Caron Says He 'Saw The Film' Of NJ Residents Cheering On 9/11

Carson Now Says He Didn't See U.S. Muslims Cheer 9/11

Hours after Ben Carson told reporters he remembers seeing American Muslims celebrating the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks, his campaign said the GOP presidential candidate was "thinking something differently" and does not remember such reaction in the U.S.

"Dr. Carson does not stand by the statements that were reported today. He was hearing and thinking something differently at the the time," Carson communications director Doug Watts said in a statement on Monday. "He does, however, recall and had his mind focused on the celebrations in the Middle East. He is not suggesting that American Muslims were in New Jersey celebrating the fall of the twin towers."

Watts added that Carson apologizes to "anybody offended by that."
Carson Says He 'Saw The Film' Of NJ Residents Cheering On 9/11

The brain-dead nutter Dr. has opened his mouth and let stupid fall out.

Ben Carson told reporters on Monday that he has seen the news coverage of New Jersey residents cheering after the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks, a debunked rumor resurfaced by Donald Trump over the weekend.

He told reporters in Nevada that he "saw the film" of New Jersey residents cheering, later clarifying that he saw the "newsreels" of the cheering, according to ABC News.

Trump on Saturday claimed that he saw "thousands" of Arab Americans in
New Jersey cheering immediately following the 9/11 attacks, and reiterated the claim on Sunday.

May we see the "film"...???

This was widely reported by the alternative media at the time. The video was all over the place. It was set beside cheering Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank.

It's not even a debatable point.
No, that Trump's statement is a lie isn't a debatable point.
Carson Says He 'Saw The Film' Of NJ Residents Cheering On 9/11

The brain-dead nutter Dr. has opened his mouth and let stupid fall out.

May we see the "film"...???

It was no lie-------I did not see the film of the celebrations on Atlantic Avenue,
Brooklyn--------I witnessed it. I have friends in and around Jersey City, New
Jersey and Paterson, NJ--------they described the same crap------it is no lie (as a child I lived in Paterson, NJ-----the first muslim I knew was a Pakistani I met in
Paterson, New Jersey-----circa 1962). I also lived near Jersey City, New Jersey
for awhile. It was the stomping ground of the famous Shaykh you also believe
does not exist-------one SHAYKH ABDEL RAHMAN-----the diabetic pile of dung
that is now rotting feet up in a prison in New York for his murder of six people----
1993 in the first bombing of the World Trade Center--------the one about which
you forgot ------or even deny ever happened-------I treated some of the survivors----
may the next bomb impact upon you. Did you dance upon the dead bodied back
in 1993 too? Imagine ----almost 25 years ago-------and there are people in
the USA who still cannot understand what is going on

What did you do when you saw this? Nothing?

I was very busy-------I ended up tending a woman in labor who was stuck on
a subway platform-----the whole city was in a STANDSTILL as those whose asses
you lick were busy destroying it for the glory of allah. As to after the 1993 bombing that so disappointed you in that only six people died------there were lots of
injuries keeping people like me busy for months--------gotohell

Too bad your credibility is zeroed out by your sheer bias and vulgarity

Too bad that you are an islamo Nazi lump of shit------I know you well----I grew up in a small town-----full of shit like you. By the time I was 12 years old I had already
read so much of your propaganda that I recognize shit like you IMMEDIATELY----
At age 12 ----I considered the writings of your colleagues to be something like
MAD MAGAZINE (a fairly new publication at that time)----stuff that nobody would actually BELIEVE as "fact" --------I has also read lots of "ENQUIRER" stuff----always on the racks in the grocery store-----(My mom was a bit debilitated --I had to accompany her just so she could go to grocery stores so I entertained myself
reading ANYTHING available)-------I found that stuff silly too. THEN later on I met people who found all that shit CREDIBLE and could quote it chapter and verse-----
especially the islamo Nazi propaganda-------which is taught as part of the grammar
school CURRICULUM in Pakistan and still is. More recently it became part of the grammar school curriculum in Iran (like in the past 35 years) see? Now you know who you are. You could probably easily get into medical school in Pakistan

See if your doc will write you an Rx for lithium.
Granny an' Uncle Ferd remember it too...

