Carolinas get big gov socialism assistance because of storm .

There are always a handful of clowns that pull this lame shit during a disaster. Clearly Timmy is one of them.
Always! He and kittymom!
I live in central NC, not at the coast, so don't presume anything about me. We are getting the tail end of Florence at this moment and it will continue into tomorrow and possibly Monday. I have never asked anyone for anything, especially the government, so don't go assuming anything, asshole. I have lived here when the tornado hit and also Hugo and took care of myself both times. I live on a private road on land that has a lot of trees, and have a well, so when the power goes out, I also don't have water. But, I have managed all on my own. So, keep on insulting me because I am a strong woman and I know that makes your private parts shrivel up.
Horseshit asswipe. You insulted me first! You are a hater pure and simple! And zi don’t care where you live either! Get your facts straight and then show us where those three thousand people went.
Now if they be smart they will stack every single person who dies for an entire year in trucks then claim them as hurricane victims.

What a disgusting thing to say. Those people in PR died because they had NO help after the storm and many still haven't. You are as low as that piece of human filth in the WH, and worms don't even go that low.

Were you there?

There are always a handful of clowns that pull this lame shit during a disaster. Clearly Timmy is one of them.
Always! He and kittymom!
I live in central NC, not at the coast, so don't presume anything about me. We are getting the tail end of Florence at this moment and it will continue into tomorrow and possibly Monday. I have never asked anyone for anything, especially the government, so don't go assuming anything, asshole. I have lived here when the tornado hit and also Hugo and took care of myself both times. I live on a private road on land that has a lot of trees, and have a well, so when the power goes out, I also don't have water. But, I have managed all on my own. So, keep on insulting me because I am a strong woman and I know that makes your private parts shrivel up.
Horseshit asswipe. You insulted me first! You are a hater pure and simple!

I guess stating the truth is an insult. Just like your golden idol, IQ-45 can't handle the truth. I do hate trump with a passion, I won't deny it, but I hate that he has brainwashed so many even more. Granted, they're in the minority of this country, but still, he is like Jim Jones, and they would willingly drink the poisoned kool-aid if he commanded them to. You would. You would willingly do whatever he told you to do, no matter how vile and disgusting it was....admit it. What I want to know and have asked often, but never got an answer is, if he told you to kill those who opposed him, would you? Could you? I mean go out and kill someone who you know hates trump, could you kill them? This is a serious question and not a frivolous one. I honestly want to know how far those of you who idolize him would go to follow his orders.
ah yes. The evils of socialism. ER help, low/no interest loans to help rebuild .

I’m sure all this hard core gop in those red states will turn down their free welfare .


Trump approves North Carolina disaster declaration


WASHINGTON (WNCN) - President Donald Trump declared North Carolina a major disaster area on Friday and ordered federal aid to be sent to the state following Hurricane Florence, the White House announced.

Get the latest Florence forecast

Federal funding is now available in Beaufort, Brunswick, Carteret, Craven, New Hanover, Onslow, Pamlico, and Pender counties.

Assistance can include grants for temporary housing and home repairs, low-cost loans to cover uninsured property losses, and other programs to help individuals and business owners recover from the effects of the disaster, the White House said.

WASHINGTON (WNCN) - President Donald Trump declared North Carolina a major disaster area on Friday and ordered federal aid to be sent to the state following Hurricane Florence, the White House announced.

Get the latest Florence forecast

Federal funding is now available in Beaufort, Brunswick, Carteret, Craven, New Hanover, Onslow, Pamlico, and Pender counties.

Assistance can include grants for temporary housing and home repairs, low-cost loans to cover uninsured property losses, and other programs to help individuals and business owners recover from the effects of the disaster, the White House said.
Of course it’s not ‘socialism’; nor is it ‘big government.’

It’s called sound, responsible governance and appropriate public policy – something most on the right have no understanding of.

