Cantor Loses


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
I've been watching all the Talking Heads going gaga over his loss to a “Tea Party” candidate.

Balderdash! :mad:

First off, not one single Tea Party organization even recognized this guy, let alone supported him.

Then they blame it on talk radio and Fox News. Really? 37K+ people who went to the polls are Ditto Heads? [If you don't know what that means, don't ask.] :eusa_whistle:

Why don't they get to the truth of the matter?

Cantor was so wrapped up in his perks and powers inside the beltway that he forgot why he was there! He was there to represent his constituents. Not national organizations and the staid, power-hungry Establishment in the halls of congress.

Hell! He didn't even bother to campaign in his home district. He was at some kind of fund-raiser at a Starbucks for heavens sake.

And then they say – and he claims – he's a conservative. :eusa_whistle:

Not hardly!

And finally, what has he done for those who put him in office?

If this is a warning to the GOP, they should at least recognize it for what it was. People are getting sick and tired of Politics as Usual. They want people in Washington who will carry out their wishes.

And here's a site to meet the guy who beat him @ Dave Brat: Meet The Candidate Who Beat Eric Cantor - ABC News

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