Capitalism seen doing 'more harm than good' in global survey

Yes, the question is the flexibility, efficiency and effectiveness of regulation, not the sheer amount, as Democrats seem to think.

The problem is that the Trumpsters are terrible, shallow, simplistic, misled, lousy representatives of capitalism.

Did you really post both of the above quotes or was one your evil twin?

And, not coincidentally, the interest in socialism grows.

Among who is the interest in Socialism growing? Ignorant people who have not yet experienced life or had Socialism explained to them.
No evil twin. Each side has a hand in messing this up. My point is pretty clear.

And you just provided an example of why Trumpsters are so lousy at educating people on this. Insults don't work.

Anything else?

It comes down to the old adage, "those who can, do, those who cannot teach".

In California, 95 Percent of Professors’ Donations Go To Democratic Politicians

College Fix survey finds Nancy Pelosi raked in the most support, with $50,500 from professors

With midterm elections looming, an analysis of professors’ recent campaign contributions to California lawmakers found that about 95 percent of their donations went to Democratic politicians.

In California, 95 Percent of Professors’ Donations Go To Democratic Politicians | The College Fix
Yes, the question is the flexibility, efficiency and effectiveness of regulation, not the sheer amount, as Democrats seem to think.

The problem is that the Trumpsters are terrible, shallow, simplistic, misled, lousy representatives of capitalism.

Did you really post both of the above quotes or was one your evil twin?

And, not coincidentally, the interest in socialism grows.

Among who is the interest in Socialism growing? Ignorant people who have not yet experienced life or had Socialism explained to them.
No evil twin. Each side has a hand in messing this up. My point is pretty clear.

And you just provided an example of why Trumpsters are so lousy at educating people on this. Insults don't work.

Anything else?

It comes down to the old adage, "those who can, do, those who cannot teach".

In California, 95 Percent of Professors’ Donations Go To Democratic Politicians

College Fix survey finds Nancy Pelosi raked in the most support, with $50,500 from professors

With midterm elections looming, an analysis of professors’ recent campaign contributions to California lawmakers found that about 95 percent of their donations went to Democratic politicians.

In California, 95 Percent of Professors’ Donations Go To Democratic Politicians | The College Fix
Yes, the question is the flexibility, efficiency and effectiveness of regulation, not the sheer amount, as Democrats seem to think.

The problem is that the Trumpsters are terrible, shallow, simplistic, misled, lousy representatives of capitalism.

Did you really post both of the above quotes or was one your evil twin?

And, not coincidentally, the interest in socialism grows.

Among who is the interest in Socialism growing? Ignorant people who have not yet experienced life or had Socialism explained to them.
No evil twin. Each side has a hand in messing this up. My point is pretty clear.

And you just provided an example of why Trumpsters are so lousy at educating people on this. Insults don't work.

Anything else?

It comes down to the old adage, "those who can, do, those who cannot teach".

In California, 95 Percent of Professors’ Donations Go To Democratic Politicians

College Fix survey finds Nancy Pelosi raked in the most support, with $50,500 from professors

With midterm elections looming, an analysis of professors’ recent campaign contributions to California lawmakers found that about 95 percent of their donations went to Democratic politicians.

In California, 95 Percent of Professors’ Donations Go To Democratic Politicians | The College Fix

And you just provided an example of why Trumpsters are so lousy at educating people on this. Insults don't work.
With morons like you, facts and logic don't work either. At least ridicule will persuade some of you to keep your dumbass opinions to yourselves.
Nothing I said, anywhere in my entire post did I suggest, by any stretch of the most wild or incoherent imagination, that we did not practice capitalism.

No bailing out failed businesses.

Of course not. You seem to be implying that because we have deviated from Capitalism, that this means we do not practice Capitalism. That is ridiculous. That is like saying because we have murder in this country, that we don't practice a right to life.

Fail. If someone is a murderer they do not respect a right to life. Your argument is that because someone else murders someone that does not mean you do not respect a right to life. That would be correct BUT it is the government breaking nearly every aspect of capitalism so it can not be operating on capitalism. It's operating on something else.

No being forced to get permission from the government to trade with your partners.

No Federal Reserve trying to control it all.

Impossible. While ideals would be great, it is not possible to have a system without a Federal Reserve. Simply impossible. Aiming for what is impossible, will discredit attempts to achieve what is possible.

Then we are operating on something other than Capitalism. The Federal Reserve is a system far closer to Socialism.

That is never going to happen but people are going to pretend we are a capitalist society. With that being the case I am going to do all I can to see that everything doesn't get dumped on the poor
We do live in a capitalist society. End of story. End of debate. I can open my own business today, and if successful, I could end up a multi-millionaire. In fact, I could simply save and invest my capital, even with a low income, and become a multi-millionaire. My parents are millionaires, because they saved and invested capital their whole lives.

People in Scandinavian countries that people condemn as socialist nations can't open their own business and be a success?

As far as seeing that everything does not get dumped on the poor, what does this mean? The poor are poor, because they make choices. The rich are rich, because they make choices.

What choices did Trump make to make himself rich? Trump is rich based upon what vagina he came out of. Trump failed and failed only to have daddy bail him out. Trump got banks to go along based upon who his daddy was. Can just anyone make that choice?

When someone makes bad choices in life the lead them to be poor, it's not you dumping on them.... it is them reaping the results of their choices.

You will never change this. Never. You can't force people to be wise. Thus you can not avoid people reaping poverty for bad choices.

Bankers are rich beyond rich but they failed. They failed but yet the government gave them billions and billions more. Right now the Federal Reserve still is. How much of the billions and billions being pumped is going to the country as a whole? Why should only a small percentage get the largest portion of this while the rest get very little?

How exactly is that capitalism?

That would be correct BUT it is the government breaking nearly every aspect of capitalism so it can not be operating on capitalism. It's operating on something else.

Really? So if I open a business tomorrow... does the government not protect my rights? Yes it does. That's capitalism. If I make a profit off of my business, and grow my capital, does government not respect my property? Yes it does. That's capitalism. If I change how I do business, say the product, or how I distribute the product, does the government not respect my property? Yes it does.

Please explain how the above being true, is not mutually exclusive to claiming government breaks nearly every aspect of capitalism?

People in Scandinavian countries that people condemn as socialist nations can't open their own business and be a success?

They are capitalist. They have some socialist aspects, yes. But the basic foundation of their economy is capitalist by any measure.

Country Rankings: World & Global Economy Rankings on Economic Freedom

Iceland is actually higher on the economic freedom index than the US. They are Capitalist.

Some of the biggest capitalist profit driven companies in the world are in the those countries. And the idea that they are socialist is ridiculous. The rich there, live like rich people. The poor there, live like poor people. Legos is based out of Denmark, and the daughter of the multi-billionaire executive team, owns an entire horse ranch with a thousand acres of land, because... she likes to take ponies to the pony shows, and win medals.

The rich are rich. The poor are poor. It's a capitalist based economy like any other.

What choices did Trump make to make himself rich? Trump is rich based upon what vagina he came out of. Trump failed and failed only to have daddy bail him out. Trump got banks to go along based upon who his daddy was. Can just anyone make that choice?

