Carney: White House aides insulated Obama from IRS scandal

when there is enough circumstantial evidence to warrant an IG investigation, putting the individual on "leave" is standard operating procedure.

If an officer shoots a suspect and there is reason to believe the shooting may not have been warranted, the officer is put on leave to avoid another incident...just in case the findings are legit.

The same holds true for the IRS.

If someone is being investigated for "wrong doing" in the IRS, he oir she should immediately stop what he or she is doing.

Your defense of how this was handled is absurd.

How many more people were unfairly targeted while they were investigating?

Do you know when the practice of flagging nutjob groups was stopped.....and when the IG investigation was begun? Let me have no idea.

Check that out.

Stop with the childish insults and debate like an adult.

We have a very serious situation here and if you insist on turning a eye to it, it can happen again.

Whether the act of flagging particular groups stopped or not is irrelevant. The fact that it happened is the issue, and whoever may have been doing it should have been immediately releived of their responsibilities until the investigation was completed.

Investigations are not done to "stop" the practice. They are performed to find out WHO participated in it and IF it happened.

If a child claims a teacher inappropriately touched him or her, it is likely that teacher would stop immediately. But the teacher is releived of his or her responsibilities unitl AFTER the investigation is completed.

Toss out your insults and "nut job" comments and I will not respond.

You object to my calling Tea Party groups nutjobs? Sorry. How about telling me when the practice was stopped in relation to when the investigation began. Thanks.
Have any of you listened to the press briefing?
Sorry, LL. I've been following the Tornados in Moore OK today. That sucker plowed 36 square miles on a path two miles wide in some places. :(


The press briefing took place several hours before the tornado hit.

Carney simply stated that WH counsel was aware of the report being compiled on April 24. But, as it was incomplete and the details known were very "broad" in nature, advising the POTUS was not protocol.

Insulated? My ass.

Totally insulated, Laugher. The very notion that the WH counsel and others in the Obama White House would know about the situation over at the Internal Revenue Service and WOULDN'T inform the President about something THAT serious is laughable. Carney is busy walking back earlier statements made that nobody in the White House knew about the IRS debacle and to be quite blunt with you...the story that they are selling really isn't very plausible.
Sorry, LL. I've been following the Tornados in Moore OK today. That sucker plowed 36 square miles on a path two miles wide in some places. :(


The press briefing took place several hours before the tornado hit.

Carney simply stated that WH counsel was aware of the report being compiled on April 24. But, as it was incomplete and the details known were very "broad" in nature, advising the POTUS was not protocol.

Insulated? My ass.

Totally insulated, Laugher. The very notion that the WH counsel and others in the Obama White House would know about the situation over at the Internal Revenue Service and WOULDN'T inform the President about something THAT serious is laughable. Carney is busy walking back earlier statements made that nobody in the White House knew about the IRS debacle and to be quite blunt with you...the story that they are selling really isn't very plausible.

No. Please read the transcript. Thanks.
Pigs can fly,the moon is made of cheese,and Jimmy Hoffa lives in the house down the road.

This "plausible deniability" Crap needs to stop with Barry and, more importantly, these bootlicking communists that worship him need to finally come to terms with the FACT that their boy is a crooked SOB.

All this denial from Obama sounds a lot like Reagan saying he didn't know about Iran/Contra. Hmmmm.

The press briefing took place several hours before the tornado hit.

Carney simply stated that WH counsel was aware of the report being compiled on April 24. But, as it was incomplete and the details known were very "broad" in nature, advising the POTUS was not protocol.

Insulated? My ass.

Apparently you are the one that did not listen. What actually happened is that the White House counsel knew about the findings, thought the president should get a heads up, so they informed Obama's Chief of Staff.

The best part is that this comes from MSNBC.

But in Monday’s briefing, he revealed that after White House counsel Kathryn Ruemmler was informed that the probe was coming to its conclusion, she told White House chief of staff Denis McDonough and other senior White House staff. Carney also said that Ruemmler was made aware of the report’s key finding: that IRS personnel had improperly targeted conservative groups for special scrutiny. And he added that the White House then held meetings with the Treasury Department to discuss strategy for responding to the report.
“There were conversations with White House chief of staff and with Treasury about the anticipated timing of the release of the report and the potential findings,” Carney said.
White House story on IRS targeting evolves ? MSNBC

Love to see you dismiss this as a right wing conspiracy.

