Carly Fiorona is the only candidate that can defeat Hillary Clinton


Gold Member
Sep 15, 2008
Watching the debates, it's very clear that there is only one candidate out of the Republican pack that can defeat Hillary Clinton. It's Carly Fiorina.

The male candidates bit into the same topic (abortion)--and have already ignited the war on women campaign--AGAIN. Scott Walker, color him gone with his stance on the no exception for the life of the mother. Walker went pale when that point was brought up by Kelly. Huckabee stated earlier he would drop out if Jeb Bush came in, why he is still there--is probably more out of male ego. Donald Trump got TROMPED. He shot himself in the foot so much, I couldn't believe he could walk afterwards. Rand Paul and Christie got into a good one over the Patriot Act. Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio, both junior senators with no executive experience. Cruz way too far right to be electable. Jeb Bush another Bush, not electable. Perry not articulate enough, Perry & Huckabee on Face the Nation this morning talking about what? Abortion. Santorum--you're joking right--what's he doing in this pack? I think I mentioned most of them?

To defeat a woman--it's going to take another woman. It certainly won''t happen with 2 old white guys standing on a platform telling women what they should be doing with their bodies. A too far right candidate, especially on social issues is not electable in this country today--PERIOD.

So some in and out of the party are already trying to smear Fiorina with her CEO tenure at Hewlett Packard. If you're older than 15 you might remember the tech sector crash of 2000/2001. Millions of investors in the Tech Sector lost a lot of money. Then 9/11 another crash that took every sector down. The tech sector today is still a highly volatile market because of all the competition.

So here is Carly taking on MSNBC like a hot knife through butter on this topic. She's the one. If Carly Fiorina is not the nominee of the Republican Party, I will predict now, that Hillary Clinton will be the next POTUS.

They all can beat her.

Carly is the only one that can attack her without being called a sexist misogynistic pig.
They all can beat her.

Carly is the only one that can attack her without being called a sexist misogynistic pig.

Yes that's another reason. We have 15 male Republicans candidates against 1 woman--LOL
What does that look like. Of course now, with Carly Fiorina making some headlines it will be 15 male Republican candidates against 2 women--LOL

I like her, she is very articulate, she doesn't stumble over words, and she handles the media questions with ease and grace. She is considered by the too far right minority fringe to be a moderate candidate, because she gives exception to abortion in the instance of rape, incest and the life of the mother. But she's our iron lady regarding all other fiscal, and government matters.

Carly Fiorina is really the only candidate that can defeat Hillary Clinton.
They all can beat her.

Carly is the only one that can attack her without being called a sexist misogynistic pig.

Yes that's another reason. We have 15 male Republicans candidates against 1 woman--LOL
What does that look like. Of course now, with Carly Fiorina making some headlines it will be 15 male Republican candidates against 2 women--LOL

I like her, she is very articulate, she doesn't stumble over words, and she handles the media questions with ease and grace. She is considered by the too far right minority fringe to be a moderate candidate, because she gives exception to abortion in the instance of rape, incest and the life of the mother. But she's our iron lady regarding all other fiscal, and government matters.

Carly Fiorina is really the only candidate that can defeat Hillary Clinton.
Carly did well in the debates far better then I expected. But she is NOT the only one who can beat Clinton. Biden CAN beat Clinton. Bernie CAN beat Clinton. That's just IN the party.
I like her the more I see of her.

She is going to have to deal with the issue of her lay offs and her fireing. But she handles the issue forthrightly and with class. Trump, the other business person obfuticates and pervaricates and has no class at all. I hope she is on the top table next debate and that she whipes Trump out
If she is against infrastructure, science, education, minimum wage and common sense regulations...Well, she won't ever get my vote. So she better come out strong for them!
Watching the debates, it's very clear that there is only one candidate out of the Republican pack that can defeat Hillary Clinton. It's Carly Fiorina.

The male candidates bit into the same topic (abortion)--and have already ignited the war on women campaign--AGAIN. Scott Walker, color him gone with his stance on the no exception for the life of the mother. Walker went pale when that point was brought up by Kelly. Huckabee stated earlier he would drop out if Jeb Bush came in, why he is still there--is probably more out of male ego. Donald Trump got TROMPED. He shot himself in the foot so much, I couldn't believe he could walk afterwards. Rand Paul and Christie got into a good one over the Patriot Act. Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio, both junior senators with no executive experience. Cruz way too far right to be electable. Jeb Bush another Bush, not electable. Perry not articulate enough, Perry & Huckabee on Face the Nation this morning talking about what? Abortion. Santorum--you're joking right--what's he doing in this pack? I think I mentioned most of them?

To defeat a woman--it's going to take another woman. It certainly won''t happen with 2 old white guys standing on a platform telling women what they should be doing with their bodies. A too far right candidate, especially on social issues is not electable in this country today--PERIOD.

