Capitalism Guarantees Rising Inequality

Capitalists are the most serious cause of mountain top removal, aren't they?

"Peer-reviewed studies show that mountaintop mining has serious environmental impacts, including loss of biodiversity and toxification of watersheds, that mitigation practices cannot successfully address.[5]

"There are also adverse human health impacts which result from contact with affected streams or exposure to airborne toxins and dust.[5]

"According to 21 scientific studies there has been major effects on the population in Appalachia where MTM takes place including over 50% higher cancer rates, 42% higher birth defect rates, and $75 billion a year in public health costs from pollution."

Socialize the cost.
Privatize the profits.
That's the problem.

Mountaintop removal mining - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So you believe only capitalist countries harm the environment? Apparently you aren't familiar with the environmental record of communist countries.

Environmental disaster in eastern Europe - Le Monde diplomatique - English edition

Environmental disaster in eastern Europe

In opting for economic development through all-out industrialisation and intensive agriculture, the Soviet Union and the countries of eastern Europe showed little concern for the natural environment. The Aral Sea basin was turned into a vast cotton plantation and nuclear activities were concentrated in the area of the Barents Sea, despite the vulnerability of the local ecosystems. While the economic recession of the 1990s has made it possible to cut down the emission of pollutants, the lack of administrative controls means there may yet be worse to come. Western aid is distributed case by case, without any overall plan, and is below promised levels and requirements. Yet industrial depollution and reconversion could be a major undertaking crucial for the future of the whole region.
Straw man - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You don't know what a straw man is, Georgie. The example of Eastern Europe is clearly relevant to your implied claim socialism is the solution to environmental problems. Socialism is an environmental disaster.
Georgie implied that environmental problems are purely the work of capitalism

He did not imply that. You are just so religiously devoted to capitalism that you have no other way of understanding the issue so you force implications that you created. Please, go ahead and prove your point by quoting me the part where george implied it.

If the workers did make all the business decisions, the results would be even more of a disaster.

You have no evidence for that. If you do, please demonstrate it with sound reasoning and evidence. Saying human beings can't govern their own affairs and make decisions about what they do 1/3rd of their life is as anti-freedom as it comes.
A system like that would probably cost about $20 trillion dollars.

Hardly cost effective.

How much did you think about what you said? I guess you shat on your keyboard and that's what was typed. Hardly intelligible. Let me correct your turd's estimates.

1. The budget estimate is 500 billion by 2030. You were off by about 19.5 trillion, not much though. A non-educated guess. It will have speeds between 110-220 mph. That's not faster than traveling in a car. Oh wait. It is. US High Speed Rail Map

2. Second, the whole reason it's proposed is it's wildly cost effective. Also it's revitalizing to an economy, creating millions of jobs, sharply reducing the inefficiency of car/truck based transport where less than 1% of the fuel used is actually propelling the passengers. Moreover, it will reduce pollution of inefficient vehicles.

I guess you never thought for one second to actually learn about what such systems bring to countries that already have them (decades ago) in order to make an informed post.

So I determine that you are incredibly thoughtless. I will pray for your mental infirmary to heal rapidly and for you to think more about how to actually make an informed post.
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A system like that would probably cost about $20 trillion dollars.

Hardly cost effective.

How much did you think about what you said? I guess you shat on your keyboard and that's what was typed. Hardly intelligible. Let me correct your turd's estimates.

1. The budget estimate is 500 billion by 2030. You were off by about 19.5 trillion, not much. Speeds between 110-220 mph. US High Speed Rail Map

2. Second, the whole reason it's proposed is it's wildly cost effective. Also it's revitalizing to an economy, creating millions of jobs, sharply reducing the inefficiency of car/truck based transport where less than 1% of the fuel used is actually propelling the passengers. Moreover, it will reduce pollution of inefficient vehicles.

I guess you never thought for one second to actually learn about what such systems bring to countries that already have them (decades ago) in order to make an informed post.

