Cannabis Sativa Finally Looks Like It Is Going To Win Out Against American Douchebaggery

Oh I see you have misunderstood me. I don't think that someone is still high weeks after using pot. I don't care. They used. They used a week ago or 25 years ago. I'd rather not associate with drug using algea. They are scum and will never be anything more than drug addicted slime.

If you have ever had any major medical procedures (including a blood transfusion), you quite likely owe your health to a lifelong drug addict. All he did while addicted was revolutionize medicine.
What drug schedule was caffein on? You make as much sense as the nimrod comparing pot to water.

I believe in freedom. Let drug users die. Give them as much as they want of any kind they want. Give them overdose amounts and enough pot to induce a heart attack or a stroke.

I believe in freedom, particularly freedom of association. If I kick the addicts to the curb, I have a right to do that.

One more time for the slow bitch: you CANNOT overdose on pot! There are no recorded instances of doing so and the lethal dose is not known! Use too much...and all that happens is you fall asleep.

And yes: caffeine is a HIGHLY addictive drug!
What drug schedule was caffein on? You make as much sense as the nimrod comparing pot to water.

I believe in freedom. Let drug users die. Give them as much as they want of any kind they want. Give them overdose amounts and enough pot to induce a heart attack or a stroke.

I believe in freedom, particularly freedom of association. If I kick the addicts to the curb, I have a right to do that.

One more time for the slow bitch: you CANNOT overdose on pot! There are no recorded instances of doing so and the lethal dose is not known! Use too much...and all that happens is you fall asleep.

And yes: caffeine is a HIGHLY addictive drug!
But you can smoke it until you turn into a permanent potato. I never got hooked on caffeine and don't have it some mornings, makes no difference. You're a potato head.
It doesn't matter whether someone overdoses on pot. They can jump out of a widow, impale themselves on a fence. Shoot themselves. Get shot. Stumble into a street and get run over. Or, take a flyer on something with a bigger kick.
You almost gotta laugh, the same limp wristed dumbasses who are locking up citizens for the crime of smoking a freaking legal cigarette want to sell a gateway drug to our kids.
Sell? No. It's make sure they take it, but keep the fruit juice away. Too sugary. Not good for kids.

No civilization can withstand the widespread impairment of its people.
they also cant withstand the widespread ignorance of people who cant accept the fact that its no longer 1948....
We made it 50 plus years. We certainly won't make it another 50 with a majority of people addicted to some drug. We wouldn't survive an entire country composed of drunks. Our future is Portugal. Illiterate druggies begging from one another.

Hopefully Russia or China puts us out of our misery.

Russia? You mean the country with one of the world's highest per-capita alcohol consumption rates? The country where more than half of ALL deaths are alcohol-related?
You almost gotta laugh, the same limp wristed dumbasses who are locking up citizens for the crime of smoking a freaking legal cigarette want to sell a gateway drug to our kids.
Sell? No. It's make sure they take it, but keep the fruit juice away. Too sugary. Not good for kids.

No civilization can withstand the widespread impairment of its people.
they also cant withstand the widespread ignorance of people who cant accept the fact that its no longer 1948....
We made it 50 plus years. We certainly won't make it another 50 with a majority of people addicted to some drug. We wouldn't survive an entire country composed of drunks. Our future is Portugal. Illiterate druggies begging from one another.

Hopefully Russia or China puts us out of our misery.

Russia? You mean the country with one of the world's highest per-capita alcohol consumption rates? The country where more than half of ALL deaths are alcohol-related?
...still waiting for your Washington and Jefferson smoked dope support.
You almost gotta laugh, the same limp wristed dumbasses who are locking up citizens for the crime of smoking a freaking legal cigarette want to sell a gateway drug to our kids.
Sell? No. It's make sure they take it, but keep the fruit juice away. Too sugary. Not good for kids.

No civilization can withstand the widespread impairment of its people.
they also cant withstand the widespread ignorance of people who cant accept the fact that its no longer 1948....
We made it 50 plus years. We certainly won't make it another 50 with a majority of people addicted to some drug. We wouldn't survive an entire country composed of drunks. Our future is Portugal. Illiterate druggies begging from one another.

Hopefully Russia or China puts us out of our misery.

Russia? You mean the country with one of the world's highest per-capita alcohol consumption rates? The country where more than half of ALL deaths are alcohol-related?
The difference is, the Russian government doesn't encourage alcoholism. There is so social network telling anyone that alcoholism is good for them and getting drunk has to be respected as their freedom.
Janis Joplin died because of drug laws?

Legalize it all. There is no reason cheap krikodil can't be picked up at Walgreens.
While there are examples of suicidal excess it is more likely that Joplin's (and Presley's) overdose was the unintentional result of erroneous dilution measurement by the dealer, which is not uncommon where bootleg drugs are concerned.

