Carl Demaio: That Enigmatic Gay Republican Candidate

Hispanics, blacks, and women can all pretty much find a way to reconcile themselves with the Republican party. But gay people?

This is what I've never understood about the Log Cabin Republicans. They're all for lower taxes, anti regulation, etc. But they forget that it is a priority for the people who they support to actively condemn them to hell and not let their spouses visit them in the hospital.

I mean DAMN. Maybe it's the Log Cabin Republicans who should be concerned about their priorities.

That post proved how bigoted you really are.


Apparently that's a question you should be asking yourself.
I fully give my permission for you to post my rep comment anytime you like


Called me a 'faggot' too. How tolerant of you.


People can be born gay TK. And despite the discrimination they'll face all their lives they can become successful people and live full and happy lives.

But nobody is born a faggot. There's still time for you TK! You can turn it around!!!

The Dems attacked him by saying he was "holding his lover's hand?"

Those bastards! Thank goodness he is embracing the Republican Party! All that they've said is that he is going to spend eternity in hell, rape children, destroy the institution of marriage, spread AIDS, support NAMBLA, assault Christianity, embrace Islam, embrace communism and fascism :)dunno:), fundamentally destroy America, and oh yeah TRY TO TURN YOUR CHILDREN GAY :eek::eek::eek:

Those nasty dems :evil::evil::evil:

You are referring to the really religious people who are found everywhere. Muslims just behead them instead of expressing their opinion, but that is okay with the left, eh? If the left gave a damn about gays or minorities, they'd go to bat for them all the time, not just when it's politically beneficial.

Bingo! Common sense award for today goes to you!
I fully give my permission for you to post my rep comment anytime you like


Called me a 'faggot' too. How tolerant of you.


People can be born gay TK. And despite the discrimination they'll face all their lives they can become successful people and live full and happy lives.

But nobody is born a faggot. There's still time for you TK! You can turn it around!!!



Do you even know what the word 'faggot' means? That is a derogatory term used to demean gays. Ha. Intolerant to the last.
Apparently you do, hence this post.

I'm laughing at all the threadssssss pretending that people here suddenly have a problem with Demaio's sexuality. :rofl:

I'm laughing at your unwillingness to engage me in a civil debate. What's that? Afraid you'll lose?

What's to debate? I LIVE in the San Diego area where Demaio was a city councilmember, then a candidate for mayor, and is now running for Congress....his sexuality has NEVER been an issue here. But we laugh at outsiders pissing and moaning like we, particularly those who may vote for him or against him, suddenly....surprise!....have found out he's....gasp!
I changed my mind guys. No seriously... I've come to a realization.

The Republican party is the place for gay people. They're the ones who want what's best for you. TK showed me the light. Everyone go tell all the gay people you know that the Republican party has their interests at heart!
I'm laughing at all the threadssssss pretending that people here suddenly have a problem with Demaio's sexuality. :rofl:

I'm laughing at your unwillingness to engage me in a civil debate. What's that? Afraid you'll lose?

What's to debate? I LIVE in the San Diego area where Demaio was a city councilmember, then a candidate for mayor, and is now running for Congress....his sexuality has NEVER been an issue here. But we laugh at outsiders pissing and moaning like we, particularly those who may vote for him or against him, suddenly....surprise!....have found out he's....gasp!

Sure, and you can dispense with the anecdotes.

I've also read past posts of yours about your feelings on homosexuality as well. The problem here is, is that you support the Democratic Party, who takes the time to demean an openly gay Republican despite running on tolerance and gay rights.

What stands out the most is you not defending him from those attacks. How tragic. Care to speak to that?
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I'm laughing at your unwillingness to engage me in a civil debate. What's that? Afraid you'll lose?

What's to debate? I LIVE in the San Diego area where Demaio was a city councilmember, then a candidate for mayor, and is now running for Congress....his sexuality has NEVER been an issue here. But we laugh at outsiders pissing and moaning like we, particularly those who may vote for him or against him, suddenly....surprise!....have found out he's....gasp!

Sure, and you can dispense with the anecdotes.

I've also read past posts of yours about your feelings on homosexuality as well. The problem here is, is that you support the Democratic Party, who takes the time to demean an openly gay Republican.

What stands out the most is you not defending him from those attacks. How tragic. Care to speak to that?
The Democratic Party did that? Like suddenly? Like after years of NEVER bringing up Demiao's sexuality as a big deal when he ran for City Council AS A REPUBLICAN and as he ran for San Diego mayor AS A REPUBLICAN. Suddenly the democrats do that? Cool story bro.
Yes, Carl Demaio is gay. He is also running for Congress in the state of California. One would assume the majority of the disapproval, hatred and bigotry would be coming from anywhere but the left. But as it so happens, that isn't the case. He's been attacked for 'holding his lover's hand' by his Democratic opponent, and viciously attacked by Progressive Leftists and Liberal donors with scurrilous insults and outright lies. Even the LGBT community showed it's true colors after a most recent attack on him that drew the attention of ethics investigators, by instead of defending him, but actively working against him.

