Carl Levin: Bush Misled in Run-Up to Iraq War


VIP Member
Nov 25, 2014
No surprise there. Bush was a fool but he wasn't evil. The blame for Iraq lies with Cheney, Rumsfeld, Ashcroft, and the people whispering in their ears.
A Democrat saying Bush lied and or mislead about the Iraq war stop the presses. It's funny how Democrats were not saying this when American tanks were rolling through Baghdad in front of cheering Iraqis and statues of Saddam were being torn down it only started when solider's started dying and the war got tough.
A Democrat saying Bush lied and or mislead about the Iraq war stop the presses. It's funny how Democrats were not saying this when American tanks were rolling through Baghdad in front of cheering Iraqis and statues of Saddam were being torn down it only started when solider's started dying and the war got tough.

I love this youtube video

Man these Democrats just don't away, they go out being as nasty as they were while they are in government. Got to take ONE last shot at Bush on their way out...

that's awful
A Democrat saying Bush lied and or mislead about the Iraq war stop the presses. It's funny how Democrats were not saying this when American tanks were rolling through Baghdad in front of cheering Iraqis and statues of Saddam were being torn down it only started when solider's started dying and the war got tough.

I love this youtube video

Yep selective memory is a wonderful when it comes to WMDs and Iraq yes Bush was wrong but so were many other's both Republican and Democrat.Instead of everyone trying to rewrite history how about just growing up and admitting you got it wrong making a mistake does not make you evil or a liar it just makes you human.
Yep selective memory is a wonderful when it comes to WMDs and Iraq yes Bush was wrong but so were many other's both Republican and Democrat.Instead of everyone trying to rewrite history how about just growing up and admitting you got it wrong making a mistake does not make you evil or a liar it just makes you human.
Hey brother, don't you think that words "wrong" and "mistake" are too soft? Thousands american soldiers died for this "mistake". Thousands iraqi children and women died for this mistake. It was not a mistake it was a crime against humanity. And we payed for it.
It's fucking easy to say "I was wrong" or "it was a mistake".
Yep selective memory is a wonderful when it comes to WMDs and Iraq yes Bush was wrong but so were many other's both Republican and Democrat.Instead of everyone trying to rewrite history how about just growing up and admitting you got it wrong making a mistake does not make you evil or a liar it just makes you human.
Hey brother, don't you think that words "wrong" and "mistake" are too soft? Thousands american soldiers died for this "mistake". Thousands iraqi children and women died for this mistake. It was not a mistake it was a crime against humanity. And we payed for it.
It's fucking easy to say "I was wrong" or "it was a mistake".

So can you tell US the death total of Obama dropping bombs on Libya, Syria, and I think a couple more using DRONES?
Yep selective memory is a wonderful when it comes to WMDs and Iraq yes Bush was wrong but so were many other's both Republican and Democrat.Instead of everyone trying to rewrite history how about just growing up and admitting you got it wrong making a mistake does not make you evil or a liar it just makes you human.
Hey brother, don't you think that words "wrong" and "mistake" are too soft? Thousands american soldiers died for this "mistake". Thousands iraqi children and women died for this mistake. It was not a mistake it was a crime against humanity. And we payed for it.
It's fucking easy to say "I was wrong" or "it was a mistake".

you don't give a rats ass about the MILLIONS murdered every year via abortion do you?
"Carl Levin: Bush Misled in Run-Up to Iraq War"


Iraq will forever be GWB's failed, illegal war; he is solely responsible for its consequences, regardless the current administration.
OP- Considering 80% of the country believed Saddam was involved in 9/11, just might be. Dems believed the bs too ALWAYS. Disingenuous Pubcrappe, Or total dupes. duh.

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