Carl Demaio: That Enigmatic Gay Republican Candidate


Political Atheist
Mar 30, 2013
Yes, Carl Demaio is gay. He is also running for Congress in the state of California. One would assume the majority of the disapproval, hatred and bigotry would be coming from anywhere but the left. But as it so happens, that isn't the case. He's been attacked for 'holding his lover's hand' by his Democratic opponent, and viciously attacked by Progressive Leftists and Liberal donors with scurrilous insults and outright lies. Even the LGBT community showed it's true colors after a most recent attack on him that drew the attention of ethics investigators, by instead of defending him, but actively working against him.

A leftist SuperPAC began circulating photoshopped mailers to elderly and African American voters showing him with a drag queen, knowing full well it would have the desired effect of hindering support for him. The SuperPAC was later fined by the San Diego Ethics Commission for its actions. However, the LGBT community and its leaders remained curiously silent.

"I've found more tolerance, acceptance and inclusion from social conservative groups who have to reconcile that I'm a Republican who happens to be gay...versus the intolerance the LGBT leaders see me as a gay man who happens to be a Republican,' says Demaio. Now think about that for a second. What if I told you that the tolerance and diversity that the LGBT community insists upon is nothing but an illusion? What if I told you that the very Democratic party which insists on the very same, is nothing but hypocritical for attacking a gay Republican?

This reveals nothing but contempt by groups of people who claim to tolerate, accept, and vote for pro-gay causes. And they aren't Republicans. The LGBT community though, must have a warped sense of equality, if they won't even accept an openly gay Republican to sit in one of our most hallowed places, in the House of Representatives.

Further examples of the left's intolerance come in the form of the Victory Fund, who professes to support via donations any openly gay candidate for office. However in 2008, Demaio was bluntly told he could not win, and that he would not be supported by this group. But then it got nastier. They revealed confidential campaign information about Demiao. The Human Rights Campaign has done the same by refusing to endorse Demaio. He is a man whom the left loves to hate.

It honestly confounds me, how a party of tolerance, diversity, and equality would so viciously eviscerate a man for being gay and on the wrong side of the ideological fence. The man is an entrepreneur, and was orphaned at the age of 13. So, to be orphaned by these Democratic groups should come as no surprise, and as a good sign to Demiao that he is bucking the stereotype that a gay person can only be a Democrat.

What that should also prove, is the utter hypocrisy the Democrats show in campaigning for tolerance, diversity, and equality. They simply aren't for those things, no matter how much they insist upon them.
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These threads....that's right...THREADSSSSS are cracking me up. Carl Demaio has been a politician in San Diego for quite a while. City Council member and Republican candidate for mayor. Now people want us to believe that we here SUDDENLY have a problem with him being gay?

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
The Dems attacked him by saying he was "holding his lover's hand?"

Those bastards! Thank goodness he is embracing the Republican Party! All that they've said is that he is going to spend eternity in hell, rape children, destroy the institution of marriage, spread AIDS, support NAMBLA, assault Christianity, embrace Islam, embrace communism and fascism :)dunno:), fundamentally destroy America, and oh yeah TRY TO TURN YOUR CHILDREN GAY :eek::eek::eek:

Those nasty dems :evil::evil::evil:
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The Dems attacked him by saying he was "holding his lover's hand?"

Those bastards! Thank goodness he is embracing the Republican Party! All that they've said is that he is going to spend eternity in hell, rape children, destroy the institution of marriage, spread AIDS, support NAMBLA, assault Christianity, embrace Islam, embrace communism and fascism :)dunno:), fundamentally destroy America, and oh yeah TRY TO TURN YOUR CHILDREN GAY :eek::eek::eek:

Those nast dems :evil::evil::evil:

Thank you for making my point. Your sarcasm is duly noted. If you weren't so low on rep, I'd neg you.
These threads....that's right...THREADSSSSS are cracking me up. Carl Demaio has been a politician in San Diego for quite a while. City Council member and Republican candidate for mayor. Now people want us to believe that we here SUDDENLY have a problem with him being gay?

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Apparently you do, hence this post.
Is it possible the Liberals on this board can't wrap their heads around the concept of a gay Republican? Quite understandable, seeing as how you treat blacks, women, and Hispanics the same way.
The Dems attacked him by saying he was "holding his lover's hand?"

Those bastards! Thank goodness he is embracing the Republican Party! All that they've said is that he is going to spend eternity in hell, rape children, destroy the institution of marriage, spread AIDS, support NAMBLA, assault Christianity, embrace Islam, embrace communism and fascism :)dunno:), fundamentally destroy America, and oh yeah TRY TO TURN YOUR CHILDREN GAY :eek::eek::eek:

Those nast dems :evil::evil::evil:

Thank you for making my point. Your sarcasm is duly noted. If you weren't so low on rep, I'd neg you.

The way you weild your rep is, dare I say it, uber gay... :lmao:
Carl Demaio: That Enigmatic Gay Republican Candidate

This is exactly what the Pubs would do to a gay Dem candidate.

It's politics, not a morality play.
The Dems attacked him by saying he was "holding his lover's hand?"

Those bastards! Thank goodness he is embracing the Republican Party! All that they've said is that he is going to spend eternity in hell, rape children, destroy the institution of marriage, spread AIDS, support NAMBLA, assault Christianity, embrace Islam, embrace communism and fascism :)dunno:), fundamentally destroy America, and oh yeah TRY TO TURN YOUR CHILDREN GAY :eek::eek::eek:

Those nast dems :evil::evil::evil:

Thank you for making my point. Your sarcasm is duly noted. If you weren't so low on rep, I'd neg you.

