Capitalism or Communism? Is communism really that horrible?

Libertarians believe in a republic that protects the people by defending their inherent rights outlined in a constitution.

Communism involves controlling the people.

There's a fine line between defending and controlling the populace. Hitler, Lenin, Stalin, Castro, Tse-Tung, and every other dictator in history have controlled their populace.

Again, libertarians advocate defending the inherent rights of the populace. That's what a republic is about, not a democracy. I believe you have some brushing up to do on ideologies.

The only way to defend "the inherent rights" of people is through the Rule of Law (government) not the Rule of Man (libertarianism).

Read the Declaration of Independence, then the U.S. Constitution.

Exactly! That's why I said that libertarians advocate for a republic!

NOT a democracy. So libertarianism is obviously not the rule of man.

Do you recognize this?

I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.

Your wrong you know. Because I want to save this republic does not mean I am a libertarian cause I also believe abortion is wrong and most illegal narcotics are killing our kids. Nether of those are close to libertarians views. Also I believe that tucking your head between your legs doesn't do anything but make it easier for a enemy to kill more innocent people. Are you saying I cant be for a strong republic having these beliefs?
His fellow far leftists do. They thank his posts all the time, and I expect that's where the vast majority of his rep comes from.

Of course. Jillian, Truthmatters, Rightwinger, del, Ravi, Chris - the intellectual peers of Jakematters who hold the same views - provided by George Soros, of course!

I hope Soros sues Fakey for malpractice -- because he SUCKS at pretending to be a Republican. :lol:
The only way to defend "the inherent rights" of people is through the Rule of Law (government) not the Rule of Man (libertarianism).

Read the Declaration of Independence, then the U.S. Constitution.

Exactly! That's why I said that libertarians advocate for a republic!

NOT a democracy. So libertarianism is obviously not the rule of man.

Do you recognize this?

I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.

Your wrong you know. Because I want to save this republic does not mean I am a libertarian cause I also believe abortion is wrong and most illegal narcotics are killing our kids. Nether of those are close to libertarians views. Also I believe that tucking your head between your legs doesn't do anything but make it easier for a enemy to kill more innocent people. Are you saying I cant be for a strong republic having these beliefs?

I absolutely agree with you, and I'm 100% against those things as well.

For example, I believe every human being has the right to live. Abortions would violate that right for the unborn child, so I'm completely against it.

A woman's right to choose should really be the right to decide whether or not to have unprotected sex. Pregnancy is an outcome, not a choice. The liberty I advocate for means that people have to live with the consequences of their actions.

There's also adoption for rapes.

And the drug issue is a slippery slope. I tend to lean in your same direction on this particular issue.
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Socialism, though, often called social democracy now so as to not madden the dinos, is the future, simply fair and intelligent capitalism.Which we will have in 2014 thank god. lol

If you want a social democracy, try to be open and honest: there are not enough rich people to pay for it.

I guess you mean european-style social democracy. I tell you a couple of necessary conditions to have a social democracy:

1) A 20-25% national VAT. Unlike the sales tax, the VAT is collected at each stage of the economy.

2) Personal income tax rates of 20-30% on the lower and middle class.

What are your qualifications to make such statements? But first I think you better define "socialism" and "social democracy", then give us examples of how they apply to the USA.

Don't know his..But mine are "citizen" and "taxpayer".
It is time for the people with no skin in the game to start paying up.
Those who have no federal income tax burden SHOULD be paying.
The libertarian and anti-government loons are showing their panties in this thread. :lol:

we can always count on Fakey the senile commie to defend the government no matter what it does - even when it commits mass murder.

You should go back to defending the communist government of Cuba.
Yeah those people who don't want to be forced to do things are way loonier than people who want to be told how to live.
Capitalism or Communism? Is communism really that horrible?

In most cases "communism" was the result a violent revolution and resulting governments developed a "seige mentality" where democracy was never a priority or encouraged.

In most socialist countries, however, it was the result of a long evolutionary process based on democratic principles. (Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Finland)

Many countries that appear "socialist" by American standards, don't consider themselves to be "socialist." (Canada)
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That's why the government of the Soviet Union put such people in sanitariums and made them wear straight jackets.

We put quite a few people in cages for less than stellar reasons too. :-/

We never put anyone in a cage for his political opinions.

Well, I could debate that slightly and say they may have had an opinion that went against current political opinion which is what writes the laws.

We have put people in a cage for their ethnicity and for non-violent crimes. We've also dropped bombs on children for the political opinions of people in their villages.
The single greatest common denominator to Far Leftwing ideology is death.
The libertarian and anti-government loons are showing their panties in this thread. :lol:

non sequitur

I am not surprised you do not understand why this does not follow to you.

That's the point.

You are mindless parrots who don't like living in our country and following its laws. You have the right to protest and yell.

And other people have the right to tell you that your reasons are loony.
We put quite a few people in cages for less than stellar reasons too. :-/

We never put anyone in a cage for his political opinions.

Well, I could debate that slightly and say they may have had an opinion that went against current political opinion which is what writes the laws.

We have put people in a cage for their ethnicity and for non-violent crimes. We've also dropped bombs on children for the political opinions of people in their villages.

The only issue under discussion here is the soviet practice of declaring people who disagree with the government of being mentally ill and locking them up on that basis. Your accusations about the U.S., even if true, are irrelevant.
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We have put people in a cage for their ethnicity and for non-violent crimes. We've also dropped bombs on children for the political opinions of people in their villages.

It is called War.
Many countries that appear "socialist" by American standards, don't consider themselves to be "socialist." (Canada)[/b]

yes America likes to pretend its capitalist but we've gone so far to the left we can now challenge Europe and Canada in several important areas.
The theory of communism was created by Karl Marx who was called the destitute economist, Marx lived during the industrial revolution and witnessed how workers who toiled in factories where exploited by the factory owners. It was a dream where the worker was the focus of society and that the workers would enjoy the full profits created by their toil, a state where there was only a working class who collectively shared all property and wealth. After the Russian revolution Communism was the model which replaced the Russian ruling nobility and it was a dream of creating a Utopia for all common men. But was time progressed men like Lenin and Stalin turned this communist state into a totalitarian nightmare where dissidents where either enslaved or punished and communism became an authoritarian system of rule which abandoned concepts such as human rights and freedom of speech. Communism which began as a dream of the liberation of the working class from exploitation became a force of oppression and dehumanization.

But the working class is the most important element of any nation since the workers grow our food, build our goods and go about the task of running society with their hard work. So the worker should be rewarded for his labor and not watch all the profits of his labor go to a quasi economic aristocracy who where given power and influence for the most part by birthright and not ability. The majority of the world's money, which is the only true power, is held in very few hands. What ideal should guide nations, the welfare of its citizens or simply the endlessly earning of profit? The free market gave the West the best standard of living in human history, but are sure most will submit that capitalism has its flaws to. Who knows.

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