Capitalism is...Slavery; Democracy is Not

So the cardboard shoes anecdotals of intentinal American true grit fortitude are trotted out , advocating social masochism in an attempt to uphold the munchenhousen system we're so proud of here

i suppose i shouldn't be surprised, human nature is akin to mother natures penchant for those species that willingly eat their young ......
Some US conservatives are not only willing to kill and maim other people's children on the opposite side of the globe for money, they're perfectly happy to gut the standard of living for their own offspring in this country:multi-generational self-destruction in service to their Lords and Masters.
Sometimes it is difficult for people to get over the partisanship to even acknowledge that there might be forces outside the political spectrum creating these problems even if they can still believe it will need a political (aka governmental) solution.

This is an impressive insight. I would suggest that these outside forces are different than i presume you are thinking of. The suggestion i would offer is that there is a hidden hand of 'Providence' working its authority according to some inscrutable calculus supporting what i will call a Big Picture agenda. The purpose, i would assert, is to foster a dimensional transition now underway. It is not the New Age thing that the Age of Aquarius so anticipated. That was the old story. What is coming, if your will permit, is the NEW STORY. Getting there will not be pretty. Watch for the growing confusion. Most would attribute it to the controller thing advancing its One World Government drill. As serves the calculus of the Big Picture, this assertion may be true, to one degree or another ... or not. All of that question as to who is to blame is irrelevant in the end, by my estimation, however. You will all have much to gripe about, as will we all. It may prove to be difficult to laugh at things as they all fall apart, but that black humor may be all that is left to us.

Our last place of refuge may well be only this:

"When you’re doing what you’re supposed to be doing, it rests softly inside your being with no judgment, no guilt AND no imbalance. You KNOW!"

Robert ~

Is the "Big Picture Agenda" another sequel to "Meet the New Boss..."?

Is "Providence" likely to require war and usury to the same extent as Empire?

I'm not sure technology can be considered a force outside of politics considering the central planning role in the US economy provided by the Pentagon.

Silicon Valley is certainly not a force outside of politics since it funnels millions of campaign dollars to assorted Republicans AND Democrats alike.

I have no doubt we will all find plenty to gripe about in the coming decade, but I'm wondering if the richest 1% of us will share equally as things fall apart?
Suppose I don't support equality of any kind? I just simply disagree with the notion that the weak, stupid and inept of society should be the pace car for the progress of humanity.
How should society treat the weak, stupid and inept in your opinion?

Not subsidize their existence at the point of a gun.
Some of the weak, stupid and inept are tax payers.
Do you believe their claim on government services is equal to yours?

imo, Government will have to deal with their existence and the force of taxation will be involved.

Some governments have chosen to optimize their existence and others have chosen to end it.

Which would you choose?
How should society treat the weak, stupid and inept in your opinion?

I think we should help them out. And that's what I strive to do. I don't, however, believe that that gives me the right to take from others in order to achieve that goal.
One alleged virtue of some forms of economic democracy calls for taxpayer control over which services government spend his/her taxes on.

If someone doesn't want to subsidize killing Muslim children for profit, their tax dollars could not be used for the current occupations of Iraq and Afghanistan, for example.

Would you support such a solution?
Not the parts that condoned slavery.
Oh, you mean the parts that were superseded by the 13th Amendment 146 years ago?

Slavery evolves, You Stupid Bitch.

"Incarceration rates are even higher for some groups. One in 36 Hispanic adults is behind bars, based on Justice Department figures for 2006.

"One in 15 black adults is, too, as is one in nine black men between the ages of 20 and 34.

1 in 100 U.S. Adults Behind Bars, New Study Says - New York Times

You stupid bitch, people CHOOSE to break the law. Retard.
Oh, you mean the parts that were superseded by the 13th Amendment 146 years ago?

Slavery evolves, You Stupid Bitch.

"Incarceration rates are even higher for some groups. One in 36 Hispanic adults is behind bars, based on Justice Department figures for 2006.

"One in 15 black adults is, too, as is one in nine black men between the ages of 20 and 34.

1 in 100 U.S. Adults Behind Bars, New Study Says - New York Times

You stupid bitch, people CHOOSE to break the law. Retard.
Baby Killing Punk:

I'll try to make this simple enough for you to understand:

Not everyone in prison broke a law.

Some were "guilty" of being superfluous.

Like you.
One alleged virtue of some forms of economic democracy calls for taxpayer control over which services government spend his/her taxes on.

If someone doesn't want to subsidize killing Muslim children for profit, their tax dollars could not be used for the current occupations of Iraq and Afghanistan, for example.

Would you support such a solution?

Sure, that would be great. But I suspect it would be problematic in practice. As long as there is any sizeable 'general fund' money would simply be moved around and taxpayer wishes nullified.
Slavery evolves, You Stupid Bitch.

"Incarceration rates are even higher for some groups. One in 36 Hispanic adults is behind bars, based on Justice Department figures for 2006.

"One in 15 black adults is, too, as is one in nine black men between the ages of 20 and 34.

