Capitalism or Communism? Is communism really that horrible?

Whatever that means...way to obfuscate from the point...

The death toll of communism.

Between Lenin, Stalin, Ho, Mao, Pol Pot, Kim, Castro, Ortega, et al. about 250 million people have been butchered in the name of promoting communism.

Yet you still have the chutzpah to claim it is the right that is violent and brutal.

But I guess you have to break a few hundred million eggs to make an omelet...
What tenet of communisim is it that supports a dictator and the oppresion of the people?

Dictatorship of the proletariat.

Why do you ask?

I ask because the classless society was never achieved in any communist experiment to date.

So without a valid attempt at communism from which to gauge success or failure, people that are in vocal opposition actual oppose some other form of government but not communism.

I always love how the fact that "pure" Communism is 100% fucking impossible in any society that includes human beings is somehow seen by the braindead-but-somehow-still-walking among us as "it's never REALLY been tried".

Try to produce enough brain wattage to understand this. The fact that a classless society wasn't achieved does NOT mean it wasn't a "valid attempt", you peabrain. It means it's a RETARDED EXPERIMENT IN DOING SOMETHING IMPOSSIBLE!

Liberalism really is a mental disorder.
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Whatever that means...way to obfuscate from the point...

The death toll of communism.

Between Lenin, Stalin, Ho, Mao, Pol Pot, Kim, Castro, Ortega, et al. about 250 million people have been butchered in the name of promoting communism.

Yet you still have the chutzpah to claim it is the right that is violent and brutal.

But I guess you have to break a few hundred million eggs to make an omelet...

Real world examples to back up my comment that "In principle communism is grand, in practice it is brutal"
Just ask questions as such, is slap for victims of communism.
See if you / someone wont to know the differences, go to North Korea. If they survived and if they come out, then they can talk.
someone who has not experienced that, don’t knows what he's talking about and bla, bla about something and bullshit out of things they have no idea..

Victims of communisme still strugle
Communism is so awesome is has to be enforced at gunpoint, they build walls to keep people from leaving and it always ends with mass graves.

The difference this time is that in the USA, it will be graves filled with Communists
Communism is so awesome is has to be enforced at gunpoint, they build walls to keep people from leaving and it always ends with mass graves.

The difference this time is that in the USA, it will be graves filled with Communists

It's never that simple. A straight up fight the left would lose, we all know it. But the creeping decay that defines Obama and the fascist state is not something that can be fought with guns. The sad truth is that we lost this war 20 years ago, when we allowed the culture to be completely subverted. Obama's forces don't storm in, they ooze, through cracks in the decayed foundation. The only way to defeat them would be to rebuild the CULTURE of the old Republic. But with open borders, there is no way to do that.

I wish I had better news, but I think the America we grew up with is gone forever.
Communism had never existed in practice, only in theory.

What we have in the U.S. is a modified capitalism.
Communism had never existed in practice, only in theory.

What we have in the U.S. is a modified capitalism.

Because communism can't exist "in practice."

It's like a magical fairy-tale land that can only exist in the minds of the demented left like Karl Marx.
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The USSR tried to implement Marx after the 1917 revolution, but in a few years quietly dropped communism. They dropped the practice of communism but not the name and economists have long since debated what the USSR actually practiced besides a political dictatorship.
In any case many Americans have been pretty frightened with Republicans constantly telling us that the communists are coming-the communists are coming. That started probably with the suggestion of Social Security in 1935 and it continues.
Can anyone name a nation that has practiced or is practicing Marxian communism? Not using the name but the practice.
Of course, you can only have handouts in a mixed economy because they have to be taken from producers to give to people who don't produce. If an economy is completely socialized, then government is the only producer, and nothing is considered a "handout."

Calling handouts a "correction" is akin to calling armed robbery a "reallocation" of finances.

I think you need to read up. Your errors are so many It would take forever to correct your mistaken thoughts. You are sounding like John McCain now it's getting silly.

In other words, you are running away with your tail between your legs.
Neither does capitalism, for much the same reason...

It has for 200 years.

Suck it down, man.

No, it really hasn't for most people. It's worked very well for the 1%.

