Car plows through pedestrians in times square

They just opened the front passenger door and some liquid came spilling out. Police called fire fighters over.
But if infowars posted it first dumbasses would say it's fake.... Oh doesn't sound like ALLAH AKHABAR before the crash. LMAO
Oh no are we seeing the beginning of PARIS, GERMANY, FRANCE, SWEDEN taking place...

Oh that's right it's all a fkn conspiracy right

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Breaking: Speeding Car Strikes Pedestrians In Times Square – Buildings Locked Down

the cops are saying it's a drunk driver with a long history of boozing/driving

calm down Henny Penny

That code word for Muslim.

But in this case it seems it was a dude fleeing the police after a robbery!
Bad news one person is dead and a bunch of people are injured.

Good News it doesn't seem to be terrorist related and NYC now knows their precautions need to be upgraded before some muslim nut job tries to do the same thing.
OK does anyone know if the car is OK?

I ust saw on CBS he has a history of DUIs and I think they said they found drugs and alcohol in his system. Someone one was talking when they said that..

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