80% of all millionaires and billionaires are first generation rich. 80%. Yes, there are a few people who are born wealthy.

Further, maybe you are bit ignorant of how most things work, but nearly all successful people fail a bunch of times. Bill Gates, completely failed in his first business venture. So did Henry Heinz.
15 Highly Successful People Who Failed On Their Way To Success

Must successful people fail, sometimes multiple times, before they become successful. This is normal.

Bankers are rich beyond rich but they failed. They failed but yet the government gave them billions and billions more. Right now the Federal Reserve still is. How much of the billions and billions being pumped is going to the country as a whole? Why should only a small percentage get the largest portion of this while the rest get very little?

Well again, I'm a capitalist. I'm against government giving money to anyone.

But your entire statement is completely flaws. The rest get very little? What are you smoking?
70% of all government revenue goes to transfers to individuals. Roughly 15% of the entire economy, is being collected and redistributed to individual US citizens.

By any possible measure, the amount of money we gave to the banks, is a tiny fraction of how much is given out in government hand outs.

Again, that does not justify giving any money to anyone. But to claim that bankers are getting the bulk of the money, when over two Trillion dollars is being handed out EVERY SINGLE YEAR to the public... you are being just ignorantly absurd. Just totally insane.
Nothing I said, anywhere in my entire post did I suggest, by any stretch of the most wild or incoherent imagination, that we did not practice capitalism.

No bailing out failed businesses.

Of course not. You seem to be implying that because we have deviated from Capitalism, that this means we do not practice Capitalism. That is ridiculous. That is like saying because we have murder in this country, that we don't practice a right to life.

Fail. If someone is a murderer they do not respect a right to life. Your argument is that because someone else murders someone that does not mean you do not respect a right to life. That would be correct BUT it is the government breaking nearly every aspect of capitalism so it can not be operating on capitalism. It's operating on something else.

No being forced to get permission from the government to trade with your partners.

No Federal Reserve trying to control it all.

Impossible. While ideals would be great, it is not possible to have a system without a Federal Reserve. Simply impossible. Aiming for what is impossible, will discredit attempts to achieve what is possible.

Then we are operating on something other than Capitalism. The Federal Reserve is a system far closer to Socialism.

That is never going to happen but people are going to pretend we are a capitalist society. With that being the case I am going to do all I can to see that everything doesn't get dumped on the poor
We do live in a capitalist society. End of story. End of debate. I can open my own business today, and if successful, I could end up a multi-millionaire. In fact, I could simply save and invest my capital, even with a low income, and become a multi-millionaire. My parents are millionaires, because they saved and invested capital their whole lives.

People in Scandinavian countries that people condemn as socialist nations can't open their own business and be a success?

As far as seeing that everything does not get dumped on the poor, what does this mean? The poor are poor, because they make choices. The rich are rich, because they make choices.

What choices did Trump make to make himself rich? Trump is rich based upon what vagina he came out of. Trump failed and failed only to have daddy bail him out. Trump got banks to go along based upon who his daddy was. Can just anyone make that choice?

When someone makes bad choices in life the lead them to be poor, it's not you dumping on them.... it is them reaping the results of their choices.

You will never change this. Never. You can't force people to be wise. Thus you can not avoid people reaping poverty for bad choices.

Bankers are rich beyond rich but they failed. They failed but yet the government gave them billions and billions more. Right now the Federal Reserve still is. How much of the billions and billions being pumped is going to the country as a whole? Why should only a small percentage get the largest portion of this while the rest get very little?

How exactly is that capitalism?

That would be correct BUT it is the government breaking nearly every aspect of capitalism so it can not be operating on capitalism. It's operating on something else.

Really? So if I open a business tomorrow... does the government not protect my rights? Yes it does. That's capitalism. If I make a profit off of my business, and grow my capital, does government not respect my property? Yes it does. That's capitalism. If I change how I do business, say the product, or how I distribute the product, does the government not respect my property? Yes it does.

Please explain how the above being true, is not mutually exclusive to claiming government breaks nearly every aspect of capitalism?

It isn't always true.

Proposed Senatobia roundabout may force businesses to close

You only discuss vast generalizations, not the reality.

People in Scandinavian countries that people condemn as socialist nations can't open their own business and be a success?
They are capitalist. They have some socialist aspects, yes. But the basic foundation of their economy is capitalist by any measure.

Country Rankings: World & Global Economy Rankings on Economic Freedom

Iceland is actually higher on the economic freedom index than the US. They are Capitalist.

Some of the biggest capitalist profit driven companies in the world are in the those countries. And the idea that they are socialist is ridiculous. The rich there, live like rich people. The poor there, live like poor people. Legos is based out of Denmark, and the daughter of the multi-billionaire executive team, owns an entire horse ranch with a thousand acres of land, because... she likes to take ponies to the pony shows, and win medals.

The rich are rich. The poor are poor. It's a capitalist based economy like any other.

What choices did Trump make to make himself rich? Trump is rich based upon what vagina he came out of. Trump failed and failed only to have daddy bail him out. Trump got banks to go along based upon who his daddy was. Can just anyone make that choice?

80% of all millionaires and billionaires are first generation rich. 80%. Yes, there are a few people who are born wealthy.

Further, maybe you are bit ignorant of how most things work, but nearly all successful people fail a bunch of times. Bill Gates, completely failed in his first business venture. So did Henry Heinz.
15 Highly Successful People Who Failed On Their Way To Success

Must successful people fail, sometimes multiple times, before they become successful. This is normal.

Bankers are rich beyond rich but they failed. They failed but yet the government gave them billions and billions more. Right now the Federal Reserve still is. How much of the billions and billions being pumped is going to the country as a whole? Why should only a small percentage get the largest portion of this while the rest get very little?

Well again, I'm a capitalist. I'm against government giving money to anyone.

But your entire statement is completely flaws. The rest get very little? What are you smoking?
70% of all government revenue goes to transfers to individuals. Roughly 15% of the entire economy, is being collected and redistributed to individual US citizens.

By any possible measure, the amount of money we gave to the banks, is a tiny fraction of how much is given out in government hand outs.

Again, that does not justify giving any money to anyone. But to claim that bankers are getting the bulk of the money, when over two Trillion dollars is being handed out EVERY SINGLE YEAR to the public... you are being just ignorantly absurd. Just totally insane.

I keep on providing examples and you keep on using the excuse that you do not support that. It's irrelevant if you support it or not. It is what we do in the name of "capitalism" and there is nothing capitalistic about it.

But we're not doing that in the 'name of capitalism'.

What a dumb thing to say. Really? So Obama stood up there and said "In the name of Capitalism, I'm using tax money to bailout GM, and sell it to the Unions, for their political support!"

Do you realize how incompetent that sounds? Who did that? No one. Not a single person.

When Clinton sent Andrew Cuomo to sue banks to force them to make bad sub-prime loans... was he saying "In the name of Capitalism, we're going to dictate what loans banks make!"? Of course not.

What dumb comment.

Internet poster "Government did this!"

Me " That's not capitalism, and Capitalist like me oppose it"

Internet poster "you are making excuses!"

What?? Your arguments are dumb sir. Really dumb.

You only discuss vast generalizations, not the reality.

