Capitol insurrection hearings.

More like domestic terrorists. The United States is a nation of laws. There was nothing lawful about desecrating the Capitol. You are in no way a patriot, you are a pitiful disgrace to the our nation. You all should rot in prison.

How about desecrating downtown portland or Kenosha?
The problem is…if they veer away from your agenda, you are willing to use violence to enforce your authoritarian desires.
Not at all, when they steal Americans votes and allowing illegals into my country you’re fking right
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Same as you. Right?
I am not an extremist. My voice is heard by my vote. I've never taken up arms against the United States. I served in the Air Force, I know what patriotism is. And lastly I would never believe the words of a psychopath like trump. He wouldn't know what the truth is if it bit him.
Because we saw the election being stolen on election night.
You believe a lie. Democrats, Liberals, Independents and real Conservatives voted by mail because they took the Covid pandemic seriously. I don't know about your state, but in most States electors weren't allowed to count the mail in votes until after the polls closed because they didn't want it influence the election one way or the other. You bought into the big lie that trump pushed, many foolish people did. They wanted to believe him. That's what happens when you put your trust in a liar and a fraud. You get burned.
You believe a lie. Democrats, Liberals, Independents and real Conservatives voted by mail because they took the Covid pandemic seriously. I don't know about your state, but in most States electors weren't allowed to count the mail in votes until after the polls closed because they didn't want it influence the election one way or the other. You bought into the big lie that trump pushed, many foolish people did. They wanted to believe him. That's what happens when you put your trust in a liar and a fraud. You get burned.

So, Molly Ball lied, too?
So, Molly Ball lied, too?
I don't know who Molly ball is and I don't care. Probably a stupid singular example you want to justify this garbage I'm sorry it doesn't work that way. There was no election fraud to speak of what little they found was caused by trump. And these are both Republican and Democratic electors saying this stuff there's no Mass conspiracy against Trump trump is a f****** liar get it through your head wake up already. You don't need to be a moron forever.
There was no insurrection. No one has ever been charged with insurrection.

People with half a brain don't need to be told that.

People with no brains can't be convinced otherwise.

The tards on the far left are trying to label it so, hoping to use insurrection as an gimmick to somehow disqualify 90% of the GOP from holding office because they've realized that in an honest fair election, they ain't got a bear shit's chance in the woods of winning dog catcher.
People with half a brain don't need to be told that.

People with no brains can't be convinced otherwise.

The tards on the far left are trying to label it so, hoping to use insurrection as an gimmick to somehow disqualify 90% of the GOP from holding office because they've realized that in an honest fair election, they ain't got a bear shit's chance in the woods of winning dog catcher.
When you try to change the results of election by force that's an insurrection. I'm sorry the Democrats don't have the balls to charge the people with what they did. As far as concerned trump should be executed for having done this to our nation. He's worse than Benedict Arnold, at least 30% of the populace of colonial America supported the British so he had a reason it wasn't just all about his ego as it is with trump. He doesn't even have the balls to admit he lost. Quite the leader you picked there are crybaby want to be dictator.
I don't know who Molly ball is and I don't care. Probably a stupid singular example you want to justify this garbage I'm sorry it doesn't work that way. There was no election fraud to speak of what little they found was caused by trump. And these are both Republican and Democratic electors saying this stuff there's no Mass conspiracy against Trump trump is a f****** liar get it through your head wake up already. You don't need to be a moron forever.


And a LOT of ignorance makes you a good democrat. :21:

And a LOT of ignorance makes you a good democrat. :21:
I swear that you people are insane there are no winners with Trump he's a loser and he's destroying the country little by little he's not saving it he's not helping it he's destroying it because people like you believe in him. If you have to believe in somebody believe in somebody that isn't a liar that makes sense.
If you have to believe in somebody believe in somebody that isn't a liar that makes sense.



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