Caroline Kennedy: Ambassador to Japan?

She is not just a rich person. Not by a long shot. She is the daughter of a former president, a niece and cousin of senators and congressman. Someone who has met a great many of the most important people in the world of international relations. Someone whose name is well known and respected around the world. Someone who is very intelligent, a published author and researcher, and highly educated. Most ambassadors do not have her credentials.

I wonder, do those who think she is inappropriate have any problem with Shirley Temple being an ambassador? Why is a movie star an appropriate person to be an ambassador as opposed to a highly educated, published author with international contacts? Your only problem with Caroline Kennedy is that she is a Democrat. Period.

I saw some interviews with Caroline when they were thinking of appointing her Senator from NY after Hillary left. Caroline is not that impressive. Horrible speaker and not a natural politician. She was sheltered her whole life...and it shows

I have seen her in various interviews and have thought quite the opposite. I think most people don't realize how unqualified most ambassadors are. Most are just friends or political cronies of the current administration. There are those who don't speak the language of the country where they will be (Caroline probably does not speak Japanese); there are those who have no experience of diplomacy; there are those who have no background or knowledge of the country where they will be ambassadors. I brought up Shirley Temple, who was ambassador to Mexico. What qualified her to be an ambassador? Nothing.

I think Shirley Temple was ambassador to Ghana or some other African nation. Not as high profile as Japan. She is a better choice than Shirley Temple is not a good reason. It is just political payback for Carolines support of Obama in the elections

Hmmmm.... Well, if it were me... I'd ask you Liberal numbskulls what it's like to have your noses so far up the Kennedy's assholes?

That name "KENNEDY" is the very last shred of a thread they have left to identify themselves with the American people. They must ressurect a Kennedy or make do with what they have left. Which isn't much as you can see. They are scraping the bottom of the barrel here so to speak... Obama is desperate... he will have to remind folks that Bo was chosen by a Kennedy ( TED ) as a gift for his family. That is his only tie now without Caroline stepping up to the plate. A muslim dependent on a dogs reputation to pull him through. You've heard it all now. LOL. - J.
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She is not just a rich person. Not by a long shot. She is the daughter of a former president, a niece and cousin of senators and congressman. Someone who has met a great many of the most important people in the world of international relations. Someone whose name is well known and respected around the world. Someone who is very intelligent, a published author and researcher, and highly educated. Most ambassadors do not have her credentials.

I wonder, do those who think she is inappropriate have any problem with Shirley Temple being an ambassador? Why is a movie star an appropriate person to be an ambassador as opposed to a highly educated, published author with international contacts? Your only problem with Caroline Kennedy is that she is a Democrat. Period.

I saw some interviews with Caroline when they were thinking of appointing her Senator from NY after Hillary left. Caroline is not that impressive. Horrible speaker and not a natural politician. She was sheltered her whole life...and it shows

I have seen her in various interviews and have thought quite the opposite. I think most people don't realize how unqualified most ambassadors are. Most are just friends or political cronies of the current administration. There are those who don't speak the language of the country where they will be (Caroline probably does not speak Japanese); there are those who have no experience of diplomacy; there are those who have no background or knowledge of the country where they will be ambassadors. I brought up Shirley Temple, who was ambassador to Mexico. What qualified her to be an ambassador? Nothing.

[ame=]Caroline Kennedy : "Ya know..." - YouTube[/ame]

Because she's a complete blithering imbecile....

The Japanese should feel insulted.

She is no imbecile. She is an author and attorney, has a Juris Doctor degree from Columbia Law School graduating in the top ten percent of her class.

What are your credentials?

She is an author who used Ghost writers. A Ghost Writer is someone who writes the book for you but your name appears on the cover. Your other mistake is equating intelligence with the ability to study a book, memorize the answers and pass a test. I have a very good friend who is a brain surgeon and he told me most of the people he graduated with are complete idiots. Your top ten percent at Columbia Law would not be able to compete with a 6th grader from early american period.. that is just the reality of how badly the education system has fallen behind since the liberals took over colleges and universities. According to David Horowitz over 90% of all teachers and professors in colleges today are liberal. thanks. - Jeremiah p.s. in the future you might try - she is not an imbecile. Stating she is no imbecile sounds as if you are not qualified to qualify others. imo.
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Because she's a complete blithering imbecile....