Basing your entire argument on the exceptions, is bad logic.
Life is not defined by the exceptions.

This is like claiming that the entire Soviet Union was Capitalist... because a few dozen farms were in fact privately owned for profit businesses. The massive socialized farms in the USSR, were failing so bad, that even Stalin allowed a small collection of private for-profit capitalist farms.

It's a ridiculous claim. The soviet union was socialized. They had a few splatterings of capitalism, but they were very much socialized.

The US is a capitalist based economy. We have a few splatterings of socialism, and we fight against them. But we are capitalist in nature by any possible measure.

If those running the economy are not running it under capitalism, we are not a capitalistic nation.

Since when is a capitalist economy "run" by anyone?

If I start selling a product tomorrow.... who "ran" that? No one. No one makes the economy work.

In a true socialized system, like the Soviet Union, then someone is running the economy... .which is why the economy failed.

The Federal Reserve can't make you or me, go and buy something, nor can it make you or me be productive and sell something. The government can do very little to "run" anything in the capitalist economy.

The areas that are socialized, Banking and HealthCare, are the areas that have problems, just like any other socialized system.

We are still generally Capitalist. You keep cherry picking the few examples of Socialism. And I agree, and oppose all those examples.

But how many companies are we talking about? A few dozen at best.

Even within the banking system.... there are a half dozen banks that are directly involved in the government controlled aspects.... the rest are not involved in any of that. Just in my area of Columbus Ohio, there are 20 local independent banks, that are not doing anything with the Fed.

But over all, throughout this entire economy, for every one company involved with government bailouts or contracts, or anything, there are a thousand companies that are not.

It is just flat out ridiculous to focus on one tiny sliver of the economy, and proclaim the entire economy isn't capitalist anymore.
I agree. GM should have folded. But the UAW and statists decided otherwise. And a few accounting tricks later, they still haven't paid back the American taxpayer.

I'll never buy a new GM product for that reason.

Wall Street shouldn't still be getting billions and billions by the week either.

Can you show me direct proof that "Wall St" is getting billions by the week? Give me an example. Preferably an example that you can document.

You know what I'm talking about.

Fed Pumps $70.1 Billion in One-Day Liquidity Into Financial Markets

One Trader Rants "It's Time For Central Bankers To Stop Bullshitting & Admit They Failed"

They are not "getting" billions. They are selling securities, and the Fed is buying those securities.

The Fed has no money.

That was *MY* point. They do not have money, and thus are not giving money. They are swapping securities for credits. No real money is changing hands.

No one is "getting" billions of dollars, and I posted direct proof of that in my prior post.
Fail. If someone is a murderer they do not respect a right to life. Your argument is that because someone else murders someone that does not mean you do not respect a right to life. That would be correct BUT it is the government breaking nearly every aspect of capitalism so it can not be operating on capitalism. It's operating on something else.

Then we are operating on something other than Capitalism. The Federal Reserve is a system far closer to Socialism.

People in Scandinavian countries that people condemn as socialist nations can't open their own business and be a success?

What choices did Trump make to make himself rich? Trump is rich based upon what vagina he came out of. Trump failed and failed only to have daddy bail him out. Trump got banks to go along based upon who his daddy was. Can just anyone make that choice?

Bankers are rich beyond rich but they failed. They failed but yet the government gave them billions and billions more. Right now the Federal Reserve still is. How much of the billions and billions being pumped is going to the country as a whole? Why should only a small percentage get the largest portion of this while the rest get very little?

How exactly is that capitalism?

That would be correct BUT it is the government breaking nearly every aspect of capitalism so it can not be operating on capitalism. It's operating on something else.

Really? So if I open a business tomorrow... does the government not protect my rights? Yes it does. That's capitalism. If I make a profit off of my business, and grow my capital, does government not respect my property? Yes it does. That's capitalism. If I change how I do business, say the product, or how I distribute the product, does the government not respect my property? Yes it does.

Please explain how the above being true, is not mutually exclusive to claiming government breaks nearly every aspect of capitalism?

People in Scandinavian countries that people condemn as socialist nations can't open their own business and be a success?

They are capitalist. They have some socialist aspects, yes. But the basic foundation of their economy is capitalist by any measure.

Country Rankings: World & Global Economy Rankings on Economic Freedom

Iceland is actually higher on the economic freedom index than the US. They are Capitalist.

Some of the biggest capitalist profit driven companies in the world are in the those countries. And the idea that they are socialist is ridiculous. The rich there, live like rich people. The poor there, live like poor people. Legos is based out of Denmark, and the daughter of the multi-billionaire executive team, owns an entire horse ranch with a thousand acres of land, because... she likes to take ponies to the pony shows, and win medals.

The rich are rich. The poor are poor. It's a capitalist based economy like any other.

What choices did Trump make to make himself rich? Trump is rich based upon what vagina he came out of. Trump failed and failed only to have daddy bail him out. Trump got banks to go along based upon who his daddy was. Can just anyone make that choice?

80% of all millionaires and billionaires are first generation rich. 80%. Yes, there are a few people who are born wealthy.

Further, maybe you are bit ignorant of how most things work, but nearly all successful people fail a bunch of times. Bill Gates, completely failed in his first business venture. So did Henry Heinz.
15 Highly Successful People Who Failed On Their Way To Success

Must successful people fail, sometimes multiple times, before they become successful. This is normal.

Bankers are rich beyond rich but they failed. They failed but yet the government gave them billions and billions more. Right now the Federal Reserve still is. How much of the billions and billions being pumped is going to the country as a whole? Why should only a small percentage get the largest portion of this while the rest get very little?

Well again, I'm a capitalist. I'm against government giving money to anyone.

But your entire statement is completely flaws. The rest get very little? What are you smoking?
70% of all government revenue goes to transfers to individuals. Roughly 15% of the entire economy, is being collected and redistributed to individual US citizens.

By any possible measure, the amount of money we gave to the banks, is a tiny fraction of how much is given out in government hand outs.

Again, that does not justify giving any money to anyone. But to claim that bankers are getting the bulk of the money, when over two Trillion dollars is being handed out EVERY SINGLE YEAR to the public... you are being just ignorantly absurd. Just totally insane.
Fail. If someone is a murderer they do not respect a right to life. Your argument is that because someone else murders someone that does not mean you do not respect a right to life. That would be correct BUT it is the government breaking nearly every aspect of capitalism so it can not be operating on capitalism. It's operating on something else.

Then we are operating on something other than Capitalism. The Federal Reserve is a system far closer to Socialism.

People in Scandinavian countries that people condemn as socialist nations can't open their own business and be a success?

What choices did Trump make to make himself rich? Trump is rich based upon what vagina he came out of. Trump failed and failed only to have daddy bail him out. Trump got banks to go along based upon who his daddy was. Can just anyone make that choice?

Bankers are rich beyond rich but they failed. They failed but yet the government gave them billions and billions more. Right now the Federal Reserve still is. How much of the billions and billions being pumped is going to the country as a whole? Why should only a small percentage get the largest portion of this while the rest get very little?

How exactly is that capitalism?

That would be correct BUT it is the government breaking nearly every aspect of capitalism so it can not be operating on capitalism. It's operating on something else.

