Capitalism or Communism? Is communism really that horrible?

We never put anyone in a cage for his political opinions.
We put a presidential candidate in prison because he spoke out against US involvement in WWI:

"(Eugene Victor) Debs read the works of Karl Marx and learned about socialism in prison, emerging to launch his career as the nation's most prominent Socialist in the first decades of the 20th century. He ran as the Socialist Party's candidate for the presidency in 1900, 1904, 1908, 1912, and 1920, the last time from a prison cell.

"Debs was noted for his oratory, and his speech denouncing American participation in World War I led to his second arrest in 1918. He was convicted under the Espionage Act of 1917 and sentenced to a term of 10 years."

Eugene V. Debs - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Do you think it can't happen again?

He was a spy......That is illegal you know. Also Wikipedia is a shity source.

In 1798 the Federalist (conservative) government passed the Alien and Sedition Act. It consisted of four parts, one part, made it illegal to criticize the government including president Adams. Fifteen liberal newspaper editors were indicted and ten convicted under the act.
The acts intended to stop criticism of Adams helped Jefferson get elected. But conservatives had anticipated Jefferson's election so the law expired with the election.
We put a presidential candidate in prison because he spoke out against US involvement in WWI:

"(Eugene Victor) Debs read the works of Karl Marx and learned about socialism in prison, emerging to launch his career as the nation's most prominent Socialist in the first decades of the 20th century. He ran as the Socialist Party's candidate for the presidency in 1900, 1904, 1908, 1912, and 1920, the last time from a prison cell.

"Debs was noted for his oratory, and his speech denouncing American participation in World War I led to his second arrest in 1918. He was convicted under the Espionage Act of 1917 and sentenced to a term of 10 years."

Eugene V. Debs - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Do you think it can't happen again?

He was a spy......That is illegal you know. Also Wikipedia is a shity source.

In 1798 the Federalist (conservative) government passed the Alien and Sedition Act. It consisted of four parts, one part, made it illegal to criticize the government including president Adams. Fifteen liberal newspaper editors were indicted and ten convicted under the act.
The acts intended to stop criticism of Adams helped Jefferson get elected. But conservatives had anticipated Jefferson's election so the law expired with the election.

And that has jack shit to do with my posts.....
He was a spy......That is illegal you know. Also Wikipedia is a shity source.

In 1798 the Federalist (conservative) government passed the Alien and Sedition Act. It consisted of four parts, one part, made it illegal to criticize the government including president Adams. Fifteen liberal newspaper editors were indicted and ten convicted under the act.
The acts intended to stop criticism of Adams helped Jefferson get elected. But conservatives had anticipated Jefferson's election so the law expired with the election.

And that has jack shit to do with my posts.....

A toughie huh?
Well how about this: why didn't the writers of the second amendment include your premise that the purpose of the amendment was so citizens could protect us from government?
We never put anyone in a cage for his political opinions.
We put a presidential candidate in prison because he spoke out against US involvement in WWI:

"(Eugene Victor) Debs read the works of Karl Marx and learned about socialism in prison, emerging to launch his career as the nation's most prominent Socialist in the first decades of the 20th century. He ran as the Socialist Party's candidate for the presidency in 1900, 1904, 1908, 1912, and 1920, the last time from a prison cell.

"Debs was noted for his oratory, and his speech denouncing American participation in World War I led to his second arrest in 1918. He was convicted under the Espionage Act of 1917 and sentenced to a term of 10 years."

Eugene V. Debs - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Do you think it can't happen again?

He was prosecuted by a progressive administration, wasn't he?
Was he, really?
Compared to whom?

"Woodrow Wilson, in his 1912 'New Freedom' speeches, defined progressivism as the belief that the laws need to keep up with changes in economic circumstances; the progressive wants to adjust laws to 'the facts of the case,' because the law is ultimately an expression of the facts in legal relationships."