A leftist SuperPAC began circulating photoshopped mailers to elderly and African American voters showing him with a drag queen, knowing full well it would have the desired effect of hindering support for him. The SuperPAC was later fined by the San Diego Ethics Commission for its actions. However, the LGBT community and its leaders remained curiously silent.

"I've found more tolerance, acceptance and inclusion from social conservative groups who have to reconcile that I'm a Republican who happens to be gay...versus the intolerance the LGBT leaders see me as a gay man who happens to be a Republican,' says Demaio. Now think about that for a second. What if I told you that the tolerance and diversity that the LGBT community insists upon is nothing but an illusion? What if I told you that the very Democratic party which insists on the very same, is nothing but hypocritical for attacking a gay Republican?

This reveals nothing but contempt by groups of people who claim to tolerate, accept, and vote for pro-gay causes. And they aren't Republicans. The LGBT community though, must have a warped sense of equality, if they won't even accept an openly gay Republican to sit in one of our most hallowed places, in the House of Representatives.

Further examples of the left's intolerance come in the form of the Victory Fund, who professes to support via donations any openly gay candidate for office. However in 2008, Demaio was bluntly told he could not win, and that he would not be supported by this group. But then it got nastier. They revealed confidential campaign information about Demiao. The Human Rights Campaign has done the same by refusing to endorse Demaio. He is a man whom the left loves to hate.

It honestly confounds me, how a party of tolerance, diversity, and equality would so viciously eviscerate a man for being gay and on the wrong side of the ideological fence. The man is an entrepreneur, and was orphaned at the age of 13. So, to be orphaned by these Democratic groups should come as no surprise, and as a good sign to Demiao that he is bucking the stereotype that a gay person can only be a Democrat.

What that should also prove, is the utter hypocrisy the Democrats show in campaigning for tolerance, diversity, and equality. They simply aren't for those things, no matter how much they insist upon them.

I find this OP oddly devoid of an original source or even links to evidence of any kind.
What's to debate? I LIVE in the San Diego area where Demaio was a city councilmember, then a candidate for mayor, and is now running for Congress....his sexuality has NEVER been an issue here. But we laugh at outsiders pissing and moaning like we, particularly those who may vote for him or against him, suddenly....surprise!....have found out he's....gasp!

Sure, and you can dispense with the anecdotes.

I've also read past posts of yours about your feelings on homosexuality as well. The problem here is, is that you support the Democratic Party, who takes the time to demean an openly gay Republican.

What stands out the most is you not defending him from those attacks. How tragic. Care to speak to that?
The Democratic Party did that? Like suddenly? Like after years of NEVER bringing up Demiao's sexuality as a big deal when he ran for City Council AS A REPUBLICAN and as he ran for San Diego mayor AS A REPUBLICAN. Suddenly the democrats do that? Cool story bro.

Their reaction and yours are quite telling, don't you agree? Don't act so shocked, bodey! Democrats do it all the time! This goes as far back as 2008, his being a gay Republican has made him nothing but a whipping boy. It has lead to unethical behavior by Democratic SuperPACs, being snubbed by the Victory Fund, and the Human Rights Campaign. All professed supporters of openly gay individuals.

Wow, just wow. Dismiss this if you like, but the truth is there for all to see.
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These threads....that's right...THREADSSSSS are cracking me up. Carl Demaio has been a politician in San Diego for quite a while. City Council member and Republican candidate for mayor. Now people want us to believe that we here SUDDENLY have a problem with him being gay?

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Indeed. This is the second thread today about him When I responded earlier about him I mentioned attacks by the certainly not gay friendly NOM and other antigay groups.

But I dug a little further and found not more "attacks", but serious criticism of his stance against gay marriage, Prop 8, behavior, financial issues and other issues that make him a less than desirable candidate in the minds of gays.

I've never been a one issue voter and even though this guy may be gay, he's not a candidate I would vote for.

Carl Demaio
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Sure, and you can dispense with the anecdotes.

I've also read past posts of yours about your feelings on homosexuality as well. The problem here is, is that you support the Democratic Party, who takes the time to demean an openly gay Republican.

What stands out the most is you not defending him from those attacks. How tragic. Care to speak to that?
The Democratic Party did that? Like suddenly? Like after years of NEVER bringing up Demiao's sexuality as a big deal when he ran for City Council AS A REPUBLICAN and as he ran for San Diego mayor AS A REPUBLICAN. Suddenly the democrats do that? Cool story bro.