Really? So if I open a business tomorrow... does the government not protect my rights? Yes it does. That's capitalism. If I make a profit off of my business, and grow my capital, does government not respect my property? Yes it does. That's capitalism. If I change how I do business, say the product, or how I distribute the product, does the government not respect my property? Yes it does.

Please explain how the above being true, is not mutually exclusive to claiming government breaks nearly every aspect of capitalism?

It isn't always true.

Proposed Senatobia roundabout may force businesses to close

You only discuss vast generalizations, not the reality.

People in Scandinavian countries that people condemn as socialist nations can't open their own business and be a success?
They are capitalist. They have some socialist aspects, yes. But the basic foundation of their economy is capitalist by any measure.

Country Rankings: World & Global Economy Rankings on Economic Freedom

Iceland is actually higher on the economic freedom index than the US. They are Capitalist.

Some of the biggest capitalist profit driven companies in the world are in the those countries. And the idea that they are socialist is ridiculous. The rich there, live like rich people. The poor there, live like poor people. Legos is based out of Denmark, and the daughter of the multi-billionaire executive team, owns an entire horse ranch with a thousand acres of land, because... she likes to take ponies to the pony shows, and win medals.

The rich are rich. The poor are poor. It's a capitalist based economy like any other.

What choices did Trump make to make himself rich? Trump is rich based upon what vagina he came out of. Trump failed and failed only to have daddy bail him out. Trump got banks to go along based upon who his daddy was. Can just anyone make that choice?

80% of all millionaires and billionaires are first generation rich. 80%. Yes, there are a few people who are born wealthy.

Further, maybe you are bit ignorant of how most things work, but nearly all successful people fail a bunch of times. Bill Gates, completely failed in his first business venture. So did Henry Heinz.
15 Highly Successful People Who Failed On Their Way To Success

Must successful people fail, sometimes multiple times, before they become successful. This is normal.

Bankers are rich beyond rich but they failed. They failed but yet the government gave them billions and billions more. Right now the Federal Reserve still is. How much of the billions and billions being pumped is going to the country as a whole? Why should only a small percentage get the largest portion of this while the rest get very little?

Well again, I'm a capitalist. I'm against government giving money to anyone.

But your entire statement is completely flaws. The rest get very little? What are you smoking?
70% of all government revenue goes to transfers to individuals. Roughly 15% of the entire economy, is being collected and redistributed to individual US citizens.

By any possible measure, the amount of money we gave to the banks, is a tiny fraction of how much is given out in government hand outs.

Again, that does not justify giving any money to anyone. But to claim that bankers are getting the bulk of the money, when over two Trillion dollars is being handed out EVERY SINGLE YEAR to the public... you are being just ignorantly absurd. Just totally insane.

I keep on providing examples and you keep on using the excuse that you do not support that. It's irrelevant if you support it or not. It is what we do in the name of "capitalism" and there is nothing capitalistic about it.

But we're not doing that in the 'name of capitalism'.

What a dumb thing to say. Really? So Obama stood up there and said "In the name of Capitalism, I'm using tax money to bailout GM, and sell it to the Unions, for their political support!"

Do you realize how incompetent that sounds? Who did that? No one. Not a single person.

When Clinton sent Andrew Cuomo to sue banks to force them to make bad sub-prime loans... was he saying "In the name of Capitalism, we're going to dictate what loans banks make!"? Of course not.

What dumb comment.

Internet poster "Government did this!"

Me " That's not capitalism, and Capitalist like me oppose it"

Internet poster "you are making excuses!"

What?? Your arguments are dumb sir. Really dumb.

You only discuss vast generalizations, not the reality.

Basing your entire argument on the exceptions, is bad logic.
Life is not defined by the exceptions.

This is like claiming that the entire Soviet Union was Capitalist... because a few dozen farms were in fact privately owned for profit businesses. The massive socialized farms in the USSR, were failing so bad, that even Stalin allowed a small collection of private for-profit capitalist farms.

It's a ridiculous claim. The soviet union was socialized. They had a few splatterings of capitalism, but they were very much socialized.

The US is a capitalist based economy. We have a few splatterings of socialism, and we fight against them. But we are capitalist in nature by any possible measure.

If those running the economy are not running it under capitalism, we are not a capitalistic nation.

Since when is a capitalist economy "run" by anyone?

If I start selling a product tomorrow.... who "ran" that? No one. No one makes the economy work.

In a true socialized system, like the Soviet Union, then someone is running the economy... .which is why the economy failed.

The Federal Reserve can't make you or me, go and buy something, nor can it make you or me be productive and sell something. The government can do very little to "run" anything in the capitalist economy.

The areas that are socialized, Banking and HealthCare, are the areas that have problems, just like any other socialized system.

We are still generally Capitalist. You keep cherry picking the few examples of Socialism. And I agree, and oppose all those examples.

But how many companies are we talking about? A few dozen at best.

Even within the banking system.... there are a half dozen banks that are directly involved in the government controlled aspects.... the rest are not involved in any of that. Just in my area of Columbus Ohio, there are 20 local independent banks, that are not doing anything with the Fed.

But over all, throughout this entire economy, for every one company involved with government bailouts or contracts, or anything, there are a thousand companies that are not.

It is just flat out ridiculous to focus on one tiny sliver of the economy, and proclaim the entire economy isn't capitalist anymore.

I'm not interested in discussing class room theory.
Wall Street shouldn't still be getting billions and billions by the week either.

Can you show me direct proof that "Wall St" is getting billions by the week? Give me an example. Preferably an example that you can document.

You know what I'm talking about.

Fed Pumps $70.1 Billion in One-Day Liquidity Into Financial Markets

One Trader Rants "It's Time For Central Bankers To Stop Bullshitting & Admit They Failed"

They are not "getting" billions. They are selling securities, and the Fed is buying those securities.

The Fed has no money.

That was *MY* point. They do not have money, and thus are not giving money. They are swapping securities for credits. No real money is changing hands.

No one is "getting" billions of dollars, and I posted direct proof of that in my prior post.

None of it is real money.
Yes, the question is the flexibility, efficiency and effectiveness of regulation, not the sheer amount, as Democrats seem to think.

The problem is that the Trumpsters are terrible, shallow, simplistic, misled, lousy representatives of capitalism.

Did you really post both of the above quotes or was one your evil twin?

And, not coincidentally, the interest in socialism grows.

Among who is the interest in Socialism growing? Ignorant people who have not yet experienced life or had Socialism explained to them.
No evil twin. Each side has a hand in messing this up. My point is pretty clear.

And you just provided an example of why Trumpsters are so lousy at educating people on this. Insults don't work.

Anything else?

It comes down to the old adage, "those who can, do, those who cannot teach".

In California, 95 Percent of Professors’ Donations Go To Democratic Politicians

College Fix survey finds Nancy Pelosi raked in the most support, with $50,500 from professors

With midterm elections looming, an analysis of professors’ recent campaign contributions to California lawmakers found that about 95 percent of their donations went to Democratic politicians.