So I determine that you are incredibly thoughtless. I will pray for your mental infirmary to heal rapidly and for you to think more about how to actually make an informed post.

Second, the whole reason it's proposed is it's wildly cost effective.

Wow, that's hilarious!
Georgie implied that environmental problems are purely the work of capitalism

He did not imply that. You are just so religiously devoted to capitalism that you have no other way of understanding the issue so you force implications that you created. Please, go ahead and prove your point by quoting me the part where george implied it.

He didn't just imply it, he state it outright.

"Capitalists are the most serious cause of mountain top removal, aren't they?"

- Georgie -

If the workers did make all the business decisions, the results would be even more of a disaster.

You have no evidence for that. If you do, please demonstrate it with sound reasoning and evidence. Saying human beings can't govern their own affairs and make decisions about what they do 1/3rd of their life is as anti-freedom as it comes.

The history of worker run industries is all the proof needed. They were attempted in the USSR and Yugoslavia for a short time. It didn't take long for the government to step in and to end the chaos.

Humans are capable of governing their own affairs. What they aren't capable of doing is governing the affairs of others. That's why democracy always fails. Being ruled by the whims and biases of your fellow humans is not freedom.
He didn't just imply it, he state it outright.

"Capitalists are the most serious cause of mountain top removal, aren't they?"

- Georgie -

Good point. He didn't imply it. I was right for the wrong reason.

You have no evidence for that. If you do, please demonstrate it with sound reasoning and evidence. Saying human beings can't govern their own affairs and make decisions about what they do 1/3rd of their life is as anti-freedom as it comes.

The history of worker run industries is all the proof needed. They were attempted in the USSR and Yugoslavia for a short time. It didn't take long for the government to step in and to end the chaos.

Very vague references that don't seem to mean anything. The state governed the affairs in USSR and Yugoslavia so that can't be an example of people governing what they do with their work.

Humans are capable of governing their own affairs. What they aren't capable of doing is governing the affairs of others. That's why democracy always fails. Being ruled by the whims and biases of your fellow humans is not freedom.

How would people govern their own affairs, which is to say how do we enact true freedom, autonomy? A hint: education plays an important role.
Capitalists are the most serious cause of mountain top removal, aren't they?

"Peer-reviewed studies show that mountaintop mining has serious environmental impacts, including loss of biodiversity and toxification of watersheds, that mitigation practices cannot successfully address.[5]

"There are also adverse human health impacts which result from contact with affected streams or exposure to airborne toxins and dust.[5]

"According to 21 scientific studies there has been major effects on the population in Appalachia where MTM takes place including over 50% higher cancer rates, 42% higher birth defect rates, and $75 billion a year in public health costs from pollution."

Socialize the cost.
Privatize the profits.
That's the problem.

Mountaintop removal mining - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So you believe only capitalist countries harm the environment? Apparently you aren't familiar with the environmental record of communist countries.

Environmental disaster in eastern Europe - Le Monde diplomatique - English edition

Environmental disaster in eastern Europe

In opting for economic development through all-out industrialisation and intensive agriculture, the Soviet Union and the countries of eastern Europe showed little concern for the natural environment. The Aral Sea basin was turned into a vast cotton plantation and nuclear activities were concentrated in the area of the Barents Sea, despite the vulnerability of the local ecosystems. While the economic recession of the 1990s has made it possible to cut down the emission of pollutants, the lack of administrative controls means there may yet be worse to come. Western aid is distributed case by case, without any overall plan, and is below promised levels and requirements. Yet industrial depollution and reconversion could be a major undertaking crucial for the future of the whole region.
Straw man - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The fact that SOME capitalists do bad things does not condemn capitalism, no more than the fact that SOME socialists, do bad things. The difference? Capitalism makes our country prosperous which allows for the funding of social programs for the needy, where as socialism just creates more needy.
The major reason that most kids drop out of school has to do with their inability to comprehend what is being taught because they were failed in the first six years of their public schooling. That is a shared responsibility of their parents and the public schools.

