Caron Says He 'Saw The Film' Of NJ Residents Cheering On 9/11

Of particular interest is the coverage by The Forward, the oldest newspaper of the Jewish community in North America. They reported on one key aspect of the Israeli-9/11 connection: the story of the five employees of a moving van company apprehended hours after the twin towers were struck. They had been observed in Liberty State Park, New Jersey, overlooking the Hudson, with a clear view of the burning towers. A woman had seen them from the window of her apartment building overlooking the parking lot: they came out of a white van, and they were jumping up and down, high-fiving each other with obvious glee. Their mood, it could be said, was celebratory. They were also filming the towers as they burned, and taking still photos.
wrong----they were in FORT LEE----nowhere near Liberty State Park-----
they were thoroughly investigated and found to have nothing to do with islamo Nazi pig event that of 9-11-01------they were the only jews out of the thousands arrested
in the wake of the 9-ll-01 atrocity and the islamo Nazi dogs and pigs including those of "VETERANS TODAY" have been elaborating libels ever since-----nothing new---
they also imagine that jews bake matzohs with "Christian blood" The catechism whores (like the ones who taught adolf hitler) told them. Not tell me about how
you know that ADOLF HITLER was really a jew---but the catechism whores forgot
to tell him so
Let's be honest. There are anti American Muslims living in America. 99.999% of them are harmless. But they do sympathize with the Muslim world.
Let's be responsible. Upon WHAT do you base the statement >> "99.999% of them are harmless." :link:
Do the math stupid! How many run out killing people or flying planes? Now, how many are there total?

Is your monkey ass claiming 1 out of every 100 Muslim is a terrorist? Why don't you give me a fucking link? Dumb fuck.
My "friends"? I commute alone I was a working-----middle aged----short professional person----
I was supposed to launch an attack on hundreds of dancing arabs? You are shit---
shit like you would like to fuck me------but I have managed to evade shit all of my life. Besides-----I was very busy dealing with the aftermath of your fellow dogs and pimps. There were survivors of your filth who needed attention. Some are
still sick

You are lying. You saw nothing.
Let's be honest. There are anti American Muslims living in America. 99.999% of them are harmless. But they do sympathize with the Muslim world.

"fringe" destructive movements----FIFTH COLUMNS need not be huge to galvanize a VERY HUGE DISASTER------most germans were really not ---
Nazis------just passive
And it's in these large Muslim communities that sleeper cells blend in till its time. It is their children that get recruited by Isis.

In Switzerland if they took 1000 refuges they wouldn't put them all in one ghetto. They would put 50 on 20 towns. Spread them out.

nice idea-----but communication is no longer confined to carrier pigeon
We tap phones and internet. I think you get the point. A lot harder to plot when you put 50 Arab people in Arkansas.

Are you really that afraid?
Dancing Israelis

On the afternoon of September 11, 2001, an FBI bulletin known as a BOLO - "be on lookout" — was issued with regard to three suspicious men who that morning were seen leaving the New Jersey waterfront minutes after the first plane hit World Trade Center 1. Law enforcement officers across the New York-New Jersey area were warned in the radio dispatch to watch for a "vehicle possibly related to New York terrorist attack":

White, 2000 Chevrolet van with ‘Urban Moving Systems’ sign on back seen at Liberty State Park, Jersey City, NJ, at the time of first impact of jetliner into World Trade Center Three individuals with van were seen celebrating after initial impact and subsequent explosion. FBI Newark Field Office requests that, if the van is located, hold for prints and detain individuals.

At 3:56 p.m., twenty-five minutes after the issuance of the FBI BOLO, officers with the East Rutherford Police Department stopped the commercial moving van through a trace on the plates. According to the police report, Officer Scott DeCarlo and Sgt. Dennis Rivelli approached the stopped van, demanding that the driver exit the vehicle. The driver, 23-year-old Sivan Kurzberg, refused and "was asked several more times [but] appeared to be fumbling with a black leather fanny pouch type of bag". With guns drawn, the police then "physically removed" Kurzberg, while four other men - two more men had apparently joined the group since the morning - were also removed from the van, handcuffed, placed on the grass median and read their Miranda rights."


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