Wilson and TR played a progressive role in order to keep Capitalism from self-destructing.
FDR played the same game a generation later.
Personally, I don't think anyone who lied the US into WWI and then jailed those who expressed an opposing opinion qualifies as Progressive.

Especially when compared to authentic progressives:

"Robert Marion 'Fighting Bob'[1] La Follette, Sr. (June 14, 1855 – June 18, 1925) was an American Republican (and later a Progressive) politician. He served as a member of the U.S. House of Representatives, was the Governor of Wisconsin, and was also a U.S. Senator from Wisconsin (1906 to 1925). He ran for President of the United States as the nominee of his own Progressive Party in 1924, carrying Wisconsin and 17% of the national popular vote."

Robert M. La Follette, Sr. - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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why didn't the writers of the second amendment include your premise that the purpose of the amendment was so citizens could protect us from government?

way too stupid but 100% liberal. The entire purpose of the Bill of Rights was to protect us from government!!

"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms. The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government"

-- Thomas Jefferson, 1 Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334

Alexander Hamilton: "...that standing army can never be formidable (threatening) to the liberties
of the people, while there is a large body of citizens, little if at all inferior to them in the use of arms."
(Federalist Paper #29)

"Little more can be aimed at with respect to the people at large than to have them properly armed
and equipped." (Id) {responding to the claim that the militia itself could threaten liberty}" There is
something so far-fetched, and so extravagant in the idea of danger of liberty from the militia that one
is at a loss whether to treat it with gravity or raillery (mockery). (Id)

Topic #3:

Adolf Hitler: "This year will go down in history. For the first time, a civilized nation has full gun
registration. Our streets will be safer, our police more efficient, and the world will follow our lead."
(Chancelor's Speech, 1935)
:lol: projection, little one, projection. You hate constitutional, electoral process.

I prefer it compared to system of government you endorse: soviet style communism.

:lol: I could no more be a communist than bripat could be an American patriot.

No you're a feeble minded fence sitting moderate who sides with the most popular point of view.
Don't give me this shit that you "see issues from all sides"..
You post liberal. You side with the liberals.
Quacks and walks....It's a duck.
If a grown person doesn't know enough the world by now to decide logically whether they would rather live in a Communist state or a Capitalist society they probably aren't worth saving. By all means, those individuals should be given free passage to the Communist country of their choosing. But they should also be prevented at all costs from inflicting the result of their ignorance upon the rest of us.
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But they should also be prevented at all costs from inflicting the result of their ignorance upon the rest of us.

yes I think the case could be made for deportation under the Constitution since it was designed to protect us from big liberal government. Their aim is to subvert the Constitution by slowly promoting progressive liberalism. They proved it when they spied for Stalin and gave him the a-bomb.

Norman Thomas quotes:
The American people will never knowingly adopt Socialism. But under the name of 'liberalism' they will adopt every fragment of the Socialist program, until one day America will be a Socialist nation, without knowing how it happened.

This was precisely the tactic of “infiltration” advocated by Lenin and Stalin.[3] As Communist International General Secretary Georgi Dimitroff told the Seventh World Congress of the Comintern in 1935:
"Comrades, you remember the ancient tale of the capture of Troy. Troy was inaccessible to the armies attacking her, thanks to her impregnable walls. And the attacking army, after suffering many sacrifices, was unable to achieve victory until, with the aid of the famous Trojan horse, it managed to penetrate to the very heart of the enemy’s camp."[4]

Buckley endorsed Chambers’ analysis of modern liberalism as a watered-down version of Communist ideology. The New Deal, Chambers insists, is not liberal democratic but “revolutionary” in its nature and intentions, seeking “a basic change in the social and, above all, the power relationships within the nation.”
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Or do you make it all up as you go along?

It was from your link LMAO Jesus what the fuck do you think the espionage act was for?
"It originally prohibited any attempt to interfere with military operations, to support U.S. enemies during wartime, to promote insubordination in the military, or to interfere with military recruitment."

Debs wasn't sent to prison for spying.
He was sent for speaking out publicly against the military draft.

