Car Repos Are Exploding. That’s a Bad Omen.

I don't excuse either party. The thing is, only one gets bailed out when things go bad.

There is little risk when you know the government will make the taxpayers make up your losses. It's what we call capitalism.
Very true.

I have a feeling that is about to change though.

This time...I don't think they will be able to bail this one out.
Over the past year I see more and more cars broken down along the highways .That means people are cutting back on maintenance because of less money coming in. So I noticed this occurs right before a major recession.
I don't have as much faith.
Not enough money on 20 planets to cover the debt default, energy crisis, food crisis, wars that are coming.

When they say "Great Reset"...they fuckin mean it.

You better start preparing.

By winter shit is gonna start to get horrible.
Not enough money on 20 planets to cover the debt default, energy crisis, food crisis, wars that are coming.

When they say "Great Reset"...they fuckin mean it.

You better start preparing.

By winter shit is gonna start to get horrible.

I doubt it but at some point it will come. It won't really get terrible until the rest of the world pulls the rug out from under the dollar.
Nearly every negative economic occurrence is predicted well in advance but we march forward doing the very thing we know that will blow up in our faces.

This ties in with another thread where I note that our economic system is not sustainable forever.

This is why our system has recessions built in as a feature. It is a method of control on the economy. it is not just random chance we have averaged a recession every 8 years since the end of the Great Depression.
I doubt it but at some point it will come. It won't really get terrible until the rest of the world pulls the rug out from under the dollar.
How does the dollar insulate companies who power costs have tripled over the past two months?
How does the dollar protect families whose energy, and food costs will begin to exceed 50% of net income?
Do you know that when food and energy costs creep near the 50% threshold there is civil unrest in every nation that has experienced it?
You know that when that happens there will be food riots, energy riots.
How will dollars protect you from that?
What are you gonna buy when there is nothing to buy with your dollars?
You can sit and pretend that this is just gonna be a little turbulence in your otherwise breezy life...but this time it is not.
Get your shit straight...from a stranger.
I doubt it but at some point it will come. It won't really get terrible until the rest of the world pulls the rug out from under the dollar.
Which just might happen because of yet another war pushed by neocons and dumb Joe. Russia is doing well and off the dollar. Once the dollar is no longer reserve currency, the SHTF.
Massive socialist stimulus giveaways and spending programs causing inflation, and you're blaming our capitalist economic system for it?


Those stimulus giveaways and spending programs are what kept our economy booming for more than a decade. Even your boy Trump understood this and kept adding to the spending by the Feds.
This is why our system has recessions built in as a feature. It is a method of control on the economy. it is not just random chance we have averaged a recession every 8 years since the end of the Great Depression.

It's a horrible system. Maybe not the worse ever devised but stability would be a far better one.
Those stimulus giveaways and spending programs are what kept our economy booming for more than a decade. Even your boy Trump understood this and kept adding to the spending by the Feds.
Agreed. Had Trump helped the American people with all those trillions, he would have been easily re-elected. He’s just not that smart.
How does the dollar insulate companies who power costs have tripled over the past two months?

They havent tripled over the last few months. This is the same kind of argument as saying people paid 50-60% over MSRP.

How does the dollar protect families whose energy, and food costs will begin to exceed 50% of net income?
Do you know that when food and energy costs creep near the 50% threshold there is civil unrest in every nation that has experienced it?
You know that when that happens there will be food riots, energy riots.
How will dollars protect you from that?
What are you gonna buy when there is nothing to buy with your dollars?
You can sit and pretend that this is just gonna be a little turbulence in your otherwise breezy life...but this time it is not.
Get your shit straight...from a stranger.

Odd, I never claimed any of that.
Translation: Idiots with no credit, and no ability to budget received their stimulus check.

Then, on an economy with a stymied supply chain, and microchip shortage purchased cars 40% above book, on interest rated loans exceeding 10%.

Unscrupulous dealers, and their loan departments rifled the applications through as they are paid on the front end.

You see.

The poor stay poor...because they get taken advantage of.

They get taken advantage of...because they are FUCKING STUPID.
...and that's capitalism, too. People ralk about it as if it were a gift of deity.
They havent tripled over the last few months. This is the same kind of argument as saying people paid 50-60% over MSRP.
The country’s second-biggest aluminum mill, which accounts for 20% of the national supply, reportedly laid off 600 workers in late June after its electricity bill tripled. Century Aluminum announced plans to leave its Hawesville mill idle for as long as a year, taking out the biggest of its three sites in the US. Meanwhile, the country’s largest aluminum producer Alcoa said it was cutting its production by a third at a mill in Indiana.

ALL of these costs are transferred to the end consumer.

What do you think costs are going to be in the fall for food?
Those stimulus giveaways and spending programs are what kept our economy booming for more than a decade. Even your boy Trump understood this and kept adding to the spending by the Feds.

Trump's spending after the pandemic was a necessity. Biden said he was going to end COVID, but massively outspent Trump. The only thing that stopped him were two opposing Democrats.

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