So some in and out of the party are already trying to smear Fiorina with her CEO tenure at Hewlett Packard. If you're older than 15 you might remember the tech sector crash of 2000/2001. Millions of investors in the Tech Sector lost a lot of money. Then 9/11 another crash that took every sector down. The tech sector today is still a highly volatile market because of all the competition.

So here is Carly taking on MSNBC like a hot knife through butter on this topic. She's the one. If Carly Fiorina is not the nominee of the Republican Party, I will predict now, that Hillary Clinton will be the next POTUS.

Watch how Carly nails Chris Matthews.
I would love to see her similarly skewer Hillary.

Video Carly Fiorina Dominates Chris Matthews on Hillary s Lies - Guy Benson
Watching the debates, it's very clear that there is only one candidate out of the Republican pack that can defeat Hillary Clinton. It's Carly Fiorina.

The male candidates bit into the same topic (abortion)--and have already ignited the war on women campaign--AGAIN. Scott Walker, color him gone with his stance on the no exception for the life of the mother. Walker went pale when that point was brought up by Kelly. Huckabee stated earlier he would drop out if Jeb Bush came in, why he is still there--is probably more out of male ego. Donald Trump got TROMPED. He shot himself in the foot so much, I couldn't believe he could walk afterwards. Rand Paul and Christie got into a good one over the Patriot Act. Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio, both junior senators with no executive experience. Cruz way too far right to be electable. Jeb Bush another Bush, not electable. Perry not articulate enough, Perry & Huckabee on Face the Nation this morning talking about what? Abortion. Santorum--you're joking right--what's he doing in this pack? I think I mentioned most of them?

To defeat a woman--it's going to take another woman. It certainly won''t happen with 2 old white guys standing on a platform telling women what they should be doing with their bodies. A too far right candidate, especially on social issues is not electable in this country today--PERIOD.

So some in and out of the party are already trying to smear Fiorina with her CEO tenure at Hewlett Packard. If you're older than 15 you might remember the tech sector crash of 2000/2001. Millions of investors in the Tech Sector lost a lot of money. Then 9/11 another crash that took every sector down. The tech sector today is still a highly volatile market because of all the competition.

So here is Carly taking on MSNBC like a hot knife through butter on this topic. She's the one. If Carly Fiorina is not the nominee of the Republican Party, I will predict now, that Hillary Clinton will be the next POTUS.

Watch how Carly nails Chris Matthews.
I would love to see her similarly skewer Hillary.

Video Carly Fiorina Dominates Chris Matthews on Hillary s Lies - Guy Benson
I saw that video a while ago. It was delightful. I so enjoyed it I watched it four times. She put Matthewes in his place.

I also saw her on a video with the view. She got those harridans good
I hate to break this to many of you but this WOMAN works for the GOP LEADERSHIP!

Fiorina: Women "horrified" by Trump's Megyn Kelly comments
Seems we have a FEMALE RINO lose in the pack of gentlemen! And I was thinking about her as a VP candidate..... POOOOF...GONE!

Republican presidential candidate Carly Fiorina criticized Donald Trump's comments about cable news host Megyn Kelly, saying in a "Face the Nation" interview that women "are really sort of horrified" by the remarks. GOP debate 2015 "Presidential campaigns are designed to reveal character under pressure and over time," Fiorina told "Face the Nation" moderator John Dickerson. "It's why people like you ask tough questions, and it's up to candidates to answer those questions. So Mr. Trump got asked tough questions by a lot of people on Thursday night, but he chose to attack Megyn Kelly." The billionaire businessman came...


ALERT: Rush Limbaugh Drops BOMBSHELL About Order Fox News Received Just Before GOP Debate

The first GOP primary debate of the year, hosted by Fox News and moderated by three of their best, kicked off in headline-grabbing style when the moderator team backed candidate Donald Trump into a corner about the possibility of running on a third-party ticket. But the attacks didn’t stop there. Out of the six questions that Trump was asked, most of them were nothing more than thinly veiled attacks in what conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh suggested was a targeted effort by the GOP establishment to slam the brakes on Trump’s momentum. While Limbaugh had reported that there was a...

She was the WINNER of the Kiddies Table...and in a surprise tonight....

1st Post Debate GOP Primary Race Poll - NBC News
#1 Donald Trump - 23%
#2 Ted Cruz - 13%
#3 Ben Carson - 11%
#4 Marco Rubio - 8%
#4 Carly Fiorina - 8%
#6 Jeb Bush - 7%
#6 Scott Walker - 7%
#8 Rand Paul - 5%
#8 Mike Huckabee - 5%
#10 John Kasich - 2%
#10 Rick Perry - 2%
#12 Chris Christie - 1%
#12 Bobby Jindal - 1%
#12 Lindsey Graham - 1%

Santorum, Pataki, Gilmore registered no votes.

