Car plows through pedestrians in times square

Grotesque but we are sure you are desperately hoping it's not

Yes I am, in fact, hoping it's just an isolated DUI, while you're hoping you can use the dead and injured to push an agenda. Shame on you.
You initiated the agenda pushing with your Muslim defense comment, I simply responded
Shame based attempts at behavior modification do not work with me
Grotesque but we are sure you are desperately hoping it's not

Yes I am, in fact, hoping it's just an isolated DUI, while you're hoping you can use the dead and injured to push an agenda. Shame on you.
You initiated the agenda pushing with your Muslim defense comment, I simply responded
Shame based attempts at behavior modification do not work with me
Duh. Nobody expects you Trump idiots to suddenly develop a sense of shame.
They are moving everyone away from the vehicle, including media.
Well it's going to be a major investigation with oodles of pic's,measurements and bagged Item's by NYC CSI because one person is dead and there is the potential for a plethora of lawsuits. Moving folks off doesn't surprise me.
Car running people over. Several injured. I don't have more info

Next time, when you "don't have any more info", how about you don't call it an "attack", and put it in the Politics section?

That way, you won't look like a ghoul using the deaths of Americans to make a disgusting political point.
Save the sermon
Illegal or jihadist the chances this is a libbie dream of a drunk and disoriented white male is about 10% and the aforementioned other two would be an attack on America
Grotesque but we are sure you are desperately hoping it's not

Yes I am, in fact, hoping it's just an isolated DUI, while you're hoping you can use the dead and injured to push an agenda. Shame on you.
You initiated the agenda pushing with your Muslim defense comment, I simply responded
Shame based attempts at behavior modification do not work with me
Duh. Nobody expects you Trump idiots to suddenly develop a sense of shame.
Shame is a non existent entity for fully responsible and functioning people. It appears to be a major motivational tool for you and I/we see right through it
Libs do not understand what good mental health is which is why they operate from the platform of Feelings
Shame based attempts at behavior control is a feelings based effort but does not work with me/us

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