... only it wasn't NJ residents...

... it was dem NJ mooslamics...

... dey was jumpin' up an' down...

... dancin' all around...

... an' givin' each other the high 5...

... just like dem Palestinians in Beirut.
Carson Says He 'Saw The Film' Of NJ Residents Cheering On 9/11

The brain-dead nutter Dr. has opened his mouth and let stupid fall out.

Ben Carson told reporters on Monday that he has seen the news coverage of New Jersey residents cheering after the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks, a debunked rumor resurfaced by Donald Trump over the weekend.

He told reporters in Nevada that he "saw the film" of New Jersey residents cheering, later clarifying that he saw the "newsreels" of the cheering, according to ABC News.

Trump on Saturday claimed that he saw "thousands" of Arab Americans in
New Jersey cheering immediately following the 9/11 attacks, and reiterated the claim on Sunday.

May we see the "film"...???
Should be easy to find.
Granny an' Uncle Ferd remember it too...

... only it wasn't NJ residents...

... it was dem NJ mooslamics...

... dey was jumpin' up an' down...

... dancin' all around...

... an' givin' each other the high 5...

... just like dem Palestinians in Beirut.
I think you confused the people standing across the street from the WH the night word got out that OBL was dead.
There was footage of celebrations in the Gaza Strip on 9/11, not New Jersey.
I do remember that...and... I did hear about a Mosque in Reseda California on my local news station that had held a huge block party on 9-12-01. They were shouting down with USA and It had upset many people in the community but the story came and went within a day or two. No one on this board can tell me there was no celebration in New Jersey or anywhere else because we all know there was. Most folks just are too afraid to except the truth.
He can bring this one foward. On her first day at work as an FBI Arabic translator, Turkish-American Sibel Edmonds saw Muslim FBI agents celebrating the 9-11 attacks. No only were these American Muslim FBI agents, with top-secret security clearances, cheering, they were engaging in a large party in a large room, with party bowls with cookies and dates.
Edmonds said the translators were open and loud about their joy for 9-11.

Arab translators cheered Sept. 11

PS - this wasn't in New Jersey or the Gaza Strip. It was in Washington DC, in the offices of the US Justice Dept, FBI (Arabic Translation Unit)
Carson Says He 'Saw The Film' Of NJ Residents Cheering On 9/11

The brain-dead nutter Dr. has opened his mouth and let stupid fall out.

Ben Carson told reporters on Monday that he has seen the news coverage of New Jersey residents cheering after the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks, a debunked rumor resurfaced by Donald Trump over the weekend.

He told reporters in Nevada that he "saw the film" of New Jersey residents cheering, later clarifying that he saw the "newsreels" of the cheering, according to ABC News.

Trump on Saturday claimed that he saw "thousands" of Arab Americans in
New Jersey cheering immediately following the 9/11 attacks, and reiterated the claim on Sunday.

May we see the "film"...???
Muslims to this day celebrate 9/11 every year, by the millions...
It was no lie-------I did not see the film of the celebrations on Atlantic Avenue,
Brooklyn--------I witnessed it. I have friends in and around Jersey City, New
Jersey and Paterson, NJ--------they described the same crap------it is no lie (as a child I lived in Paterson, NJ-----the first muslim I knew was a Pakistani I met in
Paterson, New Jersey-----circa 1962). I also lived near Jersey City, New Jersey
for awhile. It was the stomping ground of the famous Shaykh you also believe
does not exist-------one SHAYKH ABDEL RAHMAN-----the diabetic pile of dung
that is now rotting feet up in a prison in New York for his murder of six people----
1993 in the first bombing of the World Trade Center--------the one about which
you forgot ------or even deny ever happened-------I treated some of the survivors----
may the next bomb impact upon you. Did you dance upon the dead bodied back
in 1993 too? Imagine ----almost 25 years ago-------and there are people in
the USA who still cannot understand what is going on

What did you do when you saw this? Nothing?