Margin of Error of +/- 3.4%
Conducted August 7th and 8th
They all can beat her.

Carly is the only one that can attack her without being called a sexist misogynistic pig.

Yes that's another reason. We have 15 male Republicans candidates against 1 woman--LOL
What does that look like. Of course now, with Carly Fiorina making some headlines it will be 15 male Republican candidates against 2 women--LOL

I like her, she is very articulate, she doesn't stumble over words, and she handles the media questions with ease and grace. She is considered by the too far right minority fringe to be a moderate candidate, because she gives exception to abortion in the instance of rape, incest and the life of the mother. But she's our iron lady regarding all other fiscal, and government matters.

Carly Fiorina is really the only candidate that can defeat Hillary Clinton.
It's 23 candidates all against each other. Left, right, white, black, male, female, old, young.

Focusing on any one of those attributes like you just did is pathetic & trivial
Watching the debates, it's very clear that there is only one candidate out of the Republican pack that can defeat Hillary Clinton. It's Carly Fiorina.

The male candidates bit into the same topic (abortion)--and have already ignited the war on women campaign--AGAIN. Scott Walker, color him gone with his stance on the no exception for the life of the mother. Walker went pale when that point was brought up by Kelly. Huckabee stated earlier he would drop out if Jeb Bush came in, why he is still there--is probably more out of male ego. Donald Trump got TROMPED. He shot himself in the foot so much, I couldn't believe he could walk afterwards. Rand Paul and Christie got into a good one over the Patriot Act. Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio, both junior senators with no executive experience. Cruz way too far right to be electable. Jeb Bush another Bush, not electable. Perry not articulate enough, Perry & Huckabee on Face the Nation this morning talking about what? Abortion. Santorum--you're joking right--what's he doing in this pack? I think I mentioned most of them?

To defeat a woman--it's going to take another woman. It certainly won''t happen with 2 old white guys standing on a platform telling women what they should be doing with their bodies. A too far right candidate, especially on social issues is not electable in this country today--PERIOD.

So some in and out of the party are already trying to smear Fiorina with her CEO tenure at Hewlett Packard. If you're older than 15 you might remember the tech sector crash of 2000/2001. Millions of investors in the Tech Sector lost a lot of money. Then 9/11 another crash that took every sector down. The tech sector today is still a highly volatile market because of all the competition.

So here is Carly taking on MSNBC like a hot knife through butter on this topic. She's the one. If Carly Fiorina is not the nominee of the Republican Party, I will predict now, that Hillary Clinton will be the next POTUS.

Watch how Carly nails Chris Matthews.
I would love to see her similarly skewer Hillary.

Video Carly Fiorina Dominates Chris Matthews on Hillary s Lies - Guy Benson

Other than being one of the loudest to say "I hate Hillary", what exactly is her plan to govern the country? Saying I hate Hillary doesn't really deal with the problems our country faces.
Watching the debates, it's very clear that there is only one candidate out of the Republican pack that can defeat Hillary Clinton. It's Carly Fiorina.

The male candidates bit into the same topic (abortion)--and have already ignited the war on women campaign--AGAIN. Scott Walker, color him gone with his stance on the no exception for the life of the mother. Walker went pale when that point was brought up by Kelly. Huckabee stated earlier he would drop out if Jeb Bush came in, why he is still there--is probably more out of male ego. Donald Trump got TROMPED. He shot himself in the foot so much, I couldn't believe he could walk afterwards. Rand Paul and Christie got into a good one over the Patriot Act. Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio, both junior senators with no executive experience. Cruz way too far right to be electable. Jeb Bush another Bush, not electable. Perry not articulate enough, Perry & Huckabee on Face the Nation this morning talking about what? Abortion. Santorum--you're joking right--what's he doing in this pack? I think I mentioned most of them?

To defeat a woman--it's going to take another woman. It certainly won''t happen with 2 old white guys standing on a platform telling women what they should be doing with their bodies. A too far right candidate, especially on social issues is not electable in this country today--PERIOD.

So some in and out of the party are already trying to smear Fiorina with her CEO tenure at Hewlett Packard. If you're older than 15 you might remember the tech sector crash of 2000/2001. Millions of investors in the Tech Sector lost a lot of money. Then 9/11 another crash that took every sector down. The tech sector today is still a highly volatile market because of all the competition.

So here is Carly taking on MSNBC like a hot knife through butter on this topic. She's the one. If Carly Fiorina is not the nominee of the Republican Party, I will predict now, that Hillary Clinton will be the next POTUS.

Watch how Carly nails Chris Matthews.
I would love to see her similarly skewer Hillary.

Video Carly Fiorina Dominates Chris Matthews on Hillary s Lies - Guy Benson

Other than being one of the loudest to say "I hate Hillary", what exactly is her plan to govern the country? Saying I hate Hillary doesn't really deal with the problems our country faces.
The same is true with “I hate Obama.”

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