In California, 95 Percent of Professors’ Donations Go To Democratic Politicians | The College Fix

The above is in response to your question. You asked, "And you just provided an example of why Trumpsters are so lousy at educating people on this. Insults don't work."
Yes, the question is the flexibility, efficiency and effectiveness of regulation, not the sheer amount, as Democrats seem to think.

The problem is that the Trumpsters are terrible, shallow, simplistic, misled, lousy representatives of capitalism.

Did you really post both of the above quotes or was one your evil twin?

And, not coincidentally, the interest in socialism grows.

Among who is the interest in Socialism growing? Ignorant people who have not yet experienced life or had Socialism explained to them.
No evil twin. Each side has a hand in messing this up. My point is pretty clear.

And you just provided an example of why Trumpsters are so lousy at educating people on this. Insults don't work.

Anything else?

It comes down to the old adage, "those who can, do, those who cannot teach".

In California, 95 Percent of Professors’ Donations Go To Democratic Politicians

College Fix survey finds Nancy Pelosi raked in the most support, with $50,500 from professors

With midterm elections looming, an analysis of professors’ recent campaign contributions to California lawmakers found that about 95 percent of their donations went to Democratic politicians.

In California, 95 Percent of Professors’ Donations Go To Democratic Politicians | The College Fix

The above is in response to your question. You asked, "And you just provided an example of why Trumpsters are so lousy at educating people on this. Insults don't work."
And this is an inducement to vote Democrat?

Not seeing it.

That's a vast generalization I would never make. I'm not a blind partisan.
Uh huh. All you've done in this thread is CAPITALISM SUX.

Now, which party agrees that CAPITALISM SUX?

You can address my point or not. The (D)'s by and large do the exact same things I claim should NOT be done. Oddly many others agree it shouldn't but yet feel they have to defend it.
So what's to be done? I see you're against a lot of things.

Are you actually for anything?

I'd love if we actually operated under capitalism.
So which candidates are you supporting?
Yes, the question is the flexibility, efficiency and effectiveness of regulation, not the sheer amount, as Democrats seem to think.

The problem is that the Trumpsters are terrible, shallow, simplistic, misled, lousy representatives of capitalism.

Did you really post both of the above quotes or was one your evil twin?

And, not coincidentally, the interest in socialism grows.

Among who is the interest in Socialism growing? Ignorant people who have not yet experienced life or had Socialism explained to them.
No evil twin. Each side has a hand in messing this up. My point is pretty clear.

And you just provided an example of why Trumpsters are so lousy at educating people on this. Insults don't work.

Anything else?

It comes down to the old adage, "those who can, do, those who cannot teach".

In California, 95 Percent of Professors’ Donations Go To Democratic Politicians

College Fix survey finds Nancy Pelosi raked in the most support, with $50,500 from professors

With midterm elections looming, an analysis of professors’ recent campaign contributions to California lawmakers found that about 95 percent of their donations went to Democratic politicians.

In California, 95 Percent of Professors’ Donations Go To Democratic Politicians | The College Fix

Democrat Professors to Republican, by subject.


39% of "elite" liberal arts colleges have 0 registered Republican professors - as in NONE
Good grief, will someone please say Mac1958 is the smartest guy in the room?

I mean, someone besides Mac1958, that is.
Yes, the question is the flexibility, efficiency and effectiveness of regulation, not the sheer amount, as Democrats seem to think.

The problem is that the Trumpsters are terrible, shallow, simplistic, misled, lousy representatives of capitalism.

Did you really post both of the above quotes or was one your evil twin?

And, not coincidentally, the interest in socialism grows.

Among who is the interest in Socialism growing? Ignorant people who have not yet experienced life or had Socialism explained to them.
No evil twin. Each side has a hand in messing this up. My point is pretty clear.

And you just provided an example of why Trumpsters are so lousy at educating people on this. Insults don't work.

Anything else?

It comes down to the old adage, "those who can, do, those who cannot teach".

In California, 95 Percent of Professors’ Donations Go To Democratic Politicians

College Fix survey finds Nancy Pelosi raked in the most support, with $50,500 from professors

With midterm elections looming, an analysis of professors’ recent campaign contributions to California lawmakers found that about 95 percent of their donations went to Democratic politicians.

In California, 95 Percent of Professors’ Donations Go To Democratic Politicians | The College Fix

Democrat Professors to Republican, by subject.


39% of "elite" liberal arts colleges have 0 registered Republican professors - as in NONE
sowell diversity.jpg
That's a vast generalization I would never make. I'm not a blind partisan.
Uh huh. All you've done in this thread is CAPITALISM SUX.

Now, which party agrees that CAPITALISM SUX?

You can address my point or not. The (D)'s by and large do the exact same things I claim should NOT be done. Oddly many others agree it shouldn't but yet feel they have to defend it.
So what's to be done? I see you're against a lot of things.

Are you actually for anything?

I'd love if we actually operated under capitalism.
So which candidates are you supporting?

Hopefully Sanders. I've covered this many times. If we want to quit with the bail outs, with the huge subsidies the Federal Reserve is providing for wall street, I would agree we need to quit helping the poor like we do. As long as the system is stacked against the poor I'm going to vote to level that out.
Fail. If someone is a murderer they do not respect a right to life. Your argument is that because someone else murders someone that does not mean you do not respect a right to life. That would be correct BUT it is the government breaking nearly every aspect of capitalism so it can not be operating on capitalism. It's operating on something else.

Then we are operating on something other than Capitalism. The Federal Reserve is a system far closer to Socialism.

People in Scandinavian countries that people condemn as socialist nations can't open their own business and be a success?

What choices did Trump make to make himself rich? Trump is rich based upon what vagina he came out of. Trump failed and failed only to have daddy bail him out. Trump got banks to go along based upon who his daddy was. Can just anyone make that choice?

Bankers are rich beyond rich but they failed. They failed but yet the government gave them billions and billions more. Right now the Federal Reserve still is. How much of the billions and billions being pumped is going to the country as a whole? Why should only a small percentage get the largest portion of this while the rest get very little?

How exactly is that capitalism?

That would be correct BUT it is the government breaking nearly every aspect of capitalism so it can not be operating on capitalism. It's operating on something else.

Really? So if I open a business tomorrow... does the government not protect my rights? Yes it does. That's capitalism. If I make a profit off of my business, and grow my capital, does government not respect my property? Yes it does. That's capitalism. If I change how I do business, say the product, or how I distribute the product, does the government not respect my property? Yes it does.

Please explain how the above being true, is not mutually exclusive to claiming government breaks nearly every aspect of capitalism?

People in Scandinavian countries that people condemn as socialist nations can't open their own business and be a success?

They are capitalist. They have some socialist aspects, yes. But the basic foundation of their economy is capitalist by any measure.

Country Rankings: World & Global Economy Rankings on Economic Freedom

Iceland is actually higher on the economic freedom index than the US. They are Capitalist.

Some of the biggest capitalist profit driven companies in the world are in the those countries. And the idea that they are socialist is ridiculous. The rich there, live like rich people. The poor there, live like poor people. Legos is based out of Denmark, and the daughter of the multi-billionaire executive team, owns an entire horse ranch with a thousand acres of land, because... she likes to take ponies to the pony shows, and win medals.

The rich are rich. The poor are poor. It's a capitalist based economy like any other.