The Japanese should feel insulted.

She is no imbecile. She is an author and attorney, has a Juris Doctor degree from Columbia Law School graduating in the top ten percent of her class.

What are your credentials?

She is an author who used Ghost writers. A Ghost Writer is someone who writes the book for you but your name appears on the cover. Your other mistake is equating intelligence with the ability to study a book, memorize the answers and pass a test. I have a very good friend who is a brain surgeon and he told me most of the people he graduated with are complete idiots. Your top ten percent at Columbia Law would not be able to compete with a 6th grader from early american period.. that is just the reality of how badly the education system has fallen behind since the liberals took over colleges and universities. According to David Horowitz over 90% of all teachers and professors in colleges today are liberal. thanks. - Jeremiah p.s. in the future you might try - she is not an imbecile. Stating she is no imbecile sounds as if you are not qualified to qualify others. imo.

Thank you for showing your dogmatic mind. BTW, Marxist Horowitz also went to Columbia. So he must also be a complete idiot.

Because the post of Ambassador to Japan is not a token post, it should actually go to someone with a basic understanding of international relations.

I agree.

I've never read anywhere that CK is or has been involved in politics. Hell. She bowed out of that race for a seat in her State. Too much bother and she knew whe would be in over her head.

She's rich, a mother and wife and in no way into politics.
Because she's a complete blithering imbecile....

The Japanese should feel insulted.

She is no imbecile. She is an author and attorney, has a Juris Doctor degree from Columbia Law School graduating in the top ten percent of her class.

What are your credentials?

She is an author who used Ghost writers. A Ghost Writer is someone who writes the book for you but your name appears on the cover. Your other mistake is equating intelligence with the ability to study a book, memorize the answers and pass a test. I have a very good friend who is a brain surgeon and he told me most of the people he graduated with are complete idiots. Your top ten percent at Columbia Law would not be able to compete with a 6th grader from early american period.. that is just the reality of how badly the education system has fallen behind since the liberals took over colleges and universities. According to David Horowitz over 90% of all teachers and professors in colleges today are liberal. thanks. - Jeremiah p.s. in the future you might try - she is not an imbecile. Stating she is no imbecile sounds as if you are not qualified to qualify others. imo.

You have a very good friend who is a brain surgeon? Has he offered to help you out? Maybe you could get a transplant.

Anyone who would say that the top ten percent of Columbia Law School graduates are not as well informed about American history as 6th graders and that most people who graduate from medical school are idiots would need a brain transplant.

You sit there on your fat redneck ass and belittle people who probably have ten times your intellectual capacity. Too funny.

Because the post of Ambassador to Japan is not a token post, it should actually go to someone with a basic understanding of international relations. is.

Let me get this straight, you think Japan, which is out number 1 ally in Asia, one of our biggest trading partners, and the front line in any potential conflict in the area, doesn't matter enough to anyone that we should care who the Ambassador is? Does that mean you wouldn't have a problem if a Republican president appoints Ron Paul to the post?
Well, she has certainly travelled a lot, and lived in other countries as a child. The family always had homes in interesting places.

You do understand that, when rich people travel, they don't meet normal people.

You really don't know anything about the Kennedys do you? But it is consistent with your ignorance of every topic.

The Kennedys have always been devoted to social justice. Bobby and Ted were champions of the poor, the disenfranchised and the oppressed. Eunice devoted her life to the mentally handicapped. And Bobby's son Joe II created Citizen's Energy to offer free heating oil to the poor and elderly.

It is really easy for a rich person to talk about social justice. Tell me something, when was the last time they opened thier house to let homeless people stay there? When was the last time they sold everything they owned and gave it to the poor. I suggest that, if you really want to hold someone up as believing in social justice, you go find someone who, despite his wealth and power, took the bus to work every day, and prefers to live in a small apartment rather than stay in the Papal Enclave in the Vatican.