No. I listened to it. Sorry. You have not provided the entire transcript of Carney's remarks.

My characterization is accurate. I did not say anything about a right wing conspiracy. I said that the suggestion that Obama was in purposefully protected in som nefarious bullshit.

Your characterization is an outright lie. I know what Carney said, which is why I pointed to the portion of what he said that contradicted what you said. I threw in the right wing conspiracy bullshit to deflate your attempt to dismiss anything that contradicts your interpretation as coming from Fox News because I know how you generally post.
What exactly could the President have done.....what should he have done.......had he been advised of the IMPENDING report? Note that word, impending. It is important.

He could have gotten on top of it and showed himself to be a leader in calling for the IRS to stop targeting groups based on their politics. Instead, he didn't say anything for 3 days because he didn't here about it until he watched the news, and he ended up actually waffling by throwing in an "If it is true" statement that made him look like an idiot.
Pigs can fly,the moon is made of cheese,and Jimmy Hoffa lives in the house down the road.

This "plausible deniability" Crap needs to stop with Barry and, more importantly, these bootlicking communists that worship him need to finally come to terms with the FACT that their boy is a crooked SOB.

All this denial from Obama sounds a lot like Reagan saying he didn't know about Iran/Contra. Hmmmm.

Was Iran/Contra illegal? If it was then maybe Reagan should of want to prison for it? If not then why are you comparing it?

The press briefing took place several hours before the tornado hit.

Carney simply stated that WH counsel was aware of the report being compiled on April 24. But, as it was incomplete and the details known were very "broad" in nature, advising the POTUS was not protocol.

Insulated? My ass.

Totally insulated, Laugher. The very notion that the WH counsel and others in the Obama White House would know about the situation over at the Internal Revenue Service and WOULDN'T inform the President about something THAT serious is laughable. Carney is busy walking back earlier statements made that nobody in the White House knew about the IRS debacle and to be quite blunt with you...the story that they are selling really isn't very plausible.

No. Please read the transcript. Thanks.

I've read the transcript. What is it in THERE that you think exonerates Barack Obama from his lack of a response to this situation? I'm sorry, Laugher but the man is the President. He's supposedly in charge yet he doesn't appear to know anything that's going on in his own Administration? How do you spin that to make it palatable? At the very least he's clueless...
What exactly could the President have done.....what should he have done.......had he been advised of the IMPENDING report? Note that word, impending. It is important.

He could have had the AG's office investigate and ask for the resignations of the guilty parties BEFORE the media pressure pushed him into it

The President does not tell the AG who or what to investigate.

Ask for resignations before the IG report was finished to avoid media scrutiny? That makes for true leadership

You lose.

The president is supposed to be in overall charge of the DoJ, which means he does actually tell the attorney general who to investigate. Come to think of it, he probably did give Holder a call and ask him to investigate this, after he watched it on the news.

If you go back and read my post where I pointed out that Carney admitted that the White House counsel knew what the IG report said after it was completed, but before it was released, and actually told Obama's Chief of Staff, you might see where they missed an opportunity to get on top of this before it broke.

Then again, you might continue to be a partisan hack who defends them no matter what.
What exactly could the President have done.....what should he have done.......had he been advised of the IMPENDING report? Note that word, impending. It is important.

He could have gotten on top of it and showed himself to be a leader in calling for the IRS to stop targeting groups based on their politics. Instead, he didn't say anything for 3 days because he didn't here about it until he watched the news, and he ended up actually waffling by throwing in an "If it is true" statement that made him look like an idiot.

If he really WERE as outraged by this as he now claims he is...then heads would already be rolling in his Administration and over at the IRS. What's he done? Accepted the resignation of a man who was set to retire in a few weeks? That's it?
Carney: White House aides insulated Obama from IRS scandal

The Washington Times

Monday, May 20, 2013

Top White House aides first learned of a draft report detailing IRS abuses in targeting conservative groups in late April, but they chose to insulate President Obama by not informing him until it exploded in the press, the president’s spokesman said Monday.

