Capitalism cures Poverty

Capitalism is an economic model that is unsurpassed at curing poverty IF it is effectively regulated by good, responsible governance. No other economic system even comes close to providing the benefits to everybody that capitalism does. Is it perfect? NO. Why? Cuz people run it and human nature requires careful but constant monitoring. All this bitching about capitalism is woefully misplaced, what everyone should be bitching about is the piss poor governance we've had in this country for a very long time.
Capitalism is a word that was invented by the communist, to loosely label the non-communist. Therefore, to use the definition of capitalism, you first have to use the definition of communism. As per the word capitalist, you first have to be a communist, to understand it.

This post is total nonsense. You have to be a communist to understand capitalism? Bullshit.
What do you call capitalism then?

Well, I guess this one will do, it's from Wikipedia:

Capitalism is an economic system and an ideology based on private ownership of the means of production and their operation for profit. Characteristics central to capitalism include private property, capital accumulation, wage labor, voluntary exchange, a price system, and competitive markets. In a capitalist market economy, decision-making and investment are determined by the owners of the factors of production in financial and capital markets, and prices and the distribution of goods are mainly determined by competition in the market.
To date there is absolutely no other economic model that approaches the positive benefits that capitalism has provided over the past 200+ years. Not even close. To be sure, capitalism requires good governance to control it's excesses, because that is true of socialism or any other economic model because guess what, they are all run by people. Same as any form of government model, people can be corrupted, so whatever excesses capitalism is guilty of that are not being adequately addressed are pretty much the fault of inadequate government. And whose fault is that? OURS, for not throwing the bastards out.
Well, the industrial revolution helped more than what you call capitalism that was one mercantilism.

Capitalism pre-dates the industrial revolution by a couple of centuries; the IR took place under the capitalistic economic model.
No, the stock exchange is a consequence of public enterprising, not a precondition. By the way, King George I caused the first real stock bubble, when he sold the English national debt to the south sea company.

??? Capitalism is a lot more than the stock exchange, which has very little to do with poverty. Where'd that comment of yours come from, it doesn't appear to be germane?
Take a look at San Francisco and see how capitalism cures poverty..
The Hi-Tech rich are paying $7,000 plus a month for rent..the poor and middle class have left..
They need to bus in people to teach their children and clean their toilets..

They kick the affordable housing out to rip down the housing for big high rise apartments..and then get $5 million an apartment..

So basically capitalism is a word for the very wealthy..

Affordable housing in San Francisco (49 sq. miles) hasn't existed since JFK was POTUS. Blue collar workers began to move to the south (Daly City, San Mateo Co.) with the development of Westlake, and to the east a few years later when BART completed the tube (under the bay). Affordable housing (put affordable in italics) is required in every new development, and first time home buyers qualify for these units - generally condos - which have little or no yard but plenty of benefits - parks/gjreen belts, gyms, tennis courts, easy access to public transportation, close to bars and restaurants; ideal for a 20 somthings with a tech degree. Marin Co to the North has always been expensive, but those who teach and clean toilets along with other middle income workers can find affordable (no italics) housing on Treasure Island.

I lived there for while when I was in the Navy, since being turned over to The City of SF, it has developed into a community much like the Sunset Dist - known affectionately as the Outside Lands or the Avenues, where row homes are cheap, for $900,000 one can buy a 3 & 1 with a nice back yard a garage and about 1,100 sq ft.
Gee there is NO poverty in Capitalistic America. :cuckoo:

We followed the Progressive recipe, just give poor people money for staying poor -- and they tend to stay poor

This goes beyond his usual idiot-gram, into the realm of total ignorance.

Please explain how paying people to stay poor breaks the cycle of poverty.

He made good points. Why did you ask what he had already answered?

I would like to read YOUR beliefs. Beyond "let the stave" in the street, I mean.


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Look at North Korea and South Korea; one went capitalist, the other opted for the Progressive Utopia of State control; which worked?

Look at the US "War on Poverty" I believe that the War on Poverty has only helped Progressives and has been a complete, unmitigated disaster for the ones they intended to "serve". Progressives have successfully created inter-generational, government dependents who MUST vote Democrat for their very sustenance.


Capitalism caused the breed lines after the crash that started the great depression...All because of unregulated greed.

How fucking hard is this for you to understand? Capitalism is good as long as it is regulated! Why? because a few screw everyone else over.
We followed the Progressive recipe, just give poor people money for staying poor -- and they tend to stay poor

This goes beyond his usual idiot-gram, into the realm of total ignorance.

Please explain how paying people to stay poor breaks the cycle of poverty.

He made good points. Why did you ask what he had already answered?

I would like to read YOUR beliefs. Beyond "let the stave" in the street, I mean.