It’s what modern, civilized, 21st Century First World industrialized nations do.
There are always a handful of clowns that pull this lame shit during a disaster. Clearly Timmy is one of them.
Always! He and kittymom!
I live in central NC, not at the coast, so don't presume anything about me. We are getting the tail end of Florence at this moment and it will continue into tomorrow and possibly Monday. I have never asked anyone for anything, especially the government, so don't go assuming anything, asshole. I have lived here when the tornado hit and also Hugo and took care of myself both times. I live on a private road on land that has a lot of trees, and have a well, so when the power goes out, I also don't have water. But, I have managed all on my own. So, keep on insulting me because I am a strong woman and I know that makes your private parts shrivel up.
Horseshit asswipe. You insulted me first! You are a hater pure and simple!

I guess stating the truth is an insult. Just like your golden idol, IQ-45 can't handle the truth. I do hate trump with a passion, I won't deny it, but I hate that he has brainwashed so many even more. Granted, they're in the minority of this country, but still, he is like Jim Jones, and they would willingly drink the poisoned kool-aid if he commanded them to. You would. You would willingly do whatever he told you to do, no matter how vile and disgusting it was....admit it. What I want to know and have asked often, but never got an answer is, if he told you to kill those who opposed him, would you? Could you? I mean go out and kill someone who you know hates trump, could you kill them? This is a serious question and not a frivolous one. I honestly want to know how far those of you who idolize him would go to follow his orders.
So I asked you nicely to tell us why it took a year to come up with the number 3000? Death certificates? You are just going to rely on some university computer generated study paid for by the governor of PR? If I were you I wouldn’t be mentioning anyone’s IQ! It’s obvious your’s doesn’t even register.
There are always a handful of clowns that pull this lame shit during a disaster. Clearly Timmy is one of them.
Always! He and kittymom!
I live in central NC, not at the coast, so don't presume anything about me. We are getting the tail end of Florence at this moment and it will continue into tomorrow and possibly Monday. I have never asked anyone for anything, especially the government, so don't go assuming anything, asshole. I have lived here when the tornado hit and also Hugo and took care of myself both times. I live on a private road on land that has a lot of trees, and have a well, so when the power goes out, I also don't have water. But, I have managed all on my own. So, keep on insulting me because I am a strong woman and I know that makes your private parts shrivel up.
Horseshit asswipe. You insulted me first! You are a hater pure and simple!

I guess stating the truth is an insult. Just like your golden idol, IQ-45 can't handle the truth. I do hate trump with a passion, I won't deny it, but I hate that he has brainwashed so many even more. Granted, they're in the minority of this country, but still, he is like Jim Jones, and they would willingly drink the poisoned kool-aid if he commanded them to. You would. You would willingly do whatever he told you to do, no matter how vile and disgusting it was....admit it. What I want to know and have asked often, but never got an answer is, if he told you to kill those who opposed him, would you? Could you? I mean go out and kill someone who you know hates trump, could you kill them? This is a serious question and not a frivolous one. I honestly want to know how far those of you who idolize him would go to follow his orders.
Seriously? You ask that question often? You really are pond scum! And mentally unstable too! Seek help!
She is serious?

guess stating the truth is an insult. Just like your golden idol, IQ-45 can't handle the truth. I do hate trump with a passion, I won't deny it, but I hate that he has brainwashed so many even more. Granted, they're in the minority of this country, but still, he is like Jim Jones, and they would willingly drink the poisoned kool-aid if he commanded them to. You would. You would willingly do whatever he told you to do, no matter how vile and disgusting it was....admit it. What I want to know and have asked often, but never got an answer is, if he told you to kill those who opposed him, would you? Could you? I mean go out and kill someone who you know hates trump, could you kill them? This is a serious question and not a frivolous one. I honestly want to know how far those of you who idolize him would go to follow his orders.

Jeez Louise!
Now if they be smart they will stack every single person who dies for an entire year in trucks then claim them as hurricane victims.