When public schools are proud that 76% of their fourth grade students can read at grade level, and that 72% of their third grade students can compute math at their grade level, you know you have a problem. They are failing at least one quarter of their charges, and are creating disfunctional adults.
I do agree that parental emphasis is a great thing to assist school success. But I further blame the teachers who do not accept the fact that some parents either can't or won't help their kids. Therefore it is up to the school system to give them that assistance which the parents do not afford. To say, "it is the fault of lax parental assistance" is a cop out. Face it, not only do some parents not help, some can actually be hostile to the concept to education, and the schoOl system MUST DO WHAT IS NECESSARY.

IMO, there are certain things the parents are responsible for and certain things the teachers are responsible for. If the teachers actually taught reading, writing and arithmetic and the parents took care of behavior, social graces and morals, things would be great. Instead, we have far too many teachers trying to teach our kids morals, or lack thereof, while ignoring their actual education.

How about we forget how many mommies Heather has unless it's part of a story problem?
I agree with you, all the way up to the point, we cannot force parents to help their kids, nor can we do anything about those who are too uneducated to help their kids. It becomes the schools problem in those cases, but the schools just want more parental involvement. So who suffers? The kid who goes to school without his homework and is humiliated in from of the class or graded down for something beyond his control.

We do need to encourage parents to help, but we MUST TAKE CARE OF THE KIDS NEEDS parental assistance or not.

I was a Psychology professor for a few years, and it was amazing how incapable some of the students of reading and writing a paper. I refused to pass failures, and when the University tried to change my grading system I resigned.
Relevance?Relevance? I bought a house in 1965 with a $300 down payment with a salary of less than $250 a month. So tell me about it Einstein.

965 Enlisted Basic Military Pay Chart


1965 Enlisted Basic Military Pay Chart
Pay Grade Years of Service
Less than 2 Over 2 Over 3 Over 4 Over 6
E-7 261.00 312.90 324.30 335.70 347.10
E-6 225.00 273.00 284.40 295.80 307.50
E-5 194.10 239.10 250.50 261.60 278.70
E-4 165.50 204.90 216.00 233.10 244.80
E-3 117.90 164.70 176.40 187.80 187.80
E-2 97.50 136.50 136.50 136.50 136.50
E-1 93.90 125.10 125.10 125.10 125.10
E-1 with less than 4 months of service 87.90

And I bought another house while keeping that one in 1968 with E-5 with just $324.90 a month​

This liberal can tell you all about it. Remember, LIBERAL, not LEFT WING EXTREMIST!

At $30,000 income, without other debt, a person can buy a house with a $400 to $500 payment depending on the credit history. As a realtor during my grad school work I sold a number of them. You really should do some research about an issue before making nonsensical statements.
Let's keep to 2006 to the crash and not veer off to 1950 or whatever.[/quoteTI responded to this comment from you, "I've been asking for one for over three years now and not one Free Market fanatic can produce such a document." You brought up the subject, I only answered you.
So a bus driver living in Nassau County earning 30K/year in 2006 could pay a 600K mortgage over 30 years?
Not unless the loan officer was nuts. What is your point?
You are also overtly revising history as you state that the Toxic Loans came AFTER the crash of Sep 2008, and that's complete nonsense.
I did not specify a date, that is your suggestion. What I said was the crash was the reason the real estate people recognized that they were going to be an overage of bad loans so they bundled them to protect their profits.
Your Target is Business Good, Government Bad and that requires revisionism.
You are reading things into what I have said. The MOST IMPORTANT CAUSE of the housing inflation in which prices soared over value was an over heated market and the cause of that were low interest rates and governmental agencies trying to get more less wealthy into homes....many of which they could not pay. That is a face, and either you are smart enough to understand it....or not, it will not change. That is not revision, that is fact, and any economist worth the powder to blow him to hell will verify that for you. Of course the left wing extremists will always look for a capitalist to blame, only IT WON'T STICK.
So you believe only capitalist countries harm the environment? Apparently you aren't familiar with the environmental record of communist countries.