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Look at North Korea and South Korea; one went capitalist, the other opted for the Progressive Utopia of State control; which worked?

Look at the US "War on Poverty" I believe that the War on Poverty has only helped Progressives and has been a complete, unmitigated disaster for the ones they intended to "serve". Progressives have successfully created inter-generational, government dependents who MUST vote Democrat for their very sustenance.


Capitalism caused the breed lines after the crash that started the great depression...All because of unregulated greed.

How fucking hard is this for you to understand? Capitalism is good as long as it is regulated! Why? because a few screw everyone else over.

The Federal Reserve cause the 29 crash, FDRs wretched policies brought an average 20% unemployment his first two terms. Awful. Awful. Failed Progressive ideas run amuck
To date there is absolutely no other economic model that approaches the positive benefits that capitalism has provided over the past 200+ years. Not even close. To be sure, capitalism requires good governance to control it's excesses, because that is true of socialism or any other economic model because guess what, they are all run by people. Same as any form of government model, people can be corrupted, so whatever excesses capitalism is guilty of that are not being adequately addressed are pretty much the fault of inadequate government. And whose fault is that? OURS, for not throwing the bastards out.
Well, the industrial revolution helped more than what you call capitalism that was one mercantilism.

Capitalism pre-dates the industrial revolution by a couple of centuries; the IR took place under the capitalistic economic model.
No, the stock exchange is a consequence of public enterprising, not a precondition. By the way, King George I caused the first real stock bubble, when he sold the English national debt to the south sea company.

??? Capitalism is a lot more than the stock exchange, which has very little to do with poverty. Where'd that comment of yours come from, it doesn't appear to be germane?

Capitalism is not necessarily a market economy, and in the 21st century it isn't. Both business consolidation and technological automation are dominant factors to eliminate markets through globalization. So capitalism is only an ideology, nothing else. And as an ideology, it is flawed like all others, including socialism. For example, in the 21st century, the migration of people is frozen aggressively, like the movements of serfs were frozen 200 years ago. Compare this to the freedom of people in the 19th century, before capitalism consolidated.
Unregulated capitalism may cure some in poverty, and elevate them into the working poor. Exploitation makes the ownership and managerial classes wealthy, at the expense of labor. Today we see:
  • A war on the minimum wage
  • A war on unemployment insurance
  • A war on OT
  • A war on labor unions
  • A war on benefits
  • A war on earned benefits and retirements promised and reneged.

  • A war on the minimum wage -- Still in tact. When did this happen?
  • A war on unemployment insurance -- Together with Food Stamps, Unemployment is supposedly one of the big engines powering the Obama economy
  • A war on OT -- Where? When?
  • A war on labor unions -- They're killing themselves with unsustainable cost structure
  • A war on benefits -- Where? When?
  • A war on earned benefits and retirements promised and reneged. -- You mean Social Security?

Called greed at the top.
QUOTE="CrusaderFrank, post: 17393620, member: 19448"]
I disagree, consumerism drives jobs, and they need to get paid more.

You might want to actually watch the short video before posting a comment that is completely and utterly refuted by the video[/QUOTE]

I did and Ryan and he love the same women. Ask Ryan how his state is doing. They need to raise min wage without raising prices, and Mexicans need to demand increase wages. To make Fed min wage is not enough to live. Also a healthy society is important for everything. The wealthy need to pay more, more tax brackets , not less.
To date there is absolutely no other economic model that approaches the positive benefits that capitalism has provided over the past 200+ years. Not even close. To be sure, capitalism requires good governance to control it's excesses, because that is true of socialism or any other economic model because guess what, they are all run by people. Same as any form of government model, people can be corrupted, so whatever excesses capitalism is guilty of that are not being adequately addressed are pretty much the fault of inadequate government. And whose fault is that? OURS, for not throwing the bastards out.
Well, the industrial revolution helped more than what you call capitalism that was one mercantilism.

Capitalism pre-dates the industrial revolution by a couple of centuries; the IR took place under the capitalistic economic model.
No, the stock exchange is a consequence of public enterprising, not a precondition. By the way, King George I caused the first real stock bubble, when he sold the English national debt to the south sea company.

??? Capitalism is a lot more than the stock exchange, which has very little to do with poverty. Where'd that comment of yours come from, it doesn't appear to be germane?

Capitalism is not necessarily a market economy, and in the 21st century it isn't. Both business consolidation and technological automation are dominant factors to eliminate markets through globalization. So capitalism is only an ideology, nothing else. And as an ideology, it is flawed like all others, including socialism. For example, in the 21st century, the migration of people is frozen aggressively, like the movements of serfs were frozen 200 years ago. Compare this to the freedom of people in the 19th century, before capitalism consolidated.
The serfs in Russia during the Tsar in the 19th century had no freedom of movement.
And capitalism has never improved a thing about poverty in America.