I was very busy-------I ended up tending a woman in labor who was stuck on
a subway platform-----the whole city was in a STANDSTILL as those whose asses
you lick were busy destroying it for the glory of allah. As to after the 1993 bombing that so disappointed you in that only six people died------there were lots of
injuries keeping people like me busy for months--------gotohell

You saw nothing.

Did every person who saw this do nothing?

Had I seen such a thing on that day, I'd have attacked one of these people celebrating. I'd now be dead or in jail.

You and all of your friends simply watched and did nothing?

Fuck you for lying.

My "friends"? I commute alone I was a working-----middle aged----short professional person----
I was supposed to launch an attack on hundreds of dancing arabs? You are shit---
shit like you would like to fuck me------but I have managed to evade shit all of my life. Besides-----I was very busy dealing with the aftermath of your fellow dogs and pimps. There were survivors of your filth who needed attention. Some are
still sick

You are lying. You saw nothing.
Let's be honest. There are anti American Muslims living in America. 99.999% of them are harmless. But they do sympathize with the Muslim world.
It was no lie-------I did not see the film of the celebrations on Atlantic Avenue,
Brooklyn--------I witnessed it. I have friends in and around Jersey City, New
Jersey and Paterson, NJ--------they described the same crap------it is no lie (as a child I lived in Paterson, NJ-----the first muslim I knew was a Pakistani I met in
Paterson, New Jersey-----circa 1962). I also lived near Jersey City, New Jersey
for awhile. It was the stomping ground of the famous Shaykh you also believe
does not exist-------one SHAYKH ABDEL RAHMAN-----the diabetic pile of dung
that is now rotting feet up in a prison in New York for his murder of six people----
1993 in the first bombing of the World Trade Center--------the one about which
you forgot ------or even deny ever happened-------I treated some of the survivors----
may the next bomb impact upon you. Did you dance upon the dead bodied back
in 1993 too? Imagine ----almost 25 years ago-------and there are people in
the USA who still cannot understand what is going on

What did you do when you saw this? Nothing?

I was very busy-------I ended up tending a woman in labor who was stuck on
a subway platform-----the whole city was in a STANDSTILL as those whose asses
you lick were busy destroying it for the glory of allah. As to after the 1993 bombing that so disappointed you in that only six people died------there were lots of
injuries keeping people like me busy for months--------gotohell

Too bad your credibility is zeroed out by your sheer bias and vulgarity

Too bad that you are an islamo Nazi lump of shit------I know you well----I grew up in a small town-----full of shit like you. By the time I was 12 years old I had already
read so much of your propaganda that I recognize shit like you IMMEDIATELY----
At age 12 ----I considered the writings of your colleagues to be something like
MAD MAGAZINE (a fairly new publication at that time)----stuff that nobody would actually BELIEVE as "fact" --------I has also read lots of "ENQUIRER" stuff----always on the racks in the grocery store-----(My mom was a bit debilitated --I had to accompany her just so she could go to grocery stores so I entertained myself
reading ANYTHING available)-------I found that stuff silly too. THEN later on I met people who found all that shit CREDIBLE and could quote it chapter and verse-----
especially the islamo Nazi propaganda-------which is taught as part of the grammar
school CURRICULUM in Pakistan and still is. More recently it became part of the grammar school curriculum in Iran (like in the past 35 years) see? Now you know who you are. You could probably easily get into medical school in Pakistan

See if your doc will write you an Rx for lithium.

don't give up your day job-------you are no diagnostician
What did you do when you saw this? Nothing?

I was very busy-------I ended up tending a woman in labor who was stuck on
a subway platform-----the whole city was in a STANDSTILL as those whose asses
you lick were busy destroying it for the glory of allah. As to after the 1993 bombing that so disappointed you in that only six people died------there were lots of
injuries keeping people like me busy for months--------gotohell

You saw nothing.

Did every person who saw this do nothing?

Had I seen such a thing on that day, I'd have attacked one of these people celebrating. I'd now be dead or in jail.

You and all of your friends simply watched and did nothing?

Fuck you for lying.

