Capitol insurrection hearings.

No, just exposing Joe Biden's ties to China and Russia, which we all know are in bed with the DemNazi Party.

It's not every day and Senile American President shuts down an American Pipeline while bending over backwards to open up a Russian Pipeline.

The Chinese ain't so bad, right Joe? How much did they pay Joe and Hunter to say that, I wonder?

I hope the Russian Handlers are getting their Rubles worth on this one.
Afraid of what they'll find out, I see.
How many charged with insurrection bodecea

You really think Nazi Pelousy and her gang of clowns is going to find something the DOJ can't? It another Pelousy dog and pony show, nothing more.



That horse had been beaten dead years ago, Dumbass. :abgg2q.jpg:

You are using the old,"If you tell a big enough lie enough times,you can make a lot of people believe it's true",comrade. You're just pissed that Youtube, Facebook and others won't let you post it in there so you have to come into here and post it. Hope someone cleans up after you everytime you post. Now, that would be a shitty job.
The sheep have been ordered to avoid watching or listening to the hearings at all costs. They must only listen to what their masters tell them about the hearings.

I wouldn't have missed it,myself. It certainly isn't boring like I thought it would be.
and that would be the side refusing to release all videos.

and it seems to me most people so familiar with the honest occurances of the day would know Pelosi won't release official tapes.

just say they are already out there.
Frankly that is a "load of bunk". It is let's not blame the extremists who caused all this damage, let's blame Pelosi for not releasing "official tapes"...there are thousands of hours of tapes by the participants themselves, some 42,000 hours of police cam footage...which ones are "official tapes"?
I salute all the great American patriots who are testifying! Bless them all. Anyone who is not moved by what they say has some serious lack of American patriotism problems! Only a complete moron who say things like they were "fake" crying. It concerns me that such morons live among us. It also concerns me that the Trump NaziCons even remotely consider themselves American patriots. They are not patriots - they are traitors!
That poster is only upset that it was a FAILED insurrection.
Given how often he has marginalized it, completely downplayed the violence, and screamed "squirrel" ya, I think so too. Had the successfully overturned the election, he would be cheering. Mob violence, if it's your mob, is "Democracy on action"...through a perverted view of patriotism.


This is an example of a great American patriot.
No, just exposing Joe Biden's ties to China and Russia, which we all know are in bed with the DemNazi Party.

It's not every day a Senile and never too bright low IQ corrupt American President shuts down an American Pipeline while bending over backwards to open up a Russian Pipeline.

The Chinese ain't so bad, right Joe? How much did they pay Joe and Hunter to say that, I wonder?

Your ignorance about Keystone XL and Nordstream 2 is absolutely appalling.

How could you be so stupid?
Frankly that is a "load of bunk". It is let's not blame the extremists who caused all this damage, let's blame Pelosi for not releasing "official tapes"...there are thousands of hours of tapes by the participants themselves, some 42,000 hours of police cam footage...which ones are "official tapes"?
why do you not care to see the actual building security video?

you claim such atrocities but are OK with them staying a claim of yours.

release the entire video tapes and let's see who did what.

not difficult

youd NEVER Allow Trump to hide video of something.

This is a double standard and the classic definition of hypocrisy.
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In his remarks, Fanone explained how he and a partner ran over to the Capitol, even though they had not been assigned to work there, after hearing the desperate pleas of law enforcement over the radio.

He recounted seeing one Metropolitan Police commander, Ramey Kyle, “struggling to breathe” in a thick cloud of chemical gas before Kyle picked himself up, straightened his uniform and returned to the line.

“The fighting in the lower west terrace tunnel was nothing short of brutal,” Fanone recalled.

“Here I observed approximately 30 police officers standing shoulder to shoulder, four or five abreast, using the weight of their bodies to hold back the onslaught of violent attackers.” When he and his partner offered to relieve some of the other officers of duty, Fanone said, none volunteered, choosing instead to help defend the building and those in it.

At later points, Fanone said that he was grabbed, beaten, repeatedly electrocuted and was stripped of his badge and police radio.

There was “a very good chance I would be torn apart or shot with my own weapon,” he said, until he made it known that he had children, soliciting the help of a small number of pro-Trump protesters to get himself to safety.

In the aftermath, Fanone said doctors told him he had experienced a heart attack at the Capitol, and was later diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder.

“What makes the struggle harder and more painful is to know so many of my fellow citizens, including so many of the people I put my life at risk to defend, are downplaying or outright denying what happened,” Fanone said.

“I feel like I went to hell and back to protect them, and the people in this room. But too many are now telling me that hell doesn’t exist, or that hell wasn’t actually that bad,” he added, before raising his voice at the “disgraceful” indifference shown to his colleagues.

He went on: “My law enforcement career prepared me to cope with some of the aspects of this experience. Being an officer, you know your life is at risk whenever you walk out the door, even if you don’t expect other law-abiding citizens to take up arms against you.

But nothing — truly nothing — has prepared me to address those elected members of our government who continue to deny the events of that day, and in doing so, betray their oath of office.”
Frankly that is a "load of bunk". It is let's not blame the extremists who caused all this damage, let's blame Pelosi for not releasing "official tapes"...there are thousands of hours of tapes by the participants themselves, some 42,000 hours of police cam footage...which ones are "official tapes"?
Official tapes like the bodycam footage of the cop who killed that woman. What are they hiding?

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