Most of the physically debilitating and sometimes devastating effects of heroin use are the result of the unknown quantities and qualities of bootleg doses -- thus the name, "junk." If you buy a "hit" of heroin from a street dealer you don't know what you are getting. Usually, neither does the dealer. Because the pure drug is diluted ("cut") many times between the original source and the final sale. If heroin were available from a legally managed source each dose would be sterile and precisely measured.

But the drug war marches on.

Not to mention: you have no idea WHAT it was cut with. What is used ranges from the harmless (sugar, flour), to the dangerous (baby laxatives), to outright toxic (strychnine).
You almost gotta laugh, the same limp wristed dumbasses who are locking up citizens for the crime of smoking a freaking legal cigarette want to sell a gateway drug to our kids.
Sell? No. It's make sure they take it, but keep the fruit juice away. Too sugary. Not good for kids.

No civilization can withstand the widespread impairment of its people.
they also cant withstand the widespread ignorance of people who cant accept the fact that its no longer 1948....
We made it 50 plus years. We certainly won't make it another 50 with a majority of people addicted to some drug. We wouldn't survive an entire country composed of drunks. Our future is Portugal. Illiterate druggies begging from one another.

Hopefully Russia or China puts us out of our misery.

Russia? You mean the country with one of the world's highest per-capita alcohol consumption rates? The country where more than half of ALL deaths are alcohol-related?
...still waiting for your Washington and Jefferson smoked dope support.
Lets put that lie to bed right now, shall we.

Busting some myths about the Founding Fathers and marijuana
Washington and Jefferson both smoked it...this is not in dispute.
Not in dispute on your home planet? Where would that be?

Right here, pisshead. Jefferson mentioned it in several letters. Washington lamented not being home in time to separate male & female hemp plants...the only reason to do so would be for consumption purposes.

Reefer Madness is NOT a documentary!
If you would like to educate yourself on this subject one of the most entertaining and informative books available is Jack Herer's, The Emperor Wears No Clothes. This book has sold millions of copies but you can read every chapter on line, FREE!

Just go here

Ignore the line that reads, "What you're looking for isn't here" and click on the item "EMPEROR" right above that line and select from the various chapters. The whole book is available there.
Sell? No. It's make sure they take it, but keep the fruit juice away. Too sugary. Not good for kids.

No civilization can withstand the widespread impairment of its people.
they also cant withstand the widespread ignorance of people who cant accept the fact that its no longer 1948....
We made it 50 plus years. We certainly won't make it another 50 with a majority of people addicted to some drug. We wouldn't survive an entire country composed of drunks. Our future is Portugal. Illiterate druggies begging from one another.

Hopefully Russia or China puts us out of our misery.

Russia? You mean the country with one of the world's highest per-capita alcohol consumption rates? The country where more than half of ALL deaths are alcohol-related?
...still waiting for your Washington and Jefferson smoked dope support.
Lets put that lie to bed right now, shall we.

Busting some myths about the Founding Fathers and marijuana
im sure these guys knew the difference between hemp and pot....and if you are going to tell me they never gave it a shot,then you are even stupider than i give you credit for....pot was smoked long before them....they knew what it was....
Washington and Jefferson both smoked it...this is not in dispute.
Not in dispute on your home planet? Where would that be?
Right here, pisshead. Jefferson mentioned it in several letters. Washington lamented not being home in time to separate male & female hemp plants...the only reason to do so would be for consumption purposes.

Reefer Madness is NOT a documentary!
Right where, pothead? Jefferson mentioned what? Separating the plants meant George smoked it? LOL, you fried your noodle!
If you would like to educate yourself on this subject one of the most entertaining and informative books available is Jack Herer's, The Emperor Wears No Clothes. This book has sold millions of copies but you can read every chapter on line, FREE!

Just go here

Ignore the line that reads, "What you're looking for isn't here" and click on the item "EMPEROR" right above that line and select from the various chapters. The whole book is available there.
Nice smokescreen. Put the bong down and back up the claim instead of using the brain dead 'go read a book' deflection.
Washington and Jefferson both smoked it...this is not in dispute.
Not in dispute on your home planet? Where would that be?
Right here, pisshead. Jefferson mentioned it in several letters. Washington lamented not being home in time to separate male & female hemp plants...the only reason to do so would be for consumption purposes.

Reefer Madness is NOT a documentary!
Right where, pothead? Jefferson mentioned what? Separating the plants meant George smoked it? LOL, you fried your noodle!

If you can prove I have ever smoked pot, I will give you one hundred million dollars a day for one million days. (Note: I have not.)
]Nice smokescreen. Put the bong down and back up the claim instead of using the brain dead 'go read a book' deflection.
Back up what claim?

And what "smokescreen?" I've recommended a very good book which will effectively dispel your ignorance if you will simply read it with an open mind. That's not a "smokescreen." It's a book. And you can read it free! No charge.
It's just not a history book.
It does examine many historical aspects of marijuana, each of which is authoritatively referenced. It is a unique book which should be read by anyone with the slightest interest in the subject.

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