It KIND OF worked when we had a strong union movement making sure working folks got their fair share. Didn't take the Corporatists assholes like you too long to fuck that one up.

Still working on my garage guillotine...

There's the usual Joe bullshit totally unsupported by any facts or logic.

The facts show that our economy grow the fastest in the later half of the 19th Century when there were no government enforced unions and very few regulations and no income tax.
No, it really hasn't for most people. It's worked very well for the 1%.

It KIND OF worked when we had a strong union movement making sure working folks got their fair share. Didn't take the Corporatists assholes like you too long to fuck that one up.

Still working on my garage guillotine...

Yeah, that's right Joe, the working class has about the same living standards as it did in 1802.


In sure that the irony of typing such drivel on the Internet escapes you.

Oh, you mean the internet the GOVERNMENT created? That internet?

Apparently everything you know is wrong. The government didn't create the internet. It performed one or two steps out of the hundreds required. That's all.

The working class has a higher standard of living now because UNIONS fought for their rights, not because rich people decided to give it to them.

Wrong. Unions didn't do a thing to increase the productivity of the American economy. In fact, they have retarded economic growth and caused massive unemployment.

How many corporations have gone bankrupt because of unionism run amok?
Apparently everything you know is wrong. The government didn't create the internet. It performed one or two steps out of the hundreds required. That's all.

JCR Licklider was head of DARPA and defined the Internet in 1962. While a department of defense operation, it was still government. While Kahn created NPC for AT&T, it was a DARPA grant that allowed him and Cerf's students (Vint Cerf is widely held to be one who rode on the shoulders of his students) to turn it into TCP/IP. Bob Khan held a DARPA grant in addition to PARC funding that allowed him to create Ethernet.

I don't know Brian, I would say the U.S. Government was pretty instrumental in developing the Internet. Yeah, Algore didn't have shit to do with anything, but DARPA in conjunction with private groups like PARC, funded most of the critical research.
What tenet of communisim is it that supports a dictator and the oppresion of the people?

Dictatorship of the proletariat.

Why do you ask?

I ask because the classless society was never achieved in any communist experiment to date.

So without a valid attempt at communism from which to gauge success or failure, people that are in vocal opposition actual oppose some other form of government but not communism.

No one has ever cured cancer by drinking Potassium Cyanide. According to your logic, there's no reason a doctor should advise his patient against taking Potassium Cyanide.

The "Classes society" has never been a achieved for the same reason that no one has ever managed to draw a triangle with four corners: it's impossible.
Communism is so awesome is has to be enforced at gunpoint, they build walls to keep people from leaving and it always ends with mass graves.

The difference this time is that in the USA, it will be graves filled with Communists

That's a reason for encouraging democrats to bring the nation to its knees, before freedom is educated out of the population. While there are still a few people left to fight.
I take it you've never read Marx. The words "dictatorship of the proletariat" never appear in Karl Marx's Communist Manifesto. The dream is for a classless society, which has never been the case and has never been tried. In fact, the whole point of communism is to end oppression by getting rid of classes altogether.

Now you try to argue that the communist experiments by both Lenin and Pol Pot somehow achieved communistic ideals when, clearly, they didn't. They simply formed their respective power bases with the mis-use of the term.

You're a moron. Stalin and Pol Pot tried quite hard to achieve the classless society. The harder they tried, the more people died.
Whatever that means...way to obfuscate from the point...

The death toll of communism.

Between Lenin, Stalin, Ho, Mao, Pol Pot, Kim, Castro, Ortega, et al. about 250 million people have been butchered in the name of promoting communism.

Yet you still have the chutzpah to claim it is the right that is violent and brutal.

But I guess you have to break a few hundred million eggs to make an omelet...

Real world examples to back up my comment that "In principle communism is grand, in practice it is brutal"

It also sucks in principle. However, there are millions of morons who think being part of a herd of sacrificial animals is a good thing.
I've seen up close what even the partial implementation of communist principles and ideology does to people. It ain't pretty.
I've seen up close what even the partial implementation of communist principles and ideology does to people. It ain't pretty.

So what were those communist principles and where in Marx would we find them?

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