My "friends"? I commute alone I was a working-----middle aged----short professional person----
I was supposed to launch an attack on hundreds of dancing arabs? You are shit---
shit like you would like to fuck me------but I have managed to evade shit all of my life. Besides-----I was very busy dealing with the aftermath of your fellow dogs and pimps. There were survivors of your filth who needed attention. Some are
still sick

You are lying. You saw nothing.
Let's be honest. There are anti American Muslims living in America. 99.999% of them are harmless. But they do sympathize with the Muslim world.

"fringe" destructive movements----FIFTH COLUMNS need not be huge to galvanize a VERY HUGE DISASTER------most germans were really not ---
Nazis------just passive
I was very busy-------I ended up tending a woman in labor who was stuck on
a subway platform-----the whole city was in a STANDSTILL as those whose asses
you lick were busy destroying it for the glory of allah. As to after the 1993 bombing that so disappointed you in that only six people died------there were lots of
injuries keeping people like me busy for months--------gotohell

You saw nothing.

Did every person who saw this do nothing?

Had I seen such a thing on that day, I'd have attacked one of these people celebrating. I'd now be dead or in jail.

You and all of your friends simply watched and did nothing?

Fuck you for lying.

My "friends"? I commute alone I was a working-----middle aged----short professional person----
I was supposed to launch an attack on hundreds of dancing arabs? You are shit---
shit like you would like to fuck me------but I have managed to evade shit all of my life. Besides-----I was very busy dealing with the aftermath of your fellow dogs and pimps. There were survivors of your filth who needed attention. Some are
still sick

You are lying. You saw nothing.
Let's be honest. There are anti American Muslims living in America. 99.999% of them are harmless. But they do sympathize with the Muslim world.

"fringe" destructive movements----FIFTH COLUMNS need not be huge to galvanize a VERY HUGE DISASTER------most germans were really not ---
Nazis------just passive
And it's in these large Muslim communities that sleeper cells blend in till its time. It is their children that get recruited by Isis.

In Switzerland if they took 1000 refuges they wouldn't put them all in one ghetto. They would put 50 on 20 towns. Spread them out.
Let's be honest. There are anti American Muslims living in America. 99.999% of them are harmless. But they do sympathize with the Muslim world.
Let's be responsible. Upon WHAT do you base the statement >> "99.999% of them are harmless." :link:
You saw nothing.

Did every person who saw this do nothing?

Had I seen such a thing on that day, I'd have attacked one of these people celebrating. I'd now be dead or in jail.

You and all of your friends simply watched and did nothing?

Fuck you for lying.

My "friends"? I commute alone I was a working-----middle aged----short professional person----
I was supposed to launch an attack on hundreds of dancing arabs? You are shit---
shit like you would like to fuck me------but I have managed to evade shit all of my life. Besides-----I was very busy dealing with the aftermath of your fellow dogs and pimps. There were survivors of your filth who needed attention. Some are
still sick

You are lying. You saw nothing.
Let's be honest. There are anti American Muslims living in America. 99.999% of them are harmless. But they do sympathize with the Muslim world.

"fringe" destructive movements----FIFTH COLUMNS need not be huge to galvanize a VERY HUGE DISASTER------most germans were really not ---
Nazis------just passive
And it's in these large Muslim communities that sleeper cells blend in till its time. It is their children that get recruited by Isis.

In Switzerland if they took 1000 refuges they wouldn't put them all in one ghetto. They would put 50 on 20 towns. Spread them out.

nice idea-----but communication is no longer confined to carrier pigeon
I have a dead heat going


Carson Says He 'Saw The Film' Of NJ Residents Cheering On 9/11

The brain-dead nutter Dr. has opened his mouth and let stupid fall out.

Ben Carson told reporters on Monday that he has seen the news coverage of New Jersey residents cheering after the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks, a debunked rumor resurfaced by Donald Trump over the weekend.

He told reporters in Nevada that he "saw the film" of New Jersey residents cheering, later clarifying that he saw the "newsreels" of the cheering, according to ABC News.

Trump on Saturday claimed that he saw "thousands" of Arab Americans in
New Jersey cheering immediately following the 9/11 attacks, and reiterated the claim on Sunday.

May we see the "film"...???




The Five Dancing Israelis Arrested On 9-11

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