1 in 100 U.S. Adults Behind Bars, New Study Says - New York Times

You stupid bitch, people CHOOSE to break the law. Retard.
Baby Killing Punk:

I'll try to make this simple enough for you to understand:

Not everyone in prison broke a law.

Some were "guilty" of being superfluous.

Like you.
Yeah, the prisons are full of innocent people. Just ask them.

George, in addition to being a coward, you're an idiot.
Suppose I don't support equality of any kind? I just simply disagree with the notion that the weak, stupid and inept of society should be the pace car for the progress of humanity.
How should society treat the weak, stupid and inept in your opinion?

If you mean how does society deal with the developmentally delayed and the physically disabled, society doesn't "owe" them anything. It is because we are human and care about our fellow citizens that we provide whatever assistance they need to be able to provide for themselves. In those cases where they can't take care of themselves society will.

Now, if you are talking about unskilled lazy bums who choose not to work, well, they are free to starve. Society doesn't owe you anything either. More importantly you are capable of helping yourself, you just choose not to. Do you see the difference? No? I didn't think you would.
Not the parts that condoned slavery.
Oh, you mean the parts that were superseded by the 13th Amendment 146 years ago?

Slavery evolves, You Stupid Bitch.

"Incarceration rates are even higher for some groups. One in 36 Hispanic adults is behind bars, based on Justice Department figures for 2006.

"One in 15 black adults is, too, as is one in nine black men between the ages of 20 and 34.

1 in 100 U.S. Adults Behind Bars, New Study Says - New York Times

You're not trying to equate convicted prisoners to slaves, are you?
Slavery evolves, You Stupid Bitch.

"Incarceration rates are even higher for some groups. One in 36 Hispanic adults is behind bars, based on Justice Department figures for 2006.

"One in 15 black adults is, too, as is one in nine black men between the ages of 20 and 34.

1 in 100 U.S. Adults Behind Bars, New Study Says - New York Times

You stupid bitch, people CHOOSE to break the law. Retard.
Baby Killing Punk:

I'll try to make this simple enough for you to understand:

Not everyone in prison broke a law.

Some were "guilty" of being superfluous.

Like you.

Everyone in prison was found guilty of breaking a law.

Otherwise they wouldn't be in PRISON you stupid punk!
Never say never, grasshopper.

You could well live long enough to look back on that truck as your golden years.
Your hypothesis on my life is as inaccurate as everything else you post, but begging seems like it's worked pretty well for you.
Did your mama read you the fable about the American Dream.

Your life seems way beyond pathetic to me.


Yeah sure buckwheat!:lol::lol::lol: I live in a nice house with a great family on a good section of land. You recently lived under a bridge. How apropo, a troll living under a bridge!:lmao::lmao::lmao:
Take it from a troll:

Big fish still eat little fish.
Even if your "nice house...on a good section of land" is paid off, the rich can still grab it by using inflation to turn every $5 bill in your country into a $1.

Don't worry too much, Slick
I know plenty of good bridges with lots of room.
Bring the family.

Yes, big fish do eat little fish. And you were so concerned about being a "slave" that you never grew bigger then a minnow. I am a moray eel in the scheme of things. I am not so big but a bigger fish will suffer enough damage taking me on that it's not worth the risk.
Instead they will go after a lot of little minnows like you, because you're easy and can't defend yuorself.

Your decisions in life made you exactly what you most hate, a slave. You are a slave to failure. You will allways be a slave.
Sometimes it is difficult for people to get over the partisanship to even acknowledge that there might be forces outside the political spectrum creating these problems even if they can still believe it will need a political (aka governmental) solution.

This is an impressive insight. I would suggest that these outside forces are different than i presume you are thinking of. The suggestion i would offer is that there is a hidden hand of 'Providence' working its authority according to some inscrutable calculus supporting what i will call a Big Picture agenda. The purpose, i would assert, is to foster a dimensional transition now underway. It is not the New Age thing that the Age of Aquarius so anticipated. That was the old story. What is coming, if your will permit, is the NEW STORY. Getting there will not be pretty. Watch for the growing confusion. Most would attribute it to the controller thing advancing its One World Government drill. As serves the calculus of the Big Picture, this assertion may be true, to one degree or another ... or not. All of that question as to who is to blame is irrelevant in the end, by my estimation, however. You will all have much to gripe about, as will we all. It may prove to be difficult to laugh at things as they all fall apart, but that black humor may be all that is left to us.

Our last place of refuge may well be only this:

"When you’re doing what you’re supposed to be doing, it rests softly inside your being with no judgment, no guilt AND no imbalance. You KNOW!"

Robert ~

Is the "Big Picture Agenda" another sequel to "Meet the New Boss..."?

Is "Providence" likely to require war and usury to the same extent as Empire?

I'm not sure technology can be considered a force outside of politics considering the central planning role in the US economy provided by the Pentagon.

Silicon Valley is certainly not a force outside of politics since it funnels millions of campaign dollars to assorted Republicans AND Democrats alike.

I have no doubt we will all find plenty to gripe about in the coming decade, but I'm wondering if the richest 1% of us will share equally as things fall apart?

Of course they won't. How dumb are you? The rich don't suffer. That's why they are rich. If things get bad enough in one place they move to another and take their wealth with them.
One alleged virtue of some forms of economic democracy calls for taxpayer control over which services government spend his/her taxes on.