What a disgusting thing to say. Those people in PR died because they had NO help after the storm and many still haven't. You are as low as that piece of human filth in the WH, and worms don't even go that low.
The way i see it, the democrats are the ones making up the 3000 dead number. Then trying to politizice it, to make Trump look bad. Even though supplies, food and water were sent and wasted by the PR's goverment. Again to make president Trump look bad, so in reality. Trump haters let thousands of innocent people die, because of your hatred for Trump. You still want to talk about worms?

Trying to make trump look bad? MY GOD! He does that himself EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. of the year!!

Please, all of you be paid trump trolls because no one can be this brainwashed to think this man is fit to be running this country. Well, he is running it.....right into the ground, and if you think any of you are exempt from being buried, then i truly do pity you.

Oh, on a side note....Manafort has just sung like a bird! Notice how 45 is silent now? No tweets or anything about that little revelation. But, he'll keep tweeting about what jerks all of your chains because it will divert your limited attention away from the real issues, just like the pathetic sheep you are.

Tony Podesta has much more to fear form Manafort than Trump does.

ah yes. The evils of socialism. ER help, low/no interest loans to help rebuild .

I’m sure all this hard core gop in those red states will turn down their free welfare .


Trump approves North Carolina disaster declaration


WASHINGTON (WNCN) - President Donald Trump declared North Carolina a major disaster area on Friday and ordered federal aid to be sent to the state following Hurricane Florence, the White House announced.

Get the latest Florence forecast

Federal funding is now available in Beaufort, Brunswick, Carteret, Craven, New Hanover, Onslow, Pamlico, and Pender counties.

Assistance can include grants for temporary housing and home repairs, low-cost loans to cover uninsured property losses, and other programs to help individuals and business owners recover from the effects of the disaster, the White House said.

WASHINGTON (WNCN) - President Donald Trump declared North Carolina a major disaster area on Friday and ordered federal aid to be sent to the state following Hurricane Florence, the White House announced.

Get the latest Florence forecast

Federal funding is now available in Beaufort, Brunswick, Carteret, Craven, New Hanover, Onslow, Pamlico, and Pender counties.

Assistance can include grants for temporary housing and home repairs, low-cost loans to cover uninsured property losses, and other programs to help individuals and business owners recover from the effects of the disaster, the White House said.

No it isn't Socialism as pointed out HERE:

"Socialism is a range of economic and social systems characterised by social ownership and workers' self-management of the means of production[10] as well as the political theories and movements associated with them.[11] Social ownership may refer to forms of public, collective or cooperative ownership, or to citizen ownership of equity.[12] There are many varieties of socialism and there is no single definition encapsulating all of them,[13] though social ownership is the common element shared by its various forms."

The current Government is a REPUBLIC, which has a Congress that appropriates the money for declared disaster areas, they do it at the state level too. Socialism isn't need at all to make this happen.

Do You consider obamacare, social security, welfare programs , food stamps , to be socialism ? Cause every con here does .

I get the technical definition. But there’s also the every day political definition that’s far looser . Blame the cons for that one .

Social Security is from employer/employee, right out of their paychecks
Food Stamps are appropriated by CONGRESS for a small number of people having need to stay on their feet., while millions never use Food stamps.

You are confusing what Socialism is to what some of the government programs are:

"Socialism is a range of economic and social systems characterised by social ownership and workers' self-management of the means of production[10] as well as the political theories and movements associated with them."

black bolding mine

There is NO social ownership and workers self management of Food Stamps, SS, Obamacare and more since they are being done through the Republican form of government who provides money for occasional use otherwise they don't get used at all.

I don't have Food Stamps or Obamacare at all, does that mean I am NOT a part of Socialism? A true Socialist state would have EVERYONE be directly involved in it, EVERYONE would be under the same rules and requirements.
Always! He and kittymom!
I live in central NC, not at the coast, so don't presume anything about me. We are getting the tail end of Florence at this moment and it will continue into tomorrow and possibly Monday. I have never asked anyone for anything, especially the government, so don't go assuming anything, asshole. I have lived here when the tornado hit and also Hugo and took care of myself both times. I live on a private road on land that has a lot of trees, and have a well, so when the power goes out, I also don't have water. But, I have managed all on my own. So, keep on insulting me because I am a strong woman and I know that makes your private parts shrivel up.
Horseshit asswipe. You insulted me first! You are a hater pure and simple!