White House press secretary Jay Carney told reporters Monday that White House counsel Kathy Ruemmler learned about an IRS inspector general’s draft report looking into the singling out of conservative groups on April 24. She advised senior White House staff including chief of staff Denis McDonough — about the then-draft report, but Mr. Carney said she believed that Mr. Obama shouldn’t be told and other staffers followed her advice.
Read more: Carney: White House aides insulated Obama from IRS scandal - Washington Times
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So his admin doesn't inform the president? Fuck looks like Obama isn't doing his job.

If this is true, who's really in charge of the government??????
Unless it was something he could go campaigning about, there was no reason to tell him.
He isn't in charge. He is basically a traveling spokesperson for the Administration.
The President does not tell the AG who or what to investigate.

Ask for resignations before the IG report was finished to avoid media scrutiny? That makes for true leadership

You lose.

when there is enough circumstantial evidence to warrant an IG investigation, putting the individual on "leave" is standard operating procedure.

If an officer shoots a suspect and there is reason to believe the shooting may not have been warranted, the officer is put on leave to avoid another incident...just in case the findings are legit.

The same holds true for the IRS.

If someone is being investigated for "wrong doing" in the IRS, he oir she should immediately stop what he or she is doing.

Your defense of how this was handled is absurd.

How many more people were unfairly targeted while they were investigating?

Do you know when the practice of flagging nutjob groups was stopped.....and when the IG investigation was begun? Let me have no idea.

Check that out.

To use the words Dan Pfieffer, it is irrelevant when it was stopped. The only thing that matters is that it was wrong, and that we need to make sure it never happens again.
Carney: White House aides insulated Obama from IRS scandal

The Washington Times

Monday, May 20, 2013

Top White House aides first learned of a draft report detailing IRS abuses in targeting conservative groups in late April, but they chose to insulate President Obama by not informing him until it exploded in the press, the president’s spokesman said Monday.

White House press secretary Jay Carney told reporters Monday that White House counsel Kathy Ruemmler learned about an IRS inspector general’s draft report looking into the singling out of conservative groups on April 24. She advised senior White House staff including chief of staff Denis McDonough — about the then-draft report, but Mr. Carney said she believed that Mr. Obama shouldn’t be told and other staffers followed her advice.
Read more: Carney: White House aides insulated Obama from IRS scandal - Washington Times
Follow us: [MENTION=39892]Was[/MENTION]htimes on Twitter

So his admin doesn't inform the president? Fuck looks like Obama isn't doing his job.

If this is true, who's really in charge of the government??????

Valerie Jarrett
The no accountability President. This guy can't even run honest underlings that he himself picks out, how does anyone believe he can run a country?
The no accountability President. This guy can't even run honest underlings that he himself picks out, how does anyone believe he can run a country?

He isn't running anything.
Like I say - he is the Campaigner is Chief...his role is the traveling spokesperson for the administration - their figure head.
He is not in charge. That is clear.
Let me put it like this... It sounds like Obama and his admin are "as per usual" politicians/politics. The President does not give the order, it's simply expected that the people under him will break laws, lie cheat and steal for him without actually getting the nod... Then, if need be, they will be used as the fall guy. This is pure corruption, but what does anyone expect when Obama has literally streamlined corruption in DC.
Let me put it like this... It sounds like Obama and his admin are "as per usual" politicians/politics. The President does not give the order, it's simply expected that the people under him will break laws, lie cheat and steal for him without actually getting the nod... Then, if need be, they will be used as the fall guy. This is pure corruption, but what does anyone expect when Obama has literally streamlined corruption in DC.

I have said from the very start that Obama is just another politician. He is not anything more or less than any other congressional member or senator. Pick and choose any of them and the result would be similar.
The biggest problem with Obama is he is truly nothing more than the head spokesperson. Everyone, liberal or conservative, should have raised their eyebrows when he literally turned over the responsibility of a healthcare plan to the vipers in congress, namely Pelosi and Reid.
And what we got is what you would expect from a crowd of lawyers.
What exactly could the President have done.....what should he have done.......had he been advised of the IMPENDING report? Note that word, impending. It is important.

He could have gotten on top of it and showed himself to be a leader in calling for the IRS to stop targeting groups based on their politics. Instead, he didn't say anything for 3 days because he didn't here about it until he watched the news, and he ended up actually waffling by throwing in an "If it is true" statement that made him look like an idiot.

Ummmm....the IRS stopped doing it in 2012. Don't tell me you thought that it was going on until Obama was asked about it. Please.

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