Carly Fiorina Was Right.

I suspect that several of the nutbags posting here who claim to be against choice couldn't care less. They simply take that side as it is where their greed is represented. Vigilante would be one of those.
Choice for what? Oh yea you choose to et babies die on tables while you giggle.

That's a good meltdown. Too bad one of your nut buddies already won today's prize.
I understand in your first couple of months of whatever hell hole you live in with whatever son of a bitch husband you have you need to have that abortion. But past that you are a monster if you abort.

Lets get down and dirty about this. I could feel my babies at three months. By four months I would have fun watching the baby kick my breakfast off my plate. By five months I was picking out a name and doing a room.

You abort at 9 months you are a cold blooded fucking murderer.

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