Carl Demaio: That Enigmatic Gay Republican Candidate

They did in his mayoral race what conservative Republicans are doing today in his House race primary -

trying to get people to vote against him because he is gay.

Let me point out the difference, one of those groups says that being gay is wrong, the other says it is irrelevant. In other wordsm one of the groups is a lying sack of shit, jut like you,

One group is intolerant of gays. The other group was using that intolerance against the intolerant group.

Remember all the posts about how intolerant blacks in CA are towards gays...when Prop H8 was out there?
Carl Demaio: That Enigmatic Gay Republican Candidate

This is exactly what the Pubs would do to a gay Dem candidate.

It's politics, not a morality play.

Nope. You can't prove that we do. You don't understand who is actually for tolerance and equality. You also refuse to accept the fact that Democrats have no place in lecturing others about morality, seeing as how they have played the homophobe card.

You can't prove you don't. Both parties play this came. About lecturing and party: are you Pub and libert now. You change every other week.

And, yes, Pubs and Dems do lecture each other with hypocrisy.

In order to prove how terrible Republicans are about Photoshopping family pictures yo post an article about them using an unedited, non family, photo.

Seems a little on the desperate side to me, but I am not the idiot that thinks Republicans are ant gay, and Democrats all love them.

No. You're just a fucking idiot.

You already know that Demaio isn't getting the support of the gay community because of his horrible policies, purported connections to the Koch brothers, and need to masturbate in public.

Now go run to the mods crying and start your fifth thread about Dimaeo. Yurt Sr.
"They"? You mean an anonymous SuperPAC? Yes, and photoshopped attack ads are terrible. I condemn them...still doesn't make Demaio a better candidate in line with my ideals.

A Democratic SuperPAC, asshole. One that deliberately sent a homophobic ad campaign to predominately black districts.

What is the name of that "democratic SuperPac"?

Super Pac? Did he say that too? It's a lie. It was a group of 70 or so people who collected less than a hundred dollars.

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