What choices did Trump make to make himself rich? Trump is rich based upon what vagina he came out of. Trump failed and failed only to have daddy bail him out. Trump got banks to go along based upon who his daddy was. Can just anyone make that choice?

80% of all millionaires and billionaires are first generation rich. 80%. Yes, there are a few people who are born wealthy.

Further, maybe you are bit ignorant of how most things work, but nearly all successful people fail a bunch of times. Bill Gates, completely failed in his first business venture. So did Henry Heinz.
15 Highly Successful People Who Failed On Their Way To Success

Must successful people fail, sometimes multiple times, before they become successful. This is normal.

Bankers are rich beyond rich but they failed. They failed but yet the government gave them billions and billions more. Right now the Federal Reserve still is. How much of the billions and billions being pumped is going to the country as a whole? Why should only a small percentage get the largest portion of this while the rest get very little?

Well again, I'm a capitalist. I'm against government giving money to anyone.

But your entire statement is completely flaws. The rest get very little? What are you smoking?
70% of all government revenue goes to transfers to individuals. Roughly 15% of the entire economy, is being collected and redistributed to individual US citizens.

By any possible measure, the amount of money we gave to the banks, is a tiny fraction of how much is given out in government hand outs.

Again, that does not justify giving any money to anyone. But to claim that bankers are getting the bulk of the money, when over two Trillion dollars is being handed out EVERY SINGLE YEAR to the public... you are being just ignorantly absurd. Just totally insane.
Fail. If someone is a murderer they do not respect a right to life. Your argument is that because someone else murders someone that does not mean you do not respect a right to life. That would be correct BUT it is the government breaking nearly every aspect of capitalism so it can not be operating on capitalism. It's operating on something else.

Then we are operating on something other than Capitalism. The Federal Reserve is a system far closer to Socialism.

People in Scandinavian countries that people condemn as socialist nations can't open their own business and be a success?

What choices did Trump make to make himself rich? Trump is rich based upon what vagina he came out of. Trump failed and failed only to have daddy bail him out. Trump got banks to go along based upon who his daddy was. Can just anyone make that choice?

Bankers are rich beyond rich but they failed. They failed but yet the government gave them billions and billions more. Right now the Federal Reserve still is. How much of the billions and billions being pumped is going to the country as a whole? Why should only a small percentage get the largest portion of this while the rest get very little?

How exactly is that capitalism?

That would be correct BUT it is the government breaking nearly every aspect of capitalism so it can not be operating on capitalism. It's operating on something else.

Really? So if I open a business tomorrow... does the government not protect my rights? Yes it does. That's capitalism. If I make a profit off of my business, and grow my capital, does government not respect my property? Yes it does. That's capitalism. If I change how I do business, say the product, or how I distribute the product, does the government not respect my property? Yes it does.

Please explain how the above being true, is not mutually exclusive to claiming government breaks nearly every aspect of capitalism?

It isn't always true.

Proposed Senatobia roundabout may force businesses to close

You only discuss vast generalizations, not the reality.

People in Scandinavian countries that people condemn as socialist nations can't open their own business and be a success?
They are capitalist. They have some socialist aspects, yes. But the basic foundation of their economy is capitalist by any measure.

Country Rankings: World & Global Economy Rankings on Economic Freedom

Iceland is actually higher on the economic freedom index than the US. They are Capitalist.

Some of the biggest capitalist profit driven companies in the world are in the those countries. And the idea that they are socialist is ridiculous. The rich there, live like rich people. The poor there, live like poor people. Legos is based out of Denmark, and the daughter of the multi-billionaire executive team, owns an entire horse ranch with a thousand acres of land, because... she likes to take ponies to the pony shows, and win medals.

The rich are rich. The poor are poor. It's a capitalist based economy like any other.

What choices did Trump make to make himself rich? Trump is rich based upon what vagina he came out of. Trump failed and failed only to have daddy bail him out. Trump got banks to go along based upon who his daddy was. Can just anyone make that choice?

80% of all millionaires and billionaires are first generation rich. 80%. Yes, there are a few people who are born wealthy.

Further, maybe you are bit ignorant of how most things work, but nearly all successful people fail a bunch of times. Bill Gates, completely failed in his first business venture. So did Henry Heinz.
15 Highly Successful People Who Failed On Their Way To Success

Must successful people fail, sometimes multiple times, before they become successful. This is normal.

Bankers are rich beyond rich but they failed. They failed but yet the government gave them billions and billions more. Right now the Federal Reserve still is. How much of the billions and billions being pumped is going to the country as a whole? Why should only a small percentage get the largest portion of this while the rest get very little?

Well again, I'm a capitalist. I'm against government giving money to anyone.

But your entire statement is completely flaws. The rest get very little? What are you smoking?
70% of all government revenue goes to transfers to individuals. Roughly 15% of the entire economy, is being collected and redistributed to individual US citizens.

By any possible measure, the amount of money we gave to the banks, is a tiny fraction of how much is given out in government hand outs.

Again, that does not justify giving any money to anyone. But to claim that bankers are getting the bulk of the money, when over two Trillion dollars is being handed out EVERY SINGLE YEAR to the public... you are being just ignorantly absurd. Just totally insane.

I keep on providing examples and you keep on using the excuse that you do not support that. It's irrelevant if you support it or not. It is what we do in the name of "capitalism" and there is nothing capitalistic about it.

But we're not doing that in the 'name of capitalism'.

What a dumb thing to say. Really? So Obama stood up there and said "In the name of Capitalism, I'm using tax money to bailout GM, and sell it to the Unions, for their political support!"

Do you realize how incompetent that sounds? Who did that? No one. Not a single person.

When Clinton sent Andrew Cuomo to sue banks to force them to make bad sub-prime loans... was he saying "In the name of Capitalism, we're going to dictate what loans banks make!"? Of course not.

What dumb comment.

Internet poster "Government did this!"

Me " That's not capitalism, and Capitalist like me oppose it"

Internet poster "you are making excuses!"

What?? Your arguments are dumb sir. Really dumb.

You only discuss vast generalizations, not the reality.

Basing your entire argument on the exceptions, is bad logic.
Life is not defined by the exceptions.

This is like claiming that the entire Soviet Union was Capitalist... because a few dozen farms were in fact privately owned for profit businesses. The massive socialized farms in the USSR, were failing so bad, that even Stalin allowed a small collection of private for-profit capitalist farms.

It's a ridiculous claim. The soviet union was socialized. They had a few splatterings of capitalism, but they were very much socialized.

The US is a capitalist based economy. We have a few splatterings of socialism, and we fight against them. But we are capitalist in nature by any possible measure.

If those running the economy are not running it under capitalism, we are not a capitalistic nation.

Since when is a capitalist economy "run" by anyone?

If I start selling a product tomorrow.... who "ran" that? No one. No one makes the economy work.

In a true socialized system, like the Soviet Union, then someone is running the economy... .which is why the economy failed.

The Federal Reserve can't make you or me, go and buy something, nor can it make you or me be productive and sell something. The government can do very little to "run" anything in the capitalist economy.

The areas that are socialized, Banking and HealthCare, are the areas that have problems, just like any other socialized system.