The way you weild your rep is, dare I say it, uber gay... :lmao:
Tis life on the boards. Deal with it.
These threads....that's right...THREADSSSSS are cracking me up. Carl Demaio has been a politician in San Diego for quite a while. City Council member and Republican candidate for mayor. Now people want us to believe that we here SUDDENLY have a problem with him being gay?

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Apparently you do, hence this post.

I'm laughing at all the threadssssss pretending that people here suddenly have a problem with Demaio's sexuality. :rofl:
Carl Demaio: That Enigmatic Gay Republican Candidate

This is exactly what the Pubs would do to a gay Dem candidate.

It's politics, not a morality play.

Nope. You can't prove that we do. You don't understand who is actually for tolerance and equality. You also refuse to accept the fact that Democrats have no place in lecturing others about morality, seeing as how they have played the homophobe card.
These threads....that's right...THREADSSSSS are cracking me up. Carl Demaio has been a politician in San Diego for quite a while. City Council member and Republican candidate for mayor. Now people want us to believe that we here SUDDENLY have a problem with him being gay?

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Apparently you do, hence this post.

I'm laughing at all the threadssssss pretending that people here suddenly have a problem with Demaio's sexuality. :rofl:

I'm laughing at your unwillingness to engage me in a civil debate. What's that? Afraid you'll lose?
Is it possible the Liberals on this board can't wrap their heads around the concept of a gay Republican? Quite understandable, seeing as how you treat blacks, women, and Hispanics the same way.

Hispanics, blacks, and women can all pretty much find a way to reconcile themselves with the Republican party. But gay people?

This is what I've never understood about the Log Cabin Republicans. They're all for lower taxes, anti regulation, etc. But they forget that it is a priority for the people who they support to actively condemn them to hell and not let their spouses visit them in the hospital.

I mean DAMN. Maybe it's the Log Cabin Republicans who should be concerned about their priorities.
They did some pretty low stuff to him. They openly use his gayness against him, touting it as a negative, yet they claim to be tolerant. They are agenda-driven, but won't admit it.

The right is openly critical about the left's policies and anytime they speak out against the left agenda, they are accused of being racist, sexist or homophobic. It's all a deterrence because they don't want people listening to them. When the press joins the government officials in ridiculing people, others are afraid to speak out for fear of being next. Oldest trick in the book, but an effective one.

It's clear that both sides are all about their agenda, yet it's the left that uses cheap tricks to pit groups against each other. Something is very wrong when you can't be honest about your intentions and we have been lied to time and time again as they shoved Obamacare and other harmful legislation through.

The left has been openly racist, from Biden saying Obama was the only clean and articulate black to another lib saying Obama being only half-white made him less scary. They often use the term, 'teabaggers', in a derogatory manner. Now they openly attack a gay person and use the fact that he is gay and a cross dresser against him. They see it as a negative and know that they can pit the Republicans against another group that the left pretends to support. No one on the left will ever come to your defense unless you carry the water for them. If you don't do that, you are toast. They don't care about minorities or gay people. They care about those who support their fundamental transformation and nothing more. They use people to their advantage. And they do it knowing that most media won't question them or even report on it. When FOX or others report it, they launch more vicious attacks to try and keep people closed minded and watching only the propaganda news.

According to the left, gays and minorities are NOT ALLOWED to be anything other than liberals. If any gay people or minorities start thinking for themselves, the left has no use for them and they can expect to be impugned for their beliefs. The left only represents those who blindly follow. They prove this over and over, yet some are still too high on the koolaid to notice.
If there is to be a levelheaded response to be had from the leftists here, now is the time for it.
I fully give my permission for you to post my rep comment anytime you like

Is it possible the Liberals on this board can't wrap their heads around the concept of a gay Republican? Quite understandable, seeing as how you treat blacks, women, and Hispanics the same way.

Hispanics, blacks, and women can all pretty much find a way to reconcile themselves with the Republican party. But gay people?

This is what I've never understood about the Log Cabin Republicans. They're all for lower taxes, anti regulation, etc. But they forget that it is a priority for the people who they support to actively condemn them to hell and not let their spouses visit them in the hospital.

I mean DAMN. Maybe it's the Log Cabin Republicans who should be concerned about their priorities.

That post proved how bigoted you really are.
The Dems attacked him by saying he was "holding his lover's hand?"

Those bastards! Thank goodness he is embracing the Republican Party! All that they've said is that he is going to spend eternity in hell, rape children, destroy the institution of marriage, spread AIDS, support NAMBLA, assault Christianity, embrace Islam, embrace communism and fascism :)dunno:), fundamentally destroy America, and oh yeah TRY TO TURN YOUR CHILDREN GAY :eek::eek::eek:

Those nasty dems :evil::evil::evil:

You are referring to the really religious people who are found everywhere. Muslims just behead them instead of expressing their opinion, but that is okay with the left, eh? If the left gave a damn about gays or minorities, they'd go to bat for them all the time, not just when it's politically beneficial.
Is it possible the Liberals on this board can't wrap their heads around the concept of a gay Republican? Quite understandable, seeing as how you treat blacks, women, and Hispanics the same way.

Hispanics, blacks, and women can all pretty much find a way to reconcile themselves with the Republican party. But gay people?

This is what I've never understood about the Log Cabin Republicans. They're all for lower taxes, anti regulation, etc. But they forget that it is a priority for the people who they support to actively condemn them to hell and not let their spouses visit them in the hospital.

I mean DAMN. Maybe it's the Log Cabin Republicans who should be concerned about their priorities.

That post proved how bigoted you really are.


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