Want to tell me again about what I don't know?
Her Grandfather Joe Kennedy was ambassador to England. They ran him out of the country for supporting the Nazis

He never supported the Nazis, he supported Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain's apparent policy of appeasement. He wanted to avoid war, and wanted to avoid sending his sons to war.

He didn't support the Nazi's, he just saw no reason to oppose them as long as they were only killing Jews.

Not sure why I should see that as a plus.
She is not just a rich person. Not by a long shot. She is the daughter of a former president, a niece and cousin of senators and congressman. Someone who has met a great many of the most important people in the world of international relations. Someone whose name is well known and respected around the world. Someone who is very intelligent, a published author and researcher, and highly educated. Most ambassadors do not have her credentials.

I wonder, do those who think she is inappropriate have any problem with Shirley Temple being an ambassador? Why is a movie star an appropriate person to be an ambassador as opposed to a highly educated, published author with international contacts? Your only problem with Caroline Kennedy is that she is a Democrat. Period.

I saw some interviews with Caroline when they were thinking of appointing her Senator from NY after Hillary left. Caroline is not that impressive. Horrible speaker and not a natural politician. She was sheltered her whole life...and it shows

I have seen her in various interviews and have thought quite the opposite. I think most people don't realize how unqualified most ambassadors are. Most are just friends or political cronies of the current administration. There are those who don't speak the language of the country where they will be (Caroline probably does not speak Japanese); there are those who have no experience of diplomacy; there are those who have no background or knowledge of the country where they will be ambassadors. I brought up Shirley Temple, who was ambassador to Mexico. What qualified her to be an ambassador? Nothing.

This is where I get confused.

I supposedly am unreasonable because I hate what Obama is doing because he keeps doing the exact same thing Bush and everyone else before him did, yet the man that was going to change the way Washington works is doing everything you hated when Bush was president and you just shrug and say that is how it has always been.
I saw some interviews with Caroline when they were thinking of appointing her Senator from NY after Hillary left. Caroline is not that impressive. Horrible speaker and not a natural politician. She was sheltered her whole life...and it shows

I have seen her in various interviews and have thought quite the opposite. I think most people don't realize how unqualified most ambassadors are. Most are just friends or political cronies of the current administration. There are those who don't speak the language of the country where they will be (Caroline probably does not speak Japanese); there are those who have no experience of diplomacy; there are those who have no background or knowledge of the country where they will be ambassadors. I brought up Shirley Temple, who was ambassador to Mexico. What qualified her to be an ambassador? Nothing.

[ame=]Caroline Kennedy : "Ya know..." - YouTube[/ame]

You know, up until I, you know, saw that interview, I thought, you know that Caroline would, you know make a good Senator. But afterward, you know, it was obvious that, you know, she does not really speak well and you know, should not be, you know representing us

If she became, you know, Ambassador to Japan, she would, you know, set a poor example of, you know the educational standards of the US

You know?
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Because she's a complete blithering imbecile....

The Japanese should feel insulted.

She is no imbecile. She is an author and attorney, has a Juris Doctor degree from Columbia Law School graduating in the top ten percent of her class.

What are your credentials?

Can anyone explain how everyone graduates in the top 10% of their class? Does Columbia even use grades?
She is no imbecile. She is an author and attorney, has a Juris Doctor degree from Columbia Law School graduating in the top ten percent of her class.

What are your credentials?

She is an author who used Ghost writers. A Ghost Writer is someone who writes the book for you but your name appears on the cover. Your other mistake is equating intelligence with the ability to study a book, memorize the answers and pass a test. I have a very good friend who is a brain surgeon and he told me most of the people he graduated with are complete idiots. Your top ten percent at Columbia Law would not be able to compete with a 6th grader from early american period.. that is just the reality of how badly the education system has fallen behind since the liberals took over colleges and universities. According to David Horowitz over 90% of all teachers and professors in colleges today are liberal. thanks. - Jeremiah p.s. in the future you might try - she is not an imbecile. Stating she is no imbecile sounds as if you are not qualified to qualify others. imo.

You have a very good friend who is a brain surgeon? Has he offered to help you out? Maybe you could get a transplant.

