Carney: White House aides insulated Obama from IRS scandal

What exactly could the President have done.....what should he have done.......had he been advised of the IMPENDING report? Note that word, impending. It is important.

He could have gotten on top of it and showed himself to be a leader in calling for the IRS to stop targeting groups based on their politics. Instead, he didn't say anything for 3 days because he didn't here about it until he watched the news, and he ended up actually waffling by throwing in an "If it is true" statement that made him look like an idiot.

Ummmm....the IRS stopped doing it in 2012. Don't tell me you thought that it was going on until Obama was asked about it. Please.

Proving you can't read, how awesome.

Everyone who was paying attention knew about this way back in 2010, yet Obama didn't here about it, or notice that Congress was asking questions, and didn't know about the report until after it was made public.

End of your attempt to pretend that

  1. Obama is a great president who knows everything.
  2. that people are not insulating him from the problems.
What exactly could the President have done.....what should he have done.......had he been advised of the IMPENDING report? Note that word, impending. It is important.

He could have gotten on top of it and showed himself to be a leader in calling for the IRS to stop targeting groups based on their politics. Instead, he didn't say anything for 3 days because he didn't here about it until he watched the news, and he ended up actually waffling by throwing in an "If it is true" statement that made him look like an idiot.

Ummmm....the IRS stopped doing it in 2012. Don't tell me you thought that it was going on until Obama was asked about it. Please.

here you go...
a : something done or said that may serve as an example or rule to authorize or justify a subsequent act of the same or an analogous kind <a verdict that had no precedent>
b : the convention established by such a precedent or by long practice
: a person or thing that serves as a model

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