime of smoking a freaking legal cigarette want to sell a gateway drug to our kids.
Sell? No. It's make sure they take it, but keep the fruit juice away. Too sugary. Not good for kids.

No civilization can withstand the widespread impairment of its people.
they also cant withstand the widespread ignorance of people who cant accept the fact that its no longer 1948....
We made it 50 plus years. We certainly won't make it another 50 with a majority of people addicted to some drug. We wouldn't survive an entire country composed of drunks. Our future is Portugal. Illiterate druggies begging from one another.

Hopefully Russia or China puts us out of our misery.
well at least you have told everyone were your loyalties lie.....why are you still here?...go live in china you are always touting them....we dont need a person like you here,but they would love a person like you over there,just make sure you leave your citizenship at the airport....
For the 100th time, I'm here for the sabotage.
nope....its because like so many others like you,you are too chicken shit to leave.....
Because druggies should die and stop wasting air?
Sorry. There is no right to my positive feelings.

The faster druggies die off the better. Legalize it all. There is no reason why krokodil can't be picked up at the nearest Walgreens.

Actually, I got it from King County Goodwill via Amazon:
If we can legalize Marijuana, why not legalize it all. We have a problem with over population. This is a way of clearing out the deadwood.
I don't use anything. Which is why I get such a kick out of overdose deaths.
sure you dont.....
If you have proof to the contrary, I would be interested in seeing such proof. Opinion is not proof.

To the addict, everyone is an addict. To the alcoholic, everyone is an alcoholic. It's part of the disease.

Let the druggies go. Stop trying to get people to stop taking drugs. Some will, some won't. Stop taking care of them. Stop trying to stop overdose deaths. Let them go.
like you had proof when you were calling anyone who smoked pot 30 years ago an addict,right?...your opinion wasnt proof either but yet you kept on calling those people "addicts" how does it feel when you are on the other end?....
Did they use drugs, smoke pot? They are addicts. They might not be using right now, but they are still addicts. Unlike someone who has never used drugs.

Alcoholics are more realistic. If they haven't had a drink in 50 years, they know they are still alcoholics.

And yet...tens of millions of people drink alcohol without being addicted!

Sorry to break the bad news to you, but Reefer Madness is NOT a documentary!
sure you dont.....
If you have proof to the contrary, I would be interested in seeing such proof. Opinion is not proof.

To the addict, everyone is an addict. To the alcoholic, everyone is an alcoholic. It's part of the disease.

Let the druggies go. Stop trying to get people to stop taking drugs. Some will, some won't. Stop taking care of them. Stop trying to stop overdose deaths. Let them go.
like you had proof when you were calling anyone who smoked pot 30 years ago an addict,right?...your opinion wasnt proof either but yet you kept on calling those people "addicts" how does it feel when you are on the other end?....
Did they use drugs, smoke pot? They are addicts. They might not be using right now, but they are still addicts. Unlike someone who has never used drugs.

Alcoholics are more realistic. If they haven't had a drink in 50 years, they know they are still alcoholics.
oh should learn what an addict is a clue,if a person is not addicted to the drug and hasnt even seen it in 30 years.....HE AINT ADDICTED TO IT....educated person my ass....
Have you ever talked to an alcoholic that hasn't had a drink in 30 years? They admit they are still alcoholics.

Someone that isn't currently using, is still an addict. They are an addict that isn't currently using.

To me, personally, I do not see a difference. If I know that someone used drugs 30 years ago, I will treat them as if they are high right now.

But that's YOU...we are talking about NORMAL people here, with at least SOME brain function!
I don't use anything. Which is why I get such a kick out of overdose deaths.
sure you dont.....
If you have proof to the contrary, I would be interested in seeing such proof. Opinion is not proof.

To the addict, everyone is an addict. To the alcoholic, everyone is an alcoholic. It's part of the disease.

Let the druggies go. Stop trying to get people to stop taking drugs. Some will, some won't. Stop taking care of them. Stop trying to stop overdose deaths. Let them go.
like you had proof when you were calling anyone who smoked pot 30 years ago an addict,right?...your opinion wasnt proof either but yet you kept on calling those people "addicts" how does it feel when you are on the other end?....
Did they use drugs, smoke pot? They are addicts. They might not be using right now, but they are still addicts. Unlike someone who has never used drugs.

Alcoholics are more realistic. If they haven't had a drink in 50 years, they know they are still alcoholics.

And yet...tens of millions of people drink alcohol without being addicted!

Sorry to break the bad news to you, but Reefer Madness is NOT a documentary!
I wouldn't know. I've never seen it. What I have seen are the streets of Los Angeles. Although I have not seen it directly, I am informed that in the northeast, overdose deaths happen at the rate of one a day. I have no reason to disbelieve that.

Only those who do not use drugs are not at risk from a drug related death. The rest we have to let go.

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