Environmental disaster in eastern Europe - Le Monde diplomatique - English edition
Straw man - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You don't know what a straw man is, Georgie. The example of Eastern Europe is clearly relevant to your implied claim socialism is the solution to environmental problems. Socialism is an environmental disaster.
YES, YES, YES, and socialism destroys prosperity instead of lifting people out of poverty it makes more people poor.
Let's keep to 2006 to the crash and not veer off to 1950 or whatever.[/quoteTI responded to this comment from you, "I've been asking for one for over three years now and not one Free Market fanatic can produce such a document." You brought up the subject, I only answered you.Not unless the loan officer was nuts. What is your point?
I did not specify a date, that is your suggestion. What I said was the crash was the reason the real estate people recognized that they were going to be an overage of bad loans so they bundled them to protect their profits.You are reading things into what I have said. The MOST IMPORTANT CAUSE of the housing inflation in which prices soared over value was an over heated market and the cause of that were low interest rates and governmental agencies trying to get more less wealthy into homes....many of which they could not pay. That is a face, and either you are smart enough to understand it....or not, it will not change. That is not revision, that is fact, and any economist worth the powder to blow him to hell will verify that for you. Of course the left wing extremists will always look for a capitalist to blame, only IT WON'T STICK.

I just LOVE that "Overheated Market" phrase.
How about?...
People being called left and right by Mortgage Bankers and Brokers offering The Sky at Basement Rates?
Please stop using vague language and simply admit that GW's overtly stated desire for a nation of home owners resulted in Lenders bypassing Vendor software and reaping the associated Fees and Commissions.
Georgie implied that environmental problems are purely the work of capitalism

He did not imply that. You are just so religiously devoted to capitalism that you have no other way of understanding the issue so you force implications that you created. Please, go ahead and prove your point by quoting me the part where george implied it.

If the workers did make all the business decisions, the results would be even more of a disaster.

You have no evidence for that. If you do, please demonstrate it with sound reasoning and evidence. Saying human beings can't govern their own affairs and make decisions about what they do 1/3rd of their life is as anti-freedom as it comes.
You are so full of crap you are incapable of understanding the implications of what you say. Socialism is far less desirable than capitalism. I know that from study, but more important, I know it from personal experience. All Marxism which has ever been experimented with on this earth has been an evil and drastic. There is no such thing as the idyllic socialism you seem to want, they all turn into dictatorships to keep the productive in line. I am sure you are aware that even the Scandinavian countries are not socialist, they are capitalists with more social programs than we have and many are questioning if they went too far. Sweden just recently looked into lowering corporate tax to attract MORE FREE ENTERPRISE, just like JFK did in his proposals and which LBJ followed up with after his assasination.
A system like that would probably cost about $20 trillion dollars.

Hardly cost effective.

How much did you think about what you said? I guess you shat on your keyboard and that's what was typed. Hardly intelligible. Let me correct your turd's estimates.

1. The budget estimate is 500 billion by 2030. You were off by about 19.5 trillion, not much though. A non-educated guess. It will have speeds between 110-220 mph. That's not faster than traveling in a car. Oh wait. It is. US High Speed Rail Map

2. Second, the whole reason it's proposed is it's wildly cost effective. Also it's revitalizing to an economy, creating millions of jobs, sharply reducing the inefficiency of car/truck based transport where less than 1% of the fuel used is actually propelling the passengers. Moreover, it will reduce pollution of inefficient vehicles.

I guess you never thought for one second to actually learn about what such systems bring to countries that already have them (decades ago) in order to make an informed post.

So I determine that you are incredibly thoughtless. I will pray for your mental infirmary to heal rapidly and for you to think more about how to actually make an informed post.
It will be "wildly cost effective" if, and only if, it is used in the close together large metropolitan areas; certainly not as a "cross country" system.
Georgie implied that environmental problems are purely the work of capitalism

He did not imply that. You are just so religiously devoted to capitalism that you have no other way of understanding the issue so you force implications that you created. Please, go ahead and prove your point by quoting me the part where george implied it.