I guess stating the truth is an insult. Just like your golden idol, IQ-45 can't handle the truth. I do hate trump with a passion, I won't deny it, but I hate that he has brainwashed so many even more. Granted, they're in the minority of this country, but still, he is like Jim Jones, and they would willingly drink the poisoned kool-aid if he commanded them to. You would. You would willingly do whatever he told you to do, no matter how vile and disgusting it was....admit it. What I want to know and have asked often, but never got an answer is, if he told you to kill those who opposed him, would you? Could you? I mean go out and kill someone who you know hates trump, could you kill them? This is a serious question and not a frivolous one. I honestly want to know how far those of you who idolize him would go to follow his orders.
Seriously? You ask that question often? You really are pond scum! And mentally unstable too! Seek help!
Oh FFS! That's the best you can do? PATHETIC!!! And, I see you've never answered my question. trump cultists never do. Why? They are all big and bad on their computers, but in real life, they're sniveling cowards who only fantasize about being trump heroes. You wouldn't go to prison for that POS and you know it. So carry on coward and I'm done here. We've all got your number coward because in reality, you wouldn't do what trump wanted if it meant that you'd end up in a cell with Bubba. Bye now!!
You are unhinged!
Another senseless, ignorant liberal OP. No one has ever whined about federal disaster aid. No one has ever begrudged any state the aid it needs to cope with a natural disaster. Such aid has always passed Congress by overwhelming majorities.

What’s the matter 2 face ? I thought the nanny state is bad ? How is “assistance for those without insurance “ any less of welfare than some Obamacare coverage ?

Yes it overwhelmingly passes. Cause Cons are hypocrites . Y’all have a lot to say about safety nets, until YOU need them.
Not enough lives ehhh Timmy?
There are always a handful of clowns that pull this lame shit during a disaster. Clearly Timmy is one of them.
Always! He and kittymom!
I live in central NC, not at the coast, so don't presume anything about me. We are getting the tail end of Florence at this moment and it will continue into tomorrow and possibly Monday. I have never asked anyone for anything, especially the government, so don't go assuming anything, asshole. I have lived here when the tornado hit and also Hugo and took care of myself both times. I live on a private road on land that has a lot of trees, and have a well, so when the power goes out, I also don't have water. But, I have managed all on my own. So, keep on insulting me because I am a strong woman and I know that makes your private parts shrivel up.
Horseshit asswipe. You insulted me first! You are a hater pure and simple!

I guess stating the truth is an insult. Just like your golden idol, IQ-45 can't handle the truth. I do hate trump with a passion, I won't deny it, but I hate that he has brainwashed so many even more. Granted, they're in the minority of this country, but still, he is like Jim Jones, and they would willingly drink the poisoned kool-aid if he commanded them to. You would. You would willingly do whatever he told you to do, no matter how vile and disgusting it was....admit it. What I want to know and have asked often, but never got an answer is, if he told you to kill those who opposed him, would you? Could you? I mean go out and kill someone who you know hates trump, could you kill them? This is a serious question and not a frivolous one. I honestly want to know how far those of you who idolize him would go to follow his orders.

ROFLMFAO, Trump is living rent free in your pathetic mind, you're much closer to blowing your own brains out, than I am of drinking poisoned kool-aid. Hang on to your hate, eventually it will destroy you, in your case, I think that's a good thing.
Always! He and kittymom!
I live in central NC, not at the coast, so don't presume anything about me. We are getting the tail end of Florence at this moment and it will continue into tomorrow and possibly Monday. I have never asked anyone for anything, especially the government, so don't go assuming anything, asshole. I have lived here when the tornado hit and also Hugo and took care of myself both times. I live on a private road on land that has a lot of trees, and have a well, so when the power goes out, I also don't have water. But, I have managed all on my own. So, keep on insulting me because I am a strong woman and I know that makes your private parts shrivel up.
Horseshit asswipe. You insulted me first! You are a hater pure and simple!

