Capitol insurrection hearings.

I salute all the great American patriots who are testifying! Bless them all. Anyone who is not moved by what they say has some serious lack of American patriotism problems! Only a complete moron who say things like they were "fake" crying. It concerns me that such morons live among us. It also concerns me that the Trump NaziCons even remotely consider themselves American patriots. They are not patriots - they are traitors!
That certainly was a rousing statement. And everyone knows there is nothing more dangerous than an unarmed woman.

From what I read online, that seemed pretty compelling testimony by the cops. And it is a natl disgrace how the Trumpsupporters and some gopers in congress treat(ed) them.
Yeah, those cops were amazing.

No doubt the Trumpsters think they're Hitler traitor commies.

The GQP is somehow finding new lows now. Who knew that was possible.
In 1933 Hitler established special courts throughout Germany to try politically sensitive cases. Dissatisfied with the 'not guilty' verdicts rendered by the Supreme Court (Reichsgericht) in the Reichstag Fire Trial, Hitler ordered the creation of the People's Court (Volksgerichtshof) in Berlin in 1934 to try treason and other important "political cases." Under Roland Freisler, the People's Court became part of the Nazi system of terror, condemning tens of thousands of people as "Volk Vermin" and thousands more to death for "Volk Treason." The trial and sentencing of those accused of complicity in the July Plot, the attempt to kill Hitler in July 1944, was especially unjust.

The Reichstag Fire Trial is equivalent to the January 6th episode is that both are being labeled treason by the powers that be in order to "clean" house of all political opponents.

So the Congressional committee, filled with Trump hating democrats and a few Trump hating Republicans, are equivalent to the Hitler tribunals.

How confused you white-right traitors are...

The NAZIS burnt the Reichstag. TRUMP supporters attacked the Capitol. Poof goes your attempt at an analogy. So much for any career you might wish for involving the use of words.
While I am pumping up my tires for my daily bike ride, I have the “capitol insurrection hearings” playing on my TV with the sound turned off. This is the best way to take in what is happening.

It's sad that a Trump NaziCon moron started a "Capitol Insurrection Hearings" thread instead of a sane American patriot. Sad...

The police officer told them three times to stop and back off.
Link us up to the police guidelines saying that all you have to do is tell someone to back off 3 times, then you can just blow them away.

I'll wait.

Trump's exact words during the Jan. 6th rally were:
"I know that everyone here will soon be marching over to the Capitol building to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard."
Play all the speeches, all the way through, by Trumpolini, by Con, Jr., by Guiliani, by that ass from Alabama, what's his name.

Perhaps Gen. Milley should also testify...

It is now in front of everyone to see clearly that an insurrection took place, it was treasonous, and Trump and his cohorts incited it intentionally.

TRUMP belongs in a Federal penitentiary for life if not dangling from a rope.

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