He didn't just imply it, he state it outright.

"Capitalists are the most serious cause of mountain top removal, aren't they?"

- Georgie -

If the workers did make all the business decisions, the results would be even more of a disaster.

You have no evidence for that. If you do, please demonstrate it with sound reasoning and evidence. Saying human beings can't govern their own affairs and make decisions about what they do 1/3rd of their life is as anti-freedom as it comes.

The history of worker run industries is all the proof needed. They were attempted in the USSR and Yugoslavia for a short time. It didn't take long for the government to step in and to end the chaos.

Humans are capable of governing their own affairs. What they aren't capable of doing is governing the affairs of others. That's why democracy always fails. Being ruled by the whims and biases of your fellow humans is not freedom.
Very true! There has never been a large long term socialist system that was successful, PERIOD.
He didn't just imply it, he state it outright.

"Capitalists are the most serious cause of mountain top removal, aren't they?"

- Georgie -

Good point. He didn't imply it. I was right for the wrong reason.

The history of worker run industries is all the proof needed. They were attempted in the USSR and Yugoslavia for a short time. It didn't take long for the government to step in and to end the chaos.

Very vague references that don't seem to mean anything. The state governed the affairs in USSR and Yugoslavia so that can't be an example of people governing what they do with their work.

Humans are capable of governing their own affairs. What they aren't capable of doing is governing the affairs of others. That's why democracy always fails. Being ruled by the whims and biases of your fellow humans is not freedom.

How would people govern their own affairs, which is to say how do we enact true freedom, autonomy? A hint: education plays an important role.
I agree, education is a big part, but an even better hint: go back to all politics being local. Let us elect our districts representatives, and our state legislators, and maybe our state's governor. But nothing beyond that can be fully appreciated by individuals on a national scale. We DID HAVE a great system, state legislators selecting our Senate and our college of electors.
I just LOVE that "Overheated Market" phrase.
How about?...
People being called left and right by Mortgage Bankers and Brokers offering The Sky at Basement Rates?
Please stop using vague language and simply admit that GW's overtly stated desire for a nation of home owners resulted in Lenders bypassing Vendor software and reaping the associated Fees and Commissions.
And yet, every economist of note has called the inflation fueled by an overheated market, driven by low interest and the desire to make even many less wealthy people homeowners (not an evil in itself) all of which caused the crash.
Just waiting the next great depression around the corner, might be this decade or the next.

If people think any sort of regulation or stabilizer has been put in place to stop it happening again with derivatives and bad debt, they are in for a rude awakening. None of the underlying causes of the current recession have been fixed, and the bailouts are just delaying the inevitable collapse.

The future isn't bright for the neo liberal brand of capitalism, as you can't have your cake and eat it too, without major long term consequences.
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You don't know what a straw man is, Georgie. The example of Eastern Europe is clearly relevant to your implied claim socialism is the solution to environmental problems. Socialism is an environmental disaster.
YES, YES, YES, and socialism destroys prosperity instead of lifting people out of poverty it makes more people poor.

But there are countries with some socialist policies that are doing quite well. Sweden, Norway, Switzerland to name a few. They have national health care (which ACA isn't) strong unions, some socialist countries like Norway use their nation's resources to fund education instead of our corporate democrats and republicans letting corporations export our resources to other countries. Actually, a mix of socialism and capitalism is best I think. Social security. What would die hard, free market republicans and libertarians do if it were stopped tomorrow? Have the old folks live with them? Sure.
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"Too spread out" is such an uninformed statement I won't waste my time commenting on it." [/COLOR][/SIZE][/B]I take it then, it is ok if you mock or insult me, but it is wrong for me to respond in kind?

You made the assertion the distance in America is too great for rail. I said your assertion was uninformed. So uninformed that I figured the map spoke for itself and I didn't need to comment.

If you consider this a personal attack, then you are delusional.

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