I guess stating the truth is an insult. Just like your golden idol, IQ-45 can't handle the truth. I do hate trump with a passion, I won't deny it, but I hate that he has brainwashed so many even more. Granted, they're in the minority of this country, but still, he is like Jim Jones, and they would willingly drink the poisoned kool-aid if he commanded them to. You would. You would willingly do whatever he told you to do, no matter how vile and disgusting it was....admit it. What I want to know and have asked often, but never got an answer is, if he told you to kill those who opposed him, would you? Could you? I mean go out and kill someone who you know hates trump, could you kill them? This is a serious question and not a frivolous one. I honestly want to know how far those of you who idolize him would go to follow his orders.
Seriously? You ask that question often? You really are pond scum! And mentally unstable too! Seek help!
Oh FFS! That's the best you can do? PATHETIC!!! And, I see you've never answered my question. trump cultists never do. Why? They are all big and bad on their computers, but in real life, they're sniveling cowards who only fantasize about being trump heroes. You wouldn't go to prison for that POS and you know it. So carry on coward and I'm done here. We've all got your number coward because in reality, you wouldn't do what trump wanted if it meant that you'd end up in a cell with Bubba. Bye now!!

Don't see you going to prison for the C bitch, I guess you're just a liar and a hypocrite. Run along little piggy.

I live in central NC, not at the coast, so don't presume anything about me. We are getting the tail end of Florence at this moment and it will continue into tomorrow and possibly Monday. I have never asked anyone for anything, especially the government, so don't go assuming anything, asshole. I have lived here when the tornado hit and also Hugo and took care of myself both times. I live on a private road on land that has a lot of trees, and have a well, so when the power goes out, I also don't have water. But, I have managed all on my own. So, keep on insulting me because I am a strong woman and I know that makes your private parts shrivel up.
Horseshit asswipe. You insulted me first! You are a hater pure and simple!

I guess stating the truth is an insult. Just like your golden idol, IQ-45 can't handle the truth. I do hate trump with a passion, I won't deny it, but I hate that he has brainwashed so many even more. Granted, they're in the minority of this country, but still, he is like Jim Jones, and they would willingly drink the poisoned kool-aid if he commanded them to. You would. You would willingly do whatever he told you to do, no matter how vile and disgusting it was....admit it. What I want to know and have asked often, but never got an answer is, if he told you to kill those who opposed him, would you? Could you? I mean go out and kill someone who you know hates trump, could you kill them? This is a serious question and not a frivolous one. I honestly want to know how far those of you who idolize him would go to follow his orders.
Seriously? You ask that question often? You really are pond scum! And mentally unstable too! Seek help!
Oh FFS! That's the best you can do? PATHETIC!!! And, I see you've never answered my question. trump cultists never do. Why? They are all big and bad on their computers, but in real life, they're sniveling cowards who only fantasize about being trump heroes. You wouldn't go to prison for that POS and you know it. So carry on coward and I'm done here. We've all got your number coward because in reality, you wouldn't do what trump wanted if it meant that you'd end up in a cell with Bubba. Bye now!!

Don't see you going to prison for the C bitch, I guess you're just a liar and a hypocrite. Run along little piggy.

She’s just unhinged! Hates Trump real bad! Real bad! :)
Horseshit asswipe. You insulted me first! You are a hater pure and simple!