We are still generally Capitalist. You keep cherry picking the few examples of Socialism. And I agree, and oppose all those examples.

But how many companies are we talking about? A few dozen at best.

Even within the banking system.... there are a half dozen banks that are directly involved in the government controlled aspects.... the rest are not involved in any of that. Just in my area of Columbus Ohio, there are 20 local independent banks, that are not doing anything with the Fed.

But over all, throughout this entire economy, for every one company involved with government bailouts or contracts, or anything, there are a thousand companies that are not.

It is just flat out ridiculous to focus on one tiny sliver of the economy, and proclaim the entire economy isn't capitalist anymore.
I found this great column just for you. Please read. Can you refute it?

The Long History of Elite Rule: What Will It Take To End It?
Elites have ruled over people and commanded the surplus produced by their labor for many millennia. It is this long history we have to contend with in today’s crisis of capitalism that has produced endless wars and environmental catastrophes as corporate billionaire rulers continue to promote business as usual while preparing to fight each other with armed forces and nuclear weapons. This has all been “normalized.” Concentrated elite power ends up massively distorting people’s understanding of the nature of big business rule. Their highly paid spokes people even shamelessly deploy concepts like “freedom” and “liberty” to rationalize the enslaving and killing of millions for profits in resource wars. But we also need to understand that despite this long reign of (t)error, human beings lived for most of their evolutionary history (a much longer period of time than that during which elites have ruled) in nomadic hunter-gatherer societies where life conditions produced a rough equality among the Paleolithic family groups. If there was anything that could be called freedom here, it was a consequence of a primitive subsistence level that demanded participation from all in obtaining the means of survival while providing minimal incentives for large-scale social conflicts. Cooperation was primary; it is what made human societies — not competition. These conditions also kept the human populations low and in balance with available resources, while as some anthropologists speculate (see Marshall Sahlins), providing significant amounts of free time for cultivating social ties.

We also need to understand that anyone trying to change things for the benefit of the masses of the people – even when they try to play within the rules set by big business — will be the targets of endless media efforts to demonize and disqualify them.
The Long History of Elite Rule: What Will It Take To End It? -
Uh huh. All you've done in this thread is CAPITALISM SUX.

Now, which party agrees that CAPITALISM SUX?

You can address my point or not. The (D)'s by and large do the exact same things I claim should NOT be done. Oddly many others agree it shouldn't but yet feel they have to defend it.
So what's to be done? I see you're against a lot of things.

Are you actually for anything?

I'd love if we actually operated under capitalism.
So which candidates are you supporting?

Hopefully Sanders. I've covered this many times. If we want to quit with the bail outs, with the huge subsidies the Federal Reserve is providing for wall street, I would agree we need to quit helping the poor like we do. As long as the system is stacked against the poor I'm going to vote to level that out.
So, instead of bailing out companies -- you want to bail out individuals.

Sanders' socialism punishes capitalism.

You need to think about this more. A lot more.
You can address my point or not. The (D)'s by and large do the exact same things I claim should NOT be done. Oddly many others agree it shouldn't but yet feel they have to defend it.
So what's to be done? I see you're against a lot of things.

Are you actually for anything?

I'd love if we actually operated under capitalism.
So which candidates are you supporting?

Hopefully Sanders. I've covered this many times. If we want to quit with the bail outs, with the huge subsidies the Federal Reserve is providing for wall street, I would agree we need to quit helping the poor like we do. As long as the system is stacked against the poor I'm going to vote to level that out.
So, instead of bailing out companies -- you want to bail out individuals.

Sanders' socialism punishes capitalism.

You need to think about this more. A lot more.

No, I want to not have to bail out anyone but you understand my argument. Sanders can not punish what does not exist.
That would be correct BUT it is the government breaking nearly every aspect of capitalism so it can not be operating on capitalism. It's operating on something else.

Really? So if I open a business tomorrow... does the government not protect my rights? Yes it does. That's capitalism. If I make a profit off of my business, and grow my capital, does government not respect my property? Yes it does. That's capitalism. If I change how I do business, say the product, or how I distribute the product, does the government not respect my property? Yes it does.

Please explain how the above being true, is not mutually exclusive to claiming government breaks nearly every aspect of capitalism?

People in Scandinavian countries that people condemn as socialist nations can't open their own business and be a success?

They are capitalist. They have some socialist aspects, yes. But the basic foundation of their economy is capitalist by any measure.

Country Rankings: World & Global Economy Rankings on Economic Freedom

Iceland is actually higher on the economic freedom index than the US. They are Capitalist.

Some of the biggest capitalist profit driven companies in the world are in the those countries. And the idea that they are socialist is ridiculous. The rich there, live like rich people. The poor there, live like poor people. Legos is based out of Denmark, and the daughter of the multi-billionaire executive team, owns an entire horse ranch with a thousand acres of land, because... she likes to take ponies to the pony shows, and win medals.

The rich are rich. The poor are poor. It's a capitalist based economy like any other.

What choices did Trump make to make himself rich? Trump is rich based upon what vagina he came out of. Trump failed and failed only to have daddy bail him out. Trump got banks to go along based upon who his daddy was. Can just anyone make that choice?

80% of all millionaires and billionaires are first generation rich. 80%. Yes, there are a few people who are born wealthy.

Further, maybe you are bit ignorant of how most things work, but nearly all successful people fail a bunch of times. Bill Gates, completely failed in his first business venture. So did Henry Heinz.
15 Highly Successful People Who Failed On Their Way To Success

Must successful people fail, sometimes multiple times, before they become successful. This is normal.

Bankers are rich beyond rich but they failed. They failed but yet the government gave them billions and billions more. Right now the Federal Reserve still is. How much of the billions and billions being pumped is going to the country as a whole? Why should only a small percentage get the largest portion of this while the rest get very little?

Well again, I'm a capitalist. I'm against government giving money to anyone.

But your entire statement is completely flaws. The rest get very little? What are you smoking?
70% of all government revenue goes to transfers to individuals. Roughly 15% of the entire economy, is being collected and redistributed to individual US citizens.

By any possible measure, the amount of money we gave to the banks, is a tiny fraction of how much is given out in government hand outs.

Again, that does not justify giving any money to anyone. But to claim that bankers are getting the bulk of the money, when over two Trillion dollars is being handed out EVERY SINGLE YEAR to the public... you are being just ignorantly absurd. Just totally insane.
That would be correct BUT it is the government breaking nearly every aspect of capitalism so it can not be operating on capitalism. It's operating on something else.

Really? So if I open a business tomorrow... does the government not protect my rights? Yes it does. That's capitalism. If I make a profit off of my business, and grow my capital, does government not respect my property? Yes it does. That's capitalism. If I change how I do business, say the product, or how I distribute the product, does the government not respect my property? Yes it does.

Please explain how the above being true, is not mutually exclusive to claiming government breaks nearly every aspect of capitalism?

It isn't always true.

Proposed Senatobia roundabout may force businesses to close

You only discuss vast generalizations, not the reality.

People in Scandinavian countries that people condemn as socialist nations can't open their own business and be a success?
They are capitalist. They have some socialist aspects, yes. But the basic foundation of their economy is capitalist by any measure.