The US is a Plutocracy country. The rich get richer and the middle class has become the poor. If the new deal is destroyed like the GOP wants to appease the elites , things will get very bad.

This goes beyond his usual idiot-gram, into the realm of total ignorance.

Please explain how paying people to stay poor breaks the cycle of poverty.

He made good points. Why did you ask what he had already answered?

I would like to read YOUR beliefs. Beyond "let the stave" in the street, I mean.


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Look at North Korea and South Korea; one went capitalist, the other opted for the Progressive Utopia of State control; which worked?

Look at the US "War on Poverty" I believe that the War on Poverty has only helped Progressives and has been a complete, unmitigated disaster for the ones they intended to "serve". Progressives have successfully created inter-generational, government dependents who MUST vote Democrat for their very sustenance.


Capitalism caused the breed lines after the crash that started the great depression...All because of unregulated greed.

How fucking hard is this for you to understand? Capitalism is good as long as it is regulated! Why? because a few screw everyone else over.

The Federal Reserve cause the 29 crash, FDRs wretched policies brought an average 20% unemployment his first two terms. Awful. Awful. Failed Progressive ideas run amuck

Please explain in detail how the CB caused the Great Depression. Your non answer, or whatever you post should be hilarious.
Please explain how paying people to stay poor breaks the cycle of poverty.

He made good points. Why did you ask what he had already answered?

I would like to read YOUR beliefs. Beyond "let the stave" in the street, I mean.


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Look at North Korea and South Korea; one went capitalist, the other opted for the Progressive Utopia of State control; which worked?

Look at the US "War on Poverty" I believe that the War on Poverty has only helped Progressives and has been a complete, unmitigated disaster for the ones they intended to "serve". Progressives have successfully created inter-generational, government dependents who MUST vote Democrat for their very sustenance.


Capitalism caused the breed lines after the crash that started the great depression...All because of unregulated greed.

How fucking hard is this for you to understand? Capitalism is good as long as it is regulated! Why? because a few screw everyone else over.

The Federal Reserve cause the 29 crash, FDRs wretched policies brought an average 20% unemployment his first two terms. Awful. Awful. Failed Progressive ideas run amuck

Please explain in detail how the CB caused the Great Depression. Your non answer, or whatever you post should be hilarious.

The Fed sucked out 1/3 of the money supply, causing the market crash and start of the downturn. This has been covered extensively in the economics forum and even Bernanke admitted it
He made good points. Why did you ask what he had already answered?

I would like to read YOUR beliefs. Beyond "let the stave" in the street, I mean.


Sent from my iPad using

Look at North Korea and South Korea; one went capitalist, the other opted for the Progressive Utopia of State control; which worked?

Look at the US "War on Poverty" I believe that the War on Poverty has only helped Progressives and has been a complete, unmitigated disaster for the ones they intended to "serve". Progressives have successfully created inter-generational, government dependents who MUST vote Democrat for their very sustenance.


Capitalism caused the breed lines after the crash that started the great depression...All because of unregulated greed.

How fucking hard is this for you to understand? Capitalism is good as long as it is regulated! Why? because a few screw everyone else over.

The Federal Reserve cause the 29 crash, FDRs wretched policies brought an average 20% unemployment his first two terms. Awful. Awful. Failed Progressive ideas run amuck

Please explain in detail how the CB caused the Great Depression. Your non answer, or whatever you post should be hilarious.

The Fed sucked out 1/3 of the money supply, causing the market crash and start of the downturn. This has been covered extensively in the economics forum and even Bernanke admitted it

Here's a bit more detail, but not the entire story - it was not the FED alone which created the Great Recession, and guess what, the Plutocrats are still in power and still raping our economy [compare the wealth, the # of Billionaires in the Trump Administration, with those in the Obama Administration]

Ben Bernanke Is Still Keeping the Secrets of the Crash of 2007-2009
To date there is absolutely no other economic model that approaches the positive benefits that capitalism has provided over the past 200+ years. Not even close. To be sure, capitalism requires good governance to control it's excesses, because that is true of socialism or any other economic model because guess what, they are all run by people. Same as any form of government model, people can be corrupted, so whatever excesses capitalism is guilty of that are not being adequately addressed are pretty much the fault of inadequate government. And whose fault is that? OURS, for not throwing the bastards out.
Well, the industrial revolution helped more than what you call capitalism that was one mercantilism.

Capitalism pre-dates the industrial revolution by a couple of centuries; the IR took place under the capitalistic economic model.
No, the stock exchange is a consequence of public enterprising, not a precondition. By the way, King George I caused the first real stock bubble, when he sold the English national debt to the south sea company.

??? Capitalism is a lot more than the stock exchange, which has very little to do with poverty. Where'd that comment of yours come from, it doesn't appear to be germane?