Anyone who would say that the top ten percent of Columbia Law School graduates are not as well informed about American history as 6th graders and that most people who graduate from medical school are idiots would need a brain transplant.

You sit there on your fat redneck ass and belittle people who probably have ten times your intellectual capacity. Too funny.

There are lots of "educated" idiots out there. I call them "brainwashed". Just because you can regurgitate information back to a professor impresses me not. Critical thinking, problem solving skills, and awareness of things around you makes a person intelligent. I've known plenty of college educated officers who didn't have enough sense to pour piss out of a boot.
You do understand that, when rich people travel, they don't meet normal people.

You really don't know anything about the Kennedys do you? But it is consistent with your ignorance of every topic.

The Kennedys have always been devoted to social justice. Bobby and Ted were champions of the poor, the disenfranchised and the oppressed. Eunice devoted her life to the mentally handicapped. And Bobby's son Joe II created Citizen's Energy to offer free heating oil to the poor and elderly.

It is really easy for a rich person to talk about social justice. Tell me something, when was the last time they opened thier house to let homeless people stay there? When was the last time they sold everything they owned and gave it to the poor. I suggest that, if you really want to hold someone up as believing in social justice, you go find someone who, despite his wealth and power, took the bus to work every day, and prefers to live in a small apartment rather than stay in the Papal Enclave in the Vatican.

Want to tell me again about what I don't know?

You don't know SHIT.

Camp Shriver - the Beginnings of a Movement

When people speak of Camp Shriver - the origin of Special Olympics, they look no farther than Eunice Kennedy Shriver. They talk of one woman's dream that started in her own backyard. They speak of her vision that through sport, the lives of people with intellectual disabilities would be transformed and public perception would be changed.

Back in 1960, a woman from Bethesda, Md. called up Eunice and told her that she was having trouble finding a summer camp for her child with intellectual disability. The child wouldn't be accepted into a mainstream camp, and, at that time, the public education system couldn't figure out what to do with special-needs children never mind supply them with summer activities. Then another woman told her almost the same thing.

"Enough," said Eunice.

In Eunice's world, "enough" has always meant "do something about it."

Thus was born Camp Shriver, which she started at her Maryland farm, Timberlawn. Eunice asked special schools and clinics in her area to provide names of special-needs children who might be interested. Then she recruited high school and college students to act as counselors. It was almost a one-on-one situation--34 children, 26 counselors.

To almost everyone's surprise--the exception being Eunice--it was an instant success. The children swam, kicked soccer balls, shot baskets and rode horses under the summer sun. Perhaps most importantly, the young counselors, wary at first, began to see, as Eunice already had, that these children were not "difficult," "unteachable," "belligerent" and all those other stereotypes that had been ascribed to them. They merely wanted to have fun ... just like every other kid.

As the camp continued and flourished, people from the community came out to watch, and they were followed by representatives of the parks department and public-school system. "That's when it really began to catch on," Eunice said.

One of the most important aspects of Camp Shriver was Eunice's insistence there be an interaction between children with special needs and typical children. One of the latter was Tim, her son, just three years old when the camp began. Tim was paired with a young boy with intellectual disabilities named Wendell. They swam together, ate together, ran together and sometimes got in trouble together.

"The thing about Camp Shriver was that it was fun," says Tim. "That's what my parents are good at it--making important things fun."

As the number of campers grew over the years, reaching about 100, so did the number of counselors. Special-needs grow and thrive with attention, and at Camp Shriver there were never kids moping around alone. They were engaged. "My mother always believed that one-on-one relationships can change people's lives," says Maria Shriver.
You don't know SHIT II

RFK's Voice

There is a major failing in today's political discourse. What is too often missing in our national debates is the moral dimension. Although, as a candidate, Barack Obama showed signs of changing the framework of Presidential politics, the last American political figure who insistently and credibly injected morality into politics was Robert F. Kennedy. In the more than forty years since his voice was stilled, no national leader has truly challenged us to apply the test of moral values to our search for solutions to domestic and global problems.

