Capitol insurrection hearings.

McConnell could form a select committee whenever he feels like it. And anyone can sue. So why are you just sitting there complaining? Write your Senator and hire a lawyer. Collect some victims. Then watch the entire thing get laughed off the planet.

Letters, emails and faxs to congressmen and senators, and including voting:

If any of that worked, they wouldn't let us do it.

Among all the rioters on January 6th there were a group of heavily armed militia groups that intended to do real harm to our nation. When Trump was at the White House stirring up the crowd before the riot and attack on the capital. His close friend Roger Stone was at the Capitol consulting with the militia leaders. Of all the investigations going on, this is the one that should be given the most priority. It was my belief he was coordinating the attack at Trump's request. All means necessary should be used to get to the bottom of this. Remember, the people who invaded the capital and attempted to overthrow our government did so carrying Trump flags.
You MSNBC, CNN dupe.
"The People" took back the "Peoples House."

Excusez-moi? No, they didn't. If you recall, Dr. Dementia, the Capitol was cleared with the help of the DC Metro Police and Congress reassembled to confirm Biden's win at approximately 8:30pm.

Geez, seek medical help before you forget how to turn your computer on, too.
I'm still trying to figure out how "that day," (Jan 6th) is more important than the days that antifa and BLM caused way more destruction, and killed many more people?
Because it was a government building? Explain Portland.
Was it a government building that had a majority of democrats? Again, Portland.
Was it because it was the opposing parties supporters? Yes, I think that's gotta be the one.
Because Antifa and BLM are left leaning. So when they destroy and kill, because they're left leaning, then it's "nothing to see here folks."

The left is owned by the party.
It appears that this House Select Committee hearing is turning into a political circus where the focus is on painting the movement that believe the 2020 Presidential election was stolen from Donald Trump and manifested its belief about the election in the actions that took place at the Capitol on January 6th as deplorable Americans. An optimally prudent and good analysis of the current situation would conclude that the Select Committee is never going to be able to provide a thorough and optimally good study of what transpired on Jan. 6th because it cannot get the full input from the protestors because they cannot testify en masse because they will criminally incriminate themselves if they do so; America will have to wait to get such a study around ten to fifteen years from now when a balanced President on this matter pardons all the protesters except for ones that caused true serious bodily injury or stole significantly important things from the Capitol which would then enable these protesters to fully testify to an investigative committee. It was hoped for that the House Select Committee could at least get permanent records of key players in the whole incident like the many security personnel and security authorities that had a role in this whole incident because when the pardons come down and there is able to be a truly good investigation these security people testimony may then be less that fully valuable because of the time that transpired. These select committee hearings should be held like good grand jury hearing and lawyers the specialize in grand jury investigations should do the lion share of the questioning. It is a joke witnesses giving opening statements where they embark on taking sides in the whole matter, it doesn't matter how valid their point of view. It is a joke when witnesses are asked how they feel about what the protestors did and Republican politicians inappropriate comments about the incident; the witness should be questioned about what they heard, observed and what transpired on that day and the run up to that and their professional assessments of the incident they should not be permitted to go on diatribe about the character depravity of the members of the mob and Americans that sanction that abhorrent behavior!
We need good revolts once in awhile.
Seems to me most of it is out there already ... it doesn’t convince you that hey...”Houston we have a problem”?

Just to understand where I am coming from, I am sick to death people stuck tight to their conspiracy riddled bits of jetsam, insisting that what happened didn’t, and oh by the way “squirrel”! People a scrabbling for any bit of flotsam they can use to bolster claims and “theories” that are either unsupported by facts or demonstrate ly wrong. What is notable is that initial bipartisan unity, right after, when people were recovering from the horror of what happened to our capital, fractured as they began to calculate their political futures in an undeniably cynical way.

I can’t see two reasonable sides this because one side is so clearly wrong in it’s attempt marginalize this event.
and that would be the side refusing to release all videos.

and it seems to me most people so familiar with the honest occurances of the day would know Pelosi won't release official tapes.

just say they are already out there.
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While I am pumping up my tires for my daily bike ride, I have the “capitol insurrection hearings” playing on my TV with the sound turned off. This is the best way to take in what is happening.
I think everyone should be more concerned that the senile low IQ idiot in the White House is asking for his long dead mommy, and that he has the nuclear codes.
"The People" took back the "Peoples House."

No they didn't. They made morons of themselves. It took just a few hours to get end all that BS. Even Trump denounced what they did. Why? Because it was stupid.

BTW, it's not "the peoples" house. Since the lobbyist took over, it's their house.
Seems to me most of it is out there already ... it doesn’t convince you that hey...”Houston we have a problem”?

Just to understand where I am coming from, I am sick to death people stuck tight to their conspiracy riddled bits of jetsam, insisting that what happened didn’t, and oh by the way “squirrel”! People a scrabbling for any bit of flotsam they can use to bolster claims and “theories” that are either unsupported by facts or demonstrate ly wrong. What is notable is that initial bipartisan unity, right after, when people were recovering from the horror of what happened to our capital, fractured as they began to calculate their political futures in an undeniably cynical way.

I can’t see two reasonable sides this because one side is so clearly wrong in it’s attempt marginalize this event.
also, the question of right and wrong.

is it wrong to use violence as a means to an end?
if you say YES, fine. NO fine too. however you can't put a disclaimer after that to ONLY INCLUDE your causes when violence is used.

the fact you continue to ignore a side that has killed innocents in the streets time and time again and feel Jan 6th was an atrocity on mankind tells me all I really need to know.

you seem to feel violence is OK for your side but the other should fall. over at the sheer passion you feel and suddenly understand the complex mystery that is you

however you'd never do that for them.

all I really need to know.
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Another desperate attempt at deflection by a FAILED insurrection supporter and known trump fluffer.
The Insurrection was at the voting booth with Rigged Dominion Voting Machines, and Illegally altered and Rigged Election Laws that benefitted FRAUD, and of course, Joe Biden's owners, China and Russia who funded his entire political career.
Still pushing your Russian troll farm script, Comrade?
No, just exposing Joe Biden's ties to China and Russia, which we all know are in bed with the DemNazi Party.

It's not every day a Senile and never too bright low IQ corrupt American President shuts down an American Pipeline while bending over backwards to open up a Russian Pipeline.

The Chinese ain't so bad, right Joe? How much did they pay Joe and Hunter to say that, I wonder?
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