Capitalism Deferred: WalMart Disaster [Love Story?]


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Does TrumpUSA capitalism worry you about conversational dogma (e.g., 'WalMart depressives')?

In other words, are we citizens of TrumpUSA hypnotized by commercial vanities? Will TrumpUSA be likened to Reagan's America and if so in what ways?

It seems to me that TrumpUSA mentality promotes a fair deal of social gibberish, but does it promote sufficient levels of romanticized/iconic storytelling?

What do you think? Will TrumpUSA 'stories' be considered symbolic/reflective of the youthful qualities of the American Dream?



"A college graduate named Ajay Satan (Algerian-American) began work as a lab-technician at Carnegie Mellon and fell in love with his boss, Dr. Samantha Fox, a very attractive female scientist studying cellular biology in the brains of mice. Ajay was fascinated by Samantha's interest in science and animals and wondered if he should pursue a career in science rather than pursuing his original American Dream of opening a comic book store. Ajay was about to get a hard lesson in the realities of capitalism deferred. What would U.S. President Donald Trump say about Ajay Satan?"


"Of course, Dr. Fox was too busy with her research to notice Ajay's romantic intentions towards her(!). Everyday, Ajay went to work in Dr. Fox's lab and did his diligent work and noticed Dr. Fox doing her usual methodical work, using microscopes and other equipment Ajay would help Carnegie Mellon order as the purchasing-representative. Dr. Fox complimented Ajay on his reliability and work ethic and his ability to get the necessary equipment for her lab. Dr. Samantha Fox was the perfect American female scientist. She was also a huge fan of capitalism, TrumpUSA, and WalMart(!)."


"One day, Samantha told Ajay she was leaving the lab early to get to WalMart to do some Easter shopping. Ajay offered to give Samantha a ride, since she was going to take the bus to WalMart, and Samantha accepted Ajay's courteous offer. On the way to WalMart, Ajay confessed his love for Samantha and told her that he was enamoured by her patriotic feelings toward capitalism, TrumpUSA, American science, animal biology, and even WalMart(!). Samantha told Ajay she was flattered but recently divorced her cruel husband and was wary of starting a new romance, even though she found Ajay interesting...and attractive. Ajay wondered if the proverbial 'American Dream' might really be about...patience!"


"Three months later, Ajay was still working in Dr. Fox's lab at Carnegie Mellon, and Samantha was considering reciprocating Ajay's romantic affections towards her(!). However, Ajay had already decided to quit working in Dr. Fox's lab so he could open his own comic book store in D.C. It was a strange/tragic irony that Ajay had already decided that the American Dream for him would not involve Dr. Samantha Fox. On the day Ajay was preparing to leave Samantha's lab, he packed up his things and went to Samantha's office (to have her sign his release-papers), which she did(!), and then Ajay shook Samantha's hand and bid her farewell. One yea later, when Ajay was managing his successful comic book store in D.C., he made a simple/fun watercolor-painting of an immigrant shaking hands with a lovely woman and telling the woman goodbye. Ajay hung this painting in the front door of his comic book store and told his customers it represented 'American Dreams' deferred."


TRUMP: Are you a fan of 'TrumpUSA,' Carter?
CARTER: I noticed a nice little comic book store, Mr. President!
TRUMP: Continue...
CARTER: The owner hung a painting of an immigrant shaking hands.
TRUMP: Continue...
CARTER: This painting symbolized 'American Dreams' deferred!
TRUMP: This sounds like a typical comic book store.
CARTER: Yes, the owner wanted customers to think about daydreams.
TRUMP: Are you referring to the daydreams of immigrants?
CARTER: Yes, immigrants who ponder the American Dream with yearning.
TRUMP: Well, Americans do love comic books!
CARTER: Well, this comic book owner seemed scarred by a parting.
TRUMP: So he parted ways with someone and it haunted him?
CARTER: Yes; the owner, an Algerian-American, brooded about ambition.
TRUMP: Maybe he's a fan of Captain America...
CARTER: I think he was also a fan of Wonder Woman!
TRUMP: American capitalism/traffic breeds a lot of 'tragic daydreams.'
CARTER: Maybe the American Dream is really about inventiveness!
TRUMP: Maybe TrumpUSA is really about energized dogma...
CARTER: I think people might meet their future spouses while shopping.



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