Car plows through pedestrians in times square

Car hits pedestrians in new York a lot of people badly injury at least 13.
It wasn't a terrorist, Dalia. Maybe a drunk or someone texting?
I just heard the same thing. How fucking drunk are you to pull this shit off? When this fucktard sobers up he's about to have the worst day of his life.
Well, that's true enough. I suppose we're jumping to conclusions he was drunk, but with 2 DWI's at 26? What a shame this had to happen -- lot of tourists there in Times Square.
You just know the lawyers are lining up at the hospital for pending lawsuits. Everyone from the driver to the cops and those who sold this guy his alcohol and of course for the city for not keeping the public safe. I can see the $$$$$$$$ adding up.
CNN shit still talking against Trump on a breaking new...below in red it say it was a accident. they just get back at the top story.
1 dead, 19 injured.
I am hearing the guy arrested may not have been the driver, according to a witness.
Car running people over. Several injured. I don't have more info

Next time, when you "don't have any more info", how about you don't call it an "attack", and put it in the Politics section?

That way, you won't look like a ghoul using the deaths of Americans to make a disgusting political point.
They are moving everyone away from the vehicle, including media.

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