Zone1 Canyon-Bugles


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Thought I'd offer an inventions-rich 'spin' on traditional Christian mythology about End-Times 'stuff' for this Thanksgiving season Sunday (with no 'explicit' claims for any interest for specific opinions of religious-canon direction or denominational storyboards and hence simply reflection for 'personalized' theater-comedic interpretations!). Hope you like it (and thanks for reading),



What if the Devil waged a hellish war after expulsion from heaven against the dominion of modern man/civilization, to defy God's guidance of a social evolution to this new age of 'incomplete-distances' to traffic/lifestyle drawn net-activity for globalism-rhetoric/confidence? Would the Devil seek a special image of psycho-sociological textures and paranoia from Earth's natural landscape, perhaps the gorge and nooks and ravines and caverns and peaks and valleys of the Grand Canyon of Arizona (USA)? Would God order some legion of defenders, perhaps faerie-angels to remind man of the mod-age of 'incomplete-distances' to commerce/vanities secured by the memory-image of Earth's natural landscape, perhaps the levels/layers of the Grand Canyon's intriguing/visual texture of roaming and nestling (for the Ego!).


GOD: I charge you faerie-angel ministers of social superstition for Earth-IQ for defenses!
FAERIES (Angels): We shall draw the Devil and his rebels to the Grand Canyon for laser-tag.
GOD: This will be a social media re-presentation of net-activity 'drawn' magic for vitality.
FAERIES: We conjecture the Devil will lurk in that Canyon with 'snacks' for media-indulgence.
GOD: Good; perhaps this rebel-angel and his legion seek a warping of superstition-imagery.
FAERIES: Perhaps Satan will cast himself as a Martian invader of mod-cyber culture grids!
GOD: Likely; there's 'space' and 'play' for iconography for mobility with winged convenience.
FAERIES: We'll make the Grand-Canyon a mind-snacks landscape for 'seizure' of fortune(s)!
GOD: Be liberal then in the use of 'matrix' trek symbols/diadems for Earth-realm stickers/IQ.


Thus the stage for the Armageddon between the rebel-legion of the Devil, disguised as invader-Martians 'lurking' in the environment landscape/texture symbolic Grand Canyon (Arizona, USA), and God's loyalist-warrior faeries/angels who took-up haven in a Western civilization hospitality-readings reflective institution (Wingate) where they'd use cyber-nets to create a superstition activity storyboard about a mass-engagement with 'lurking' invaders in the Grand Canyon with laser-toys and backpacks filled with consumerism-symbolic cute/zesty bread-or-chips snacks, and bottled-water.

GOD: Seems this institution for training (Wingate) is a 'premonition' theater for restoration.
ARCHANGEL: I shan't be needed for aid, since our faerie-legion's marked the right base (IQ).
GOD: Excellence (for chess?).


SATAN: You dare me to run this laser tag and snacks-rhetoric gauntlet in a laurel-canyon?
FAERIES: It's the American (southwest) environmental landscape invoking you for this chess!
SATAN: Why should I reveal my Invader-agenda for a test in this kingdom of mobility/nets?
FAERIES: The Canyon is a texture-symbol for mobilized net-nooks, and it's a labyrinth.
SATAN: Let's call this grand-arena the site of Armageddon, my hospitality-reading rivals.
FAERIES: This 'micro-rivalry' engagement in the Grand Canyon requires media-chat(s).
SATAN: We'll cast a future-world 'vision' of electric-energy/motions in this Canyon for IQ.
FAERIES: For every man recruited to chase your 'aliens' with laser-toys, there's chat-chance?
SATAN: Agreed, yes; your 'runners' shall find texture-psyche in this chase-arena for Earth-IQ.
FAERIES: We announce on cyber-forums this 'alien' contest in the Canyon for media-shine!
SATAN: Good; we'll 'spice' this human-alien laser/snacks chase-game as cinema for religion?
FAERIES: As long as there's base-reference imagery for race-motions IQ, the arena's shaped.
SATAN: Perhaps God was 'right' to think created environments make for motions/adaptation.
FAERIES: We 'complement' this Armageddon for Canyon-symbolism and Earth with stories.
SATAN: Stories about what (precisely), loyalists?
FAERIES: The quality of End-Times 'tech/machinery' concerning (distance) accessibility/spirit.
SATAN: Damn.


The Faeries (angels) of God's throne(s) of Earth prevailed and staved-off the Devil's legion, disguised as Invaders (Martians!) lurking in the Grand Canyon and drawing a cyber-invitational race/chase laser-tag and snacks-game 'dare' accented by the counsel and support and aid of the faeries/angels, in this Armageddon superstitious 'adventure' of promising restorations of civilization 'lights' for net-activity confidence for choreographed confidence, reflective of commerce/globalism 'matrix' education and convenience-life, reminding Adam and Eve (mankind!) that God's promises of 'convenience' for spiritual happiness would be realized, with a simple 'deed' for Homeland magic/games! The Devil and his legion self-exiled to the deep-ocean abyss, and the faeries of God became artist-writers of superstitions of capitalism/governance/masquerade on Earth, and perhaps the real outcome concerned the (somewhat) eroded consumerism-life maturation (wow).


GOD: There's always 'space' for lounge-comforts for snacks and refreshments (for the Ego).
ARCHANGEL: The laurel-canyon exercise proved the 'texture' of Earth's (special) leviathan.
GOD: Good (thanx).


"Money is everything" (Ecclesiastes)

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