"In 1919, the U.S. Supreme Court unanimously ruled in Schenck v. United States that the act did not violate the freedom of speech of those convicted under its provisions..."

Do you agree?

Espionage Act of 1917 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I prefer it compared to system of government you endorse: soviet style communism.

:lol: I could no more be a communist than bripat could be an American patriot.

No you're a feeble minded fence sitting moderate who sides with the most popular point of view.
Don't give me this shit that you "see issues from all sides"..
You post liberal. You side with the liberals.
Quacks and walks....It's a duck.

Read yourself out loud. You are soooo confused! :lol:
A toughie huh?
Well how about this: why didn't the writers of the second amendment include your premise that the purpose of the amendment was so citizens could protect us from government?

The writer was Thomas Jefferson, and he DID state that as the purpose.

Here is a better question. If the "writers of the 2nd Amendment" wanted the Government to be better armed than the citizens, why did they do absolutely nothing to make that happen while they were in power? I could ask the same questions about welfare, income taxes, drug laws, etc etc etc

Or do you make it all up as you go along?

It was from your link LMAO Jesus what the fuck do you think the espionage act was for?
"It originally prohibited any attempt to interfere with military operations, to support U.S. enemies during wartime, to promote insubordination in the military, or to interfere with military recruitment."

Debs wasn't sent to prison for spying.
He was sent for speaking out publicly against the military draft.

"In 1919, the U.S. Supreme Court unanimously ruled in Schenck v. United States that the act did not violate the freedom of speech of those convicted under its provisions..."

Do you agree?

Espionage Act of 1917 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Don't you left-wing turds keep saying that Constitution says whatever the Supreme Court says it says?
A toughie huh?
Well how about this: why didn't the writers of the second amendment include your premise that the purpose of the amendment was so citizens could protect us from government?

The writer was Thomas Jefferson, and he DID state that as the purpose.

Jefferson was in France when the Bill of Rights was written primarily by Madison. Jefferson may have proposed the idea of protection from government but it was not carried out in the amendment.
It was from your link LMAO Jesus what the fuck do you think the espionage act was for?
"It originally prohibited any attempt to interfere with military operations, to support U.S. enemies during wartime, to promote insubordination in the military, or to interfere with military recruitment."

Debs wasn't sent to prison for spying.
He was sent for speaking out publicly against the military draft.

"In 1919, the U.S. Supreme Court unanimously ruled in Schenck v. United States that the act did not violate the freedom of speech of those convicted under its provisions..."

Do you agree?

Espionage Act of 1917 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Don't you left-wing turds keep saying that Constitution says whatever the Supreme Court says it says?
"President Woodrow Wilson in his December 7, 1915 State of the Union address asked Congress for the legislation:[5]

"There are citizens of the United States ... who have poured the poison of disloyalty into the very arteries of our national life; who have sought to ring the authority and good name of our Government into contempt ... to destroy our industries ... and to debase our politics to the uses of foreign intrigue.... [W]e are without adequate federal laws.... I am urging you to do nothing less than save the honor and self-respect of the nation. Such creatures of passion, disloyalty, and anarchy must be crushed out."

Sounds like Wilson was a real Progressive, right?

Today's progressives aren't afraid to criticize their government when it goes to war for Wall Street the way Wilson did in 1916.
It's a damn shame so many of today's conservatives are.

Espionage Act of 1917 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

BTW, Gipper.
SCOTUS says whatever major corporations want to hear.
Jefferson was in France when the Bill of Rights was written primarily by Madison. Jefferson may have proposed the idea of protection from government but it was not carried out in the amendment.

Mason, Madison, and Jefferson are all the authors of the Bill of rights, but the second Amendment is specifically attributed to Jefferson, who wrote to Madison advocating it's inclusion.
Uncensored, of all the posters here, except bripat, can never be trusted with broad statements.

Let him provide objective evidence that TJ is the Father of the 2d Amendment. This oughta be good.

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