Country Rankings: World & Global Economy Rankings on Economic Freedom

Iceland is actually higher on the economic freedom index than the US. They are Capitalist.

Some of the biggest capitalist profit driven companies in the world are in the those countries. And the idea that they are socialist is ridiculous. The rich there, live like rich people. The poor there, live like poor people. Legos is based out of Denmark, and the daughter of the multi-billionaire executive team, owns an entire horse ranch with a thousand acres of land, because... she likes to take ponies to the pony shows, and win medals.

The rich are rich. The poor are poor. It's a capitalist based economy like any other.

What choices did Trump make to make himself rich? Trump is rich based upon what vagina he came out of. Trump failed and failed only to have daddy bail him out. Trump got banks to go along based upon who his daddy was. Can just anyone make that choice?

80% of all millionaires and billionaires are first generation rich. 80%. Yes, there are a few people who are born wealthy.

Further, maybe you are bit ignorant of how most things work, but nearly all successful people fail a bunch of times. Bill Gates, completely failed in his first business venture. So did Henry Heinz.
15 Highly Successful People Who Failed On Their Way To Success

Must successful people fail, sometimes multiple times, before they become successful. This is normal.

Bankers are rich beyond rich but they failed. They failed but yet the government gave them billions and billions more. Right now the Federal Reserve still is. How much of the billions and billions being pumped is going to the country as a whole? Why should only a small percentage get the largest portion of this while the rest get very little?

Well again, I'm a capitalist. I'm against government giving money to anyone.

But your entire statement is completely flaws. The rest get very little? What are you smoking?
70% of all government revenue goes to transfers to individuals. Roughly 15% of the entire economy, is being collected and redistributed to individual US citizens.

By any possible measure, the amount of money we gave to the banks, is a tiny fraction of how much is given out in government hand outs.

Again, that does not justify giving any money to anyone. But to claim that bankers are getting the bulk of the money, when over two Trillion dollars is being handed out EVERY SINGLE YEAR to the public... you are being just ignorantly absurd. Just totally insane.

I keep on providing examples and you keep on using the excuse that you do not support that. It's irrelevant if you support it or not. It is what we do in the name of "capitalism" and there is nothing capitalistic about it.

But we're not doing that in the 'name of capitalism'.

What a dumb thing to say. Really? So Obama stood up there and said "In the name of Capitalism, I'm using tax money to bailout GM, and sell it to the Unions, for their political support!"

Do you realize how incompetent that sounds? Who did that? No one. Not a single person.

When Clinton sent Andrew Cuomo to sue banks to force them to make bad sub-prime loans... was he saying "In the name of Capitalism, we're going to dictate what loans banks make!"? Of course not.

What dumb comment.

Internet poster "Government did this!"

Me " That's not capitalism, and Capitalist like me oppose it"

Internet poster "you are making excuses!"

What?? Your arguments are dumb sir. Really dumb.

You only discuss vast generalizations, not the reality.

Basing your entire argument on the exceptions, is bad logic.
Life is not defined by the exceptions.

This is like claiming that the entire Soviet Union was Capitalist... because a few dozen farms were in fact privately owned for profit businesses. The massive socialized farms in the USSR, were failing so bad, that even Stalin allowed a small collection of private for-profit capitalist farms.

It's a ridiculous claim. The soviet union was socialized. They had a few splatterings of capitalism, but they were very much socialized.

The US is a capitalist based economy. We have a few splatterings of socialism, and we fight against them. But we are capitalist in nature by any possible measure.

If those running the economy are not running it under capitalism, we are not a capitalistic nation.

Since when is a capitalist economy "run" by anyone?

If I start selling a product tomorrow.... who "ran" that? No one. No one makes the economy work.

In a true socialized system, like the Soviet Union, then someone is running the economy... .which is why the economy failed.

The Federal Reserve can't make you or me, go and buy something, nor can it make you or me be productive and sell something. The government can do very little to "run" anything in the capitalist economy.

The areas that are socialized, Banking and HealthCare, are the areas that have problems, just like any other socialized system.

We are still generally Capitalist. You keep cherry picking the few examples of Socialism. And I agree, and oppose all those examples.

But how many companies are we talking about? A few dozen at best.

Even within the banking system.... there are a half dozen banks that are directly involved in the government controlled aspects.... the rest are not involved in any of that. Just in my area of Columbus Ohio, there are 20 local independent banks, that are not doing anything with the Fed.

But over all, throughout this entire economy, for every one company involved with government bailouts or contracts, or anything, there are a thousand companies that are not.

It is just flat out ridiculous to focus on one tiny sliver of the economy, and proclaim the entire economy isn't capitalist anymore.
I found this great column just for you. Please read. Can you refute it?

The Long History of Elite Rule: What Will It Take To End It?
Elites have ruled over people and commanded the surplus produced by their labor for many millennia. It is this long history we have to contend with in today’s crisis of capitalism that has produced endless wars and environmental catastrophes as corporate billionaire rulers continue to promote business as usual while preparing to fight each other with armed forces and nuclear weapons. This has all been “normalized.” Concentrated elite power ends up massively distorting people’s understanding of the nature of big business rule. Their highly paid spokes people even shamelessly deploy concepts like “freedom” and “liberty” to rationalize the enslaving and killing of millions for profits in resource wars. But we also need to understand that despite this long reign of (t)error, human beings lived for most of their evolutionary history (a much longer period of time than that during which elites have ruled) in nomadic hunter-gatherer societies where life conditions produced a rough equality among the Paleolithic family groups. If there was anything that could be called freedom here, it was a consequence of a primitive subsistence level that demanded participation from all in obtaining the means of survival while providing minimal incentives for large-scale social conflicts. Cooperation was primary; it is what made human societies — not competition. These conditions also kept the human populations low and in balance with available resources, while as some anthropologists speculate (see Marshall Sahlins), providing significant amounts of free time for cultivating social ties.

We also need to understand that anyone trying to change things for the benefit of the masses of the people – even when they try to play within the rules set by big business — will be the targets of endless media efforts to demonize and disqualify them.
The Long History of Elite Rule: What Will It Take To End It? -
"Big business rule?" What a joke. Business has never ruled anything. Big business has only manage to emerge because the power of political rule has been reduced. When politicians have control over your means of survival, you can depend on them taking the biggest share for themselves. Business can only become big by serving the consumer.

What a surprise that you would ridicule concepts like freedom and liberty. That's what tyrants have always done.

Counter Punch
is a Marxist publication, BTW. What a surprise that you would quote it.
So what's to be done? I see you're against a lot of things.

Are you actually for anything?

I'd love if we actually operated under capitalism.
So which candidates are you supporting?

Hopefully Sanders. I've covered this many times. If we want to quit with the bail outs, with the huge subsidies the Federal Reserve is providing for wall street, I would agree we need to quit helping the poor like we do. As long as the system is stacked against the poor I'm going to vote to level that out.
So, instead of bailing out companies -- you want to bail out individuals.

Sanders' socialism punishes capitalism.

You need to think about this more. A lot more.

No, I want to not have to bail out anyone but you understand my argument. Sanders can not punish what does not exist.
You want to abolish corporations?

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