If someone doesn't want to subsidize killing Muslim children for profit, their tax dollars could not be used for the current occupations of Iraq and Afghanistan, for example.

Would you support such a solution?

Sure, that would be great. But I suspect it would be problematic in practice. As long as there is any sizeable 'general fund' money would simply be moved around and taxpayer wishes nullified.
I think it's safe to say today's elected Republicans AND Democrats would send their own children to Afghanistan and Leavenworth before supporting any kind of economic democracy. Taxpayer wishes will remain nullified until America begins filling its prisons with white collar corporate criminals and their political handmaidens.
You stupid bitch, people CHOOSE to break the law. Retard.
Baby Killing Punk:

I'll try to make this simple enough for you to understand:

Not everyone in prison broke a law.

Some were "guilty" of being superfluous.

Like you.
Yeah, the prisons are full of innocent people. Just ask them.

George, in addition to being a coward, you're an idiot.
Many in prison are there because they could not afford OJ's lawyers.
Have you ever heard of plea bargains?

Yeah, the prisons contain innocent people.
And the biggest criminals on the planet are on Wall Street.
And chicken shit like you never stop shilling for them.
Suppose I don't support equality of any kind? I just simply disagree with the notion that the weak, stupid and inept of society should be the pace car for the progress of humanity.
How should society treat the weak, stupid and inept in your opinion?

If you mean how does society deal with the developmentally delayed and the physically disabled, society doesn't "owe" them anything. It is because we are human and care about our fellow citizens that we provide whatever assistance they need to be able to provide for themselves. In those cases where they can't take care of themselves society will.

Now, if you are talking about unskilled lazy bums who choose not to work, well, they are free to starve. Society doesn't owe you anything either. More importantly you are capable of helping yourself, you just choose not to. Do you see the difference? No? I didn't think you would.
In fact progressives do believe society owes the disabled a human level of existence while conservatives believe society owes hedge funds honchos 15% tax rates for speculating on food and oil.

The fact you've been drinking the capitalist kool-aid since you learned to read means you're too brainwashed see the difference.
Baby Killing Punk:

I'll try to make this simple enough for you to understand:

Not everyone in prison broke a law.

Some were "guilty" of being superfluous.

Like you.
Yeah, the prisons are full of innocent people. Just ask them.

George, in addition to being a coward, you're an idiot.
Many in prison are there because they could not afford OJ's lawyers.
Have you ever heard of plea bargains?
Yes. They result in LESS jail time than the perp would have received.
Yeah, the prisons contain innocent people.
And the biggest criminals on the planet are on Wall Street.
And chicken shit like you never stop shilling for them.
I don't shill for anybody. I just know that pathetic losers like yourself don't want just rich people's money, you want mine, too.

Come and get it.
How should society treat the weak, stupid and inept in your opinion?

If you mean how does society deal with the developmentally delayed and the physically disabled, society doesn't "owe" them anything. It is because we are human and care about our fellow citizens that we provide whatever assistance they need to be able to provide for themselves. In those cases where they can't take care of themselves society will.

Now, if you are talking about unskilled lazy bums who choose not to work, well, they are free to starve. Society doesn't owe you anything either. More importantly you are capable of helping yourself, you just choose not to. Do you see the difference? No? I didn't think you would.
In fact progressives do believe society owes the disabled a human level of existence while conservatives believe society owes hedge funds honchos 15% tax rates for speculating on food and oil.

The fact you've been drinking the capitalist kool-aid since you learned to read means you're too brainwashed see the difference.

Nope. you're wrong. Progressives believe in modern slavery which is welfare. Conservatives believe that if you can't take of yourself society will take care of you. That is what makes us human. No conservative was in favour of Bush and Obama's bailing out of the banks, AIG, and the auto companies. That was progressives and union operatives fighting for that. We were all in favour of all of them failing.

We also want to see those same individuals in prison where they belong. You, though are able to take care of yourself. You choose not to beause you are a lazy bum. Bums live under bridges and go hungry.
You stupid bitch, people CHOOSE to break the law. Retard.
Baby Killing Punk:

I'll try to make this simple enough for you to understand:

Not everyone in prison broke a law.

Some were "guilty" of being superfluous.

Like you.

Everyone in prison was found guilty of breaking a law.

Otherwise they wouldn't be in PRISON you stupid punk!
Not everyone in prison was found guilty by a jury of their peers.
Many are victimized by the law today in the same way African Americans were in Jim Crow Texas.

Muslims are the new ******* in town, and whenever one of them becomes too outspoken with their criticisms of US Murder, Inc in the Middle East they find themselves locked away in solitary confinement for years before facing a jury.

During this pre-trial period SAMs or "special administrative measures" are used to isolate and break the prisoners' will. When finally faced with a "trial" in which much of the "evidence" is secret defendants will accept a plea bargain guarantee of serving 15 years, for example, instead of risking a 70 year sentence by going before a jury.

btw, some of those found guilty of breaking a law really didn't do it.
They were/are superfluous persons, and they could have a whole lot of company very soon.
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