Capitalism is not necessarily a market economy, and in the 21st century it isn't. Both business consolidation and technological automation are dominant factors to eliminate markets through globalization. So capitalism is only an ideology, nothing else. And as an ideology, it is flawed like all others, including socialism. For example, in the 21st century, the migration of people is frozen aggressively, like the movements of serfs were frozen 200 years ago. Compare this to the freedom of people in the 19th century, before capitalism consolidated.

A competitive market is the hallmark of a capitalistic system, if you don't have the market then you don't have capitalism.

Prior to capitalism, most people never went farther than 20 miles from the place where they were born, unless forced to move. Took money and guts to go somewhere else. Still does.
And capitalism has never improved a thing about poverty in America.

This is flat out wrong. Every advance you can name over the past 200 years is due to one thing: capitalism. From advances in health care, to education to transportation to agriculture to EVERYTHING you and I and everyone else today enjoys, they ALL owe their existence to capitalism. Yes we still have people living in poverty in this country, but their lives are 1000% better than people living in poverty anywhere else, especially those living in non-capitalistic countries. Look no further than Venezuela or North Korea as evidence of that.
He made good points. Why did you ask what he had already answered?

I would like to read YOUR beliefs. Beyond "let the stave" in the street, I mean.


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Look at North Korea and South Korea; one went capitalist, the other opted for the Progressive Utopia of State control; which worked?

Look at the US "War on Poverty" I believe that the War on Poverty has only helped Progressives and has been a complete, unmitigated disaster for the ones they intended to "serve". Progressives have successfully created inter-generational, government dependents who MUST vote Democrat for their very sustenance.


Capitalism caused the breed lines after the crash that started the great depression...All because of unregulated greed.

How fucking hard is this for you to understand? Capitalism is good as long as it is regulated! Why? because a few screw everyone else over.

The Federal Reserve cause the 29 crash, FDRs wretched policies brought an average 20% unemployment his first two terms. Awful. Awful. Failed Progressive ideas run amuck

Please explain in detail how the CB caused the Great Depression. Your non answer, or whatever you post should be hilarious.

The Fed sucked out 1/3 of the money supply, causing the market crash and start of the downturn. This has been covered extensively in the economics forum and even Bernanke admitted it

Not sure when the Fed tightened the money supply, but I suspect it was after the market crashed. There were a number of causes for that crash, but the Fed's tightening wasn't one of them although I may be mistaken. Here are some other reasons listed in this link for those who are interested:

What caused the Wall Street Crash of 1929? | Economics Help
Well, the industrial revolution helped more than what you call capitalism that was one mercantilism.

Capitalism pre-dates the industrial revolution by a couple of centuries; the IR took place under the capitalistic economic model.
No, the stock exchange is a consequence of public enterprising, not a precondition. By the way, King George I caused the first real stock bubble, when he sold the English national debt to the south sea company.

??? Capitalism is a lot more than the stock exchange, which has very little to do with poverty. Where'd that comment of yours come from, it doesn't appear to be germane?

Capitalism is not necessarily a market economy, and in the 21st century it isn't. Both business consolidation and technological automation are dominant factors to eliminate markets through globalization. So capitalism is only an ideology, nothing else. And as an ideology, it is flawed like all others, including socialism. For example, in the 21st century, the migration of people is frozen aggressively, like the movements of serfs were frozen 200 years ago. Compare this to the freedom of people in the 19th century, before capitalism consolidated.
The serfs in Russia during the Tsar in the 19th century had no freedom of movement.

Exactly my point, just like applying for a visa in modern day capitalism. Serfs mustn't migrate and move. Capitalist workers also mustn't migrate and move.
Capitalism pre-dates the industrial revolution by a couple of centuries; the IR took place under the capitalistic economic model.
No, the stock exchange is a consequence of public enterprising, not a precondition. By the way, King George I caused the first real stock bubble, when he sold the English national debt to the south sea company.

??? Capitalism is a lot more than the stock exchange, which has very little to do with poverty. Where'd that comment of yours come from, it doesn't appear to be germane?

Capitalism is not necessarily a market economy, and in the 21st century it isn't. Both business consolidation and technological automation are dominant factors to eliminate markets through globalization. So capitalism is only an ideology, nothing else. And as an ideology, it is flawed like all others, including socialism. For example, in the 21st century, the migration of people is frozen aggressively, like the movements of serfs were frozen 200 years ago. Compare this to the freedom of people in the 19th century, before capitalism consolidated.
The serfs in Russia during the Tsar in the 19th century had no freedom of movement.

Exactly my point, just like applying for a visa in modern day capitalism. Serfs mustn't migrate and move. Capitalist workers also mustn't migrate and move.
One reason that college degree prices are 100% higher than when I was in college.

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