I guess stating the truth is an insult. Just like your golden idol, IQ-45 can't handle the truth. I do hate trump with a passion, I won't deny it, but I hate that he has brainwashed so many even more. Granted, they're in the minority of this country, but still, he is like Jim Jones, and they would willingly drink the poisoned kool-aid if he commanded them to. You would. You would willingly do whatever he told you to do, no matter how vile and disgusting it was....admit it. What I want to know and have asked often, but never got an answer is, if he told you to kill those who opposed him, would you? Could you? I mean go out and kill someone who you know hates trump, could you kill them? This is a serious question and not a frivolous one. I honestly want to know how far those of you who idolize him would go to follow his orders.
Seriously? You ask that question often? You really are pond scum! And mentally unstable too! Seek help!
Oh FFS! That's the best you can do? PATHETIC!!! And, I see you've never answered my question. trump cultists never do. Why? They are all big and bad on their computers, but in real life, they're sniveling cowards who only fantasize about being trump heroes. You wouldn't go to prison for that POS and you know it. So carry on coward and I'm done here. We've all got your number coward because in reality, you wouldn't do what trump wanted if it meant that you'd end up in a cell with Bubba. Bye now!!

Don't see you going to prison for the C bitch, I guess you're just a liar and a hypocrite. Run along little piggy.

She’s just unhinged! Hates Trump real bad! Real bad! :)

Don't think it cares much for its self either.

ah yes. The evils of socialism. ER help, low/no interest loans to help rebuild .

I’m sure all this hard core gop in those red states will turn down their free welfare .


Trump approves North Carolina disaster declaration


WASHINGTON (WNCN) - President Donald Trump declared North Carolina a major disaster area on Friday and ordered federal aid to be sent to the state following Hurricane Florence, the White House announced.

Get the latest Florence forecast

Federal funding is now available in Beaufort, Brunswick, Carteret, Craven, New Hanover, Onslow, Pamlico, and Pender counties.

Assistance can include grants for temporary housing and home repairs, low-cost loans to cover uninsured property losses, and other programs to help individuals and business owners recover from the effects of the disaster, the White House said.

WASHINGTON (WNCN) - President Donald Trump declared North Carolina a major disaster area on Friday and ordered federal aid to be sent to the state following Hurricane Florence, the White House announced.

Get the latest Florence forecast

Federal funding is now available in Beaufort, Brunswick, Carteret, Craven, New Hanover, Onslow, Pamlico, and Pender counties.

Assistance can include grants for temporary housing and home repairs, low-cost loans to cover uninsured property losses, and other programs to help individuals and business owners recover from the effects of the disaster, the White House said.

This is Economic Interventionism. It is NOT Socialism. The pacifier you so wish to suckle does not exist in the USA. Try again.
ah yes. The evils of socialism. ER help, low/no interest loans to help rebuild .

I’m sure all this hard core gop in those red states will turn down their free welfare .


Trump approves North Carolina disaster declaration


WASHINGTON (WNCN) - President Donald Trump declared North Carolina a major disaster area on Friday and ordered federal aid to be sent to the state following Hurricane Florence, the White House announced.

Get the latest Florence forecast

Federal funding is now available in Beaufort, Brunswick, Carteret, Craven, New Hanover, Onslow, Pamlico, and Pender counties.

Assistance can include grants for temporary housing and home repairs, low-cost loans to cover uninsured property losses, and other programs to help individuals and business owners recover from the effects of the disaster, the White House said.

WASHINGTON (WNCN) - President Donald Trump declared North Carolina a major disaster area on Friday and ordered federal aid to be sent to the state following Hurricane Florence, the White House announced.

Get the latest Florence forecast

Federal funding is now available in Beaufort, Brunswick, Carteret, Craven, New Hanover, Onslow, Pamlico, and Pender counties.

Assistance can include grants for temporary housing and home repairs, low-cost loans to cover uninsured property losses, and other programs to help individuals and business owners recover from the effects of the disaster, the White House said.

Assisting /serving its citizens is what ESSENTIAL Government does. Essential Government is not funding studies of homosexual tendencies of Japanese jellyfish on cocaine nor is Essential Government redistribution of wealth because John has a big house but Jim does not.

Therein lies the difference: Liberals believe all Government and even expanded Government is essential.
I love how the normally binary thinking conservatards are now equivocating.

Or as Ralph Kramden would put it:

"Homina, homina, homina!"

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