Their reaction and yours are quite telling, don't you agree? Don't act so shocked, bodey! Democrats do it all the time! This goes as far back as 2008, his being a gay Republican has made him nothing but a whipping boy. It has lead to unethical behavior by Democratic SuperPACs, being snubbed by the Victory Fund, and the Human Rights Campaign. All professed supporters of openly gay individuals.

Wow, just wow. Dismiss this if you like, but the truth is there for all to see.

Have you provided any proof of your claims, oops anecdotes?
These threads....that's right...THREADSSSSS are cracking me up. Carl Demaio has been a politician in San Diego for quite a while. City Council member and Republican candidate for mayor. Now people want us to believe that we here SUDDENLY have a problem with him being gay?

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Indeed. This is the second thread today about him When I responded earlier about him I mentioned attacks by the certainly not gay friendly NOT and other antigay groups.

But I dug a little further and found not more "attacks", but serious criticism of his stance against gay marriage, Prop 8, behavior, financial issues and other issues that make him a less than desirable candidate in the minds of gays.

I've never been a one issue voter and even though this guy may be gay, he's not a candidate I would vote for.

Carl Demaio

His 100 percent voting record on gay rights says otherwise, my statistically challenged friend.

Log Cabin Republicans | LCR Statement on DCCC Inflammatory Attack on Carl DeMaio
The Democratic Party did that? Like suddenly? Like after years of NEVER bringing up Demiao's sexuality as a big deal when he ran for City Council AS A REPUBLICAN and as he ran for San Diego mayor AS A REPUBLICAN. Suddenly the democrats do that? Cool story bro.

Their reaction and yours are quite telling, don't you agree? Don't act so shocked, bodey! Democrats do it all the time! This goes as far back as 2008, his being a gay Republican has made him nothing but a whipping boy. It has lead to unethical behavior by Democratic SuperPACs, being snubbed by the Victory Fund, and the Human Rights Campaign. All professed supporters of openly gay individuals.

Wow, just wow. Dismiss this if you like, but the truth is there for all to see.

Have you provided any proof of your claims, oops anecdotes?

Oh, you want proof? You're about to be sorry you asked. Oops, facts.

The Victory Fund gets it right | LGBT Weekly
Backers of gay-baiting DeMaio ads revealed |

“At GOProud we respect other organizations that work to advance the gay community. Unfortunately, it is hard to see how the Human Rights Campaign’s endorsement of Scott Peters advances the gay community when it prevents an openly gay man from attaining office.” Said Matthew Bechstein, Executive Director of GOProud.

“It appears that HRC has fallen to the partisan pressures of big labor and other left-wing special interest bullies who oppose the election of a small government conservative. It is sad that once again we see a gay organization choose to advance the agenda of the Democratic Party before advancing gay people.”

“Sadly, it’s these kinds of decisions that encourage people to believe that if you’re gay, you must be a Democrat. We hope that one day organizations like HRC will recognize that partisanship shouldn’t be the number one factor when selecting endorsements that work to advance the gay community; and that one day, like it or not, they will have to start working with pro-freedom Republicans like Carl DeMaio.”

-Matthew Bechstein, GOProud executive director


HRC endorses Scott Peters for Congress | LGBT Weekly
These threads....that's right...THREADSSSSS are cracking me up. Carl Demaio has been a politician in San Diego for quite a while. City Council member and Republican candidate for mayor. Now people want us to believe that we here SUDDENLY have a problem with him being gay?

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Indeed. This is the second thread today about him When I responded earlier about him I mentioned attacks by the certainly not gay friendly NOT and other antigay groups.

But I dug a little further and found not more "attacks", but serious criticism of his stance against gay marriage, Prop 8, behavior, financial issues and other issues that make him a less than desirable candidate in the minds of gays.

I've never been a one issue voter and even though this guy may be gay, he's not a candidate I would vote for.

Carl Demaio

His 100 percent voting record on gay rights says otherwise, my statistically challenged friend.

Log Cabin Republicans | LCR Statement on DCCC Inflammatory Attack on Carl DeMaio

On the council.

Tell me, since you've yet to provide a link.

What are these attacks? Are they campaign claims? Are they any different than attacks made by republican candidates backed by groups like AFP and the Koch's?

Is this guy any better or worse than any other politician?
Oops. Did I hit too hard? Perhaps I don't know my own strength.

Really? When one of your sources sided with me and another one is a GOP group?

Look this is politics. If Demaio can't handle it, he's in the wrong field. Now what's the scoop on his lover Hale?

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