I had the opportunity to work for Robert Kennedy in his Senate office in New York. My time with him was too brief: from November 1967 to June 1968. As a political science major at Fordham University, I served initially as a constituent case aide and then did double duty on his Presidential campaign, in which I was responsible for coordinating campaign materials that were distributed to field volunteers. (I have since told many that I had a "material" role in his campaign.)

His office attracted pleas for help from the most vulnerable of New Yorkers. I vividly remember hearing from single mothers in Harlem, whose nights were regularly spent protecting their children from being attacked by rats, to elderly residents of Queens, whose doctors were refusing to accept Medicare's payments in full. (Indeed today, increasing numbers of physicians are repeating this reluctance to treat Medicare patients.) I would regularly call landlords, physicians, and others on behalf of Senator Kennedy asking what they were going to do to make life a bit more bearable for those who were suffering. Invariably, I would hear the words: "You mean to tell me that Robert Kennedy cares about this?" I would get notes from him in tiny scrawled writing asking how we had helped each writer or caller. We seldom failed to get action on each individual situation, and then preserved the patterns of evidence for potential systematic solutions in a Kennedy Administration.

To me, working for him proved that appeals to morality, backed by the power of a political legacy and a future Presidency, could make a real difference in people's anguished lives.

In so many areas, Robert Kennedy based his political positions on a simple, fundamental, and passionate appeal to what was the right thing to do. The moral value system that underlied his politics emphasized that each of us had a responsibility to each other. In the age-old tug of war between individual freedom and social justice, he pressed for the latter. He confronted college students about the scandal of those without a higher education having to serve in the military. He scolded medical students about their indifference to the needs of the minority poor. He pressured corporate executives to create jobs in inner city communities like Bedford Stuyvesant. He raised uncomfortable questions, like "suppose God is black?" And he dared to accuse a Democratic Administration of appealing to the darker impulses of the American spirit by playing God in waging a destructive war in a tiny Far East nation.

One of his favorite quotes was Dante's that "the hottest places in Hell are reserved for those who in a time of moral crisis preserve their neutrality." Today, I believe he would say that we have neutralized morality.

When was the last time an American political leader framed a policy issue in terms of our social conscience? Discussions about health care, the future of retirement, the education of our children, and the distribution of wealth, inequality, and poverty seem devoid of moral idealism. We talk instead about the accommodation of interests, as though each has an equal claim and as though the paramount standard must be economic self-interest. As a result, we are still shamefully far from what RFK defined as the essence of the American ideal: "a social order shaped to the needs of all our people."

President Obama still has the opportunity to resurrect this framework, but his time to do so is slipping away. As just one example, his National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform seems ready, under the pretense of debt reduction, to target programs like Social Security and Medicare, which have done more to reduce human suffering than any other U.S. domestic policies. Wouldn't it be nobler to redirect the Commission to assess the pressing needs of various segments of the American population, along the lines of Franklin Roosevelt's Committee on Economic Security of the 1930s, and proposed a comprehensive, coherent national approach?

I can imagine Robert Kennedy responding to the incessant financial cries of "too big to fail" by asking us instead to concentrate on those "too frail to fail." Where is that voice today?

Because the post of Ambassador to Japan is not a token post, it should actually go to someone with a basic understanding of international relations.
No shit....Can you just imagine?

"OMG, it's like, that tree is so pretty. Is that, like, one of those Chia Pets?.....You Japanese people are soooooo little, it's like, O....M....G!, you like, must be soooooo good at playing hide and seek, and like, that game where you like, walk under the pole.....And, i'm sooooo impressed by how you all can like, cook that Sushi stuff. And, O...M...G, like, how do you people see?...Anyhow, like, my BFF and I would like, well, you know, like, would like to thank you on behalf of the like, american people, like, for fighting alongside us after, like, those Chinese bombed that Pearl Harbor place in California, and like, sunk all the lil' boats and stuff.....It was really really awesome, and like, can you make me one of those paper birds, know, like, one of those orgyami thingy's?.....And, well, like, O...M...G, how do you lil' people keep from burning, like, the Top Ramen, 'cause, well, how can you see, and how come, like, O...M....G, you like never ever ever open your eyes?"

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